《When Death walked the world》Chapter 8


The citizens had seen off the Gods as they left the city, apparently searching for someone. Though the simple citizens could only guess, the elderly still remembered the stories of old told to them at nights, by their parents no less. They could guess why they would look for one of their own.

Ash watched as they left the city, remembering how upset the God of Death seemed, when he found out that he hid the existence of Ainz Ooal Gown. The undead was livid, but thankfully the other 5 calmed him down, and made sure that he didn't act on impulses.

He told them of how Ainz descended upon the world a century ago, how he saved the lives of many, and how he had given them purpose in life. Though he couldn't pick up any changes on the visage of the undead, he was sure that Surshana was paying close attention to every single word he had said concerning Ainz.

He stood up straight from his chair, while overseeing their departure. How long had it been since he last stood on his own legs? He couldn't recall.

"May Lord Ainz decide to grant you his notice, only then will you meet him." He said, as he turned his back to the window, and slowly took his place in the wheelchair. "May you find, that which you seek."

They were traveling the land for weeks on end. Normally, they would have already abandoned such a ludicrous idea as looking for a single person in another world, but Surshana was adamant about finding Ainz Ooal Gown.

From the information provided by the King they were able to deduce that Ainz Ooal Gown, is in fact Momonga the guild leader of the guild Ainz Ooal Gown. Though, it was entirely thanks to Surshana's knowledge on the game, and his obsession with the top ranking guilds and individuals.

In truth, had it been all of Ainz Ooal Gown, he wouldn't want to seek them out, but if it was Momonga, who was known for his impartiality and common sense, then it was entirely possible that they could gain a new ally in these strange lands, a powerful one at that. They could also ask him for information, after all he was here long before them, if they were to believe Ash's words.

Surshana only shared the most basic things with the others, like how Ainz Ooal Gown was a top ranking heteromorph guild despite its low member count, and how they role-played as villain masterminds, though he made sure to point out that Momonga wasn't like that.


Nevertheless, he made sure to let them know, not to cause any trouble, and not to act threateningly for who knows how strong he may be in this new world of theirs, and who knows if his psyche was warped by time beyond repair?

The others were convinced and they promised not to act rashly.

Throughout their journey they had run into demi-humans and some beast-man tribes, though they didn't kill them on site, they always ended up attacking their group. So… they discreetly dispatched them.

When they were in the city of man, they had turned off their auras, because the humans would keep asking them questions about their Godhood and so on and so forth, so it was best that they had disabled it.

Now, however they had decided to turn back on their auras, and passive visual effects, because they got tired of having to deal with enemies 60 levels or more below them. As they walked the path, the wild animals, and demi-humans avoided their immediate surroundings.

Ainz woke up with a left leg today. He was having back cramps from laying down in bed, even though he had no muscle… He would wonder about how is it possible, if he wasn't in such a bad mood…

He had spoiled some of the experimental potions he had tried to make using a blend between wild and tier magic. Since he couldn't use wild magic, he used a Dragon lord captured a while ago to perform that part of the process. If he managed to create a potion using both magic systems, who knows how powerful the end-product might become.

As he was musing on how to salvage the experiment a {message} contact was made.

"My lord. I have something to report." Said the being on the other side of the {message} spell.

Ainz recalled that this is one of his "Hanzos" whom he had entrusted on patrolling the areas which he classified on a map of his. There were 19 areas at total and he had 2 Hanzos monitor each.

"What is it?"

"I've spotted 6 individuals, with powerful auras. You have instructed to report if I find something strong my lord."

"Yes, yes how strong?"

"Over lvl 70 my Lord, one of them seems to be close to lvl 100, as I can't read his levels."

"Hmm, interesting… Where are you?"


"At the Great Lake of Trost my Lord."

"Continue your observations, we have to decide if they are friend or foe before making contact. Inform me of any changes that might occur."

"I hear and obey, Lord" Said the Hanzo, as the message was cut off.

"Players ehh?" Ainz mused. "I wonder if they could help me with my experiments?" The fire in his eye sockets flared dangerously as dark fantasies flooded his mind… then it clicked. "Wait, wait just a moment! Players!? Could it really be? What if they are from Ainz Ooal Gown? Though the possibility is low, it is a possibility. After all, I also got transported here. Maybe, just maybe..." Ainz muttered to himself as he disappeared from the cave.

The Dragon Emperor flew high in the sky, as he cursed. "Curse you skeleton, I brought you into this world. You are to serve ME! Ho-how, HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT ME?! I will end you, for this I will make you suffer before I eat you whole!" Roared the mighty dragon, as he crossed distances beggaring the mind.

He finally reached his destination. He dived down, right into the great body of water. He swam, or more like the water parted in his wake, as he accelerated towards the bottom. After reaching a depth of about 8 000 meters he could see it, his destination. The sunken city of the Old one.

He knew her well, she was a being older than the very world. He could already taste the skeleton's despair when he came face to face with the horrors of the deep. "Yes, he will suffer."

The six had set up a camp for the night. Though they had {rings of sustenance}, the ladies didn't like travelling at night, nor did Terra for that matter.

Surshana was tasked to watch over the camp, for only he had night vision in his group, and also he was undead, so he wouldn't get tired observing the surroundings.

The others had gathered around the fire, to discuss their experiences up until now about the new world. Though, they had many good memories, they also had countless embarrassing moments, like when they had accidently saved a human village from a beast-men invasion. Only to find out that said village housed cannibals. Unbeknownst to them, from these villagers would become their "first" worshippers.

The silent night was only disturbed by the gentle smolder of the campfire. They laid down inside their makeshift tents, though they had some items from back Yggdrasil, they didn't want to use them carelessly, after all they were one time use items.

Soon daybreak had come, and they were ready to continue with their journey. Each of the 5 shadows rose, as they got ready to continue their search of Momonga. They didn't see Surshana near the campsite. They were just about to start looking for their leader, when they heard an explosion.

Their eyes immediately shot to the direction of the sound, only to see Surshana falling through the air. "What?! How?! Who?!" Thought ran through their minds. While the brown alongside with the blue froze in disbelief, the others were quick to act.

The Goddess of Wind conjured up a whirlwind, with the sole purpose of catching their comrade, while Alaf ran to shield the others form any possible attacks. Scarlet positioned herself behind him, as she readied her 9th tier destructive spells. Though, they couldn't see any attackers, Surshana couldn't have done that to himself.

Sweat beaded on his forehead, as Alaf surveyed the surrounding wilderness… everyone was on edge.

Ainz was levitating above the North sea, he didn't know why he called it that, but it was in the north, so why not?

He was pondering on his course of action, as he admired the bountiful crystal-clear water. "Even if I were to decide to meet with them face to face, what would I say? How should I act?" He felt wrinkles forming on his forehead, though he knew it was not possible…

"Ah, Fuck it. I will just improvise."

He moved to contact the Hanzo once more to make sure of the coordinates to where he should teleport to, but before he could he saw the clean water surface darkening. Intrigued, he took a closer look. Abruptly ripples spread in all directions. Then something broke the water surface, something huge, and horrendous.

Ainz quickly cast {greater teleportation} to get to a safe distance from whatever caused the anomaly.

When he looked back at the monstrosity, his jaw dropped.

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