《In an RPG World》Chapter 2.7 (old)
"Until we meet again, Rikku-sam..." as I gave Rogers a little glare. "I mean, Rikku-kun," he corrected as he put a fist to his heart.
"Likewise, Roge-san," and I gave him a half bow as my escort trotted off down the street. "And goodbye to you too, Rhoady! Many thanks and best wishes." Rogers turned back to return my wave as his raptor called out in its pitch. They had just delivered me back to the entrance gate to the Explorers Guild after a successful first day of 'questing'.
The sun was nearly set and the sky was darkening. It was a beautiful skyline from below with still many a cloud seen in the air. However, I could not make out if this world had a moon or not due to it. But there had to be one (atleast) because I heard terms like "moon's turn". There was also something called a 'red star' that could be visible at night. These were things I have to figure out in this new world, including telling time. Because all I knew, right now, was this day was into an hour of early evening.
Soon, Rogers and his mount rounded a corner and were out of my view. I ended up giving him 25 silver dollars in all for the journey. I figured it was better too give too much than the required taxi amount owed; plus Rogers was such a good fellow that I found such a tip was worth the added comfort he gave me and was hoping such a generous tip would pay dividends for future services. Of course, he tried to accept only 5 of the coins, saying this level of generosity offered was too much. But I managed to convince him to take it on the grounds that he was sharing in but a portion of the tips I was given from the places he ferried me to. Which was true, between the 92 dollars from the Lord Burg and the 10 from the two alchemists. I still had over 75 silver dollars remaining outside the payments to be received from the three guild requests I finished.
The madam of the Verde House also tried to give me a 'tip', but I had to adamantly refuse it. Again and again. It was made worse when various belles, including young Melani, started begging me to use it towards their purchase. In fact - the only way they even allowed me to leave was by Rubina extracting a promise that I would return at their behest so one of her girls could better convince me to take them. I felt really guilty about that coming date.
It was doubly so because the Lord Burg extracted a similar promise from me. Though in his case, atleast I didn't have half-naked women trying to grope me throughout the process of leaving his estate. Tomas wanted me to put me up for the rest of the day and throw me a fancy dinner party as way of a "thank you" but settled for having it postponed to a later date, when I had more free time.
For someone who was always a bit of a wallflower, today was a rather hectic and stressful experience. But at the same time, it felt like my soul had been revitalized by those three impressions. Like I had actually accomplished something of merit that was 'real'.
I was still standing at the outer gate and started to double-check that I had everything in order. My Curved Rod and Oaken Wand were inside my ring's storage, then used it to take the three guild papers back out. I checked the backs of each paper to confirm the proof was still on each page: seven signatures and the Burg's stamp on the first request, three signatures including a written note by one of the alchemists on the second, and another stamp and two signatures on the latest done.
I also figured out how to check my own character and class settings during the day's voyage. All I had to do to check my own status and equipment was to say "[Character Panel]" which would bring up a full windowed view of myself without the use of [Scan]. And I could check on my classes and skill trees in much the same way by saying "[Class Settings]". [Game Menu] still did nothing, but I felt a strange click with [World]... yet all it showed was a single window of my Tutorial experience. Perhaps the latter does works as some sort of journal mechanic, but none of my experiences today got registered save for a map overview with the points of interest I had visited. It got me thinking more detailed 'entries' into this tab might be tied into specific events like Dungeons, well if they even exist in this world setting.
I had a few stray thoughts of trying out [Phoenix Heart] again - a reset to repeat and endure that last quest was both a terrifying and tantalizing prospect - but decided against it for now. I really wasn't in the mood for another heart attack. Plus, I generally felt safe at the moment, so the thought of a 'redo' was long from my mind. If the self-resurrection even works that is or if even tied to a 'save point' feature.
Deciding everything was in the clear, I made my through the outer gate and up to the entrance. There were only two guards now, both different from the ones in the morning hour, which makes sense seeing there would be shifts for jobs like these. I just showed my papers to one of them as I made my way to pass them, and the one guard nodded in return. I could already hear more noise coming from the guildhall before even entering it in this evening hour.
Inside was a scene that could be described as how a popular restaurant looked when it was jam-packed. It was standing room only and every station in its reception area had a pack of people in it. The noise that could be heard from the outside was inaudible in its walls. Thankfully it was not a sea of people, so I could still easily move around to the back setting.
As I made my way to the back counter, I could tell there was a queue this time around, but only of two with four hostesses tending to customers. I nodded to the last in line as he must have heard me coming and turned his head by way of greeting. I could see that Genifer was still behind the counter. Man she has a long work day or perhaps she had a long break before the evening hour. The guy who noticed me come up, took a long look at me, probably gauging what I am in line for, and said lightly-
"Busy day there?" He was about my height but looked to be a gruffy built warrior in comparison. He wore a leather harness and carried what looked to be an Explorer Pack, although his was shaped like a backpack. I wasn't going to bother using [Scan] here with so many people about who might have some kind of Sense Magic ability, but it was likely so. He also had a shortsword strapped to it and a curved blade on a hip strap. The one on his person looked like those boomerang machetes.
