《When Death walked the world》Chapter 16


Surshana was falling through the air, his powers depleted he no longer had the strength to resist the merciless assault of the 8 players. He really thought he could reason with them, but he had severely underestimated their greed for riches and the joys of flesh.

Seven of them were men, and they each had amassed a massive harem as well as mountains of riches since coming to the new world. Though, compared to Yggdrasil items and gold these new acquisitions were second rate only.

He wondered where it had gone all wrong. He couldn't talk with them more than a few lines, before they jumped him. He first tried to escape, run away and later question them why they reacted the way they did, however his plan failed as they cast dimensional lock, and he was forced to flee on foot, or by flight. He chose the latter, and did his best to take distance between them, however the other side also had mages, and so he couldn't do much.

Sooner or later, he would be forced into a confrontation with them, and he was not confident in his ability to defeat 8 players who are near his level. "Who am I kidding?" He thought. Only the most experienced players could deal with two or three opponents of the same level as them, and that was stretching it.

He fell through the sky, his Mp exhausted and Hp drained he crushed harshly into the ground. The earth shook in the vicinity of his crash. He slowly pulled himself out of the crater, only to be pummeled back into the hole by a hammer used by one of the Greed Kings. He could faintly hear the cursing thrown towards him, something along the lines of "damn heteromorph" and such.

He couldn't comprehend how stupid these people are. This is no longer a game! Can't they understand this much?! Are they really killing him, just because he is a heteromorph?! Absurd!

It was as if time slowed to a crawl when he saw the hammer coming down on his skull. This would be the end. He would die without ever finding Momonga… By the time the hammer reached his skull, he made his peace, as he laughed heartily imagining their encounter with Ainz Ooal Gown. Oh, how he wished he could be there!

"Hey, was it wise to kill him?"

"What do you mean Marta? Of course, he was a heteromorph after all! Ahaha! He deserved it for betraying humanity!"

"Yeah, you should know better Marta, there is no place for heteromorphs in the heart of humans." Said Envy in a grave voice.

"I know, but still… at least we could have heard him out, before killing him…"

"She is right guys, he was an undead, who knows how long he has been in this world? He could have provided valuable intel."

"Yeah, Gluttony is right."

"Oi, what are you saying? You want to resurrect this piece of filth?!"

"Oh, heavens. Wrath! Calm down! You really should work on your temper."

"Who dealt you a hand Sloth, don't butt in, the grown-ups are speaking."


"Yeah, sure. We should get a move on, the dragons could be in the vicinity, we wouldn't want to get caught in the open like last time, right?" He reasoned, while cautiously observing the surrounding area.

"Yeah, let's go. I will lead the way." Pride so declared, as he marched forth with absolute confidence.

The wasteland stretched to the horizon. No vegetation survived the cruel environment. Fire cyclones raged, as the Dragon Lords took turns in fighting the Greed Kings. They were unimaginable powerful beings. They were thought to have been the ones who had stolen the power of the Gods, and maybe just maybe it wasn't so far off the truth.

Their battlefield was huge, encompassing half the continent. The Dragon Lords did everything in their power to catch off guard the Greed Kings with their raids, but the Greed Kings didn't stand idle either.

Their conflict consumed many lives, and half the living lands of the continent. Though, these lands were ravaged in the past, and no vegetation could survive, the new power struggle made sure that the fields would remain infertile for centuries to come. The lands would be barren forever to come.

The waste lands were gradually turned into deserts, and the few remaining rivers once and for all dried out. The intelligent beings tried their best not to get caught in the middle of the conflict, but some had no luck, and thus their species would forever be erased from the face of the world.

It has been a decade since the first engagement, and the Greed Kings have already been defeated numerous times, however they had the ability to resurrect, although every time they came back a little weaker.

After the Dragon Lords had realized this, the battle had become a war of attrition. They sent their slaves, and lesser kinds to combat the kings, while they also joined the fight in hopes of weakening them to an extent where the Dragon Emperor could handle them.

However, the hopes of the dragons were crushed, when the Emperor had declared that he won't fight the kings, because he must preserve his power to a battle between him and the undead who was known as Ainz Ooal Gown.

Today once again, over twenty Dragon Lords as well as hundreds of lesser dragons, wyverns and other strong beings like giants who served the Dragon Lords were surrounding the kings and tiring them. The Greed Kings had to have died at least 2 times each, some even more times, however they were still powerful. They were still a force to be reckoned with.

After the grueling battle, the kings had made their way through a dense forest. Though, half of the continent was a desert now, the other half was still flourishing. They were looking to set up a hidden residence this side of the world, outside of the influence of the Dragon Lords.

They found more than they could hope for when they ran into a full fledge civilization, a nation of elves. The pitiful creatures haven't even heard of them yet, and thus forced their hands to show their might. They would soon make slave of elf kind, and ruler over them as their God kings. They could probably get some elf women to fill up the void in their harems.


