《Aris Cretu》Chapter 16: Appearance Before the Throne


Three days pass by without further incident, aside from the arrival of the Heavy detachment that Elfyr had mentioned. You and your party make the requisite public appearances and meetings. Elfyr and Riben arrange for everyone to be ready to leave that night.

So, with sleepy princesses in tow, your party makes your way to the encampment just outside Chedal's walls. Elfyr leads the way past the guards to the logistical area of the encampment. An old hunchbacked wizard has a Teleportation circle prepared. A few minutes of wizard mumbo-jumbo later, and the circle energizes around your party and the princesses. White rings form and ascend faster and faster. Everything turns blinding white and fades away.

Rings of sight form below your feet and arch over your head. The whiteness fades and color bleeds back in. Talae chokes off an undercommon curse as her eyes struggle to cope with the light. At least no one here can understand that language. Hopefully.

"Such unbecoming language young lady. We understand of course, and at least you didn't puke on Our shoes."

The cultured tone and royal We jerk your head around. Half a dozen guards stand about the circular room, illuminated by the fading runes and low-glowing gems set into the walls. Three elves stand near the doorway. A male in a dark blue cloak leans against the doorframe, hooded eyes sweeping the room. A Lady with a silver crown stands behind a wheeled chair, in which the King of Altheim sits, his throat ringed by an emerald-set chain.

Before anyone can say anything else, the three princesses swarm forward, accompanied by a wave of excited elvish. A happy reunion. The Lady abandons decorum and drops to her knees to embrace her children. The King grins up at you, relief and delight writ large in his eyes. "We, no, I thank you. Lord Wavethunder, could you make the needed arrangements?"


Lord Wavethunder beckons your party forward. "I will your highness."

You leave the royal couple to reunite with their children and follow Lord Wavethunder to your assigned rooms.

Status Report:

Money: 5 Gold coins

Food and water: 10 days of hardtack rations

Equipment: in good condition

The Ring: obsidian band with one carbuncle gem and two empty settings

Total Deaths: 1

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