"Yessir," I nodded again to him as I kinda relaxed in my standing position. "Just finished, actually," I added, though made no attempt to explain further. It seemed the man was curious to know more, as his eyes were on my papers for a time, but he dismissed it as an non-starter and put his attention back on the cute receptionists.
About ten minutes later, I was first in the queue which had grown by three since I got here. Mentally, I had been going over my next steps in this new world. After this turn-in, I should have enough money to afford a decent roof over my head and for a good number of months. I'll have to ask one of the receptionists to recommend a suitable lodging, but that should be easy enough to do since they already know I'm new to town. I'll probably have to take up more jobs as well since I don't think some odd 330 silver dollars will be enough funds for a single year. But I should be able to manage if I can find another 10 guild requests similar to today's work.
The problem was running into an unforeseen problem a month or two from now. My most immediate concerns were if there was national registry and the issue of taxes. Were those things here in the Vale or in the surrounding region. I got everyone assuming I'm from this Azora place, but I won't be able to maintain that facade indefinitely. Best case scenario was this Vale was a true frontier town that did not deal with such matters like in those Wild Wild West movies. But I could not be ascertain even if that scenario was the case. It was a tricky matter for someone fresh in this world from another.
Then there is the issue with my literacy. I could not read nor write in those squiggly characters. But learning this will take time, which is a luxury I currently don't have since I just got dumped in this new world. Best case scenario here would be to find a [translation] spell of some sort, or enchanted glasses that helps its user read in their own words. That was a thing in some animes I watched, hopefully it is here too. Though I expect those kinds of items would be somewhat expensive, so it falls past priority #1 which is earning funds.
And if those don't exist, I suppose I could always go back to the Verde House and purchase the rights to one of those belles. Although that thought makes my head spin, Rubina did say each of her girls were well-spoken, literate, and trained to manage a household in their lord's stead. An image of that little siren welcoming me home in the naked apron flashed in my inner eye, making me feel more guilty than I already was. I could feel my body groan as I closed my eyes to clear my mind.
The last item on my list was using my newfound power in the classic grind to level up. I was told the Knights handled most of the monster subjugations here in the Vale, but supposedly there was a large region in the north where nothing but monsters dwell. The thought of live combat was scary enough but if I could advance my own personal strength, then it could open more options for me going foward. I was hoping I could up my class level through the use of my magic in everyday life but looking at my EXP bar, I've barely gained any experience at all. I'm still less than half to lv.21.
This was another reason I wanted to delay in using [Phoenix Heart] again. On the off chance that it works into porting me back to the same spot I arrived to in this new world, I could use this 'life' as a field test to gauge out my new setting. Still, I want to avoid losing said 'life' in the first place, because there was no guarantee in me coming back. But if it works as a self-resurrection skill only after death, I would atleast have a method to comeback, although the particulars of that cannot be known.
After mulling over my potential doom, it looks like my turn came up, and I walked over to the receptionist. Thankfully I got Genifer again who gave me these requests so I should not have much of a bother turning them in here. We were both smiling at each other as I made my approach-
"Here you are, Genifer-san," as I neatly placed the three papers on the counter. "Three quests completed," and gave her what I hoped looked like a cool thumbs up gesture. I didn't get the response I was hoping for though as the cute redhead's smile disappeared in an instant and was looking at me like I said something stupid again-
"Come again?" Her voice was very low as if not hearing anything I had just said.
"Gomen," and bowed my head. "These were those guild requests you handed to me this morning. I've come back because... I completed them." I flipped them over to show they had signatures on the back. The hostess began to take a look at each one, with her gaze not moving from the paper that was the farmhands. I guess she was reading the squiggly paragraph that alchemist wrote. Then she double-checked the other two, her face flinching all the while. After a long minute, she turned them back over, neatly stacked them, and looked up at me to say-
"Seriously?" Her cheeks were almost red now. Even her forehead was flaring up.
All I could do was nod to her and say, "I'm sorry. D-Did I do them too fast?" I said that last sentence in a near whisper. I was thinking I broke some hidden protocol here. She did say something about it taking me a week - did that mean I had a week to finish, or 'that' was how many days I was suppose to work on each task as some able business standard. It was looking like the latter with the way Genifer was acting now.
"R-Rikku-san... no -sama." Genifer was completely flustered now. Then the strangest thing happened - her mouth started to move but no words were coming out. She stopped soon after as if waiting for my response.
