《Aris Cretu》Chapter 13: Pre-Breakfast Meeting


You wake up to the sounds of heated argument coming from a floor or two below. You stretch the crick out of your neck, gather your clothes, and head for the showers. Whatever the argument is about, you don't hear any battle-cries, explosions, or you name being shouted, so it can wait until you have gotten clean, dressed, and fed. You head for the showers. Twenty minutes later, with the biggest bowl of cherrybean tea you can find in hand, you contemplate the various breakfast foods available. Well, I hope they don't mind me using a soup bowl instead of a mug... You reach for a muffin with some sort of berry in it when…

"Aris! You mind stepping in here a moment?"

"On my way boss." You holler. Well, this should be interesting. You enter Riben's office to find Mr. Hobson still red in the face from yelling at Riben. Riben for his part looks slightly exasperated, with a hint of frustration at just how idiotic some people can be.

Riben gestures at Hobson, "care to run over what you did at the Brewery for me again? Hobson here is making all sorts of claims."

You take a big gulp of tea and eye Hobson. Here comes the excuses and the attempt to squirm out of paying. "Well, I'm no brewmaster, so I'll keep it simple. Aflia and I took the contract to clean out a nest of big rats. Same day, we had on over to Old Man Berkin's Brewery. Dodged a kidnapping attempt by the Sirens on the way." You shrug, like avoiding a nasty street gang is just another part of your day.

"Walked in the door, met a Mr. Binu who called you down, and you lead us to the basement entrance. Gave me the key and retreated up the stairs out of the way. Oh, that reminds me," You pull the key out of your pocket and toss it to Hobson. it lands in his lap when he fails to catch it, "there you go. Key returned. Basement had one big rat in it, which Aflia killed with a firebolt. I disarmed the bear traps with a handy stave, Aflia gathered up the 'poison' you had bought for the nest, and we headed into the tunnel. Three big rats later, we dumped the 'poison' all over the nest and headed out the other side. We turned down the offer of ale and left."


Hobson goes slightly pale as you toss of what happened like it was nothing special. Riben on the other hand has a small smile dancing in his eyes. "So you did 'poison' the nest then?"

You take another gulp and shrug. "About a pound and a half of common rat poison. Wouldn't do shit to big rats though, they're just too big."

Hobson is still slightly pale but starts to bluster a bit. "But there are still big rats...."

Riben cuts him off. "Which is why I'm willing to give you a ten percent discount on a repeat visit as soon as I have the personnel available."

Hobson puffs back up a little bit. "Well, it looks like Guildsman Cretu here is available..."

You grin at the helpless Hobson. "With respect Hobson, there are at least two larger problems and a major State Visitor about to pile right into the middle. The Bad Moons still need dealing with, the Sirens aren't quite dead yet, and a heavy delegation from Altheim is on its way. The leading edge of the security detail is already poking around."

Hobson goes milk-white. Riben flicks a hand for you to continue.

You gulp tea and shrug. "A half-elf going by the name of Elfyr contacted me yesterday on that matter. Turns out the Elf kids we pulled out of the warehouse are Princesses of Altheim, and their parents have already sent people to get them back."

Hobson slumps down in his chair, fainted. Riben just shakes his head. You raise an eyebrow and your bowl. Riben gestures for you to return to breakfast. You leave the office to go munch on a muffin and await whatever is incoming for the day.

Status Report:

Money: 5 Gold coins

Food and water: 10 days of hardtack rations

Equipment: in good condition

The Ring: obsidian band with one carbuncle gem and two empty settings

Total Deaths: 1

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