《In an RPG World》Chapter 2.6 (old)
The sun was just starting to set as my escort returned me to the Town of Vale. I learned on this little trek out in the countryside that this entire region was known as the Vale, which the town shares its name with. Rogers explained on the way back that this township was once in the center of a greatwood in an older age, but almost 300 years of civilization had turned the landscape into what it is now. Hearing this made me wonder how much history exists in other parts of the world.
We were also about an hour done with the second guild request I had finished. The quest made it sound as though just two farmhands had been infected by some mandrake root, but that really belied the true scope of what was happening out on that little ranch. I ended up having to heal all 15 workers there. I even had to work on curing half their infected stock of crops, which was a little side quest of itself that lasted some two hours.
Apparently some mandrake monster sprouted out in that location a week ago but was subsequently vanquished by a knight patrol less than a day later. Problem was they did not know the monster's essence had seeped into the ground like vines would in grass. And in but a couple days, it was like their crop field was a spawning pit of toxic warfare.
Most of it was some type of magic spore that even my [Scan] could not identify properly. However it classified as a 'magic' effect and so my [Dispel] spell was key here to removing it. Even those who developed virus-like symptoms from these spores were cured by [Dispel]. I may have had to use a [Light Healing] spell here and there to better stablize some of the affected's conditions, but everyone made out of it okay.
Of course, one might ask, "Why was it not just put to the torch?" The knights originally wanted to do just this but were convinced by the town Apothecary to hold off on such action. You see, this specific crop field grew special herbs and flora that could take several cycles to bring back. And those lost products would ultimately affect their avenues of business, so guild requests were issued to mediate the problem first.
A couple of Alchemist Guild members were also on the scene, though on a different quest to save the harvest. So I ended up getting roped into doing this job too. It was a long, long, and tedious process going through each plot. But they did slip me a nice little tip of 10 silver dollars for the trouble. Rogers pointed out their request reward was likely over a 200 value, but a broke newbie like me wasn't going to scoff at the handout. Plus, I did not feel any guilt at all in taking it when considering the mana spent for the task. I had to use [Meditate] constantly off its cooldown to replenish my MP bar from all the spellcasts.
Granted, that tip was nothing compared to the one the Burgs had pushed on me. As we made to leave their estate, the lord handed me a small bag of silver dollars. I immediately tried to hand it back to him, as tipping could be considered taboo by my employer. I know it wasn't so in places like America but in Japan, it was basically considered an insult. But that look I got from Tomas left no doubt that returning it was not an option, so I took it with a courteous bow while stammering my "arigatos".
I was thankful to learn shortly after - when bringing the topic of 'tips' to my escort in a roundabout manner - that receiving extra coin on the side was customary when one provides a great service. Only then did it feel safe to count out the coins in the bag Lord Burg gave me, 92 silver dollars in all.
Rogers had swung my ride towards the main gate of the town, since he said the main road branches to another that leads straight to the Verde House. Rhoady was forced to a halt here, since the queue was three deep, and I got to see the whole 'Tossing Pennies' thing. Just as a merchant caravan of what looked to be cooking products was signalled through, a fat hand tossed out 4-5 coppers high into the air. The guards stationed did not bat an eye to it.
It only took three more minutes for the guards to come check us. Seems Rogers was a regular face here as the guards greeted him by "Roge" and did not even bother to check him or his taxi, but I had to get my Status Card scanned by an inspector. I hadn't noticed but some time during the trip out, my neatly stamped wound had healed up. Didn't even scab over. It just looked like a rather dull red tattoo near my thumb now.
The inspector flashed a similar blue crystal that I saw Genifer had over my thumb tatt and curiously looked over its display but did not bring anything to a point of discussion. Then he gave our company the all clear to move on.
The Town of Vale from this main street was quite different from that side gate we exited. First off, the main gate itself was almost twice the size and like another layer deep. I guess that is expected in a setting like this for larger points of access to be more heavily fortified. There was even a full ramparts and four tower setup here. Second and this was the odd thing, this main gate did not open into a dense section of the city. It opened into a paved out area, but it was more like a road that branched out like a tree into other districts in the fore.
