《The Human Soul》Chapter 19: One year
Thabo and Admin Zain had already entered Zain’s personal elevator. Thabo had beforehand changed into clothes that were kept at the lower floor for any workers that were stationed there. Thabo now wore a white shirt, blue pants and a pair of black shoes. He had also used the employees changing facilities; which were located just in-between all the testing stations. Hell seemed to be designed like a massive maze, or at least the lower levels of it were. Much of the space was used as twisting and turning paths for the new entrants to reach their next station. The paths were never straight and were always changing; Thabo assumed this was to create confusion and reduce the possibility of a breakout. This meant that the employees’ offices and facilities were also constantly changing and moving around.
The way the whole system differentiated between who to send were was by marking each persons’ gates and creating an account and ID for them; meaning if you were an employee and you entered the maze signs to direct you to your office would immediately appear but if you were a new entrant signs showing you to your next ‘torture’ station and a path towards it would appear. There was no map for the first floor, known as the floor of tests.
Thabo, now using a guest pass installed temporarily by Admin Zain, would now be treated as a high level worker and given access to walk around as he pleased so long as he committed no violations. After gathering his clothes, he decided not to collect any of his things as those personal belongings such as his gun would be useless were his going. He could now just get better equipment.
Thabo was lost in deep thought ascending the elevator, no matter how much he spread out his [mana sensing] which he had just developed, he could not tell how big even a tiny section of Hell was; all he could find every few kilometers was a ceiling. Showing just how massive each floor was to have a ceiling that stretched between roughly 2-3 kilometers. Thabo new this with his new ability [material sensing] which could directly sense materials Thabo was familiar with but had a range limit and cost a lot of energy and time to analyze the response. The floor or roof of each section was 0.5 kilometers thick and had many circuits, pipes and normal wires running through it; there was also pole like structures that passed through each floor, these were normal supply lines and elevators; the one Thabo was in right now was especially made for administrators and didn’t have any traffic in it.
“We’ve reached floor M-583, Administrators block, section AA-7, main quarters.” A female voice called out.
Thabo was quite surprised at how far they had gone in just under an hour. Since he was using his spiritual senses he had noticed that the elevators speed was insane. It moved and over 500 km/hour constantly and didn’t even move in a straight line. At some point it stopped feeling like an elevator and more like some small super-sonic train, but still provided a smooth and comfortable ride. Another thing Thabo noticed was that there were two power supplies for the elevator; Hells’ circuits and Admin Zain’s own mana. Thabo assumed this was less to save power and more to stop most people from using the elevator without authorization as most wouldn’t be able to meet the mana demands the structure required. More measures to avoid breakouts Thabo thought.
Admin Zain: “Follow me please, we’re going to assign you your name and sort out some other details.”
Thabo followed without responding. Though he was sure no one would attack him at this point he was worried, he may be capable of Legendary class magic, but he had extremely low mana levels, the lowest in fact. Meaning that he could only stretch out his senses about 100 meters before he lost power. The other problem was that he could not maintain Legendary rank energy. It placed too much stress on his soul meaning at rest his energy would be of Intermediate class at best. He could only use his max of 64% level legendary for about 5 minutes before it was converted back to amateur or intermediate.
The Hall that Thabo had just entered was massive, it seemed more like an empty airport extending out for as far as Thabo could see rather than a hall. There were people inside but not that many. The place looked very futuristic. Everything was made out of a material you would normally not use on such a large structure. The floors seemed to be some sort of granite, the windows massive glass slabs that went from the floor to the roof, in fact they seemed more like walls than actual windows and only had a few frames separating them every kilometer. The roof was made of a type of silicon or plastic that illuminated the entire area, it was obvious that lights were embedded within the roof every 100 meters. All this was sealed within a metal frame, which had a strangely white tint.
Outside the windows more buildings could be seen along the horizon, the hall Thabo is in was elevated making most the structures easy to see. The most ominous part of this whole place was that Thabo noticed no sunlight. It was bright everywhere he looked but he saw no signs of a sun even when looking out the window; there were simply bigger lights in the ceiling.
Thabo noticed even more as he walked. There were holographic signs everywhere. They were mostly names of departments and directional to indicate what floor it was or where to find what section. On the ground he saw many work stations set up. They were round table-like discs that floated at a designated point above the ground. More holograms could be seen just over these tables which looked like screens and keyboards. All around people were talking to one another. It seemed some employees were discussing things with people who had just left the lower levels. The employees were all dressed in futuristic suits. They had no buttons and were held together with magic. The fabric was made with what looked like amazingly smooth and stainless material. And name tags with their respective positions were written on their chests. The suits were all black with white shirts and leather-like shoes. Though different color ties could be seen indicating that they worked for different departments.