This was awkward. "Umm... I don't...," how do I answer her here? I settled on misleading honesty, "Forgive me for saying this, Genifer-san. But I didn't catch what you just said. Can you repeat, your question, please?"
I could tell Genifer was either aware of her lack of voice now or... I came off as a bigger dunce. But she shook her head and exclaimed in her best authoritative voice for me to please wait in the guildhall-
"I need you to meet the Guildmaster." And she rushed off, grabbing one of the Message Stones from its ornament setting and rounded a corner in the back. Uh oh! I recognize that expression Genifer was wearing. Seems it wasn't any of those two options I was fretting about.
I just overdid it.
Listening to this bumbling fool drawl on and on about the rates of my guild's services was pressing thin. How long has it been already? I looked at the old clock gizmo on the back wall, its funny gears showing me almost an hour had passed since this merchant lord entered this private stateroom.
A friggen hour, on this same topic. How many times does he have to hear, "The guild does not control each Explorer's rates. We only provide the avenues where they converge." Of course, I've explained it all out six or seven times already, but I guess he doesn't not want to hear that my guild does not act as the de facto Emperor over its members.
Why am I even bothering with this guy, again? Oh yeah, because his farmhouses control most of the grains in this southern frontier. The chubby man who was currently talking at me has been lately trying to recruit the guild Explorers to help expand his business horizon to locations normal trade routes would be unable to reach. Problem was, their service fees were too high in his opinion and wanted me, the Guildmaster, to force them to work for a set (and lowered) wage.
Which I keep explaining again, "Dorrance-san. Again, those are the house rules. We don't dictate their service fees, otherwise they'll just leave for another guild or work on their own dime." This was to answer why the guild has not setup a system by now that regulates their [Field Walk] transport ability.
The fool doesn't yet realize - WE are the system. But trying to explain the particulars to this guy is like talking to a stone wall.
The Explorer class was rather unique, because it was one that could be self obtained in the world and held a tremendously useful ability gained at its 10th level, the [Field Walk]. Technically, you only need 10 levels in Villager to unlock the class as the Explorer was its own base class. Granted, cadets still had to go through long sessions of endurance training to obtain the Hiker bonus, but still it was a class that could be relatively easy to obtain on its own and without the use of a Temple artifact. And most Explorers just get its first 10 levels, learn the desired ability, and use a Temple's services to class change anyways. Although that latter option was quite expensive.
However, even with its higher accessibility, only one in some 200 people have the Explorer class. This was due to folks unintentionally gaining a starter class through their daily life. And not everyone could afford to use the Temple's service fees anyways.
The Explorers Guild among all its continental branches barely had a thousand registered with the Explorer class, but it was the most among any guild known. This was due to the flexibility the class offers, giving its users an independence where no other profession class could reach.
However, 500 years ago, a happy medium was reached in the guild system. Those with Explorer would still be bound to follow house code as employees, save for their transport fee that was given unto their own discretion. This allowed the Explorers Guild to take root, an avenue or crossroads for those with the Explorer to take on a collection of tasks in a timely manner. This in turn lowered their overall rates on travel by creating a competitive marketplace.
And now this chubby man wants to do away with the system that IS the foundation to our guild. It would be offensive if he weren't so ignorant to the topic at hand. I just sighed for the umpteenth in this hour.
Someone, save me please.
My prayer was answered soon after I began thinking of an excuse to abruptly end Dorrance's revisted topic of "discounted services when bundled". My only niece came bursting through the door holding three papers I recognized as guild requests. She looked a darling girl dressed in that button up dress with sash and bow, but was a Squire talented enough to take up a martial class in a couple years. She kicked up quite a sound as my guest immediately stopped his pestering and turned sharply to it.
"Jiji..." she started before immediately going into a half-bow upon seeing the landlord still occupying his seat. "Please forgive this intrusion, Guildmaster, Dorrance-sama. But, this is important," she stressed. The look on her face was one I recognized to be so.
"It's okay, Genifer," as I stood up to greet her. "We were just finishing up here." Dorrance didn't look much obliged with the dismissal, but he got over an hour of my time already.
"As always... a pleasure, Dorrance-san." I held my hand out as a polite farewell. It was briefly gripped by the chubby gent as he stood and made his way to leave. About two steps though, he turned back around and asked for another meeting to further our discussions along, to which I replied-
"Please, settle on a date with one of my receptionists... in the display," I cut in, noticing his beady eyes turning to my niece to demand a time. I think Dorrance finally figured he wasn't going to get much more out of me this evening, he let out a visible huff, gave me a curt nod then walked out the room. Finally... as the door creaked shut behind him.
I noticed Genifer was about to continue with her report, but I had to get this out first, "Do make sure I am 'busy' on that date, will you." I said this to her in a very low tone with no hint of sarcasm, my finger even pointed up near my mouth in signal. She nodded her cute head, and I motioned for her to approach as I once again took my seat.
