《RE: DIVINE》Chapter 5: Platoon Mates
Fallion felt still a bit bewildered. For one he had become the ‘bitch’ of that Duven for a moment. A regular guy made god himself unable to react normally. Fallion chuckled wryly at this notion. ‘Guess I’m just not used to being a god yet’ he thought inwardly, which was true enough. He had just gone from loser human to all mighty god in the span of the last thirteen or so hours. It’d be strange if he acted like a god all of a sudden so soon if it were realistic. ‘People don’t change over the course of a night’ was quote that came to mind. Though he was unsure where he heard it, the memory was hazy and unclear. He frowned and tried harder to remember, but it kept slipping away. He then realized it must have been a ‘personal’ memory, leaving only the quote behind. Before this he didn’t really care that godhood cost him his past, but the lack of placement made him begin to ask questions. The whole ‘who what where when’ ran through, none answerable. He kept the mental problem present as he approached Nerxus, of course not going to tell him his problem.
He he looked over in Fallion’s direction “I guess your over here to say you’re a member of the 33rd as well?”
Fallion nodded once “The Quartermaster said you’d lead me to the tents.”
Nerxus paused before a moment before sighing and standing up “Bit of an inconvenience really but follow me.”
“Why such an inconvenience?” Fallion asked slightly insulted
“I was in the middle of doing something important.”
“And whats so important on the ground that simply helping a new platoon mate is a bother?”
“I was talking to god.”
Fallion frowned, he heard all the prayers the mortals gave, though they weren’t a bother. They were like whispers in his head, some asked for good health, others valor in the coming war, and more asked to just see the next dawn, and a couple asked for a painful death to those that had wronged them. However, Fallion never payed much attention to them. They were just another part of being god and it wasn’t like they intruded on his own thoughts, in fact he could just cut himself from their prayers instead of listening to them always. However, he thought that would be a little inconsiderate if their god didn’t at least hear their desires. “What were you talking to him about?”
“Why should I tell you that? That’s something a bit personal after all, albeit we’ve sparred once but we aren’t close friends or anything.” he looked Fallion up and down, while he did consider Fallion a good sparring partner, that was it. He didn’t know, or care to know anything about him. To Nerxus, Fallion was just another dwarven swordsmen.
“Fine, fine I understand. Well at least lead on.”
Nerxus didn’t reply, instead began quickly walking away, obviously wanting to be rid of such a pointless task. His time was much better spent praying or practicing, not playing Shepard.
Fallion followed closely behind, noting the obvious difference between when a fellow soldier talks to Nerxus versus a commanding officer. Fallion instantly labeled this fellow as a kiss-ass. Why the quick labeling? Fallion was purposely listening for Nerxus’s prayers, which currently involved ‘getting rid of this guy’ and ‘quick advancement in rank so he could have subordinates’. Oh he was gonna ‘advance’ towards something, maybe he’ll curse him with only being able to talk in reverse, or maybe so when ever he talks to a woman, she’ll be instantly disgusted. That’ll show this fucker. Of course Fallion wouldn’t do so, for one that’s beyond petty, and this guy doesn’t know he’s insulting god. Fallion would still get payback, don’t misunderstand, just not with his powers. Fallion began thinking of different petty tricks to use. After all, being petty with powers is stupid. Petty with tricks and traps was creative, definitely not showing a low IQ or anything. Fallion could lay a rope trap so when Nerxus walked over it, he’d be hanging upside down, or he could even put bugs in his pillow, if he had one of course. He could even toss a bucket of cold water on him while praying, now that was a good one. He started laughing silently at all his ingenious ideas at payback. He then realized they were approaching a gate of some sort, putting his revenge on hold for a bit, he decided this might be important. Nerxus led Fallion out the gate to outside the city walls. Then what one could describe a ‘tent city’ laid before him. Rows upon rows of fabric homes sprawled for a couple miles in all directions but behind. Upon some were flags, representing the different platoons main tent. This main tent was also the Platoon leaders tent, it was a lot bigger than the standard tent, which was enough for two people to sleep. The ‘leaders’ tents were easily able to fit all members of a platoon, easily thirty or so members, usually varying between groups. Of course these tents were also where the leaders handed out orders, rations, and the ‘plans’ for battle. Thus the size was somewhat understandable due to its importance as a hub place.
“You remember the symbol of the 33rd, right?” Fallion nodded “See that tent there?” He pointed, to which Fallion noticing the flag, nodded again “Good, guide yourself there, and introduce yourself.”