There was not limit to races either, though Thabo could only tell that people differed mainly in skin and hair color and texture. Some red here some blue there and some scales somewhere in between. Thabo felt to disappointed to check each person’s details as he was expecting tails and horns and maybe long ears. He saw none of that.
Admin Zain: “This is the registering station, it’s for all those who have completed their training to come open their gates and register for a job, well since only silver ranks and above can register here it’s more of a VIP station which most will never see. Mostly children of high rankers use this station; be sure not to offend anyone.”
-Is that so – Thabo thought.
Now that he says so I can tell that the people here are quite well dressed. Most seem like employees but the ones talking to them are probably the kids of high rankers coming here to register for the first time as Zain said. Those guys are dressed in all kinds of ways. I see jeans, leather jackets, animal fur coats, dresses, shirts, military like clothes, dojo uniforms, high heels, sneakers, formal shoes, boots anything and everything you can think of. It’s surprising just how much the culture in Hell is similar to earth, or is it that earth is just similar to Hell? With my life experience I can’t really say for sure.
So all these kids are basically rich kids huh? They seem about my age but maybe a year or two younger. The women are quite beautiful and the men don’t slack behind, but I couldn’t care less what they look like I’m really not here to make friends. What’s interesting is how their souls feel; I stopped extending my soul senses as soon as I got here. When I did it at the entrance everyone looked at me and admin Zain warned me that most people considered it rude; very much like staring at a person and eyeing their belongings. That immediately highlighted a future problem for me. It seems directly using your [mana sensing] on people is way too obvious, I’ll have to come up with more discrete ways of detection later on.
The point here is that everyone is pretty high level. I’m sure most aren’t level one; maybe around their mid-twenties. To top it all off they don’t seem weak either; they are well trained and clearly have some excellent skill. I don’t notice any openings whenever I get close enough to peak at their souls without extending my senses. The whole “no openings” thing just indicates how good a person is at controlling and circulating their energy. It’s one of the most basic checks to see if a person has passed basic training. Like how athletes have excellent blood circulation and oxygen in-take. The mana and ki within the soul of a normal person is kind of all over the place. No good balance no distribution, nothing, just a chaotic mess.
I, on the other hand seem to stick out like a sore thumb here. I am basically wearing the plainest, cheap clothes in this crowd; and I’m sure they can all tell that my gates are sealed as no one would be able to sense any demonic mana in me. I’ll have to get a good explanation of this demonic mana; I’ve been sensing it everywhere but have none myself. The natural mana I’m stuck with is of neutral charge; unlike this demonic mana which has a negative charge.
Admin Zain: “Up here we’re close to where you’ll register. Once your registered that’s when we part ways, you’ll be taught the basics here and there are even classes you can register for since you’ll be granted citizenship here in Hell. Take caution though everything here has a price, and that price is souls. You’ll understand once you start attending classes though. Luckily your debt has been wiped clean and you have even been granted the right to get a paying position once you register. Gold rank is a rare thing very few have ever reached it from just entering Hell after a year you can be proud of that at least.”
Thabo: “A year? No way, I was fighting for two years and I’m sure that I was in the chamber for at least another 7, maybe eight years meditating.”
Admin Zain: “That’s true. That’s because of the time compression on the first floor. This is to help new entrants catch up to the citizens here in Hell. 10 years is the set point for every new person. With a time, compression of 1:10 that means you cover ten years of training in just one. It’s our way of trying to assist new guys. Though most just fail and end up as slaves and living [mana batteries] for Hell. About 1 out of every 1 million guys receive citizenship, and that’s during great years.”
Thabo: “So there are others that you have to take over to sign-up like me? Judging by how people seem to look at you here I’m sure you don’t come down that often. Honestly are you a celebrity or something?”
Admin Zain: “Most don’t see high level people like myself even if they are born into high ranking families with multiple admins or higher level people. As for my ‘escort job’ you’re about a week early. Your group comes out next week, and this is the first time in over 200 years of becoming and admin that I have ever done this. And you’re the first in the last 3.7 thousand years to reach Gold from an entrant.”