I could already tell what my niece was going to tell me had her alarmed. It was her clear from her posture that 'something' spooked her, and she was never a girl that got easily flustered. I was already intrigued at this prospect, while hoping nothing too bad happened with one of the members.
Genifer did not even bother with one of the two seats before my desk and strode right up to my side to lay the three papers down. I took and read each one. First request was about a couple farmhands who got sick from that mandrake spawn a week back. I glanced at the back of this sheet to read a couple signatures and a voucher by an alchemist named Winston Barney for proof of completion. That latter was odd as this paper could also be used as a token to receive discounts at the Apothecary.
The second paper was about curing Lord Burg's son of his blindness. A terrible thing that happened to that poor boy. I almost did a double take when reading its back though. It had seven signatures and a stamp of the Burg family crest. Why would the lord mark such a throwaway?
The last paper was the madam of the Verde House wanting one of her young maidens cured of boils. Again, the back of this paper bore a seal with a couple signatures. From the looks of it, all were completed, and so I turned back to Genifer who still wore a shaken expression.
"This is great. I'm happy for the Burgs." It was the truth. Those landlords were never one to place many demands on the guilds. "Should be easy enough to confirm and receive payments, no?"
"-iie, jiji." Her voice was vexxed as if I didn't understand what I just read. "All of these... were done today," as Genifer picked up all three papers and whiffed them around like a little kid. This captured my full attention. A strange sensation was settling into my gut.
"All? Today?" My voice was rough, but I needed confirmation.
"Yes, uncle." This threw me in a loop. It felt like the world was spinning around me. My hand already slapped my head, a movement I don't even remember doing, as I tried to make sense of ALL this.
My next question was, "Has any of this been, really confirmed?" My voice was still hoarse in its asking.
"Aye, jiji. I used the Message Stone to contact the clients." Here my niece balanced herself by kneeling against my seat. "The Burg's steward and Madam Rubina-dono both gave confirmation." I noticed her eyes rolled after she mentioned the madam, but she went on, "I couldn't get in contact with anyone from Welltree, but I did make a call to the Apothecary, and the Lady Friar confirmed two of her alchemists were aided in saving that harvest. She even said all our guild purchases will receive a 40% discount for the rest of the year."
"That's great," I instantly replied, thinking how much money can be saved there, then bit my lip and shook my head to the complete abnormality of the situation at hand. My next question was the most important though-
"Who?" There wasn't anyone in the guild who was that talented, was there?
"His name is R-Rikku. A wizard from Azora. He just joined t-today." My niece's voice started to titter on the edge of a breakdown. Her eyes were wide as she looked up at me from her position, "D-Do you think, he c-can..."
"We don't know 'that' yet," I forestalled her question, knowing what she was about to ask. Best not get our hopes too high here. But there was a bit of excitement in the air as I took Genifer's hands with my own, trying to give her some assurance. To give us assurance.
"Where is he, now?" I got up from my seat with my niece's hands still in my own. We had to prepare to receive him as I looked about the stateroom looking for anything untidy to be fixed up. Atleast one good thing came from Dorrance's visit, as the staff already made sure everything was clean and in its place.
"I asked him to wait in the guildhall. I-I knew you would want to meet him... so, w-what should I do?" Genifer was almost in tears, but I cupped her chin to say-
"Do not say anything more than what is necessary and proper." This was spoken more as an order as I told her next, "And his guild registration?"
My niece turned to my desk and shuffled a couple stacks around to pull out a specific paper to hand back to me. I began to read his fill out, noticing first it was in Genifer's pen hand. Second was his class.
"Adept Mage?" This got a shrug in return with Genifer saying-
"...a Magic Support class, he said." Must be a variant class of Priest then, or a rank-up only the Azorans know about.
After my niece rearranged the guest setting so a single chair would be facing the desk proper, she righted her posture to know if anything else should be done.
"I think, we're ready," I puffed out. The only thing remaining was the little tea set on the side table for the previous guest. She went to clear it up when I told her to the leave it with the spare cup and saucer-
"Just tell Moni to prepare a fresh pot for our guest, if she's not too busy in the back." Genifer nodded to my last command as she made her way to leave with the used cup and saucer, also leaving the door slightly cracked when she exited the room. This was so I could better hear their coming and create a more inviting atmosphere.
I made one last look around the room to find any fault before sitting back down to take some deep breaths to calm my nerves.
Because, I could feel myself trembling for this coming meet.
It's been almost 30 minutes since Genifer told me to wait here in this guildhall. I was no longer in line but waiting off to the side. There wasn't much to do so I just glanced around, watching the queue that had three others behind me getting settled with only one other now being tended to at the counter.
