《Aris Cretu》Chapter 22: Unification


Aris Cretu stared across the circle of runes at the small kitten that had answered his call for a familiar.

The kitten sat there attentively, its glittering golden eyes staring out from night-black fur. "Mew?" You called?

"Hello to you too little one. Do you have a name?"

"Mew..." No…

"No? Come here and let's think of one together then."

"Mew!" Yay! The kitten dashed across the circle, its little paws expertly missing all of the runes, and pounced into Aris' lap. "Muurrrrr..." Happy…

Aris smiled and stroked his familiar. "How about Onca?"

"Mew...?" Onca...? The kitten thought it over for a moment. Aris could feel the churn of its young thoughts. "Murr..." But I'm dark, not spotted…

"Nox Onca then?"

"Mew? Mew!" Night Jaguar? Yes!

Aflia Cencin followed her father Yarizos Elmid, Lord Cencin, into High Mage Ultian's study. Immediately, she all but tripped over a kitten chasing after a mouse.

The kitten tumbled over her shoe, spun about to face her, let out a startled "Mrow!" and raced off.

Yarizos huffs smoke. "Familiars. Haven't seen that one before."

Aflia's mood perks up when she hears a familiar voice from behind a bookcase.

"Red Lady? Horns, tail, and scales? Aflia is here?"

Yarizos' head tilts minutely, one eye swiveling around to lock onto Aflia, "is that Aris?”

Aris emerges from around the bookcase with the kitten perched on his shoulder. He slows when he sees Yarizos, his eyes narrowing, eating up the details. "Aflia and Lord Cencin I presume?"

Yarizos nods, "fetch your Instructor for me would you Aris? We have much to discuss."

Aris' brow furrows. "You want me to fetch Blademaster Elaric?"

The kitten ‘mews' and bops Aris on the back of the head with one tiny paw.


Aris boops the kitten on the nose. "Easy there Noxxy. I'll get High Mage Ultian." He turns to head back into the stacks. "This way, Lord and Lady Cencin."

Talae Telena groans as Sister Valfina works on her aching legs. "Urgh. How long until You guys let me out of bed again?"

Little Bird flicks a wing in irritation. "After that stunt you just pulled? Moonrise tomorrow at the earliest. And that's only because we need to head back to the city so you can finish healing properly. Plus you still need lessons on the surface version of Kuko's teachings."

Talae moans under Valfina's continuing labors. "And Sister Valfina here can't do that in our cozy nest?"

Little Bird grins "she could buuuut..."

Talae raises one eyebrow, "buuuut what?"

Little Bird's grin turns delightfully mischievous. "That's a secret your going to have to find out the fun way!"

Talae groans and puts her face back down into the bear fur bed.

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