《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 7: The resistance of students


*On the rooftop*

"What in the world just happened?" A student tries to raise his voice asking

"I don't know. Yoshida jumped just now and before I realize it, the sky is already in red" Another student replies

"Is this punishment from god? Yoshida says that he is offering his body to god." A dubious student voices out his thought.

"That's bullshit! Are you saying that it is right for us to be purged because of supporting Shindou Kazama? If god is real, he knows better what is real and what is bullshit." A tall male student shout.

"Then how are you going to explain how the sky changed? Are you going to tell me this can be done by human science?" A girl talks back the shouting guy.

Sound of argument can be heard in the student body. The teachers at the scene try to calm them down but get involved instead. The confusion further spreads and the scene has become a chaos.

The sound is abruptly cut off as a flash occurs before everyone's eyes. Inside their head, they see a vision of this school: A toilet with headless bodies, a classroom where everyone has their mouths sealed by needles, and a school lit in fire. It feels like an eternal to them but only takes a few second in reality. Some of them faint on the spot while the majority have a pale face. All the sudden, the rooftop becomes quiet with only the wind breezing.

A strange bubbling sound transmits in the air, breaking the silence. All the heads turn toward the origin of the sound and witness a strange phenomenon.

Dark liquid bubbles float in the air and expand themselves into humanoid shapes. The dark color slowly fades out, and gets replaced by other colors. A few seconds later, standing in place of the bubbles is many women.

Even modestly dressed, all of them look like beauties that can attract both male and female attention, if not for the facemask and big pair of scissors in hand. Surrounding them, white toilets are floating on the sky. They make a lot of rustle sounds as the seats and covers hit each other. When the seats are open, the toilets expose lines of sharp canines, and a loud roar echoes the whole rooftop.

Like a signal, the student and teacher group are thrown in total chaos. All of them try to retreat back to the stair but the door is too small for them.

Not missing the chance, the toilet monsters charge toward the crowd with the mouths open aiming at the heads.


Mixed sounds of meat torn off enter everyone's ears. The students and teachers at the back either have their heads smashed or biten off from the body by the monsters.

"Kyaaaahh!!" The female students scream in response to the gruelsome scene.

However, before the scream can last any longer, several sharp objects are thrown in the air, piercing the origins of the sound. It is the act of the masked women throwing their weapons at the students.

Realizing how hopeless the situation is, some brave male students muster their courage and charge at the women. Their aim is to steal their weapons and defend themselves. But such naive resistance is futile.

The toilet monsters move in front of the women, defending them. The students try to slip through the guard, but that only hastens their death. Each toilet aims at one student carefully, then suddenly accelerates, ramming at the running students. The result is predictable as the students are knocked away with broken bones.


Under Yoshida’s sacrifice, the rooftop has now become the graveyard for the students.

*On a certain hallway*

The three students who bullied Yoshida were running for their life. Because they all took some time to recover from the knockout, they arrived at rooftop later than everyone else but that’s what saved them. They were able to escape quickly without being blocked by other escapees. As they run, fear fills in their mind as they try to understand what happened. Yoshida death has summoned those monsters and they are no doubt the targets. They really regretted joining hand in this deal, regretted being blinded by money and influence of Shindou Kazama.

Maybe because their mind is not working right, they all hit a big black shadow standing in front of them and fall on the ground.

“F*ck you, where are …” The thug tries to shout at the blocker but his word does not come out as he looks clearly at the figure before him.

A 2 meter builds with traditional Japanese black uniform appears before his eyes. The whole head is covered with bandage soaked with blood and only a cold eye with killing intent is exposed.

The trio crawl back away and their faces become white as sheet when they see what the big figure is holding. It is a head of a student named Shindou Kazama, which is still dripping blood on the ground. While the other hand is holding a machete. That’s enough to tell them what happened.

The giant starts walking at them but the three thugs stay frozen still. Perhaps, they have surrendered their fate. The hand holding machete rises up in the air and swings down with a swoosh.

*In a school yard*

Lexar is running on all four feet toward the spot where Yoshida fell. His eyes are heterochromia with his left normal eye and right "Clairvoyance" eye. He is currently checking the whole school situation while looking at the road in front of him. This development is much worse than the nightmare. Corpses and screams fill the whole school. Monsters unknown to him and people with weapons are killing the students indiscriminately. Luckily, he did not find any corpses look like Makoto but that does not relieve his worry much.

Upon reaching the place where Yoshida fell, his body was nowhere to be found, but there is a black tree instead. The tree is eerie enough like it comes out from a horror movie. The feeling it gives is the same as the dark flame in Yoshida’s heart, full of corruption, malice and disgust. His instinct keeps telling him to get away as far as possible but he withstands that. He wants to observe the tree and its change, hoping to find any useful information.

Black liquid starts oozing out from its root and floods the whole area. Like having its own consciousness, the liquid flows toward the school wall and runs along it. He can imagine the scene where the school will be isolated from the outside by a moat, filled with that liquid. Because the tree notices his presence. black bubbles float in the air and take form of the toilet monsters.

