《Aris Cretu》Chapter 24: Swords or Daggers


Aris Cretu strode down the long hallway towards the dining room. Nox Onca trotted at his side, but for once wasn't mewling questions or dashing about after dust bunnies. He felt naked without his armor and weapons, but it just wouldn't do to bring them into the presence of Queen Shallahai without invitation. The guards standing outside of the door stiffened to attention, then announced his presence, as was protocol. Aris took a tentative step across the threshold and was promptly assaulted by a tidal surge of excited elvish chatter.

Nox Onca looked up at Aris. "Mew?" Can I play with them?

Aris sighed. "Go ahead Noxxy, but no claws!"

Noxxy promptly dashed off and all three princesses gave chase squealing with delight.

Aris looked around the room properly for the first time. Six other people, four females and two males, sat in various chairs about a dining table. He recognized all of them. The King of Althiem and Queen Shallahai he expected. Lord Wavethunder's presence wasn't too much of a surprise, but did hint at another reason for the dinner invitation. The real surprise was the presence of Talae, Aflia, and Little Bird.

Everyone was dressed well but comfortably. Queen Shallahai had a dress in royal purple, and a silver coronet kept her hair from her eyes. The King wore a comfortable purple robe and the emerald-set chain Aris recognized as his version of a presence crown, a symbol of rank suitable for common use. Talae had her golden dress on, though Aris spotted new definition in her muscles, and a bear-claw necklace set with a full complement of long claws. Lord Wavethunder was dressed in a sober grey shirt and brown pants. Little Bird wore a slim green dress that left her wings free. Aflia had a black blouse and skirt that contrasted strongly with her crimson skin. Queen Shallahai waved him to join the group, so Aris did, taking the only open chair next to Lord Wavethunder and the King of Althiem's wheelchair.


Queen Shallahai leaned back in her chair. "Thank you for coming Aris."

Aris bowed as best he could while seated, "It was my pleasure your majesty. I am slightly surprised to see so many familiar faces however."

Queen Shallahai clasped her hands. "Oh good, We hoped that would be so. We'll leave all of the dreary business until after the dinner however, particularly if your familiar can tire out the princesses enough for the meal."

Aris bowed again, "As you wish your majesty." You hear that Noxxy? Think you can do it?

Of course!

The King waved a hand weakly, "Go have some fun with the young ladies dear."

Queen Shallahai waggled a finger at her husband, "no business until after dinner. We can’t have you making secret plans behind our back!"

The King laughed. "We know little of dresses, and less of female high fashion, so spare us that discussion if you would."

Queen Shallahai laughed and turned back to the other ladies.

The king leaned back in his wheelchair. "It does us good to see her in such good spirits. I thank you again for returning the princesses to us Aris. And our wife asked us to not discuss business until after dinner is done and the princesses have gone to bed, so We won't. But there is yet time before the meal, time enough for stories. We heard you took a round off Blademaster Elaric on your first day?"

The following conversations eased smoothly into dinner time, which Nox Onca brought the worn-out princesses back in time for, and Aris relaxed at the decreasing formality.

After dessert was served and cleared away, and the princesses had gone off to bed, The King leaned forward and called the meeting to order. "You all know that our health is poor. What only Lord Wavethunder and Queen Shallahai know is that I plan to abdicate the throne to her in the next month or so."


There is general murmuring at this announcement. Aris is, by unspoken consent, elected to speak for the party. "How does this affect us your majesty?"

Lord Wavethunder cleared his throat, "if I may, my King?" He waited a beat, long enough for the king to nod, then continued. "As you mentioned to Elfyr, and to me, Altheim is headed for turmoil. An abdication will help ease the transition, but several nobles are likely to make a fuss."

Aflia snorted, "Lord Cencin is on your list then?"

Lord Wavethunder nodded, "Indeed he is Lady Cencin. And yes, you are his heir, and that is also a source of potential unrest. The decision was made that the four of you should serve as my Agents in this matter, and perhaps in others. I know, I know, I didn't consult with any of you on this, so here's your chance to get out from under if you want out."

Aris stepped into the silence that followed Lord Wavethunder's announcement. "I can't say if I speak for all of us on this, but I'm in. That snake-cult is still out there, and they had their sights set on this kingdom, so this is the best chance I have to stop them."

Aflia nodded, "If it means sticking a thumb in Lord Cencin's eye, count me in."

Talae grunts, "I saw what they tried to do to the princesses. I'm in."

Little Bird flexed her wings and bobbed her head. "I'm not leaving my friends behind. I'm in."

Lord Wavethunder bows in his seat, "Thank you. The question remains as to what use I should put you to. On one hand, you four were already a proven combat team before your recent training stint, so keeping you together and adding you to the ranks of my 'door-knockers' is a logical choice. On the other hand all four of you have superior minds and even temperaments, well suited to intelligence work, and I'm chronically short-handed in that area."

Status Report:

Money: 5 Gold coins

Food and water: 10 days of hardtack rations

Equipment: in good condition

The Ring: obsidian band with one carbuncle gem and two empty settings

Total Deaths: 1

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