The raptor and his rider had me leading down a branch to the right. Along the way, I got to see more demi-humans along the sides of the streets we were passing. My use of [Scan] was liberal as I tagged all of them I could. Most of the non-humans were beastkin but even they looked 'human' enough in my eyes. Many were various breed of catkin and dogkin. Together they accounted for nearly 7 of every 10 demi-human I saw. I thought I would see more elves in this setting but outside of Elisha and the mohawk half-elf in the marketplace in the morning, I couldn't spot another. Even areas in the countryside we just visited had none I could see.
The only other demi-humans I spotted that weren't some beastkin breed were a couple dwarves and a hobgoblin. The dwarves looked as precise as their common fantasy trope: a little short on height but with stocky builds and impressive beards. The hobgoblin was a bit of a surprise though. If it wasn't for her green skin and curved out ears, she could have passed for human. She was actually quite attractive in my eyes, having an almost sci-fi-like beauty. Adair (her name) even noticed my attention, throwing me a smile and wave as I was passing by. I was a little flustered as I waved back.
After another ten minutes of rolling down the streets, my taxi looked to reach my last destination this day. It was a pretty sizable house setting. Not quite large enough to be called a castle on its own, but still larger than the typical building by the medieval standard. It looked a square-like commerical building five stories high but made of colorful brick with its green standing out the most. Then my view of it got distracted by the sound of a couple little kids who snickered and scattered off to the other side of the street as we pulled up.
"Here we are, Rikku-kun. The Verde House." That is when I remembered, verde was an old word for 'green' I think.
"Finally, a reason to visit this place," Rogers murmured as an aside while giving himself a little fist pump.
"Why's that?" I was curious to his hidden excitement. The rider just laughed as he got to dismount from his raptor, as I made to get out the cab and said to me-
"You'll see," and left it rather ominously, but the wink kinda gave me the hint. Then I recalled him saying something about this house having "belles" which implies beauties. Rogers was doing the same thing now with Rhoady's saddle and hitch as he did at the previous ranch, disengaging it so the raptor could move around without the taxi at his back. I was a little alarmed and started fidgeting around.
Apparently this was another feature of his 'pony' the rider was quite proud of. Since raptors had the base levels to that of a ferocious beast, most bandits would not attempt to assault a caravan that had one or two in its company. Rogers said it would take a Holy Knight at some equal level to match his fully grown raptor in open combat. This was considerable since I also learned that the Holy Knight class in this world was a rank-up over the Knight base class. So if it took 40 levels in an advanced stage to match Rhoady one-on-one, then I could only assume he was quite a strong combatant.
"Sure is," I could visualize the little flashback of Rogers telling me this on the road from the Burg territory. "And my own Tamer skills can add to his ferocity. Our [Bond] is quite strong, you know." Rogers' hitching mechanism allows him to disengage his battle partner from the taxi's weight in but three easy motions. This is so not even, "-a well prepped ambush on the road will allow dem outlaws the upper hand on us," as my mind could see him giving me the flex from on his mount.
This is why I was panicking a little to this raptor being given the proverbial free rein here. Rhoady may have been a well-tamed beast whose little chirps I grew fond of during our trip abound, he was still a dangerous creature in his own right.
"-umm... do you think that's safe here, in the middle of town." I couldn't help but point this out to my escort. I didn't think anything would happen, but what if someone unintentionally antagonizes this large feathered raptor?
"Don't you worry now," it was an instant dismissal to my worry. "Our [Bond] is a magical link." Here Rogers tapped the side of his head. I do remember him saying something to that effect earlier but still-
"I can control my Rhoady here almost a mile away," patting his raptor who playfully sat down with a huff. He was now running his fingers under the full length of Rhoady's jaw bone, getting the beast to let out a coo-like sound. I wasn't entirely convinced, but no one else in the Vale seemed to be terrified of this raptor so I just went with it.
"So, I take it you really want to come with, Roge-san." It was not so much a question than a teasing statement.
"Heck yeah. No man in their right mind would pass up this opportunity." Rogers's tone was also a chaff, but he was looking at me in an approving light.
"Besides. I want to see more of you in action." My escort was referring to all the 'healing' I had done at the previous setting. He (and everyone else) seemed completely stunned at my spellcasting ability with Rogers saying at the time, "-never, ever seen a mage cast so many spells before." It was really just the same couple spells, but apparently what I had done out there was something of a spectacle. I still wasn't sure how I felt about all the "oohing and aahing" after every cast.
