《When Death walked the world》Chapter 19


The resurrection of the elven nation was followed by a grand celebration where every single citizen was invited, though only the high nobles were able to get anywhere near Ainz.

He didn't hate parties per se, but he wasn't fond of them either. The official gathering always caused him a headache. After the party, the date of his coronation was announced. It was to be held 5 days from now. He still didn't understand why Ellee insisted on making him King, but he didn't want to refuse it out of courtesy. Of course, he already figured out how to outsource his office work. He would simply have some of his elder liches look over the information and organize it. After which he would look it over, just so he wasn't kept in the dark.

He was flying over the terrane, while he observed the vast lands stretching to the horizon. He spent his time marveling at the landscape. It had been over a century since he could take his time to appreciate the beauty of nature. If he could, he would shed a tear while he flew high above the clouds.

Thanks to his refined senses, he could easily see everything from such height. Nevertheless, he had his guard up, as well as his {perfect unknowable} in effect just to be safe. He was afraid of sneak attacks, however every once in a while, he really wanted to admire the world with his own two eyes.

Several hours passed as he sped high in the sky when he reached the end of the vegetation. No greens could be seen, no dense forests, no raging nor calming rivers, nothing… Nothing but sand, as far as the eye could see. He came upon a desert, stretching from one side of his line of vision to the other, it had no end.


What happened here? He asked himself. No answer came. He just hovered there flabbergasted that such a thing would come to existence in his absence… He would have to ask Ellee about this. True, she might be a child, but she is an elf. She might know something, after all elves don't age the same rate humans do. Ainz cast {Greater teleportation} and found himself back in the capital of elf kind.

Ellee was walking down the corridor connecting the conference room with the residential areas of the palace. She was deep in thought. The events had rapidly transpired out of hand after she met face to face with the undead magic caster, no after she met the God known as Ainz Ooal Gown.

She didn't understand why, but whenever she tried to refer to him as a God, the great being would always refuse it. Claiming that he is no God.

He said he is no god, first she couldn't read between the lines and almost fell for it, almost. She could not understand what he meant by not being a God.

When he decimated the entities known as the Greed Kings, who were on pair, if not slightly above dragon lords it proved that he could be nothing less than a God.

After a moment of consideration, it dawned on her. He claims he is no God because he is something superior, something more powerful, something more complex, a being whose existence couldn't be summarized in the word God. That must be why he took offense, being called like that…

His next act, to resurrect was also the power of the gods. He not only brought back a couple of people. He raised every single one who fell in the siege of the capital. At this point she thought she had seen everything, the abyss of his power.


How wrong she was. The next act which came would forever be remembered by history when the Ancient One lent a hand to mother nature in rebuilding what is lost. How did it happen again? She wondered, as she recalled the events of that day.

She was having a meeting with the council members after the resurrection of the citizens, when out of nowhere Ainz had materialized in the meeting chamber. The council members were spooked by the sudden appearance of the skeleton, whose body exuded an unmistakable royal baring, while darkness rolled down from his robes in waves of murky smoke.

He insisted he had an important question, which he needs to be answered. She didn't have the privilege to refuse a request from the savior of her people, and so she complied without much resistance. She was surprised with the topic of his inquiry, but she answered to the best of her ability. However, she didn't know much.

She gave out a poster saying they would provide gold for any information concerning the formation of the desert south of here, and soon enough there was someone who had the intel. After Ainz had heard that it was the consequence of the 8 Greed Kings' war on dragon kind, he had declared that he would correct their wrongdoing. While they travelled to the site on carriage, she was seated in front of the undead. She had no proof, but she could swear the undead had a savage smile on his face.

When they arrived, Ainz had asked her and the entourage to stand back and observe. They did so, and the breath soon stuck in their throat. She recalled vividly, as Ainz stood in the middle of the desert while grasping his majestic golden staff adorned with 7 serpents each holding a gem of different color and great power.

A white dome of light rapidly expanded from his being, while intangible runes rotated at terrific speed, and a white pillar of light, over 10 meters in diameters shot up to the sky from his being. She recalled the words he spoke, before a brilliant flash blinded her for several seconds. {Boosted widen magic: Creation}

When she could see again, the dense vegetation which characterized the area before the poisoning of the land had returned. It was brand new, yet it felt as if there never was a desert in the first place. As if it was all a lie. She could also hear the chirping of the birds and feel the cool sensation on her skin when the gentle breezed passed her.

"If he isn't a God, then I have no words to refer to him… To do justice to his deeds and might."

The Dragon Emperor due to dumb luck witnessed the spell Ainz Ooal Gown had cast on the great desert. He would have to rethink his plan of eradicating him, because his undeniable power was becoming clearer and clearer.

Once it might even reach a level, where the thick-headed dragon will have to reconsider his course of action… or not…

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