Nerxus then turned and went back to the training field. Mentally Fallion imagined a huge rock crushing him over and over again until he turned a corner and was out of sight. Fallion then turned to face the tents, and began walking in the direction of the 33rds hub tent he saw from afar.
It was a lengthy walk of about ten minutes before he reached it. He entered the tent to find himself face to face with a taller dwarf with dark red skin. Dwarfs themselves were usually light yellowish in color, red being common for the dark elves, this of course singled the dwarf was of a mixed lineage. The dwarf looked at Fallion for a moment “I take it either your here with orders or a new member of out unit?”
“Recruit, mam.”
She nodded “Good, I’m Borderal Neumien Daros, your platoon leader and I’m short soldiers, glad they hadn’t forgot about my unit.” She motions for Fallion to follow her to a desk in the center of the tent “I was about to grab dinner, but lets get you set up first. Handed me your forms.” Fallion pulled out the conscript paper, and the new piece from the Quartermaster signifying Fallion’s fighting skills were up to par, as well as what equipment was given. “Mhm, well I don’t have any heavily armored fighters besides you now, so I’m glad to have you join.” She set the papers down and pulled out another from a drawer, she mumbled to herself “Now, where to put you.” She looked over what Fallion guessed was a roster for tents. “I’ll have you bunk with Valder, he’s one of our scouts. He’s three tents down that way, he keeps a rabbit mounted outside the tent due to superstition, can’t miss it.”
Fallion nodded and left the tent to search for his new place of respite. He came across it fairly quick, mostly due to the smell of rotting flesh. The ‘rabbit on a stick’ was had clearly died at least a week prior and obvious signs of it being taken down were apparent from the numerous holes in the ground around it. Fallion poked his head into to the tent to be greeted by a surprisingly pleasant aroma. Inside were various flowers, candles and a small stack of paper. Written on the paper was Braun, the native language of the dwarves. All races had their own language, for the orcs and goblins it was Greunvuric, for humans it was Coun. However, around 500 or so years ago a ‘common language’ was made to be taught along the native one. This was to prevent any misunderstandings due to a silly barrier like speaking, which was one of the problems that caused the war that had ended 200 years prior to its inception. Seeing it being written was normal, generally signs and store names were usually in native tongue, with the universal symbols underneath for foreigners to understand. Laying on a cot snoring slightly was a male human sprawled out. Unsure what to do, Fallion stands there a second when the human opens his eyes “You could’ve said hello instead of standing there like an idiot you know.” The man sits up laughing a bit “Ah forgive my rude greeting, names Valder” he puts out a hand “and betting from the insignia on your helm you’re my new roomie, I hope to get along with you comrade.” Fallion shakes the fellows hand who then pulls him into a big bear hug “Sorry, sorry. Forgive that tendency of mine. It’s a traditional to greet those you meet with such an action.” Fallion smiled a bit enjoying this sudden occurrence
“My name is Fallion, I just got assigned.” He paused for a moment “I too hope to get along with you.”
The man gave a big smile in response “Wonderful! New friends in time of battle, such a wondrous thing, don’t you agree? To smile at smile while together you smite all that dare do you harm.” He laughed heartily
“I suppose such a thing can be.”
“Ah well, this over here is your roll.” He pointed to a large folded fur. “Its at least more comfortable than the hard ground and keeps you somewhat warm in the cold, better than nothing, but I’m not one to complain. I find myself to be of a simple sort human.” He noticed Fallion still standing in the tent entryway. “Well come on, sit down and let us talk about each other, after all, it’s is easier to defend a friend than a stranger, eh?”
Fallion grabbed the roll and set it out, sitting upon it “Should I start or you?”
“By all means you, I have already talked a little, and of course shall continue.”
Fallion nodded, sighed, and put together his thoughts “Well, I’m 104 to be 105 in a few months. My family were miners from Krant hills, though they died when I was 56. The walls suddenly caved in, not something I wish to discuss if I’m honest.” This of course was a lie but Fallion didn’t have a way to properly go ‘Hey guys, guess what? I’m god!’ That’d make for a ‘wonderful’ conversation. “I was born in Theros, a town near the hill. Lived there till recently when I wanted to explore the kingdom of man, but obviously I am here now due to the war.”