The guildhall was still as rowdy as ever, but I could not make out anything that was being said. So much so that I missed the cute redhead approach me until she was just at my side. I immediately gave her a bow of my head-
"Is everything okay, Genifer-san?" To say I was worried here would be an understatement.
"Yes, yes, Rikku-sam..san," her voice was still a little tittering as before, but she corrected herself, "Rikku-san, the Guildmaster wants to meet with you. Please follow me." I took note how it wasn't an invitation.
I nodded again to the redhead to confirm I understood. Genifer led me down one of the back hallways. While the front of the Explorers Guild was almost like a convention center mixed with a bar-like atmosphere, this back area was more like a medieval castle. Stone hallways void of furnishings, narrow halls, even narrower landings leading to an upper floor, and various archways that led to more darkened areas. It didn't take much of a walk for all the sounds from its main hall was drowned out in this back complex.
Thankfully, most of the way was lit with various candled mounts hanging on the walls, so the walk up and around here never felt truly suffocating. But it would be a very different experience if all those candle fires would just suddenly burn out.
Eventually we reached a tall and handsome wooden door, shaded red, with a large key lock and handle that hardly looked practical and four crossed hinges on its corners that looked more like a decal. The door was already slightly open and light from inside was shining through like an invitation. Genifer held the door open a tad more and gestured me through.
The room I just entered was much like the Burg solar, very cozy setting looking like a living room. At the far end wall sat a large desk and behind it a bear of a man with balding red hair. In fact - his hair was so thin that he might have worn it that low on purpose, but it did nothing to hide that copper shine. I can only assume this was the Guildmaster.
Genifer made to quietly close the door behind us and then guided me closer to the person who was technically my boss now. I quietly used [Scan] to check him out:
Name: Andrek, Mangold (surname)
Race: Haffu
Class List
lv.55 Swordsman
lv.20 Squire
lv.59 Villager
Strength - 156, Vitality - 138, Agility - 99, Dexterity - 127, Magicka - 52, Spirit - 80, Luck - 5
Sword Hand (expert): 24 +Power Attack +Improved Footing +Steel Arms +Ki Focus +Close Combat +Swift Blade
Combat Expertise, Veteran Fighter, Second Wind, Clear Mind, Mobility
^^ the above is italicized to register as a given title, meaning it has no authority behind it
Outside of Rhoady the raptor, this Guildmaster is easily the strongest person I've scanned thus far, and thankfully he has no Sense Magic skill to speak of. Andrek seems to be a strength specced Swordsman with a real build in combat capability. And his stat pool nearly matched my own.
But I took notice of a few other things with Andrek's character window. First his surname was Mangold and with his dull red hair, perhaps an older relation to Genifer? Second he was a Haffu which I learned from Rogers during our trek was being specifically a human born with a beastkin parent. It is a bit of a niche in this world where the beastkin gene is recessive but can still open up a Haffu to certain factors not gained by being just human. Although those cases of a Haffu triggering some demi-human requirement was very rare.
Rogers said he has a dogkin mother, and also told me a story of the current Lord Burg inheriting his title young when his father retired early to live with his bray mistress on some country estate. The brays here being one of the horned peoples with traits similar to a sheep, and Rogers made their tale sound like a sordid love affair. Makes me curious to who Andrek's beastkin parent is, but I'm not crass enough to pry into it here.
Lastly was his Title, being just a given one with no 'authority'. Whatever that meant.
The Guildmaster's brown eyes were watching me intently as I moved closer. In fact - it was quite a troubling stare like one about to be on the receiving end of a rebuke. When I got near his desk, Genifer waved her hand for me to take the already angled seat, but first-
"Konbanwa, Guildmaster-sama," and I gave him the 45 degree bow. I decided my best course of action was to just play it safe and be as polite as possible, while trying to not overextend any conversation made here. This is our first meet afterall, and may not be some personable summons. This could be a follow-up interview to remain in this guild, for all I know.
The Guildmaster looked surprised to my gesture as he stood up to that with an inclination of the head. His eyes never left my my own as he said, "I welcome you, madoshi-dono. I am Andrek of the Mangold family." His voice was a tad rough on the edges but bore the weight of a seasoned warrior. Atleast that was his style of seiyu in comparison to all the animes I've watched over the years.
"Please... do have a seat," he was also gesturing to the seat beside me as he sat back down again. It was a tad more cushiony than the one in the Burg manor, and the way I sank into it felt like someone had recently gotten off it. As I readjusted myself, Genifer prepared me a cup of tea and offered it to me.
"Thank you, Genifer-san," as I took it from her with a smile. She smiled back then took a small red stone from the side setting. I recognized it immediately, a Heatstone, as I saw Rogers use one during our little tea break on the way back to town from the Welltree Ranch.
