《Aris Cretu》Chapter 10: Outfits and Opinions


You are tempted to splurge on a flashy green and orange silk shirt, but then you consider that you are also paying for the shopping spree of three women. Better to stay simple, keep my costs down. You select a sturdy pair of leather boots, a pair of tan pants with reinforced knees, and a dark blue tunic. Wouldn't do to get this all muddy. You also pick out a rainproof cloak, and can't help but grin when you automatically pass over the brown and green ones to pull a black one in exactly the right size from the back of the rack.

You turn when you hear Talae whistle, beckoning you over towards the women's section. Now what could she want? you bundle your selections under one arm and follow the sound. You spot Aflia headed for a section in the back, but Talae all but pounces on you, and Little Bird stoops soundlessly out from behind another rack. They each grab a shoulder and drag you deeper into the racks, nattering away about fabrics and styles and cuts and a dozen other things you can't keep track of. Eventually you dig your heels in. "Alright girls, What's so important that you need my opinion?"

They promptly go silent. Talae scrapes one foot along the ground, "Well..."

Little Bird bobs her head, swallowing a laugh. "Talae doesn't know much about surface fashions. I've already made my selection," she hold up a set of neatly folded clothes, "I'll need to alter the tunic for my wings, of course. Could you guide Talae, help her make some reasonable selections while I go see about getting that done?"

Reasonable? What could she mean by that? "Sure Little Bird, I can do that." Little Bird promptly flutters away, leaving you with a flustered Talae. You cock an eyebrow, and Talae looks down at her feet. "Now what did she mean by that?"


Talae slumps a little smaller. "Lets just say my picks were better for a temple then a street and leave it at that, ok?"

Kuko worshiper, right, so probably something totally inappropriate. That would draw lots of male attention, all of it unwanted, and tick off a berserker in the doing. Woe onto the fool who rouses her ire! "Ok, I'll leave it alone. now lets see what's available..."

Status Report:

Money: 110 Gold coins

Food and water: 10 days of hardtack rations

Equipment: in good condition

The Ring: obsidian band with one carbuncle gem and two empty settings

Total Deaths: 1

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