《A Generic Dungeon Core Story》1.16 A Grouping of 8 desperate idiots
‘Well… Today has been interesting so far… still don’t know how I feel about this whole… situation’ Hans thought as he eyed the other 7 strangers in the room warily and took a sip from his tankard ‘But… desperation will drive any good ole person into a similar situation either way’ He thought as he proceeded to give out a long sigh.
“Okay, so who’s going to introduce themselves first” He began by asking as it seems like he was the only person in the room not suffering from a mental breakdown as he is used to working with strangers as a mercenary ‘Wulfram, please don’t let me enter a party of idiots’ he prayed as he waited for a reply.
The job that was offered was very nice, they wanted teams of volunteers to go scout out certain areas, chart out dangers and opportunities for an upcoming wave of new settlers to create a new village in the wildlands ‘like that worked out for them in the past’ Hans pondered as he re-reviewed the offer.
The first problem was that it was in the wildlands, which was an unexplored uncharted area where many strong monsters like the Yao Guai frequent, there were even rumors of dragons living in the wildlands or even the dreaded undead.
The second problem was the location they advertised the job at which was in the areas nearest of the wildlands where the people are experienced but not eager in the prospect of entering the dangerous area ‘They’re smart… and not desperate enough unlike me’
The organizers managed to convince about 42 people to volunteer into the scouting expedition, they would chart the area they were given marking any dangers or opportunities in said areas. Problem was the area each of the 5 groups split into teams of 8 or 9 were given was… massive.
This was mostly because the organizers thought they would be getting double the amount of people present for the job… which was not the case at all. At least the pay was good though, five gold pieces up front for you to buy any new equipment or whatever you need for the expedition.
You were given 10 gold pieces if you do return though which… was a very hefty sum and if you don’t come back, half the money would go directly to whoever you signed as your holder if you do die or go missing making it popular with a couple more desperate folk ‘Kind of like a down on his luck mercenary like me’ Hans decided as he still waited for a reply.
There was also a bigger prize if the area chosen for the new settlement was in your group’s area in which each member would receive an extra 15 gold pieces making the pay 30 gold pieces in total for each member of your assigned group if you did manage to survive and the area you chose get chosen.
Thanks to many problems with logistics, advertisement and so on, only people who were desperate for money, travelers from faraway lands, wide-eyed newbies, a couple of bored locals and a few down on their luck veterans took the job like Hans here and his group probably.
‘This is taking a pretty long time for anyone to actually speak up’ He noticed after the 5th minute passed still with no one talking ‘Yep… this is hell on Ardalesh right here’ he thought as he took another sip from the tankard before someone finally goes…
“…Fine, I’ll go first then, my name’s Mark, that’s all you folks need to know. Human, adventurer, rank 4.2, no specific role I kind of dabble in a bit of everything” A plucky young human introduced himself though he seems far from new or inexperienced ‘Finally!’ Mark groaned though he doesn’t show it.
The human had brown colored rough looking hair and short sparse stubbles of a beard with sharp black eyes though every other features of his face is average for a male human, he’s about 5ft 7inches tall, average build though a bit on the leaner side, etc…
‘Ah humans… a very uninteresting average race of superstitious speciest racist humanoids that are somehow one of the most common race thanks to their determination, arcane magic but most importantly their ability to virtually shit out children every 6 months or so’ Hans thought as he sized the human up trying not to show his thoughts or anything.
He was dressed in a standard brown gambeson with leather bracers and greaves adding extra protection alongside some thick boots and hard leather gloves. A standard hand crossbow hanged from his right side affixed to his belt alongside a standard arming sword whilst a short spear slung behind his back with a dagger and a small quiver hang from his left side affixed to his belt as well.
He wears a dark green cloak with brown pants though anything else is obscured by his gambeson ‘Is this kid trying to get himself killed? No head protection? Either he’s poor as dirt or is an idiot who believes he is a hero’ he lets out a sigh as he studied the human some more noting the lack of a helmet.
“And this little guy here is Akol, my annoying whiny younger br-hgk” Mark started before wincing in pain from what seems like a kick under the table ‘Siblings huh… and not the cushy kind of sibling relationship, should make some fun moments though’ he smirked as he watched the moment.
“Yes, like you just heard my brother say… don’t ask about that, I’m Akol Marshside, forest spirit, though there are many different kinds but most people call those that look like me Hahlens or forest imps or forest demon, I am an adventurer, rank 4.5, I can use nature affinity spiritual magic because I’m a forest spirit which should be plenty obvious” Akol explained in detail.
He was small, about 4ft of fur and feathers with a short muzzle, beady black eyes with white pupils on digitigrade legs ending in kanid like paws and hands with 5 digits. He also has a long tail ending with a fluff of feathers and a large pair of Kanid like ears.
‘Oh a forest spirit, interesting… don’t they frequent forests and rarely if ever come out? That’s an interesting one… never gone with a Forest Imp before but a nature affinity spiritual magic user is nice to have in any team’ Hans pondered as he looked the Hahlen up and down.
He wore a small dark green and red long coat comfortably contrasting his dark yellow-brown-red fur and pants in a dark blue hue. On his belt hung some pockets but on hand is… what can be described as what you get if you mix a battle axe… with a wand with an amber crystal adorning the top spike.
‘Well that’s certainly an interesting weapon… surprised the kid an even wield it but still no head protection unless you can call the strip of cloth he wore on his head protection… something those two share in common at least’ he thought as he felt annoyed at the last part and gave a disapproving click.
