《The Power of Boredom Is Limitless》(Chapter 4) This Damnable City is Too Sensitive


Ian once again, was walking amongst the rooftops at night looking for a new activity "I should do something good for once" Ian decided looking along the street for someone that needed a helping hand.

With Ian's obviously kind intentions he instantly spotted one in need. A little girl was crying while begging the pedestrians for medicine for her sick mother. Ian feeling her honesty decided to help the poor creature.

"Hey kid you said your mothers sick?" Ian asked in a disguised voice with a kind tone

The girl feeling his kind intentions answered in-between sobs 'y-yes she's very sick"

"I can help your mother here" Ian began as he pulled a pill from his inner reality. Yes, due to his cultivation methods Ian himself has an entire reality in his soul. So, he has a LOT of shit inside.

Ian procced to put a hidden formation on the pill so when the effects begin to kick in the words "I hope your mother is feeling better" will appear above her body.

In the girls eyes it look like Ian had made a pill appear out of nowhere and was starting at the pill intently before shifting his gaze to her.

"Here you go, just let your mom swallow this and she will feel a lot better very quickly" Ian said happily while handing the girl the pill. Before turning and disappearing down the street.


The little girl was extremely excited and rushed home faster than she had in her entire life. Clutching the pill to her breast for dear life. After 3 minutes of running she threw open the door to the house and collapsed breathlessly to her mother's side

"M-m-mom I fhsound medishene" The girl was so exhausted and excited her sentences were slurred

The sickly pale mother turned to her daughter and said with a pure smile "Sweetie that's great! Where did you find it?"


"A kind man gave it to me, he was definitely nice so this medicine is safe" The little girl said as she forced the pill to her mother's face

The mother smiled and swallowed the pill, a glowing white light began to radiate from the mother. As the white light intensified the mother excitedly shouted "S-sweetie! The medicine works. I'm feeling bett.." *BANG*

The white light that painted the room was soon replaced with red. The girl kneeling before the bed in shock stared at the exploded remains of her mother on the bed of what remained painted around the room. Suddenly a white light flashed and the words "I hope your mother is feeling better" appeared above her dearest mothers remains.

The little girl did the only thing she could do at that moment. Scream


Ian was still walking when he stopped in his tracks. "Did I give the girl the 1st grade universal healing pill or the 1st grade corpse explosion pill. The both of them look really similar..." His thoughts were cut off by the loud bang in the distance. "Why can't I seem to do anything nice now" Ian thought in a depressed tone as he returned to the castle


The next day a new fuss was raised in the city. A poor woman's body exploding in front of her daughter's face

Once again, the group of men gather with Ian standing there with his ever-stiff awkward smile

"I'm honestly appalled, who could do that to a child and mother!" One man exclaimed

"Yea I know, I still haven't gotten over the brothel burning down and now this!" Another exclaimed

"Ok it was ONE person, it's not like I killed the entire damn royal family. This damnable city is too sensitive" Ian thought in annoyance


"Oh, by the way I heard that the girl screamed something about finding the man who did this and exacting revenge" One of the men suddenly brought up

"I heard about that too. What was the girls name again? Spring baker I think it was" another man added

"Do you guys think there is a psychopath in town?" A man said quietly and suddenly

The entire group quieted down at the end of this sentence

"I mean the brothel burning and this murder happened a bit TOO close together, I'm just hoping it's not the same man"

"Well we will see, I'm heading back to my post" Ian said before turning and walking off. Soon after the rest of the men scattered back to their posts


"Waiting is a pain" Ian groaned in his mind as he did his guard duty, marching along the halls of the castle

"To be honest the roles of knights, soldiers, and guards seem to be a bit mixed up. Guards are just soldiers on guard duty. It's quite odd, usually they are separate jobs" Ian thought curiously

"Well not that it matters anyway, I will just finish up my guard duty" Ian thought lazy

Ian then once again heard voices coming from the wall. And as the curious creature he is, pressed his ear against the wall and focused his attention inside.

"Your highness you must initiate the plan soon, if we wait too long Kin's position on the throne will become absolute!" The hushed voiced whispered

"Patience everything is almost ready just wait!" The light female voice hissed

"Wow my guard duty seems to perfectly align with the conspiracy meet ups. Wait, do they actually have a SCHEDULE like...plot against the king meet up Friday at 7." Ian thought as he removed his ear from the wall. Suppressing an urge to laugh

"I thought these kinds of meetings are supposed to be short and occur unpredictably, I'm beginning to doubt the wisdom of the princess" Ian thought

"I should lend them a hand; poor sods might get executed before they even start if this keeps up" Ian thought with pity as he pulled a sheet of paper from his soul. Using the local mana, he burned these words lightly onto the paper

"You know you really should make these meetings more secretive, I know planning is good and all but making a schedule for daily or bi weekly meet ups will just get all of you killed – Love the man hiding in the closet on the east wall"

Reading over the note again, Ian smiled. Placing a hidden formation on the note he teleported it into the room, placing it on the closet he "supposedly" hid in. The formation would allow the note to appear once the next meeting occurs in that room.

"This should help them out, after all I don't want to know everything. That’s boring" Ian thought happily as he continued down the hallway to finish his duty for the day.

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