"Do you prefer your tea, hot, waka-san." I nodded and watched as she put the little rock over my cup and said lightly-
"Heat Liquid." It only took 5 seconds for the tea to have a light steam coming off it before she said "stop". Its color was almost a ruby red and its aroma sweet, black tea I think. The cute redhead then offered me a condiment to go with it, some sort of dried berry. I nodded to be given just one and curiously watched as a part of it expunged to mix with the hot liquid. I thanked her again and took two sips. This tea was a bit sweeter than I was expecting, moreso than the Burg tea which tasted more a green herbal one.
As Genifer set everything back neatly on the setting and went to sit on a chair positioned at the side table. The Guildmaster was still watching me intently, so I tipped my cup to take a third sip, swished it a bit before setting the cup on its tabled saucer.
"Arigato," I thanked the two at large and adopted my posture to what a recent hiree would, atleast one how I pictured sitting in front of their boss. But I didn't say a word with my hands crossed in my lap, since I don't know if I was here to be chastised or not.
Then the Guildmaster spoke up, "Rikku-dono, right?" I nodded to my name, with him then thanking me for answering his call. Andrek was holding onto a paper I could only assume was my registration form that Genifer had filled out for me and began asking me pointed questions from it.
Where I'm from, class and profession, skills and preferences... basically a re-examination over my previous fill out. I saw him making little jots here and there. I was glad he did not have me go into any real specifics, so I managed to squeak by this without having to delve into anything particular. I could only guess the Guildmaster's aim was that this stranger's story (me) still added up.
After the last set of questions, he took out a stamp to mark my form and then stood to hand it to Genifer, who also stood to receive it, but said sternly, "See to it only a single copy is made, then brought back here. No couriers." She bowed her head to that peculiar command as she sat back down.
The Guildmaster then offered his hand to me. I almost tripped as I stood up to take his very firm grip. "It is finalized. You are an official member here, Rikku-dono," he said when we broke contact.
"Thank you. Thank you," I replied with a smile and bow. Hopefully this was the end of it, but he then gestured for me to take a seat again. The Guildmaster followed suit the moment I sat down and asked a question I knew was going to lead into a more personal topic-
"Now with the formalities done with, may I be frank with you?" Here we go. I had no idea where this was going to lead, but I could only nod my head to the man.
It was like his eyes were appraising me when he leaned back to ask, "Why did you want to join, 'this' particular guild?" The Guildmaster put some emphasis on why here of all places. Truth was I could understand the route of his question, with my first day of experiences in this new world in mind. Someone like me would have thought to join a Temple first, not an Explorers Guild. Of course, I also knew nothing about the Temples beforehand, so I answered-
"I'm... rather new to the area, Guildmaster. Last night, I got separated from my company and was lost but in the morning, a knight by name of Elisha found me. Miss Elisha was kind enough to bring me here in need for assistance." This was a rather honest answer mixed with one little fiction. But I figured if someone in the guild were to check this story out, the dark elf would be kind enough to confirm this backstory I just told.
"The dame," was his next question. The Guildmaster's eye was raised, but I nodded to him, adding she was a dark elf. I then explained that I likely would have needed funds (money) to "get where I needed to be", and so I joined the guild to take on some work to earn some. I left this part pretty vague as I wanted him to think I was from Azora without committing to those exact words.
The Guildmaster's face was joyful as he laughed to Genifer, "I have to thank that elf girl for the assist here. Had she brought you to the Temple... well, we never would have been blessed with this chance encounter."
"Is it because of my healing, sir?" I already knew the answer was yes but said this to play along here.
"Of course, young man," his answer was immediate. "Had you undergone a single evaluation of theirs, a Temple mage would have been sent to ferry you off to the Empire. In fact - you would probably be setup in the Imperial City by now." It was pretty much the response I was expecting, save that last part.
"Is that like... the capital of the Empire?" The Guildmaster's eye narrowed a bit to my lack of knowledge on this front but nodded.
"Yes. Great Romu... their capital city. It is in the north, far from here. And any chance for you to return home would be for naught." His friendly smile was gone when he added, "The Order would not allow a healer with Holy affinity to escape their ranks. Much less one, as young as you."
Then it sounds like meeting Elisha was more fortuitous than even previously thought. And this Andrek seemed quite sharp himself since he correctly identified one of my magic vocations. I could play dumb here, but-
"How did you know, sir," I conceded, figuring it was better to cop to it now than trying to pull the proverbial wool over their eyes. I already admitted as much to the Lord Burg and his butler, so eventually word will get out through them anyways.
"Because, no Priest could have done what you've accomplished today," the Guildmaster simply put. "Only direct access to Holy magic can allow one to heal with such effectiveness."
Andrek then sighed, looking for the first time like an older gent, "The real problem is you really... don't realize 'what' you've done today. And you being so far from your home country, you are at much greater risk here than you know." My body shifted up to that.
"Am I in any real danger then?"