He also wore a satchel on his left shoulder with who knows what was inside and a dagger on his back “I can also double as a healer though I can’t handle grave wounds so hopefully someone else is a healer” he added ‘Nice skill to have, essential if you want to stay alive’
“I guess I can than, Sveiki… I mean hello, my name’s way too long for you folks so just call me Tammy, Avikarri, mercenary, rank 4.1 and I am a medic, I also use healing magic and can double as a frontline warrior in clutch situations” the young female Avikarri responded to the comment.
She was taller than Mark being 6ft 2inches, had white feathers covering her body except for her talons where the hands and legs would be for a human and her short beak with blue eyes and her feather formation was very… colorful which is more of a male trait but that could come down to genetics…
‘Ah an Avikarri, a strange looking female one but I know enough about Avikarrians that I can identify the gender easily enough despite the coloration… looks like one from Latvienn judging by the accent, seems like a decent sort, most Avikarries are quite a bit stronger than my own species though they do have brittle bones’ He observed as he took a final sip from his tankard of grog as it emptied.
She wore the common steel helmet for most Avikarries over a white padded coif, chainmail covering her torso, thighs, and part of her arms over a white gambeson. She had steel bracers, greaves, pauldrons, knee and elbow protection alongside tassets protecting her legs which were covered by blue pants and she also wore a breastplate as well.
A large kite shield hanged behind her back whilst an average 3ft long Warhammer… okay it was a bit oversized but for most Avikarries its average was slung on her back, she also had a few packs, sacks and pouches on her belt alongside an extra 10inch long dagger ‘Finally! Someone with common sense who wears head protection!’
“Xin… sorry but can… any… person… guide myself on… why you announce err… warriors for money and explorers of dangerous ruins?” one of the other 5 asked in broken Middish “I am very new… came from… the… East” he explained and Akol gestured to Mark
“Damn newbies” Mark muttered and groaned under his breath “You probably mean why we announce we are adventurers and mercenaries as we call to announce what our general roles are” He started explaining though his tone is… aggressive and unfriendly.
‘Well the human seems rude… especially for someone who lives in Ravic city and those people pride themselves on their dedication to freedom and the fact that they don’t discriminate others… they do have one scary ass dragon though’ Hans thought as he decided he now dislike Mark the human.
“Basically adventures do stuff like explore dungeons, mercenaries fight humanoid or humanoid like enemies especially in wars, scavengers know how to avoid death, explore the lands, knows what’s valuable, so on and monster hunters are the best when called to slaying monsters or gig beasties, that’s all you need to know” Mark gave out a very summarized and shortened explanation with an annoyed tone.
“You don’t have to be so rude at it, he just asked” Tammy defended the person who asked “Leave him be, he’s an asshole though and through” Akol explained with a pitying expression “Whatever, let’s just move on” Mark said impatiently “introduce yourself please” he added.
‘Yeah he’s definitely an ass… I sincerely hope he falls to his death soon enough unless he proves sufficiently useful or I somehow got over his attitude which will not easily happen at all’ Hans decided as he glared at him before glancing back at the person who asked.
“Ah, xi-hello there, I am called… erm… just call me Anh, I’m from… the east, came to… get… lots of coin, my Middish isn’t good, I guess I’m a mon… monster slayer, rank 6.1, I can kill things from range very well with my… crossbow and my species is Telarion” he explained in broken middish, straining as he carefully picks the words trying not to be incorrect.
He was 6ft 3inches tall, body covered in blue, green, teal scales in a camo pattern, partial digitigrade legs and arms ended in short claws with a full five fingers per hand. He also had a long tail, a short snout and a sparse spinal mane of colorful quills and feathers ending on his tail with feathers that were light blue or teal and he has orange eyes.
He wore a gambeson with a more eastern design, had no extra armor except for bronze bracers, greaves and leather hand wraps and foot straps. He also has a steel rattan hat that most eastern skirmishers wear ‘A helmet, at least another person with actual common sense’ Hans chalked up another one.
He also carries the common oversized 6ft long Telarion crossbow that most Telarions used slung behind his back, it was masterfully made with large arm length hand crafted bolts being 4ft long on his quiver of some kind. He also has a bandolier of throwing knifes, a dagger and a curved eastern sword with a handguard on the hilt protecting the hand from the front.
“Do… any of you want to… go next or have additional askings?” he asked around ‘Ah… a Telarion… If my memory is correct, Telarions live out in the far east and are very well known for their expert marksmanship and their use of powerful oversized crossbows. They are damn scary with those thing, I’ve heard a rumor that some can punch through a foot or two of solid Akir wood with those things’ Hans thought though it picqued his interest.
“Yeah I figured with the oversized crossbow, but I do wonder though… I heard that all Telarions are crossbow experts and can shoot through a boulder from a kilometer away… wonder if it’s true” He mused curiously.
“That’s… xi-sorry but that’s mostly… an erm… falsity of information? Information… nothing can shoot through a boulder unless you are a… ermmm… what’s the word for… sorry but no it’s false… it doesn’t mean I’m a terrible shot or anything… I’m a great shooter” Anh replied whilst picking his words carefully.
“…Though… I am not sure with my current… bolts since I couldn’t find another one of my kind who sell bolts for our kind’s crossbows so I have to make them myself with whatever metal or wood I could get my… claws on so the… the bolts feel different and are less… right…” Anh admitted after a bit.
“Huh… well that’s neat, so you’re defective then are you?” Mark said sarcastically though it causes some of the others to… cringe “Bet you five gold that the lizard here can’t ev-ow!!” Mark grunted in pain as Akol seemingly smacked him in the face ‘I really hate that fucker’ Hans decided.
“Sorry about that” Akol apologized “If I were you I’d watch my tongue because you are giving me a very bad opinion on yourself you Bekladden van maatschappij” Hans let it slipped out of his tongue in a bit of anger ‘Shit… I really hope this doesn’t bite me in the tail’ Hans hoped as he looked around.