(How much grudge must he have with the school toilets to have so many monsters in that form?) Lexar gives his honest assessment.

Understanding that he cannot stand here anymore, the cat quickly escapes the site and moves to the school building, with the objective finding his owner. Screams are still echoing as the students run for their life. Due to the chaos, no one notices the presence of a cat running through their legs. The smell of blood is thicker as he goes deeper. So many students have fallen victim to the massacre. His feet move faster as his right eye is looking for Makoto.


Makoto and some other students are making barricade with desks and chairs, leaving only a small space for one person to pass through. All of them are holding weapons in hands: from mop, chair, to fire axe, sledge hammer, wooden sword. The group look like survivors from a zombie apocalypse movie. Four persons are putting their hands on the desk, ready to seal off the entry at any time. Although he doesn’t think their action is going to be useful, it is still praise worthy. Instead of worrying about themselves, they decide to hold off the monsters for everyone else to run away. There is fear and anxiety showing on their face but he can feel the determination. Furthermore, inside their hearts, the light balls are shining brighter than ever. Hope is still not lost in their eyes yet.

“Lexar! Why are you here?” Makoto notices the cat coming and asks in a surprised voice.

“Makoto, is he your cat?” Hinami Mashima asks her.

“Ah, yes. That’s right. He is my cat. I accidentally brought him together this morning and left him in the garden. I have no idea how he is here.” She answers the student while approaching me.

To his surprise, the girl next to her has the potential to awaken her inner power. Not only that, there is also another girl standing guard the blockage with wooden sword in hand. Up until now, he has met only three people with potential and they are all young girls. He cannot help but think that this is similar to the development in magical girl anime.

Even so, the cat does not forget to act like a pet. He rushes to Makoto side and rubs on her legs, expressing his happiness and worry.

“Good cat. I can tell that he has been searching for you.” Kurosawa Yuuko expresses her opinion with a nod.

“There, there. Good boy. It is all alright now. Thank you for coming to me. I am really happy.” Makoto hugs the cat in arm dearly while comforting him.

“So this is your famous cat, huh. Even though he is a cat, he has a lot of good qualities of a dog. I am now jealous of you having a pet that knows to come to his owner in time of danger.” Hinami lightly teases Makoto.

“Remember that he is mine alone. I am not going to give you.” Makoto sticks out her tongue while declaring her property.

The atmosphere becomes relaxed at the arrival of the cat. The students gather around Makoto with admiration and try to touch the cat. Although it is expected that people will become agitated and mean in the time of crisis, the students here are different. Not only their courage, their attitude and determination make them special from those running students. They can relax when time allows them to. They are not staying here to sacrifice for the other but to fight back against danger with determination and confidence to survive through.

“Enemy incoming. Please block the entry.” Yuuko interrupts the gathering with a warning.

“So they finally come. Everyone, please proceed as planned. We will survive through this.” Hinami acting as a leader gives command to everyone.

With the gap filled, the barricade is now completed with 3 stacks of desks and chairs, blocking the entire hall. Makoto puts Lexar down and gets back to her position. She takes out a bunch of strings and warps them around the hand. Following the lines, those strings are connected to both sides of the barricade. For the other students, beside weapons, they also hold many things that are not considered as weapons at all: white bags, hand shovels, lighters, spray bottles and sparkers. Looking at them, Lexar makes a smile because he understands the reason behind their confidence.

A loud smashing sound occurs. The students become tense and back away from the barricade several meters. The stacks are more sturdier than they looks as they only flinch a little. The monsters are also surprised at the defense too that they stop for a moment. The next instant, several monsters slam the other side at once. The stacks are now shaken heavily as some chairs seem to fall down any time soon. “Ready!” Hinami raises her voice as signal.

The loud thud sound keeps vibrating the hallway as the chairs start to fall down one by one. Finally, when they can see the other side, the monsters are ready to give their final ram.

“Now!” The order comes out. Some students carrying the white bag use the hand shovel to scoop the flour inside and throw it toward the empty air between them and the barricade. A loud crash sound comes as the toilets break through the defense and charge at the white air with vigor.

“Makoto!” Hinami calls out.

The person answers by pulling the strings in hand. The intact sides of the barricade crumble and the chairs fall down on the monsters, burying them beneath. The toilets are hit hard and struggle to get up while roaring.

The leader, Hinami, still keeps a straight face and lights the match. With the fire lit, she throws it at the mess in front. “Get down!” Her order comes and the students all lie down on the floor. After that, a deafening explosion occurs. The dark red corridor is now bright red and heat wind blows. Several explosions start blowing up like a chain. A few second feels like an eternity as the blasting sound is ringing in the student ears.

The explosion finally comes to a stop and sound of flame burning fills the place. Lexar timidly move his head out of the cover. The white wall now is scorched black with small flames burning. The remains of the barricade are all over the place in pieces. But more importantly, the toilets all fell on the ground with holes on the body. They moan in pain a while then dissolve into black bubble and vanish in the air. The cat just stays there and be in awe of the scene.

(Are high school students in this world that capable?) This is his honest thought.

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