《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 21: Deduction


Lexar is currently lying on top of the white sheet on top of a bed. His paws are currently playing a round with a warped onigiri, trying to figure out how to open it correctly with his cat limbs. The reason he is doing this is to waste time waiting for Makoto to finish physical examination.

It is already the next day after the incident. After escaping from the red world, Makoto and her friends as well as the Sugihara house were escorted by the polices and medics to the central hospital. This incident was very major that it got reported on all news station, and even world wide. It is a combination of all elements that can make to big news: mass murdering, supernatural phenomenon, biggest arson ever in the history of Tokyo. In the end, only one eighth of the total people inside that academy came out alive, which meant there were more than 800 people not seeing the blue sky anymore. He remembered the news interviewing the family of the victims who did not come out yesterday. So many mothers passed out due the shock of losing their children and the faces of the fathers only showed emptiness.

A sense of guilt arises in his heart as he remembers those faces. Although he already knew beforehand that a major incident going to happen at the academy, it still ended up with the loss of many lives. Even he knew that he was powerless to do anything, Lexar still agonizes how much better things may turn out if he could do more. He wishfully thought that if he had power same as the girls, he could have gone and saved more students, instead of retreating so early. In the next moment, he convinces himself that his job was to accompany the girls and support them. If he had not awaken their inner power, no one may have even exited the place. It was actually the best result possible for him. He knew that it was just escapism, but cannot help finding such excuse very convincing for him.

Finding himself in a loop of self defense and blaming, Lexar decides to throw all those thought away and concentrate on thinking about all the questions he saved up so far. The first question was about that dream. Except the scene where the student jumped down and formed a tree, all the other scenes did not make any sense. The toilets with headless bodies were probably related to how those toilet monsters attacked their preys. The students with their slit mouth could also be associated to those ripped mouth women. And the school set in blaze had relation to that bandage man. A connection between them can be vividly seen, but without witnessing the monsters, no one can ever think that such images can be associated with those monsters. The scene with those slit mouth students is the most confusing. Why were they shown alive? They should be dead like the students in the rest room. Is there any special meaning showing that they are alive? In fact, what did his dream really show? Many questions flood his mind, but he could not find an answer to them. The only thing he found is that his dream can show some hints about what will happen in the future with ambiguous scenes. It seemed like some future reading for fortune tellers: related but not telling directly what will happen.


Just when he starts analyzing the next topic, the door to the room is opened. Hinami, Makoto, and Yuuko enter with patient clothes. It appears that their medical check up is finished.

“Sorry for the wait, Lexar. I guess you must be bored to sit here all day.” Makoto hugs him as she retreats to her bed.

“No, it’s okay. There are a lot of things I need to think after all.” Lexar replies while enjoying being patted.

“So, now we finally have time. Can you tell us what is going? And who are you?” Hinami cuts to the chase.

“There are many things I still don’t understand either. So let us start with my identity first…. You see that I am a cat right now, but that was not what I original be. I was a human before.” The room is filled with shocked voices as he says that. “In fact, a dead human. I had already died before. But for some strange reason, I am now alive with a cat body. You can say that I reincarnated as a cat but still have my memory intact. And you may not believe it. I am not from this world either. The reason I say that is because this world lacks an important event that occurred in my world many years ago.”

“Leaving my old past aside, the reason I came to this world was because of a contract. It was written that your world has a very strange energy. This energy can help materialize human imagination and thought, and have already created another world that is separated from this one. In one year from now on, that created world is going to collide with this world, bringing the monsters from another side and downfall to humanity. And my job is to find people like you girls, awaken their energy to give them power to fight back the monsters and stop the collision of two worlds from happening.“

“You are only making things more confusing to us. We only wanted to know what happened and now suddenly we are involved in the survival of the entire humanity. And there is this whole thing about reincarnation too. Are you sure you did not read too much novel?” Hinami says with denying attitude.

“Why don’t you just accept the fact as it is? What you experienced should be already enough to break your common sense now. Chance to have a power to save the world is not available to everyone, you know.”

“You are taking this too lightly. We are just only high school girls. This is not anime or manga that people our age can take on the task of saving the world so easily.”

“I originally did not want to involve you guys in this fight too. I wanted to give the special power to some responsible and suitable adults, but there was no people with potential to have power beside you girls. Furthermore, you are already involved in this situation. It’s not like you can easily brush off what happened with your school.”