“…As much as I see ze cursing as a bit out of form… I completely agree with the Lycan here” One of the others answered “Yeah… You really should watch your tongue… Człowiek” Another of the group answered “We’ll keep it in mind” Akol answered for his brother before glaring at him.
‘It doesn’t take a conman to literally see what he’s implying to his brother in this case it’s “Don’t you fucking dare get us out of this opportunity with your rudeness” or something similar’ Hans thought as he watched the thing unfold “Oh… I’m sorry for causing… problems” Anh apologized meekly.
“It’s no worry, once you adjust I’m sure you are accurate when you need to be, don’t let the words of some this asshat here guide what you do” Akol gave some encouragement which seemed to help the Telarion along.
‘Well I already like him… he’s like the opposite of his brother in terms of personality or whatnot’ Hans thought though he soon realized that most are looking at him now ‘Shit… oh well’ he thought as he stands up.
“Well then, I guess since I ask, it is my turn then, my name is Hans, Mercenary, Lycan, rank 5.0, I am not a local but I am a Garrickian or at least part of one of the nations that makes up the Grrick Empire” Hans introduced himself in perfect near Middish all planned out of course.
He should look like an average Lycan being 6ft 8inches tall, thick brown orange fur with black stripes dotted about, common ponytail, large ears, half digitigrade legs ending in big kanid like paws, similar hands with retractable claws, short snout with a black nose.
‘Now then, just hoping that none of these idi-people are afraid of Lycans… shouldn’t be since the myth of us being able to turn others into Lycans with a bite is… well it’s a myth but then again we are resistant to most non-silvered and non-mythril weaponry’ he thought about it a bit but shake it off as usual.
The others should notice that he wears a steel kettle helm, a dark red brigandine covering from the base of his neck to his thighs further protected by some tassets alongside a thick red gambeson with a thick padded scarf acting as a neck protection similar to most other Lycan fighters not to mention the steel bracers and greaves.
He takes a glance at his 5ft 8inches Goedendag, a large two-handed wooden club with a metal head and nasty armor piercing spike at the end, like most other Lycans, he prefers two-handed melee weaponry and he also carries a bag of holding on his back and a one handed iron mace, bronze axe and 8inch dagger for backup all on his belt.
“You should also know that I spent a good amount of my life working as a mercenary in a good few minor wars with a few years as a Lieutenant in my old company before I quit” Hans let some history loose.
“Sure, that should be a good bit of experience…oh tight, Amelia, came from the village of Ferowosnk, to the north, 24 years of age, Wrona Avikarri, Svavenger, rank 3.8, I hunt in the wildlands so I guess I’ll be the scout of the group from my skillset then” The female Wrona introduced herself as she commented.
She was 5ft 11inches tall all of which was completely covered in deep blue to almost ink black feathers, even her hands, beak and talon like feet were covered in black to deep blue avian scales and the only part of her body that says differently were her dark purple eyes.
‘Nice, we have a Wrona, the most common Avikarrian race in the Garrick Empire, they are deadly in their use of longbows as their main weaponry but also the Wrona’s Beak a very… gruesome blunt two-handed melee weapon similar to my people’s preferred Goedendag…’ Hans recalled in his mind.
She wore a dark blue gambeson, a greyish blue cloak alongside what seems like a simple steel foot helmet, leather bracers, simple black pants and inky black leather hand and leg wrappings. She carried a Messer with a 23inch blade and modified D-guard, a dirk and an unstrung 6ft 3inches longbow stave on her hand with a quiver of holding similar to Anh on her right side.
“I also know a lot about the plant lore in the wildlands, I actually frequent the large area, I avoid most threats though so my rank hasn’t risen in a long while” she admitted ‘That’s good and she even wore a helmet… I think I’m going to like working with her much more than the human’ Hans mentally thought.
“My turn I guess, I’m Ren, anozer local, scavenger, Varmenian, rank 3.5, I am an alchemist, specialty in crowd control potions, zough I do have some stuff for poisons or healing” The male Varmenian, oldest in the group introduces himself with a bit of a Varmenian accent unable to pronounce the th-sound.
He was exactly 4 inches taller than Akol with dark grey fur covering his body except for his long prehensile tail, with large roundish ears on either side of his head and 3 pairs of whisker on his short snout though 2 of them were damaged somehow ‘He looks the oldest out of all of us’ Hans realized as he read him.
‘Hmmm… Varmenians are an odd race, they are short, intelligent, crafty, creative and used to be classified as a feral sapient race until quite recently in fact… It is good to have an alchemist in our team either way and I guess a Varmenian does diversify things’ Hans pondered as he continues to size up Ren.
He had no armor whatsoever which… was very strange as even mages wear at least some protection ‘Even worse than no head protection’ Hans mentally complained. Ren’s clothes consist of a thick green cloak, dark blue tunic, brown pants with many pockets, a brown vest also with many pouches, a satchel slung on his left shouder and simple cloth hand wraps with Leather and Fur boots.
He carries a simple hand crossbow on his right side, a spear on his back alongside a Messer, a dirk on the left side of his belt and a bandolier of different potions across his chest… two in fact and a good bit of potions and pouches on each.
“It is nice to meet you all, please do not underestimate me because of my low ranking” Ren greeted them “No need to tell me, the system is weird as heck, it doesn’t calculate weapons, equipment or proficiencies at all when deciding on rankings, even magic potential and whatnot” Mark complained loudly “Ja, I completely agree” Hans stated letting on a bit of an accent.