Valder nodded “Don’t worry, I understand that you don’t want to talk about your past, it’s not unusual, I hope one day however I may prove worthy of your trust as a friend and comrade.” Fallion felt a little guilty from this statement, the man seemed the trustful type as well as friendly. Fallion made up his mind if he felt strong enough about it, having a third person to enjoy the world with would be fun. “Well now, where do I start, hm? Names Valder, as I’ve said. I’m a half-man. My mother was a Sumner Elf, while my father was human. I am currently twenty-six, and hope to live till 202.” He laughed at this, obviously joking around a little “I have three siblings to which I am the oldest by a year to my closest of kin. My father is a member of the electoral council, Councilor Mandals Grue 3rd. I take his last name as well, my first however comes from my great great grandfather on my mothers.” Fallion listened as Valder enthusiastically talked about himself. Fallion enjoyed this mans company, even if he was beyond a chatterbox. Day fell away to night which fell away into dawn. The two now comrades, talked about various things from themselves to which makes a better mount, a Sipr or a Hurgo. A man entered the tent with the mark of the 33rd on his helm “Up and at it, time for training.” He looked over at Fallion “I see the newest recruit is awake, seems he’ll be the first since Paleon to not receive the first day greeting.” Fallion shivered at the mention. He’s read enough books, and witnessed something like that to know it wouldn’t end well for the recipient. “Well no matter, seems I’ll have to give Hadvarr his ten copper later though.”
Valder laughed “Everyone knows Hadvarr will always win a bet, he’s too damn lucky, Tali.”
The man named Tali laughed from behind his helm “Well get yourselves in gear, or for you Fallion, your helm on since it seems you never removed anything.” He paused for a second. “You didn’t sleep in it did you?”
Valder laughed “No, we stayed up talking all night.”
“Ah well, I had hoped not, can’t imagine your weapons would appreciate that, let alone your body. Though I can’t imagine wearing it so long feels to comfortable either.” He coughed a second “Well, moving on, get ready and report inside the Borderals tent, can’t keep the lady waiting can we?”
Chuckling “No my friend, we can’t.” Valder stood up and began putting on his armor. Fallion reached over and grabbed his helm, placing it firmly on his head. Fallion got up and went outside, but decided to wait for Valder to come out as well. After a minute, and a couple gruff noises from inside, Valder trudged out of the tent in his heavy armor, the only other member in the platoon to use it, however he preferred a bow over a blade. “Ah, you waited for me, kind of you to do so. Shall we?” He motioned ahead and the two walked to the tent. Inside was twelve or so others, Nerxus and Borderal Daros included.
After about five or so minutes, no one else came. Considering a normal unit had nearly 30 members, he now understood why she said what she did yesterday regarding not being forgotten. “Well, I’ll take it everyone is here, but for formalities as always, roll call. Tali.”
Instead of a response a gruff ‘humph’ was heard.
Obviously taking it as a response
“I’m here.”
“Here, mam.”
“Here as well.”
A female voice responded “Present.”
“Yup, yup.”
“And our newest member, Fallion.”
“Good, glad you all are here today. We have received orders that we are to begin combat drills today. Today we will be doing Platoon drills, and doing them for the next two months. After that will be full army drills for a month. After that we will receive our first military posts as the ninth army, as long as nothing happens forcing us to come out earlier than expected. Currently we have around 10,000 troops. The end goal is the ninth to have 20,000. Each army is meant to have that same number with 15 armies total. Currently its expected that by next month we will have enough new recruits to at least fill up to the twelfth army. So its no longer ‘social hour’ as it has been the past six months. Our plan today is for me to personally verify your basic combat skills. It’s not that I don’t trust the forms, it’s just that I well, I don’t actually. The trainers are notorious to claim a soldier is combat ready when he isn’t. This is also coupled with the fact that besides Nerxus and Fallion being a newbie, none really have done any weapon practice. So, it’s time to brush off your skills and potentially improve as well. Until I am satisfied with your combat ability, we won’t be doing platoon drills like I am under orders to do so. So unless you want me to be punished, and in turn you, you better hope I’m satisfied quickly. If even one of you doesn’t meet my expectation, all of you will suffer, so you better work together, and do it well.” She then lead everyone outside to the assigned training zone for the 33rd platoon.
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James was in his 30's when his death came suddenly, not that he minded much, as life was seeming to drag on. His story, however, did not end with his death. As a point of fact, it had only just begun. This will be my first work, so please by all means comment with any errors I may have made. Suggestions for the story (which may or may not be used). This is a litrpg and a bit of a power fantasy, so be warned the protagonist will be pretty OP eventually.
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