"Not directly, Rikku-dono. No one would ever harm you if they knew of your gifts," the Guildmaster started. "But no one will ever leave you well enough alone, either," he put in mild terms. I saw where this was going. Were 'real' healers really that valuable?
"So... I take it healers," I put alot of emphasis on that last word, "are quite rare in these parts?" I heard a little scoff from Genifer as she was shaking her head in amazement to my question. Atleast the Guildmaster did not find it as some wisecrack of mine as he answered back-
"Certainly so. Anywhere for that matter. It normally takes a Priest a lifetime to reach the class of a Cleric or Bishop." It was a flat statement. But if it took that long, what about-
"Holy Knights," I pointed out. "I've seen a fair number of those about. Surely that class can use Holy magic."
"Yes... but they are a martial class. While they may be the most common of the Divine Arts' users, their [Holy Light] skill has limited applications. You see - their spells are not of a clerical nature. And as such, a Holy Knight could never reach the true practicality of a magic caster, like yourself." It was like being taught another alphabet here by the Guildmaster.
"So you're saying... a magic caster with Holy spells is more," I paused a bit trying to think of a better word but couldn't, "valuable, than a martial class with access in the same system?"
To this, the Guildmaster took his time to respond, "They would be particularly invaluable, in that comparison, Rikku-dono." An awkward minute of silence hovered in the room when I realized the full implication the Guildmaster was pointing out. So I may as well just come out and say it.
"So you're saying... I'm a high value target." Andrek simply nodded twice in answer then said-
"Worth more than a king's ransom." Well that's just great, but the Guildmaster went on, "Once the Temple in the Vale learns of what you did today - and it's only a matter of time - they will immediately demand a meeting with you."
"Can I simply turn them down?" I asked hopefully, knowing that wasn't a real option.
"You could, but that would only exacerbate your problem. They will waste no time informing their superiors in the north who will likely send a team of specialists to come 'meet' with you instead." More like kidnap. Looks like I need to level grind asap.
"Rikku-san," Genifer spoke to me in a soft voice, "We are trying to warn you of what will be heading your way... here in the Vale." I turned to the cute redhead's suggestion.
"So..." I swallowed. "You want me to leave? B-But I just joined."
"Gods, no," the Guildmaster let out a nervous laugh. "Understand, Rikku-dono, no one in their right mind would ever turn someone like you away." I could tell the older man was starting to sweat now. "What we are trying to say is... you will be forced to leave the Vale, once your abilities become known to the public at large. Our guild cannot protect you from the Empire, here."
"You mean, you want to relocated me?" Was their idea some kind of protective custody?
"Of a sort, yes." The plan Andrek spoke next of was transferring me to the Explorers Guild in a city called Katar (or Quatar). It was further south to the Vale that sat on the green banks of some great desert region. Doing this would also inch me closer to Azora since it lies beyond the dunescape. However the big benefit of this Quatar over the Vale was they're an independent city-state in comparison to their township.
"The problem is - the Vale has no real way to resist the Empire, should they make any real demands of us. And despite the distance between us, the Order could move a Legion out here within a week's time and force the entire region into a surrender. But we of the Vale still need access to the lone Temple out on this side of the frontier. So we can't risk upsetting them either and removing the few services they do offer us." The Guildmaster finished explaining why I was ultimately not safe behind its walls.
The idea was I could stay within the Vale, for a month or two, but I would be forced to move to the Katar city on the first sign of the Temple becoming aware of my knowing. It'll be explained as a simple city transfer, which is quite common among the Explorers Guild. Of course, I would have to keep a low profile while in the Vale but-
"If you find this arrangement... undesirable, you could always join the Temples, Rikku-dono. That is another option on your table... and not one you should dismiss lightly." Andrek even looked regretful informing me of this, explaining how the Order would treat me with the upmost of care and diligence. Moreso than any guild could provide. The Guildmaster went on for nearly two minutes describing how I would likely be given free lodging in one of their capital Temples, which he described as small palace estates, and have every amenity the Empire could offer at my disposal. Eventually a court would be established around me with my own retinue of knights and servants, even ladies. It sounded a rather luxurious life, and I cannot admit I did not find this spoken prospect appealing.
However, I knew such a route would also restrict all my options going forward, for I'd technically be at the beck and call of this Imperial Order. While it was a seductive offer, one where most of my worries in this new world would just vanish, it'll deprive me of my personal liberties in exchange. And the thoughts of being under such constant watch, well that grated my nerves.
The Guildmaster finished by explaining a scenario where he could easily see a youngling like myself get placed in one of the Archbishop wings. This would place me in the upper hierarchy, having direct contact and influence with the Imperal family itself. Again, this scared me more than being some intriguing career path. The last thing I needed right now was being on some Emperor's radar. It was quickly becoming my least favorite route to be taken in this new world.