“Mark… actually you didn’t offend anyone this time so good job” Akol gave a thumbs up whilst Mark just rolled his eyes ‘If that’s a good job then he really needs to get his shit together… maybe a few years as a mercenary in a mixed species band will set him right… it set me right’ Hans thought as he and the others turned to the last person to introduce themselves.
“…Larec… female Deidrin, rank 4.8, Monster Hunter…” was all the last person in the room said, she was 6ft tall, had a blueish color with a reptilian body structure… yet no scales with softer skin coated in some kind of… slimy substance.
The pair of frills on either side of her head, the webbing on her hands, feet and the frill going from the top of her head down to the top and bottom part of her tail easily identify her as a Deidrin, a species from the far north.
‘Right… the Deidrin, bunch of northern ba-no no… stop it head… well at least we would have good polearm coverage now’ Hans thought as he awkwardly glances away from Larec thought he does notice a couple things from a glance.
She wore greyish blue leather clothing with an Ocean blue Brigandine over it which is very odd since most Deidrin prefer Scalemail, she wore no head protection which is also odd as most Diedrin wear their iconic naval face helms.
She carries an arming sword on her belt and slung on her back is a very odd weapon type, the Swordstaff which is what you would get if you take a sword and put it at the end of a staff making an odd polearm that most Northerners prefer and wear thanks to its defensive capabilities.
“…that’s it?” Mark asked disgruntled by the sudden silence “…oh Fyrirgefðu, I thought that wishing to or not to speak was part of my free will… Rassgat” Larec let out a snarky comment though the accent was very noticeable “good one… what do you do though?” Akol gave out a minor smirked as he asked.
“I can… fight, I have my Swordstaff… my sverðsfólk here on hand” she answered “What else can you do?” Ren asked this time “Catch finis I guess” she answered “Do you seriously have no other skills?” Amelia asked this time “Ermm… no, I can… do… field medic stuff and… erm… things in the water…” she started getting nervous.
“Oke, I think that’s enough already, in the following days we can get to know each other better ad we need to since we’ll be stuck with each other for a period of time” Hans stated stopping the questioning as he noticed her nervousness.
“I guess so… it I getting late though” Tammy let out “I… am… quite content… neither way” Anh added “Yeah, we can talk later, it is getting very late now” Akol let out giving a small cute yawn ‘Yeah… it is definitely getting late’
“Anyways, I think we chatted up enough, tomorrow we have to set out to the wildlands and I would prefer if you all get some sleep” Hans suggested “Seconded, the wildlands is definitely a tough place” Amelia seconded his opinion “Thirded” sounded Ren
“Fouthed…” sounded Larec “Fifthed” sounded Tammy “… am I suppose to say… sixthed?” asked Anh “Yes, also Seventhed” Akol answered “Fine, I’ll play along Eighted” Mark agreed “So since we all agree on our plan of action, I guess we should all go to bed now” Hans tallied up the landslide voting session ‘Well… at least it might be a bit enjoyable of a ride’ Hans thought as he made his way to his bed…
The next morning…
“Welcome all of you brave volunteers today” one of the organizers a somewhat roundish dwarf in rich clothing spoke out to the two scores of adventurers and other folks arrayed in front of him “As you all know we all hired you for, I hope you read the pamphlets because I will definitely not repeat those words” the organizer said sternly.
‘Yeah, yeah no need to repeat literally everything’ Hans scowled as he listened ‘Dwarfs… mostly fine folk who stay underground most of the time with the rare exceptions being asses like this guy… shame since I would love to have a go against their renowned warriors with their expertly crafted armors and weaponry’ Hans thought as he listened.
“Now, I came here to discuss with you two… actually only one thing really… we changed the schedule as to when you’ll be leaving for the wildlands and that time comes in an hour so if you may than you should move now… come on chop chop, a lot of gold is waiting for you fine folks” the organizer said out loud “…ARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING ME?!?!” Hans snapped and many followed his example.
“You seriously… THIS IS WHAT’S WORING WITH YOU SHITHEAD NOBLES” someone from another team shouted “Yeah! I’m not even this much of an ASS UNLIKE YOU” Mark also fired back “YOU SUCK!” Another Wrona from another team also shouted…
There were… a lot of shouting… accusations… some people even quit out right and the dwarven organizer had to flee as to not attract more ire from the pissed off adventurers and whatnot and another person has to step up to calm them all down.
Eventually the remaining participants reluctantly agreed to the new terms as… although entirely stupid and outright mad… most of them still needed the money so they set off rushing as they try to finish all of their preparations as quickly as possible ‘That fucking pampered Dwarven ass… is lucky I needed the money’ Hans mentally thought as he seethed with anger.
“I’m going to shank that bitch in the back next time I get back here” Mark muttered under his breath “Mark… remember to leave some to me” Akol also muttered “Same… I want to shoot his fucking balls off… that Bezludny Skurwielu” Amelia was also seething as they went to prepare as best as they can.
The group bought a bunch of rations of all kinds, they bought extra ammunition, prepared sleeping bags, so on as they pressed on ‘Yeah… I am kind of starting to regret this’ Hans thought as the day went on and they finally made their way into the Wildlands.
“Yeah I’m starting to have second thoughts about this job” Mark groaned as they made their way out of the gate “Same here… zere were literally nozing about… gah!” Ren was also mad as well “We just have to endure guys… then we can kill that ass later” Tammy sounded and everyone agreed.
“At least we all have something we agree on” Hans jokingly remarked as they start to talk about how they are going to do their travels and decided that they should have two of them scout each day… preferably Amelia since she’s native but she also needs rest so anyone can do.