Thabo: “That test can’t possibly be that difficult. I’m confident that with the number of people present at least a few hundred would have passed it.”
Admin Zain: “About 4500 out of your 17 billion strong group to be more accurate. Some even came out before you. I think about 2000 of them, but yours was different. Seems you got something in there most never touch. That’s way you’re getting special treatment.”
Thabo: “And what is it that I got that no one else did?”
Admin Zain: “… you should have noticed it waking up by now. I am bound by some rules not to say anything and no one else in your classes will tell you anything factual, your teachers included. So just wait for the call.”
Thabo: “That was strangely cryptic of you Administrator Zain, your usually quite direct.”
Admin Zain: “…”
We reached a station in the middle of the Hall. There were no people going into it, most seemed to avoid it in fact. It was a building, very simple just four concrete walls and a door. It wasn’t that high maybe about two meters. Admin Zain approached the door and pressed his hand against the door. Thabo cringed a little as he saw this remembering the last time such a thing had happened.
Thabo: “Hey. Why am I using some place no one else is? And what’s with the weird security, what are you doing to me you bastard?”
Admin Zain: “Hold your tongue sir Thabo. Though I am bound by contract to treat your rank with respect that changes nothing about our difference in power. I am simply calling for the head of department to handle your placement; I told you your case is rare and you need a little more than simply registering at a station. In the first place you must apply to a school, then pay a number of fees after providing documentation such as place of residence and family name. Right now in Hell do you have any of those? No, fortunately you have a scholarship and citizenship. Well technically you’ll receive a semi-royal family name and rank but I’m not the one who has to do all that he is.”
In another 10 minutes a flash of light and energy suddenly burst inside the room, then the door opened. The room was completely empty spare a man standing in the center. He was a man with dark red skin and a large build. He worn something similar to a blue golf T-shirt, black jeans and formal leather shoes which were even blacker than his pants. His other features were not that strange and seemed like that of a sharp well trained human. He had a thick jaw, large nose, sharp eyes and dark black hair and pupils. His hair cut short and well-trimmed, along with his facial hair which formed a beard on the edges of his face. His arms were large and he stood 2 meters tall. Thabo could tell just on instinct and perception that his man was strong; stronger than admin Zain.
He had his hands in his pocket and stood straight up with great posture. His shoulders were broad and his eyes glaring. What frighten Thabo the most was how he seemed to appear out of nowhere. No matter how much Thabo read he could not find a clue on teleportation. It was not an issue of how much power one has but rather an issue of tools; no one knew the type of energy or event rewriting was necessary for genuine teleportation. The only thing most could think of was destroying your own body then transporting your soul to a new place and reforming your body. This method had many flaws though so it was never used on anyone but slaves and new recruits that kept on dying.
Admin Zain: “General Viktor sir.” Zain did a small bow as a greeting.
So this guy is a general huh? Guess that’s why I feel so pressured by him. Should I greet him politely as well? It feels kind of weird just standing here if even admin Zain is being respectful, but he hasn’t introduced me yet… oh well, be nice to people who could easily kill you that’s my motto.
Thabo bowed respectfully before speaking.
Thabo: “Greetings General.”
General Viktor: “General Viktor Leonardo Zemin Mason. And you are?”
Thabo: “Thabo, just Thabo sir.”
Admin Zain: “He’s the one sir. The new Gold rank.”
General Mason: “Is that so? Boy speak, why are you here?”
Thabo: “To sign up sir. I was told that I need certain resources you could provide, and have come here to request them.”
General Mason: “Like what?”
Thabo: “Knowledge and authorization. I need to know where to go from here and that I am allowed to get there.”
General Mason: “And if I just flat out refused to help you?”
Thabo: “……… With all due respect sir, I am sure you are not the only General in Hell.”
That moment the air seemed to get thicker and the temperature rise. General Mason was clearly pissed off by what he had just heard. Once he had reached his rank everyone bowed before him with respect, admiration and envy. Unlike on the mortal plane you cannot kill a man of high position such as him. He was literally immortal; even if his body was wiped out in a nuclear explosion he would simply reform in Hell in his personal quarters. The position him and those like him held were great and unshakable. He had more wives and lovers than he could count. People would practically beg just for the chance to lick his ass, yet here was this brat straight out of training talking back to him.
General Mason: “Boy do even you know who you’re speaking to? You’ve either lost your sanity or have balls so big they probably clank whenever you walk. Well it’s not like I hate bravery so how about I test your spirit a little.”
