《I Came, I Ran》Battle Pt. 2


The hunter was holding her arm with her other arm, both of them bleeding far more severely than before. She was surrounded by corpses, but there were still four bandits around her. The fighter was heavily cut all over her body, some of her flesh even sticking out from some parts. But the knight wasn’t in good shape either, as you could see several fist shaped indentations around the plate armor.

The boy, deciding to save the huntress, picked up the axe and threw it at one of the bandits. It hit nobody, and fell in-between their feet. All five people looked to the fast approaching person, and one of them didn’t reach fast enough. The boy, using his spear palm, pierced the throat of one of the bandits.

The other’s reacted quick. The huntress threw her weapon between one of the bandit’s eyes, and dropped to the ground, unconscious. That left the last two, which both swung at him with an overhead strike, aiming to stick their swords in his skull. The boy used his shoulders to block their hands, stopping their attack in its track.

The boy then threw both of their arms away, and kicked one of the bandit’s in the groin. The other, the boy made a spear palm and stabbed into the bandit’s stomach. One of the bandit’s clutched their groin, while the other gasped out in pain. The boy ripped out his arm, and went around the living bandit, who just barely recovered.

The bandit struggled as the boy grabbed around their neck. The tried clawing at the boy face, but the boy just struggled through and snapped it with all the force he could muster. The body dropped, and the boy looked to the stabbed bandit. Having doubts about the bandit’s death, the boy brought up his leg, and stomped down on the bandit’s head, a splat being heard by the boy as he did.

Sighing, the boy looked around and found corpses littering the area, and the fighter still duking it out with the knight. The by went to huntresses' body, and looked signs of life. She was still breathing, which was advantageous for the boy. The boy turned his attention back to fighter and the knight, and saw that both the fighter and the knight were heaving.

The boy sat down near the huntresses' body, and watched what they were going to do next. The boy saw the fighter make the first move, her body glowing as if she was charging up for something. The knight seeing this, made his sword start glowing. The boy watched with wonder in his eyes, wanting to see their attacks.


The fighter made the first move after glowing for a sufficient amount of time. She practically disappeared for a moment before reappearing above and behind the knight's head. She punched it just as the knight swung his sword into her leg. Both strikes struck true, and the knight fell, the fighter dropping on top of him.

‘That was fucking cool.’

The boy got up from the ground, and went to the body of the fighter. She was a shitshow; she was bleeding from several spots all over her, there were bruises everywhere, and the cut on the leg was killing her very fast. The went over to their loot bag, when...

[Congratulations! You have defeated seven opponents or a slightly higher level than you! You have received 245 EXP and now have 870/3000 EXP needed to reach level 3. Good Luck!]

The boy smiled for a bit, before rummaging through and finding some deep red liquids in small vials. The boy reminisced, slightly shuddering before giving two vials each two both the women, and saw both of their bodies shake a bit before the boy saw their wounds started visibly healing.

The boy satisfied, went back to the loot pile and found his amulet and tied it to his foot. It was time to loot all of the corpses.


The day’s passed uneventful, as the boy ate food and organized all the viable loot. Almost all of the knight’s gear had the boy taken of the body, and some other pieces he put on himself to stop being naked. He also took some coins and other things from different bandits, not bothering with the rusty weapons or the extremely dirty clothing. The bodies were a problem, however.

Not only did they start to smell, but they had also started attracting animals. The boy couldn’t figure out what to do them, as burying them would require a lot of work which he wasn’t willing to put in. So, with much time to think, the boy came up with an idea.

The boy looked for what the women used to start the fire that cooked the deer, and found some flint and steel. The boy, pocketing the item, started gathering all of the bandit corpses in one big pile. ‘This is going to smell so fucking bad.’

The boy then remembered to set up a good bonfire foundation before burning the large amount of people, so he set up a foundation out of any and all sticks he found within a kilometer-wide radius. He also broke almost every axe the bandits had chopping down tree’s into pieces, but they were useless anyway.