The first day went… surprisingly smoothly all things considered and soon enough they set camp for the night ‘I am generally surprised that we have not all died yet… turns out having someone with good knowledge of the lands is crucial’ Hans thought as he looked over at Amelia who was chatting up a storm with Anh.
‘Whilst I don’t know how any of these people will in combat… at least none of us are trying to kill each other yet’ Hans allowed himself a small grin as he sat by the campfire baking some toast, cheese and stringy meat off of a felled avian on the charcoals.
The meat was sparse, the cheese was pungent and hard but together they added a good bit of flavor to the bread after toasting ‘Hmmm… None of us knows each other very well yet and well… I guess it can’t hurt to try socializing a bit’ Hans thought as he shoved the rest of the toast into his maw and chewed a bit before swallowing.
‘I should get to know some of the others’ he thought as he looked around for a good partner ‘It would be good for cooperation and such… as long as I don’t get… anyone who I can’t work with’ Hans thought though he soon noticed the crunching of the grass behind him.
“Excuse me” A voice he did not want to hear rang out behind him “Ah Larec… what exactly do you want?” Hans asked with a hint of nervousness ‘Does she need something?’ he thought as she sat down a bit near him.
“Ah… are you perhaps… nervous or… afraid around my kind?” She asked curiously turning her head to the side a bit “Sorry if you got the wrong impression but there is none of that here in my mind” Hans lied as casually as he breathed.
“…You just lie right now” Larec pointed out ‘…shit…’ “However… I suppose I won’t press deeper since you seem… uncomfortable about the situation” Larec said before taking her leave ‘Does she… she thinks I’m a speciest prick doesn’t she… shit, get your head together’ He told himself as he watched the fire.
The next morning, things go off without a hitch as the group as a whole packed up quickly though no one started any sort of conversation. Like yesterday, they sent Amelia out to scout since she clearly knows many of the flora and fauna in the wildlands with Mark as backup.
‘Well today is proving to be a nice day to say the least’ Hans thought as he looked at the clear skies above their heads, many Avians flying high above… some too large for comfort ‘Probably Giant Ravicas… or worse Bird Beasts… as long as we keep an eye out it should be fine’ Hans started counting the shapes.
They were walking along the ‘forest’ floor as they watched out for any dangers that may lurk in the sparse copse of trees surrounding them “Hey Hans, can I speak to you for a moment?” Tammy suddenly asked out of nowhere ‘what does she want?”
“Sure, what do you want?” Hans agreed “Well, I’ve been wondering but you seem to be one of if not the most experienced sort when it comes to these sort of things” Tammy let out “Well I did run in a mercenary group for a decade” Hans admitted with a bit of pride showing.
“Yeah, so… what I want to talk to you about is… do you perhaps have any sort of advice at all? I’m not exactly new but… I’m not exactly experienced in this kind of job” She admitted “Oh so advice huh? Hmmm… I’ll admit that I have utterly no experience for a lot of things” Hans admitted.
“But, I do know a lot of stuff that can be translated over from mercenary work to this kind of work, like keeping your senses sharp for dangers, knowing enough about herblore to not die to poisonous plants… wearing a fucking helmet and so much more” Hans explained ‘Seriously… I may be new to this whole Adventure type of thing but still everyone should wear a fucking helmet for the very least’
“Well I guess I have a lot of that sorted out already… I did serve as a field medic in a couple of wars in Latvienna before here so I have some experience. What I’m interested about is stuff about dungeons and ruins and those kinds of things” Tammy explained as she re-adjust the strap on her shield arm.
“Oh… well your shit out of luck with me since I have utterly no experience with that sort of supernatural nonsense… though I did clear a ruin once with my old company… got a nice bit of loot in that as well” Hans accidentally reminisced as he looked up at the sky to find no shapes above or around them.
“Oh so-” “INCOMING GOBBOS-PIGMIES” Two different cries rang out at exactly the same time as both Mark and Amelia rushed back ‘Shit Pigmies’ Hans thought as he silently assumed a guard stance in front of the others and bared his teeth a little ‘Here they come’ he thought as several burst through the foliage from where the two scouts came from.
They were short, barely shorter than Akol, they were dirty, wore almost no clothing with whatever leather scraps they could find, they carry weapons which were the castoffs of civilization rusty, repurposed tools, etc… they have large beady eyes on a too big head on their small skinny bodies and they have rows or uneven little dagger like teeth and there was a score of them… were…
‘Okay, remember your training, gore the first one with the spike than ward the others off with quick jabs and wide swings th-’ Han’s inner planning was halted as a bright ball of fire erupted in the middle of their charging formation incinerating over 5 of them immediately by a throw from Ren
“I hate fighting pigmies” was all he said to defend himself “Yeah… those… things are not worth using my… bolts on” Anh said as he slings his cross bow into his back and pulled out his eastern sabre ‘Enough to warrant an alchemical potion?’ Hans complained but did not ask.
Two crossbow bolts appeared on two different goblins’s heads thanks to Mark and Ren after they were dazed by the explosion and then a broadhead into the center mass of another by Amelia as she got nto position and loosed an arrow. By the point the charge reached the frontline it has lost all momentum and after a brief exchange that should be reclassified as a slaughter the pygmies melted and retreated.
“Well that was a nice little warm up there… anyone hurt?” Tammy made sure to ask and in response gets a chorus of noes “Alright then, be sure to not have your arrogance get the better of you… infections can easily kill someone in a matter of days” she explained to make sure ‘Don’t have to remind me twice… I’ve learned that the hard way’ he grimaced as he remembered the time he… nevermind.
They then proceeded to do their next course of action… looting the dead though the goblins-pigmies do not have anything on them though they do manage to find enough copper pieces to split evenly amongst each other with each person getting a piece.