Then out of nowhere the Generals spiritual pressure gashes out and swallows the area. The whole Hall for many kilometers was affected by the pressure; most the devices either stopped functioning or went out of control literally short circuiting and some even getting damaged. Spiritual pressure is pure soul strength that affects mana, spiritual energy and even ki alike. It forms a spiritual field that pulls all of that power towards the center or away from it. Even people begin to feel suffocated and some even pass out through the pressure. And at the epicenter of the pressure causing all this commotion, two figures stood standing and only Thabo was on his knees.
General Mason: “Huh? His still conscious? Zain who is this brat!?”
Admin Zain: “I told you sir he is the new Gold rank.”
General Mason: “Seems young; how old is he? 100, 200?”
Admin Zain: “He arrived when he was 20, and now his turned 21 about a month ago.”
General Mason: “BULLSHIT.”
Admin Zain: “You may confirm his status sir, but first your pressure please the employees cannot work.”
General Mason: “Ha! For real then! Ok you rude little brat come with me! You said you want to be strong. Let’s make you a fucking monster then!”
The General removed his pressure and grabbed Thabo’s arm. In an instant he dragged Thabo into the small building and shut the door. With a wave of his hand a small box like object rose from the ground and into the Generals’ right hand. The box was black and very strange. Thabo only noticed that space was being distorted around it and that its shape wasn’t even that clear due to whatever interference its own power was causing. The General picked it up and focused on it. He shot a light into it, said the name of a location out loud and said ‘I confirm’ after a short wait. He then poured mana into it and in a flash they both disappeared. After a short second they both reappeared within another large room. The room was filled with equipment and people looking like scientists. This room was twice as large as a football field. The room was insanely high as well.
General Mason: “Test this little guy and check his status right now! I want every single part of him analyzed! From the tip of his every hair to depths of his asshole! Is that understood! And I want his results now!!”
The scientists were shocked but then began their work as quickly and efficiently as they could; with authorization from the General and Thabo’s own current status, once they plugged him into the machine his seals were quickly removed. After about 2 hours of testing this was what Thabo’s status looked like.
ThaboPersonal detailsLevel = 1Race = HumanAge = 21Main readings/Stats[tr]Soul energy = 100Mana circuit strength = 54Ki path strength = 50Max soul energy purity level = 64 %Spiritual pressure = 356[tr]Mana5400 (100)Ki5000 (100)Sub-Stats (non-soul related)
PhysicalMentalArm strength(bicep, triceps) = 50 kgIQ test = 167Chest strength = 120 kgConcentration time = 4 hrs 55 minPunching speed = 42 km/hrMemory abortion rate = 42 units/hrPunching/striking strength = 39 kgMemory retention rate = 87%Core/abdominal strength = 59 kgDeductive reasoning = 74.6Upper leg strength = 141 kgPhysical science knowledge = University [3]Running speed = 46 km/hrHuman Anatomy knowledge = University [3.5]Endurance rating = 89.65Mental fortitude rating = 93.76Heart rate = 43 bpmChemistry = University [2]Blood pressure = 124/92Psychology = University [1]Oxygen absorption = 8%Mathematics = University [2]Boxing training level = Professional (National)Engineering = University [4]Weight = 70 kgMagic application and theory = University [1]Height = 174 cmMagic History = University [0.5]
SkillsInternal destructionAlchemist = 6.6Chemical property alterationPhysical properties energy sensorSound wave manipulator = 8.9Mana sensor = 7.6Soul wave disturbanceMana cancellation = 6.7Spell disruptionThermodynamic magic = 5.3Pressure magic =4.6Electrical currents magic = 3.1Physical reinforcement martial arts = 7.5*Sensory reinforcement martial arts = 8.2*Chemical bond strengthener = 5.5Chemical bond weakener = 6.7Soul manipulator = 6.1Soul memory = 8.5*Soul breaker = 4.5
Damn these little fucks they got everything. All the skills I've been developing in secrete, Though i must say now that its written down that's a lot isn't it? Well it's kind of my life's work so that much is more ok right? But really this was detailed. The system sure is amazing, I wouldn't be surprised if they said they measured my dick size. I mean i didn't even run in this test where did running speed come from? Huh? Why do they all look so surprised? Hey say something people this is awkward... is it good or bad? Come on you tested me help me out here... respond... Advertisement Previous
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