《Magical Girl Selector》Interlude 2: Plan D


“Please wake up, Master. It is an emergency.” A woman in secretary attire woke up the man.

The man slowly opened his eyes. His body was quite stiff as he had to sleep on the chair for a few hours. The operation room where he slept was still as busy as yesterday, the day after the incident at school. Many unexpected things had occurred, making him have to command his units and arrange measures for any problem that came up. The workload was so immense that beside toilet, he needed to sit here for a whole day.

Seeing the man gradually rose up from the chair, the secretary said “Our plan at the central hospital was discovered by the Animium users 01 to 03. Jerome had engaged in fighting with them, but he was overwhelmed and accidentally spoke your name.”

Surprised by the news, the remaining drowsiness disappeared and Taiga Shindou asked in a stern voice “How long has it happened?”

“Approximately 2 minutes ago.” The secretary replied. “The situation was on the monitor, sir.”

The man shifted his focus on the largest monitor in the room. Not only him, there were also many high ranking staffs in the room watching it. A scene where the fake Jerome was killed then the real Jerome came and activated his ability.

“Endless death reincarnation” was the name of the ability. By letting the opponent see his eyes, the target would experience countless death in a short span amount of time. The shock of the deaths would assault the target’s mentality, in addition to the illusory pain right after the skill duration. If the death experience was long enough, the target would die in reality as the brain accepted the “death” fact and ceased all the function. However, its main use was to erode the opponent mind, let it be susceptible to psychological attacks. With Jerome’s combination “Alluring Aura” and “Kiss of Bond”, he could turn any female into his slave without fail. Jerome Barret was one of his most important brain washers in his plan.

In his story, Jerome Barret was originally an incubus in a fantasy setting. However, different from his peers, he was not slightly interested in following the dream to drown in endless lust. Instead, the drive for his whole life was the ambition to become a noble in the demon society while ruling the human world. Realizing that he was powerless as a lesser demon, Jerome sought a different way to achieve his dream, and that was to become of the human top figure. Using his innate charming talent as an incubus, he disguised as human and used women to work up to the top of the human society. Jerome’s life was basically a disgusting yet intriguing story about man using women in political schemes. His nature was no doubt a bastard to the core, but his cunning mind and scheming ability taught him the basics and uses of beauty trap (one of the thirty six stratagem) and political marriage.

The reason that Taiga placed Jerome in the central hospital was to combat against the three girl Animium users. With full set of abilities of a lady killer, Jerome could by chance turn the three girls into his slaves, thus extending his force a great deal and giving his plan more options to utilize. However, the power of the trio was not to be underestimated, and it was highly possible that the brainwashing would not work on them. In that case, the three girls needed to be eliminated on his road. For that, the incubus had a variety of skills that were specifically targeted at female. With the help of the lich sent along, that would be enough for Jerome to defeat them.


Seeing the girls standing still, Taiga anxiously stared at the monitor to wait for the result. Would the “Endless death reincarnation” succeed and make them susceptible to the brainwashing? Suddenly, a male voice shouted out “Considerable amount of positive Animium energy detected. Location was VIP room 3.”

“Another Animium user?” A man in gray military attire with a beret cap said in surprised voice.

“Transmitting image” The operator changed the image of one screen.

In the new screen, there stood a humanoid machine. It was covered in full white metal armor, with a one horned head pointing forward. The face had some human features like the eyes with green led lights and mouth part with intertwined grooves. The design was like the mechas often seen in the anime. If Lexar saw it, he would shout out “Gundam” immediately, despite the height only slightly above two meters.The machine was making a guard stance, protecting the girl on the bed behind it. Confronting it was the lich that Taiga assigned together with Jerome.

“Looks like the situation was the same with Jerome, the “eggs” were discovered during the process. What is your order, Master? I consider sending reinforcement for them.” The army man turned to Taiga.

“Is the one in that machine Takagi Sugihara?” Taiga asked.

“Judging from the fact the room only had the two siblings, it appeared so.” The army guy replied.

While thinking with the hand on his chin, Jerome painful voice suddenly came from the speaker. White flame rose from his eyes and covered his faces. Meanwhile, the cat that had been staying at the feet of the three girl shone brightly, and his light transmitted to all three girls.

“One more positive animium energy source detected. It is the cat, sir.” The operator reported.