The rest of the day goes smoothly, found a small little pond to refill their waterskins after they checked for poisons, hunted a Naid (deer) and foraged some mushrooms. That night, Anh was revealed to be a great cook creating a trail stew, a stew made from various ingredients found along the roads between population centers and all agreed that he should cook stuff for them for the rest of the trip.
Contrary to the first night where everyone got out of each other’s way, tonight some try to connect with each other, Akol managed to have a long talk with Larec about spiritualism and spiritual magics and stuff though that was the most that happened that night and they became fast friends of a sort.
There were also some talks between Ren and Amelia about their respective homes and about what they can gleam from each other about the wildlands and then it was Hans trying to get closer to Tammy since she seems to be the only other competent person in the party far as he is concerned.
“So you used to serve in the Latviennan army?” Hans asked “As a mercenary field medic yes… I didn’t see much fighting in any of the 3 wars but I did have to put down a few people and other stuff when I was serving there” Tammy said as she pondered a bit more.
“Was it your first time seeing blood or killing someone?” Hans asked “Maybe? I don’t know but when I think about it I was unusually calm about the whole… thing and… well… okay that’s enough… what about you?” Tammy asked.
“Oh well… you know, I fought in at least a dozen wars though most were just minor border disputes as I served with my old company” Hans reminiscent “Oh that sounds nice, I hired as a single person rather than in a group of any sort” Tammy let out.
The conversation continued deep into the night before they went to bed or had to do their sentry duty as always. As Hans thought about it a bit more… It was kind of nice in contrast to just wasting away in taverns or bars alone whilst doing add jobs… ‘It just makes me miss him more’ he thought as he fell asleep that day before his shift of course…
The very next day…
“Wow… nice shot” Hans admitted after seeing Anh shot a Giant Ravicas flying at high speeds towards them down from the skies the next day “Oh… those… bird things have great feathers and it was heading towards us so… I thought I would… hit it from range with my bolts” Anh explained his reasoning behind his shot
“Either way… I guess the rumor about Telarions being great marksman were true then” Tammy admitted after a small whistle “I mean… I thought I was going to miss but… I guess it was just… ermm… luck” Anh bounced back the compliment “It’s alright Anh… just take the compliment” Hans advised and he see the younger Telarion fidget a bit at that.
The corpse of the bird monster was stripped of any valuables when they come across it a hundred or so feet away ‘A good shot… wond-’ “Hey there’s a Naid over there” Akol pointed out to the east some 200ft away “I got this one” Amelia said as she starts to string her weapon of choice.
Before long the thing noticed the group and began running a bit though not quick enough as the Arrow to its neck was any indication of a sort “Whoo… I needed that” Amelia said as she stretched her shooting arm “Your… hitting things at long reach is good as well” Anh complimented her.
“Thanks, my great grandfather was a longbowmen, my entire heritage was from Wrona longbow users, they do say if you’re looking for a longbow user… look at their heritage” the Wrona thanked him “Aren’t the Lokarthi the Longbow experts?” Mark asked.
“…You take that back right fucking now… no way is my species losing to those Merycian westerners” Amelia glared at him and Mark backed off ‘Right… the Wrona and Lokarthi have a bit of a blood feud over who is the better Longbow user… both claiming to invent the damn thing…’ Hans remembered.
‘Either way, with those two ranged specialist in our party, I’m guessing ranged engagements will go swimmingly’ Hans thought as he took another bite of hard tack more to keep him occupied than because of hunger ‘These things taste like shit’ he decided and took another bite out of it.
The rest of the day passes quietly with no more encounters till nightfall “Can I ask what it is that you’re doing please?” Larec asked quietly “Trying a new potion mix” Ren answered without batting an eye “Never tried with green caps and rotberries before” he added as he mixes somethings using a weird looking tool “What would the potion do then… ermm Ren?” she asked again.
“Nothing much, if it works zan it would release either a poisonous gas cloud or make people sleepy… if it doesn’t… anozer explosion potion” he answered as he added some more rotberries “Are you interested in alchemy mayhaps?” it was his turn to ask “… I mean, the elders always say that learning is one of the most important things in the world” Larec answered with a tiny bit of unsureness
“…zen come over here, I’ll teach you some about alchemy, most alchemists try to hide secrets… never works out for zem, it is better for society as a whole if any can make potions of zeir own volition” Ren then went to explain the common basics of alchemy and such.
‘Well it’s good that those two are bonding somewhat, should help with the overall cooperation of the group’ Hans pondered as he observed from his spot as he holds the bowl of venison stew on hand from just earlier today ‘Wulfram’s furry balls is Anh’s cooking fantastic’ he thought in bliss as he took a bite.
There were some other stuff happening around the camp though this was what Hans was focused on as he does not want to notice the screaming argument between Akol and Mark which resulted from a small misunderstanding of some kind ‘nope… I do not want to deal with that today’ Hans thought as he took yet another bite.
Next morning, the team head out, making good gains as they were now ahead of schedule marking certain locations, picking some road roots or earth nuts and eating some rations under a long dead ancient Akir Tree.
Picking up their packs, they were about to head out when Akol stopped them and went into the thick woods alone “Where’s he going?” Tammy asked concerned “Probably to go talk to some of the local forest spirits, if we’re lucky we get Pietrias, unlucky than we get Vilesis or Hahlens” Mark answered as he readies his crossbow.
“Why, isn’t he a Hahlen himself?” Hans asked confused about that part “Akol is… an exception to the rule, most forest spirits are territorial, hate outsiders that aren’t part of the local ecosystem or are there to trash the place whilst some like the Pietrias are more peaceful but no less deadly” Mark explained as he rolled his eyes.