“We have strayed off the conversation a little bit. Can you tell us what happened at Hakugawa academy? Why did such an absurd phenomenon has to occur right at that place?”

Lexar then tells her what he saw from the clairvoyance on the Yoshida guy, from the moment he entered school with black flame on his body to when he confessed what happened with him and jumped down from the rooftop. The three girls listen his story with concentration.

“I have quite a mixed feeling about this. To think that the person who caused such a crazy crime suffered from serious abuse. You may think that I am crazy but if he lied about his suffering, I doubt he would have so much resolution to kill himself. But from the scale of his doing, he is unforgivable.” Hinami comments on Yoshida.

“It’s true that he was deplorable to involve the whole school in his revenge. But still his family lost must have been the trigger to drive him quite insane to commit such an act.” Yuuko also comments.

“…” Makoto remains silent without any comment.

“Makoto?” Yuuko asks her.

“…” Makoto still remains silent.

“You are awfully quiet there.” Yuuko says.

“Sorry, it’s just that there are something intriguing that makes me think about.” Makoto breaks her silence.

“Did you notice something?” Lexar asks her.

“Let me ask you two important questions. First, did you see Yoshida looking at any device or newspaper, or hearing the news about the fire from someone?” Makoto asks him.

“No, he did not get contact with any news media while I was watching him. And his classroom was quiet so there was no one talking about news.” Lexar answers her.

“Second, did he show any hesitation or dumbfound expression when people rejected his accusation of Shindo group committing the arson?” Makoto asks him another question.

“He just only laughed at them with contempt. And his look at that time showed that he was convinced that the Shindo group did the arson.” Lexar answers her.

“Thank you. Now I am sure. That there is another mastermind behind this incident.” Makoto says with conviction.

“!” Everyone gasps at her declaration.

“Wait for me a little bit.” Makoto takes out the phone from the drawer nearby and navigates on it. She then gives the screen for everyone to see “November 30thth 2014. Big arson leading to the death of more than 100 person in Kumamoto prefecture.” The big title on the screen writes.

“Is this the arson that killed Yoshida’s family?” Hinami asks.

“Pay attention to the time of article.” Makoto directs everyone’s attention to the small timeline beneath the title.

“November 30th 2014 5:35 PM. What is about it?” Yuuko asks.

“This is not the first article mentioning the fire. However, this is the first article using the word “arson”. Only starting from this article, there is mention of the police investigation concluding that this was not an accident but a man made crime. The fire started during midnight 11 o’clock and the earliest news about it was about 1AM. Several reports came later not until after 5AM. All of them only mentioned that the fire suddenly started and the cause of it was unknown, in progress of investigation. The time Yoshida committed suicide was about 12PM, our lunch time. Taking into account of his behaviour when Lexar first observed him, Yoshida confirmed that the death of his family was caused by arson by the Shindo group just in the morning, before the police concluded that the fire was caused by arson.” Makoto gives out her finding.

“I still don’t get what you are trying to say. But about him knowing the death of his family caused by Shindo group, is it also possible that Yoshida assumed that the Shindou group did so because how they have abused him so far and he associated all of his mishap to them?” Hinami says.

“True , there is also that possibility. But for now, let us assume that he did not think so. Here is one important question: who informed him about the big fire?” Makoto asks everyone.

“He probably heard it from the news on TV or the internet?” Yuuko answers.

“Would someone who had been bullied so long watch the news on TV or internet daily?” Makoto asks back. “And from what I heard from the gossiping, Yoshida lived in Tokyo alone without any relative. So the possibility of him coincidentally watching the news with someone else is none.”

“His relatives?” Hinami asks.

“If they did inform him, Yoshida would be asked to come back home immediately. But here, he went to school, convinced that the Shindou group killed his parents. His family or relatives should not be aware of his relationship with his bully. Or else, they would have not allowed him to stay in Tokyo for so long.”

“His friends?” Lexar gives his input.

“Probably but it was a small possibility. He was isolated from his friends. I doubt that there would be anyone calling for him right in the morning before school.” Makoto denies.

“Then who are you referring?” Hinami asks.

“The one who told him that by offering his body to “god”, the world would be cleansed.”

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