Everyone in the room inhaled a deep cold breath as they heard the finding. Not only two new Animium users appeared, one of them was a cat. Did Animium users become so common today? Only three Animium users were enough to hinder their plan, then the number suddenly became five today. What about tomorrow? Would the number reach above ten? Next month? Next year? Just imagining that scenario made them feel crazy how to handle the situation in the future. Their faces tensed as the two battles occurred before their eyes. The cat evenly matched with Jerome, while Takagi who rode the machine was on a disadvantage at first then gradually pushed back the lich with the weapons he created. The power of the new Animium users was greater than they could have expected. They were even stronger than their commander class fighting units.

“Stop making stupid faces! Have you forgotten how much we prepared for the plan? The day before yesterday was only our first failure.” Taiga reprimanded those in the room immediately “For now, just focus on the monitor.”

“Sir, how about the reinforcement?” The army man who was the only one not discouraged by the appearance of two new Animium users asked.

“No, we will not send any reinforcement. In fact, we will pull out all the troop in the nearby area. I have the feeling that both the lich and Jerome will be defeated. All units shall undergo enhancement starting from today.” Taiga watched the two battles unfolding before his eyes “Call the lich lord and his army back. After confirming the defeat of those two, prepare plan D.”

“You want to destroy the whole hospital, sir?” The secretary asked with a worried voice.

“I have overestimated myself and underestimated the power of new Animium users. They are so strong right from the first day they have the power, while I was so weak at the beginning. I will not allow them to grow any stronger. Our plan will have to proceed at the faster pace than planned.” The man explained while frowning at the monitors “Increase the firepower. I want that place to become dust completely. It is better to be safe than sorry.” He turned his head to the army man.


“Shall we use the Bombers, sir?” The man with beret hat asked.

“Any mean is necessary. We do not have much time left. Hurry before the government notices any abnormality.”

“Affirmative. Relay my order: To all units in central hospital, the operation will switch to plan D.” The army man ordered all the operators to commence the plan.

*Around the central hospital*

Staying the car, the police officer made a big yawn as he was tired for pulling an all nighter. His job was to prevent any reporter from trespassing into the hospitals where the victims of the Hakugawa academy received treatment. The higher up emphasized the importance of this task many times that the pressure on him as well as his colleagues were very stressing. There were more than 30 people trying to sneak in during midnight, making it even busier than the day time.

Suddenly, a loud noise of explosion entered his ear just as he intended to sneakily dozed off for 5 minutes. Rising up from the seat, he opened the door and looked at the direction of the hospital. However, his mind became dull a little bit as he stepped out of the car.

“Huh? Why did I step out of the car?” The police officer scratched his hair in confusion.

“What’s wrong? Did you lose the wallet somewhere?” His colleague asked as he approached near with two cans of coffee in hands.

“Let me remember ....... Uhm ........ Ah yes, the noise. Did you hear a noise from the hospital?” The police officer remembered the reason.

“Noise? Never heard anything like that. It is still early morning. If there is a noise, we will all hear it clearly. Did you kick something while dozing off?” The colleague replied so.

“Must have been my imagination. If the noise was real, you guys would immediately rush to wake me up instead. Anyway, thanks for the coffee.” The officer decided to shrug off as his imagination and received the coffee can.

The two men chatted outside the car, not noticing a presence right above their heads. A humanoid figure donned in a purple robe floated on the air, five meters from the ground. The legs were not visible, either hidden in the robe or not existing in the first place; but there were dried long brown hands. They were not dangling around, but seemed to hold something. One hand clutched together with the index finger pointing out, while one hand with fingers bending ninety degree. However, the most special point about this figure was the head. Shaping like a parabolic antenna, it constantly emitted and received invisible wave.

“Receiving orders. Plan D, phase 1. Creating camouflage for the target.” A female voice came out despite no mouth or speaker present.

The disc on the head reddened with the heat produced from charging energy. With a soundless air blowing, a seven color visible wave shot out from the antenna and expanded in the air. If one could fly above the sky, he would notice that there were many more monsters floating around the hospital parameter, and all of them shot the same seven color waves. As the waves expanded and collided each other, a half sphere barrier formed around the hospital, separating it from the outside world.

*Inside the meeting room in the hospitals*

The room was packed with people. There were males and females, old and young. The common point between them was that they all worked in the hospital. However, the strange thing was that all the men were tied up, while the women stood and hold a syringe each.

“What do you think you are doing, nurse Fukawa?” A man in his 50s said angrily at the nurse who tied him.