Ellee was curled up in her royal chambers, hiding under her blanket from the burning gaze that seeped into her back. She had chanted to herself inaudibly: "Go away. Leave me alone. Please!"

This feeling of never being alone had driven her crazy. She couldn't remember anymore the last time she had felt truly alone. There was a dark shadow following her everywhere, it didn't matter where she went, or what she tried, she couldn't make it disappear.

She once went to the city in broad daylight, however no-one seemed to notice the shadow hovering over her. That was when it finally became clear to her. Only she could sense this strange shadow.

Over the years, she had understood that the shadow had no ill intent, for it had never hurt her. However, this didn't change the fact that it was creepy, and it always carried a feeling of dread, and coldness. Sometimes, like today when she was emotionally overwhelmed her paranoia would intensify and she would cower in her blanket.

Wouldn't you feel the same, if a looming dark cloud always overshadowed you, without a way to escape? That was how she felt.

She was broken out of her trance when the double doors to her room were blown open, and a guard gasping caught himself before falling over. He went to one knee quickly and reported. The exhaustion was unmistakable in his voice.

"Your royal highness! There are intruders! Th-They are decimating our forces like fodder, please your orders! Your highness!"

When she looked him over, it was obvious that the knight is desperate. She bit on her fingernails, as she thought on the possibilities. Their settlement was hidden away from the world, in a place which even the most competent mages could not locate. How could anyone find it? Did the Dragons really find this place? She took on her royal baring, as she left her bed.

"How many?" She asked.

"My Queen, there are only 8, but-"

"What?!" Her shout echoed all over the palace, as she burst out in total disbelief. The shadow behind her back moved uneasily, but soon it returned to its original figure.

"Soldier, this is no time to be joking. How many?!"

The soldier trembled as he repeated. "There are only 8, your royal highness. They are extremely strong." The knight hesitated before he continued in an uncertain voice. "Your highness, they might be stronger than the dragon lords you taught as about."

She was staring down the soldier, weighting his words before giving him the order.

"Evacuate the citizens, bring all of them inside the palace perimeters, also tell the soldiers to retreat after the evacuation is done. We will make our stand here. No-one had ever breached these walls, and I intend to keep it that way!"

The highest authority in the nation so declared. The soldier hastily obeyed and carried out the order. Soon everyone would be safe inside the castle walls, and even if that fell, they could always retreat to the royal palace. The orders of the Queen spread rapidly among the soldiers and the citizens alike.

The determination of the Queen to protect the citizens put them at ease. They knew full well, that if it came down to a fight in the palace's gardens, their ruler would not hesitate to lead the charge herself.

Smoke permeated the air, as pillars of fire and ash rose high into the air. The greed kings were entering the palace. Rows of dead elven soldiers were their pass, as they finally crossed the gates.

The battle was underwhelming; however, the elven troops were much stronger than they had anticipated, despite that they managed to eradicate them without a single injury. That is how unfair this world was, how high their resistances were. Simple natives, without draconic strength could never hope to stand up to them. They knew this very well, and they used it to their advantage.

The salvia overflown in their mouth, when they imagined the elven beauties who would be soon theirs for the taking. Pride had already called dibs on the Princess, however no-one said they would let him take her for himself. If it came down to that, and the beauty was unparalleled, then they would fight for it. They would dominate each other for the promise of a greater, more satisfying reward.

The double gates opened to a big circular shaped chamber with over a 5 meters high roof. The moment they entered their eyes were glued to the beauty waiting, presumably to meet them. She was alone, no guards could be seen. Despite her youth, she had the bearing of a true monarch.

She was a small girl with heigh a little over 1,5 meters (4,9 feet). She had sparkling amethyst eyes, and long purple hair that reached down to her waist. She was garbed in royal attire befitting of her status as the ruler of a nation which encompassed multiple strains of elf.

Her shimmering silver cloth had gold trimming along the edges, it complimented her slim figure while it also outlined her generous curves. She wore a silver crown adorned with myriad precious gems, which was further enchanted by her welcoming smile.

They stood there with their jaws slacked open. They expected the royals to be even more beautiful than the common folk, but this was on a whole other level. Several seconds passed by but none of them had any words.

They cautiously eyed each other, the greedy gleams in their eyes were telling. Their minds turned on a common wheel. They would not let anyone have her but themselves. Marta was also amazed by the elf's enchanting beauty.

Unlike the rest, she was filled to the brim with jealousy. The longer she had to look at her, the more likely was that she jumped her. She wanted to eradicate her from the face of the earth. She would not let someone more beautiful live; her pride didn't allow that.

The elf standing there coughed a couple into her palms, and when she had their attention she spoke.


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