“Hopefully, they aren’t hostile, thankfully they always give warnings first, a rule and they don’t kill their kind on sight so he should be back here in at least… oh there he is” he pointed out towards Akol coming out with a few leaves sticking on the fur on top of his head.
“Ugh… painful son of a… okay, the local spirits agree to let us pass peacefully unless we start chopping down trees or burn the place up, though I say we best move now because what you people call Forest Fairies or Forest Pixies sometimes don’t keep their words… at all” Akol explained and the group step up the pace to be extra sure.
That night, Akol can be seen communing with the land or other spirits or whatever though some kind of spiritual ritual, Larec was also there. Hans was milling about when he spotted Mark alone sitting around the campfire.
‘You know…I should also try to get along with the asshole… despite his manners…’ Hans decided a he moved in close “So why did you go out here, why become an adventurer?” he asked Mark who was spooked “How the fuck did you sneak up on me like that?” Mark asked in shock.
“You underestimate how silent a brigandine is when heavily padded with quilted or padded cloth” Hns explained “Seriously? I should get one of those” Mark pondered it a bit “Remember to get a helmet first… also my question still stands” Hans reminded him.
“Right… I came out here for the money and I adventure for a purpose… that’s all you need to know” Mark answered quickly “What about your brother over there swooning one of the females in our group?” Hans asked curiously making a bit of a joke as well.
“Akol?... he’s here to help me, he doesn’t really fit in with the rest of the family… we came from a family of farmers in Ravic city and forests spirits are a pain for farmers in those parts so he traveled with me since I was the one to bring him home” Mark replied “…also he’s Asexual if what he said was true so I have no grievance with him talking to woman” he quickly added.
“Hell, at first I thought there was some kind of taming magic or some bullshit through some stories so I thought I would have like a fairy guide or whatever… turns out none of that stuff exists… we still raised him though… it’s nice having a younger brother when you are the youngest in the family” Mark added to his backstory “I guess sometimes it’s good to get stuff out of your chest” he added
“I should know that” Hans commented ‘I have a couple of brothers and sisters as well’ he thought of before returning to the conversation “Either way, it’s good to have you here, you’re a good scout if anything despite your… manners” Hans didn’t sugarcoat it.
“Yeah I know… it’s hard to change who you are… sometimes I wish I was a better person… like now when I’m drunk” Mark said as he pointed towards the bottled next to him ‘Ah… that explains why he is suddenly so different’ Hans thought as understanding shone.
“To be honest… it was my idea to go adventuring, he just follows me because well… he’s my obedient pet… just kidding but… how nice of it if that would’ve been the case... since then he wouldn’t look up to me” Mark answered with some truth to his words and things fall a bit silent for a few seconds.
“I came out here to get enough gold so I can officially become an adventurer, sure life is fine but I wish for some excitement in life” Amelia who was never part of the conversation butted in “And the most excited, optimistic ones always end up 6ft under” Mark doesn’t seem to care though Hans was a bit ruffled.
‘Well that seems a bit rude butting in on a conversation’ Hans thought before the conversation continued “Sure… but they also say that the asshole is the one who dies first” Amelia commented “Go to your grave you overly enthusiastic Ravicas” Mark said teasingly ‘He’s not too bad when he’s drunk at the very least’ Hans thought as he spotted Anh coming over.
“Are you… people talking about… why we came here?” Anh asked coming from the cooking pot to a couple of nods as he too entered the conversation “I guess… maybe I can tell my story… I got lost… end up here someone and er… needed the money for a boat trip home… though I don’t really plan on going back home any… time soon” he explained his story.
“So we have a lost eastern barbarian, an overly excited optimistic youth and some other random people in this group” Mark muttered loud enough to be heard “To be honest… any of those are better than an asshole like you” Akol finished his ritual and flew to the fire quickly 'Oh great... please Wulfram, don't let this devolve into a childish argument' Hans prayed.
“Also, I heard that story you sprung, you didn’t accidentally find me, I saved your life from a Kanid because you thought you were the protagonist of an adventure tale or whatever nonsense you said when you were 5… also I got adopted because I also saved your sister’s life who followed you on your dumbass adventure!” Akol told his style of the story.
“You saved me? Hey, I saved your flying fey ass from a venomous serpent bite when I was 3!” Mark defended himself “Oh, what about that bite mark on your ass then?” Akol reflected “You mean the one from your ass!” Mark reflected.
“Okay… let’s not get too far apart here” Akol warned as he ceased hostility “You… shit sorry about that, we can agree that it’s a draw then right?” Mark asked “Well yeah, truth is we both saved each other’s ass back then” Akol agreed and they seem to have gotten out of a fight.
‘I cannot understand those two siblings whatsoever’ Hans thought as he simply observed 'But I am glad that the childish arguing didn't continue on so... thank you Wulfram from your servant under the moons...' Hans gave out a long prayer.
“Excuse me but… I would think that it is my turn now” Larec intercepted and the two deflated some more “Sure go ahead” Akol said and Larec nodded “I travel because I thought I can make some… never mind I left that goal behind, I guess it’s wanderlust and a yearning to learn new things”
“That’s it?” Amelia asked “I do believe so” Larec replied “Okay then… why don’t you go next Tammy?” Amelia suggested “Me? Well I go out here for some extra money that I was running low on and I went out here to help with some of my weaknesses before I return back home” she answered
“I don’t have anything more exciting or anything, I hope to be a good companion in our travels” she added more of an afterthought “Well then, it is my turn yes?” Ren asked rhetorically since he was the last one without spilling the beans as to why they come out here.