“I won’t answer your question, old man. This is an order from Master of Master.” Fukawa said in a monotonous voice as she loaded the syringe with a strange liquid.

“And who is that? You have no right to tie us like this. This is an act violating human right.” The man struggled to break free from the rope.

“Well, it is so sad that such thing no longer means anything. I am already not human, and so will you. Human law will not be applied to us.” Fukawa showed the inhuman yellow eyes to everyone.

The tied men became fearful as all of the women’ eyes became yellow with a diamond shape iris. To them, those eyes seemed to belong monsters with only madness and cold blood.

“W-what are you going to do to us? With those syringes?” A young doctor said while trembling.

“Well, I am itching to find out too. Why don’t we test with you first?” A woman in doctor attire licked her lip and said so.

The syringe violently stabbed the male doctor’s neck without mercy. It was not a medical procedure for using syringe, but rather a killing strike with a knife aiming at the neck. The man screamed painfully as the needle pierced his neck, but that was only the beginning.

Blood veins popped up and exposed clearly on the skin. Red and blue veins expanded rapidly in only a few seconds, and became so large that the people wondered if those veins became muscles instead. His belly swollen then shrank rapidly as the size increased. The same thing occurred all over his body. The face became so distorted that it was so unbearable to see. The meat in the eye holes expanded so much that the eye balls popped out in the process. The man’s scream slowly turned down and became anguish breathing and moan as he transformed.

In ten seconds, a lump of meat that throbbed rhythmically on two legs replaced the young male doctor. Inside that big piece of meat, a yellow light shone then diminished in sync of throbbing. Nobody could believe what happened in front of their eyes, even the women were shocked at the development.

“You, you are all demons! All of you! To think that this is the nature of the nurses and female doctors of the hospital. This world is fucking doomed.” Another man yelled while staring intensely with hatred at the women.

The women shook violently when they heard the man yelling. The chain in their mind broke off and their conscience returned. The women suddenly realized the grave sin of what they were going to do, especially the female doctor who just injected the strange liquid into the man. She cried in great anguish as she realized that she had changed her husband into a monster.

Seeing her state, some women threw the syringes or the bottles with strange liquid on the ground strongly. Glass shattered on the floor and the liquid inside spilled out on the floor. The transparent liquid turned black then evaporated into black smoke.

“So the slave bond considerably weakened with Jerome’s death. Never mind, these females would serve as good “triggers” for master.” A male voice suddenly echoed the whole room.

From thin air, a figure of full black plate armor appeared. He swung his arm high and from it, multiple strings came out and stick to the women.

“Now, finish your job as servants of servant.” The black armor spoke.

All the nurses and female doctors’ bodies moved without their control. Those who broke the syringes prepared another one again.

“No, please, don’t. I don’t want to do this.” A nurse shook her head as her hand touched the cold glass syringes.

“Come, embrace your sin as those who threw away humanity.” The black armor crutched the hand holding the strings connected the women.

As his order was transmitted, the needles pierced the necks of the men one by one and turned all of them into monsters full of meat standing on two legs.

“So these are the bombers the research team developed. Quite a dark hobby that the leader of that team has.” The black armor commented as he looked at new monsters. “Go to your assigned destinations. Fulfill your duties at the moment of signal.” He ordered the monsters with the device he held in hand.

After having all the monsters leave the room, the black armor turned to face the women with the absent minded look on the faces.

"You sinners shall undergo the ritual at the later time. For now, just repent in the prison."

A magic formation appeared and shone brightly below all the women except one. Although they were shocked and afraid of what would happen to them, they remained still in their positions. They could choose to stand up to run away, but decided not to do so. The whole room became engulfed with the light, and remained only two people left: the female doctor and the black armor man.

The loud crying had turned down to quiet weeping as she kept muttering "I am sorry". The black armor kept looking at her, but there was no telling what kind of face he made behind that helmet.

"Good thing that there is a "trigger" available here. Using a long time cultivated "trigger" is too wasteful for a demolition mission. I shall grant you the wish to meet the same fate as your husband." The black armor extended the hand toward the woman's chest. Round iron fingers turned into sharp claws and pierced through her heart.

Finishing modifying her heart, he pulled the hand out and the female doctor stopped breathing. Her body fell on the ground softly. From her heart, a black tree sprouted out and black liquid started oozing out from the roots. From the window, the gray blue sky in early morning changed to a red sky of hell.

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