《The Tales of the Revolution》Chapter 11: Siblings, Recruitment


Malburrey was a notable and bustling city one hundred miles southwest of Thes, the capital. The surroundings consist of plains used for farming various plants that yielded food and materials for products. There were forests a kilometre away, acting as the source for wood while a river flows nearby, bringing the necessity of water. Due to its centralized position at its location, the city generated an exceptional economy and market for the many merchants stopping by before heading to the capital city.

Though the city earned great wealth, it was only prosperous for the nobles, the strong professions and merchants. As for the middle class, they worked as regular adventurers or provided their trade skills as service. However, the poorer sections were usually the most populated and located outside of the city, which where most evil acts and deaths happened. It was very dangerous, especially during nights when beasts attack. The poor residents weren't able to do much but band together against the terrible monsters and stay near the walls; after all, it was much better than living in the middle of nowhere.

The denizens pleaded to the nobles repeatedly to add more magical walls for better safety and generate more jobs within them. The nobles and officials replied before, but declared there wasn't "enough money," and it was only feasible "five years later." They announced that ten years ago.

Occasionally, guards would patrol the poor districts to keep them "safe" during the day, but never the nights. Nevertheless, their real intentions were to "ask for protection fees and taxes" from the residents. As how much the hatred runs deep, the people were powerless and could only concede.

At the northern parts outside of the wall was District Nine. In an alley two blocks away from the nearest adventures guild and pub, a brawl was occurring between five people consisting of three females and two males. The three females were of course much powerful and a larger group than the two, and so they empowered the men.

Minutes later, one could see some clothes, weapons and scraps of food one of the men was eating on the sides. After dominating the two guys, they forced them to strip from the waist-below, a similar action that had occurred numerous times for both genders in District Nine; the women were going to rape the men. It's a testimony of how genders paid no importance of good or bad, but rather, introduced equality that another civilization in a different world had tried to achieve and couldn't in its earlier years. In the end, only strength within this world will keep one safe.


Further down the alley, hidden in the shadows was a small and lean boy. His clothes were ragged with numerous holes and cuts. Dirt and unpleasant grime covered his face and body; he hasn't taken a bath in a while. This person was Mark, an orphan of the slums. He was weak, but his intelligence and street smarts made up for it. However, desperate times called for desperate moments.

Mark knew that staying nearby wasn't a great idea, for if caught, the women might've done something if they had inspected his face. Or even slavery could be his ending. He had to cover his face because of one reason: he was cute and a candidate to add another handsome person to the population. Under the filth were beautiful blue eyes, fair skin and golden locks. If he took a few baths, some haircuts, ate till full and wore decent clothes, women would flock to him and enact force or seduction.

Still, he stayed. Mark waited and carefully watched them do the deed. It wasn't because Mark was lustful, but something else had interested him: the bag with the food scraps. Not only was he hungry, but his younger brother and sister were, too. If he hadn't lingered, others could've come in quickly and taken them; he couldn't let that happen.

After the women had left, Mark immediately enacted his plans. He quietly rushed forward at his primary objective, the food. If possible, grab the two cheap daggers for reselling. However, not far away, he could hear sounds of feet nearing the location — other scavengers.

Hurrying, Mark utilized all he could, swiftly picking up the bag and one dagger nearby. He wasn't able to grab the other as it was far away. He again raced down the alley where he came from, where a small broken hole on the poorly made brick wall.


He heard a gruff, adult voice but Mark didn't turn his face and feared that he might be identified. When he reached the hole, he listened to the patters of steps behind him getting louder by the second. He hurriedly threw the bag past the hole and quickly ducked through the opening, using his legs to propel his body forward repeatedly.

He felt fingers barely scraping one of his foot before he slid past the wall. He took his prizes and ran while using his sensitive ears to hear the whisper-shouts of two men scarcely.

"Dammit! The brat got away!"


"Do you fucking think I didn't see what happened? You don't have to say something that I can see, you fucktard! Now get the other stuff and search through the bodies..."

Eventually, Mark ran out of the hearing range and understood that they wouldn't be following or searching for him, but he had to make sure. So, he weaved through the miserable maze full of delipidated houses and sorrowful people of District Nine, making numerous turns to shake off any possible pursuers, eventually reaching his destination. An old shack that fitted well in its surroundings. Nothing was of importance to take note.

Looking once more to his surrounding, Mark could see the dirty and disgusting buildings and a few people sleeping on the floor. The sun was slowly setting in as darkness was taking over. He then entered the shack and met a sharp sword ready to cut his neck.

"Wow, there. Wouldn't want to kill your older brother, would ya?"


Another boy around seven years old hugged Mark. His face was full of tears and snot was leaving his nose; he was crying. His name was Theo, Mark's self-claimed adopted brother. he had brownish, unkempt hair and greenish eyes. His face had some chubbiness to it, but cute at the same time. A fine looking man would be in his place when he grows up.

Theo quickly looked up, his voice sobbing, "Brother, sis isn't getting better. She is becoming weaker!"

Mark's face paled, his worry shooting through the roof and he instantly grabbed Theo's hand and ran to where their sister. Their sister's name was Bella, five years old, and she had similar facial features to that of Theo, clearly siblings. Except, she had reddish hair, and her eyes were a lighter shade of green — a future beauty.

"Here, Bel, have this," Mark pulled out the bag with the food and he identified it as a half-eaten meat bun with a bit of warmth left in it. As disgusting and embarrassing it was to eat another's scrap, it was better than eating the stuff in the garbage. One time, he thought that he found (tasted a little) some soup in a broken bowl, but it was puke. Later on, he barfed nonstop, even gorging out his stomach acid.

Theo supported Bella's head with his arms to help her eat the meat bun. Her face was flushed and sweating as her eyes slowly opened, but was too tired and dizzy to focus. She opened her mouth to take in the food.

Now, why would three seemingly handsome and beautiful kids be left in the streets? Well, they were once noble, bastards to be exact. Mark was a bastard in one of a male's harem. The noble found out one of his harem member's affair that resulted in Mark being born, and he punished her before throwing Mark into the slums. On the other hand, the siblings had a similar story but a different setting. The two were children of a man that was part of a woman's harem — same outcome.

After Bella finished eating her food, she dozed off to rest her aching head. Following that, Mark and Theo continued a conversation they recently had yesterday.

"Theo, I think we should do the recruitment, all three of us. This isn't fine anymore. Bel's headaches are getting worse, and we can't do anything about it."

Theo looked ferocious, "But they're nobles, for crying out loud. Why would they be recruiting children that haven't even gained their elements? It's not like there is a high chance that we would be getting our elements until age twelve. Nobles are people who would only do things for their benefit or if it is something that affects their reputation!"

"Yeah, but it's better than what we've got! Bella is slowly dying whether you like it or not! At least we won't regret it, and we can say that we've done all we could to save her! Plus, rumours say that General Felisa is leading this recruitment."

"Who the fuck cares," screamed Theo, " They're all nobles and they-"

"Yes, they're nobles, but so what? It could be a way to save Bella! Either way, we would still be dying, but do you want your end in this shithole or at least die trying to get a better life?"

Mark gently kneeled and looked at Theo's face whose anger was slowly fading. Tears were falling down his face.

"Please. For your, mine and Bella's sake. Let's just do it."

Theo stood frozen, then lifted Mark and hugged him and agreed. He didn't want his sister to suffer anymore.

"Fine, but if we're tricked and duped, I'll blame and haunt you."

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