《Aris Cretu》Chapter 4: Save the Beer!


"I'd prefer to go after the rats, but I'll defer to your judgement miss."

Riben leans back, watching the scene.

Aflia looks at you. "Oh? Why's that?"

You shrug. "I may not be the most learned man, but every soldier knows about grey oozes. They eat metal, right off your sword or off your body. With all of my war-gear being metal, and without the coin to replace all of it, that can be a real problem."

Aflia grins. "Nice dodge. What I meant was, why let me decide?"

Because Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! "If we're working together, then best to be partners from the beginning."

Alfia nods, accepting your answer. "But wouldn't the grey ooze be a bigger problem? Why not deal with it first?"

"How many taverns does Old Man Berkin supply? And how many people visit those taverns and drink his beer every day?"


"Rats it is then?"

Aflia shudders, but nods. "I don't like rats, but that does seem to be the more pressing problem."

You turn back to Riben. "But is it just regular old rats, or..."

Riben nods again. "Spotted that, did you? Yeah, It's big rats."

Aflia shudders. "Eew! Eew, eew, eew!"

You turn to look at her. "Why are you grossed out by rats? I'd have thought you would have to cut up one or something while you were at the wizard's tower learning how to spell-sling."

Afllia shudders again. "Sorcerer, not wizard. And the headmaster... wasn't fond of Tieflings. So I got the basement quarters, which had a rat problem. Kept waking up with them running across my feet or tail."

"Sounds like we need to pay this headmaster a visit, leave him a lingering prank or something."


Aflia grins. "Already done. He had this big collection of scrolls, all neatly stacked and sorted. So I swapped about a third of them around. He probably spent a month fixing it, if he's even noticed yet!"

The three of you share a laugh at that, and some other humorous stories from your pasts, but soon enough it's time to get going to Old Man Berkin's Brewery.

Status Report:

Money: 1 platinum coin

Food and water: 5 days of hardtack rations

Equipment: in good condition

The Ring: obsidian band with three empty gem settings.

Total deaths: 1

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