“Simply put, I came out here for a chance of better alchemical ingredients and for money to buy more ingredients, I am not set up anywhere as I wish to set up in somewhere like a new dungeon town as zere would be no competition whatsoever” Ren explained “So it would be nice if we could find a dungeon in zis trip of ours” he added ‘Ah what a dream that would be’ Hans thought.
“It’s nice to dream Ren but I don’t believe the dungeon part will ever come true” Hans said to the last bit “If it was my luck, we would wander into a colony of giant formicas” he added sarcastically “a person could dream Hanz” Ren said before silence follows again.
This time though it does not get dispelled and everyone said goodbyes to each other as they each go to sleep with Hans on first watch ‘Well it’s certainly is an interesting group to say the least… but… they're not my old company’ Hans thought of as he glances up at the 4 moons for a bit.
The light shines down hard as there seems to be no cloud of any sort ‘No matter how hard I tried whether from alcohol or from travelling with another group… it’s just never the same… no one is ever like him…’ he reminiscent as he stood guard but nothing appeared and he will soon be relieved as the night passes peacefully in the moonlit skies where Wulfram is said to reside…
- In Serial6 Chapters
The Immortals' Poison
Immortals, gods, devils. All of them have escaped the grasp of time and transcended the limits of mortality. Existences that can see a bug on a leaf thousands of miles away, beings who can create and destroy on a whim, entities of such awe-striking power that you can only tremble and await your demise. Reality is at their will. However, there is one thing that makes them cower in fear, a creation of utter darkness and endless malice: The Immortals' Poison. Said to be the soul of The First Dragon mixed with the remains of the dead Arch Pheonix, two items which shouldn't even be possible to gather. It is a sentient poison capable of killing anything it infects, giving the afflicted being, whether mortal or immortal, exactly 50 days to live. One day, the High God of Light, king of the gods, was afflicted with the poison. It caused the entire god realm to be panic-stricken. Searching for any cure to this legendary poison, they found one against all odds. For locked away deep in the forbidden archives, there was a sinister method of removing the infernal poison. The way they found was quite terrible. It was to find someone with a magnificent destiny and transplant the poison to this someone with a magnificent destiny, thereby going against fate, which is something the poison loves. However, he chose the wrong person to use, and now... The reckoning is coming. cover art isn't mine, all rights go to the artist etc.
8 124 - In Serial30 Chapters
Endless Slumber, Wherefore Art Thou?
Sepeti was promised Endless Slumber. He was promised a sweet release from any and all responsibility. He was promised the ability to sleep all day and do absolutely nothing all night. Unfortunately for him, what he's going to get is a crash course in learning how to deal with an inept God and having to start all over again. In a less than stellar vessel. On a crappy backwater planet. At least he has all that built-up experience from his first few times around, right? - LitRPG, Action, Fantasy, I don’t know. There’s gonna be a bunch of stuff in here. There’ll be blue boxes, obviously, with some plays on Cultivation and Progression tropes.
8 156 - In Serial46 Chapters
Episode 2: SPAWN
A vampire was destroyed in the city of Two Rivers. Her second death points detectives Alton and Cook of the Unjust Existence Extermination Investigation Force in the direction of an agent of a foreign power, and suggests the existence of a greater vampiric plot that undermines the reputation of the city for fair treatment of living-impaired citizens. Set in the world of Manifest Destiny - a shared hombrew D&D 3.5/Pathfinder 1 campaign setting that has been in use since 2007, this is a fantasy police procedural similar in style to Law & Order. Retired player characters make cameo appearances. This work originally won NaNoWriMo in 2015, and will update every Saturday until complete.
8 217 - In Serial25 Chapters
Piece By Piece
Y/n Maximoff- One of the triplets. Experimented on by Hydra along with her brother and sister, she gained incredible and dangerous powers. Pietro's death in the battle against Ultron crushed Y/n and her sister, but while everyone comforted Wanda, Y/n was blamed for his death. She had watched, as a her big brother by 31 minutes ran to save Clint and a child, knowing he would be filled with bullets. As her brother was being a hero and sacrificing himself, Y/n watched, frozen in fear, as he died. It didn't even cross her mind to use her powers to protect him. Now, six months later, Bucky joins the group, and to Y/n's surprise, actually speaks to her. Against the Avenger's advice and warnings of Y/n being a traitor and coward, Bucky grows close to her. They grow to comfort each other and slowly, heal each other. However, as Y/n's mental state slowly unravels itself, it begins to look like not even Bucky can save her from herself.
8 130 - In Serial31 Chapters
To Heaven Hell and back. (WolfxVampxHybrid boyxboyxboy)
Benji- vamp Luke- wolfJamie- hybrid Benji and Jamie are mates. Jamie meets Luke, Luke is mates with Jamie, and with Benji. Luke only ones one mate, Jamie. Luke wants to get rid of Benji but can't kill him as it will kill Jamie and him aswell. Now Luke wants to mate him. Will everything Benji went through hold him back from his mate. And will his physical and mental changes he had to adapt from his life under the dictation be too much for his two mates and him. Or will he accept Luke and mate him for life."Trust takes seconds to brake, years to build, and forever to repair"-unknown
8 107 - In Serial25 Chapters
This is the Book of my OC from the fiction i will write
OC description:-Teen Wolf-Twilight-Fast and Furious-Shameless?-Fear The walking Dead?-The Vampire Diaries-Harry Potter-Riverdale-The Walking Dead-Fairy Tail-Shadowhunter-One Piece-American Horror Story?-Animal Kingdom-Chicago Fire?-Chicago PD?-Gotham-Game Of Throne-My Hero Academia-Haikyuu?-Kuroko No Basket?-Avengers-Supernatural-The 100-Merlin?-Sons Of Anarchy?-IT
8 194