Both the Mangolds were looking at me, trying to gauge my response to all that had been said. After mentally flexing through the two options presented, I stated-
"I'd much rather stay employed with the Explorers Guild, please. I would not want to be bogged down, and so far away." I could always change my mind later if the Temples did present a better opportunity, but I felt it was in my own self-interest to continue the path I was on now.
The Guildmaster didn't jump for joy or cry out at my decision. He merely smiled and nodded to me in understanding. "Spoken like a true wizard. I will not do anything to betray your confidence, Rikku-dono."
I nodded to him return, "Many thanks, Andrek-sama." I shifted to my left to seeing Genifer beaming at me, which I easily returned.
"Now that, that, is settled," Andrek started, "... do forgive my intrusion here, but is it right to assume you no longer have a dwelling here in the Vale?" I nodded then asked if there was a place the Guildmaster would recommend.
"Then if you don't mind mine... impertinence here, I would like for the remainder of your stay to be in this guildhall. We have a number of unused apartments, I hope you can find one accommodable." It was a better offer than I was expecting, so I asked how much I would owe for the room and board, to which I got-
"Please, Rikku-dono. You will be my guest here," with the Guildmaster adding that doing this much was also to their benefit as to better keep an eye on me. Andrek then went over my escort issues, and that I should inform him when I would want to leave the premises for whatever reason. This was so the guild could create a pretext for my leaving and absence, like a false paper trail.
I assured Andrek that I would to which the Guildmaster stood up, Genifer too. This got me to stand, purely on reflex.
"Again. I welcome you to our guild, Rikku-dono."
"Arigato, Guildmaster. I'll be in your care." And the two of us shook on it.
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Reincarnating into a goblin was not the plan. Being regarded as a "lesser being" by other races was not okay. Losing so many opportunities because he was green and ugly was not cool.It didn't matter though, he would rise above the masses. He would aim higher in this life, maybe be a king or perhaps even a god.After all, he was more than just a goblin. [aka Goblin+] ………………………….Join the mc in his rise to the top of the world. A LitRPG with the MC being reincarnated into to a goblin.
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The Legendary Path
Astler is weak, pitifully so. His cultivation refuses to rise despite constant dedication. But Astler doesn't get discouraged, he only tries harder. Astler cannot solve the mysteries of his own body. Can a predestined encounter change his fate? This is a story about a boy and his path to become legendary!
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Tethered Souls
All humans are connected to the ether, the realm of magic, by invisible, intangible tethers. Tethers are a reflection of humanity, and etheral magic resists what it is to be human. The more 'human' you are and display, the more your tether constricts, restricting the flow of ether. Utilizing ether draws out the human psych, making it extremely difficult to use ether dynamically and for long periods of time. Burning ether allows a person strength unlike any other, sharpens the mind more than any enhancement drug, and allows the person to directly influence the physical world around them.Hugh Perigrine is unique. Orphaned at the age of 1, Hugh is a ward of the Imperial Empire and an acolyte to the Imperial Library. For reasons unbeknownst to him, he does not experience the world in the same way as his peers. He doesn't care for the war with the rebel armies. He doesn't feel the need to vocalize complaints. He doesn't hunt for gossip and there is no object that he cares enough about to desire. He does not fantasize. He is simply unlike everyone else. But Hugh can see things that others cannot, and he understands impossible forces at work around him. Hugh's entire being is latent with etheral power, and he is at the forefront of what is thought of to be possible and impossible.There is however, something that Hugh covets - the meaning behind who he is, why he exists, and where he comes from.
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The world begun to turn hostile against humanity. Mysterious creatures suddenly appeared a hundred years ago during the great wars, and had been attacking humanity ever since. Humanity had to adopt, and thus they did. Few people awakened mysterious powers that controlled a mysterious energy, called mana. They are now called Enhancers. This helped humanity to restore stability and security. But will they be able to fight off endless monsters that now lures around them? Daniel Bernal, an orphan, and a born Enhancer. While hunting, he suddenly unlocked his bloodline's real potential. Lvl 3? EXP 2 / 50? What's going on?
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Doms&Littles Academy
The year is 2996 the world went through some major changes, vampires are now a thing. Human aren't enslaved well maybe just a little, at the age of 16 all human get tested mentally and divided to categories: Dom/Sub , Daddy/Little , Mommy/little , Master/Pet , Master/slave.Sophia a 16 y old who's gonna just find out which category she is. Dimitri a vampire prince and well known dom.Well you'll have to read it to know what happens next. This is A DDLG Book , with MAJOR DADDY KINK in it.You've been warned. Apologies for any misspelling and grammar mistakes.
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Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan
Meeting some Old friends with New ones what it can be fun or a disaster.... Some old secret cones out when old friends are there.... Some new memories with having both of them....Let's join a new journey with old and new ones....
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