Finally, the next morning had come, and the pile of bodies would burn well. Before the boy could start the fire, he heard a loud groan coming from behind him. The boy turned around, and saw the fighter slowly getting up from her position on the bed the boy found for her. The boy put away the flint and steel, turning and heading towards her.

She said something in her gargled-up language, but the boy didn’t understand. He asked her: “You okay?” The fighter opened up her eyes, looking to the boy, and the pile of bodies behind him. She looked extremely worried after seeing the bodies, and how they were piled up. The boy upon hearing no response, went back to burn the pile of corpses.

The fighter said something, but the boy, unable to understand the gibberish, kept on going. Using several torches with dried bandit clothing on them, the boy lit all the torches on by one, and throwing them into the small spaces created for oxygen. The boy watched as the fire started, and went to grab all of the packed-up loot.

The fighter looked horrified, the boy snapping her out of her stupor by calling out to her and pointing at the body of the huntress, motioning to lead the way out of the forest. The fighter looked at her partner, looking amazed. ‘She’s probably amazed I didn’t kill her or that bitch.’

The boy stood there, watching the fire develop, when the fighter finally moved, picking up the hunter, and heading out into the forest, the boy following suit.


The boy and his group went for a few day’s in one direction, only stopping to eat the ever-lowering supply of doe meat or to sleep. It didn’t help that the group couldn’t hunt, as the forest fire behind them made all the animals escape or burn alive. But with some prodding from the boy, he found out they were close to some form of settlement. ‘Oh, thank god.’

The huntress, who had woken up by the sixth day, was constantly giving the boy stares, almost like she was looking at a monster. The boy didn’t mind, he just wanted to get to some form of civilization, as being in a group with two nudists that could kill him at any moment was putting him on edge.

Thankfully, the group had reached the supposed civilization the next morning.

And then came all of the possible problems.

The guards, upon seeing the two nudists, stopped the group from entering the settlement. They started to talk in the gibberish, so the boy turned to look to the nudists, whom both sighed and started to talk. After about half-an-hour of this, the guards, tired and slightly angry, let the group through with a few understandable warnings. The boy later cleared it up as just simple laws.

Upon entering, the group separated, the boy going to find what was closest to an adventurer's guild, as he wanted to eat, and he couldn’t do so without money. The search didn’t take long, as the boy just simply looked for a sign that had an image of weaponry on it in a crest like shape.

Upon entering, the boy was surprised to see other races then humans. He saw two humanoids made of a stone-like material, their sizes far greater than his. The boy saw how they were discussing things near a board with different sized paper on it. ‘I guess that’s the board; those are the boulders blocking the board.’

The boy, to pass the time while the rocks blocked his passage, went up to a line with several different people, all looking around as if looking out for something. The boy couldn’t care less, he was just looking at different people around the room.

The boy saw multiple shady individuals looking in his direction Some had dark hoods and cloaks, some had outrageous attire with multiple forms weaponry all over them, and the boy even spotted some shiny objects being twirled around in the shadows. ‘Well, this is a tourists paradise...’

It was finally the boy’s turn at the booth, and the first thing he asked was: “English?” The woman looked at him weird, before making a soundless “Ahh” face, and pointing over to a different booth. The boy said “Thanks,” and headed over to the practically empty booth. There was only the attendant, and the previous person was seen walking away.

The boy walked up, and saw the most superior specimen of a man. A moustache to rival that of any merchant, the shiniest, baldest head the boy had ever seen, and muscles on almost every part of the man’s torso and arms. The boy was speechless for just moment, before recovering, thinking to himself: ‘How the fuck did they hire the God of Strength!?’

“Hello, I am here to make money.” Said the boy.

“WELL, WHAT EXACTLY ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? WE HAVE MOSNTER HUNTING JOBS, DELIVERY JOBS, SUBJUGATION...” The god went on and on, listing off all of the job types. The boy’s ears nearly bled by the end of it, and the told the god to tell him about the jobs that gave the most money.

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