《Aris Cretu》Chapter 28: Miscommunication


Aris helped Elfyr to his feet and led him into the hall, "Take your time getting up Aflia, he needs a healer and some food."

Aflia used a spell to push the door shut, "alright, but we are still going to have that talk."

Aris picked up his morning star, "so what's this about a report? We got sent out because Lord Wavethunder had lost contact with you."

Elfyr turned a shade paler, "It didn't get through?"

Aris shook his head, "nothing for the past three months."

Elfyr grabbed Aris' arm tightly, "We can't trust the locals. Not even the healers. Too much loyalty to or fear of Lord Cencin."

Aris knocked on the door to Little Bird's room, "Fortunate then that we brought a Cleric with us."

Little Bird opened the door and poked her head round it, "I'm sorry, were we too loud?"

Aris blushed slightly, then cleared his throat, "no ma'am but we do require your services." At her raised eyebrows, Aris quickly added, "as a healer."

Little Bird's demeanor changed, "Give us two minutes to arrange some things." She shut the door.

Talae opened the door and ushered Elfyr inside before grabbing Aris by the arm and heading back to his room, "Little Bird just needs time and space to work. Afila probably wants to talk to you, so let's get that done."

Talae opened the door without knocking, "alright, discussion time. What went wrong last night?"

Aris shut the door and rubbed the back of his neck, "well..."

Aflia's tail flicked nervously under her robe, "uhm..."

Talae looked back and forth between the two of them, "so nothing happened? Alright, your explanation first Aris."

Aris kept rubbing, "Mostly I was three drinks in."


Talae raised one of her eyebrows, "lightweight."

Aflia snorted, "hardly. The outfit worked, and Aris' pants were too tight to hide his reaction, but he wanted to go into things clear-headed."

Talae nodded in approval, "a wise choice Aris. I won't have to splatter the walls with your brains then."

Aris matched her stare, "you'd be welcome to try."

Talae grinned, "sorry, I prefer women. I can still give you some pointers if you want though..."

Aris blushed furiously. Aflia looked intrigued.

Talae laughed, "You're cute Aris. Alright, I'll go easy on you. Little Bird is going to need another hour or so to finish her healing, and another six or so for sleep. With a patient in the room, I'm kicked out, so let me share a bit of information with you two..."

Several hours later...

Elfyr joined the party for breakfast, still rubbing at his sore leg, "Thank you Little Bird. I thought I'd be limping for the rest of my life.

Little Bird pecked at her toast, "You still need to take it easy or those bones won't heal right. Eat up, you need the fuel."

Elfyr bowed as best he could before taking his seat, "yes Ma'am."

The party ate in companionable silence, each delaying the inevitable. Finally, breakfast was over and all eyes turned to Elfyr.

He cleared his throat, "I've been out here for three months, chasing rumors. Last night, I learned that none of my reports actually got through, which casts what little I have learned in a sinister light."

Elfyr took a sip of water before continuing, "The only way those reports would have been blocked is if be if Lord Cencin is involved with the cult. Or if he is not, then his household and guard is totally infiltrated."

Status Report:

Money: +50 gold per day.

Food and water: 10 days of hardtack rations.

Equipment: in good condition.

The Ring: obsidian band with one carbuncle gem and two empty settings

Total Deaths: 1

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