Rogers looked like he was finished making sure Rhoady would be okay outside and came to stand before me as though implying, so we going in or not. I suppose he felt his large duffel with all its contents was safe since his raptor was nearby, but I guess there was no time to nag about anything else. I deposited my Curved Rod back into my Ring of Stored Space, took out the last guild paper, and strode up the bricked staircase leading to the front entrance with Rogers at my side.
It was an impressive double door that barred our way. Its heavy wood had carved panels, each showing a silhouette of a beauty in a pose. It wasn't anything too showing, but I still gulped to the inviting setting this Verde House was portraying. To the side was a hanging mini bell that Rogers pulled, its gong sounding more like an old school telephone on the inside. I could see him bouncing on his heels after and he glanced back at me with a smile and nod.
No one answered though, so Rogers pulled the bell again to create the old ringing effect. There must be some bell-like mechanism on the other side of the door. Another 20 seconds passed before we could hear-
"...I swear! If it is those kids again!" It was a distinctly female voice shouting with the edge of an accent I could not identify. A few seconds later, part of the door cracked open to reveal a half naked young woman peering from the inside. Both us guys took up a stoic expression, mouths closed, to hide any shock to this sexy surprise.
To me - it was like meeting the perfect neko girl in the flesh. She was a catkin who held a very sleek beauty of lynx coloring. Her eyes were yellowish with her long silvery hair having a near perfect blend of black underlining. And cute dark tufted ears angling on her head. I could already feel my face growing hot. You could make out half of what she was wearing - a very light clothing top that fell down her sides, yet still easily showed the full figure of her chest, with a pajama bottom that rode quite high. It was like her slender leg was fully exposed.
My mind had gone blank. I didn't even have enough wits about me to use [Scan], much less think to say it. This was easily the sexiest cat-girl I've ever seen. Even the best fanarts on the net fell well short of this chick, and all others catkin females I had seen since getting ported to this new world would only rate 'cute' by comparison.
Her own eyes had widened when she saw us. We were clearly not what this sexy girl was expecting and judging by how her lips twitched before glancing backwards then to turning back with a forced smile to speak, in her mind we being two lost boys looking for directions-
"My, my," she started in a clear sensual tone, her gaze was directed at me for some reason. "Do you gentlemen have an appointment with the mistress, or are you here prospecting?" Then she opened the door ever so slightly to reveal more of her lightly clad figure.
Huh? I couldn't help it, my eyes went up and down. I also knew she had just said something else, but I couldn't hear it. I think I was making "uh" sounds, but I couldn't be sure to that either. I felt a sharp pressure to my side and looked to its source. I think Rogers just hit me for some reason, then it was like I got dumped on with a bucket of cold water.
"-I uh, yes ma'am... I'm mean, I'm sorry my lady, I mean..." I shook my head to regain a single train of thought. I did not trust myself to speak any more and just handed out the request paper to her in the hopes the catgirl would take it and make sense of this situation I'm in. Was this really the right place?
The beauty was leaned against the frame now but bit her lip in a twisted smile to take the offered sheet and looked it up to down in a single glance. Even the way she handled the paper before her and ran her eyes over it felt stimulating, like it was part of some performance. Then her expression changed as she righted herself to look back up to me and said-
"You're here for Melani?" The tone of her voice changed to reflect the shift in her manner. Her pretty gaze was inquisitive now, as if reaccessing everything about me. Somehow she had neatly rolled the paper like a scroll with just one hand and cupped it near her chin. Still... it was a ridiculously cute posture.
"Is that the girl with the boils?" Even I could hear the little squeak in my voice. "If so, then yes. That is the patient I came to see." Atleast I finished the sentence sounding more like I would.
The catgirl looked at me for one long moment, took another glance back, then sighed as she handed it back to me and opened the door halfway behind her as a gesture we could come in.
"Come in, come in," she ushered. I nervously walked up those last steps and passed the door to stand in a little foyer area. Rogers was right behind me and the catgirl made to close the door behind him. I twisted my head to gauge my new surroundings. This foyer area was quite quaint with its flowery decor, but it was like standing in the center of a maze. There was a small stair going up to my left, another going down to my right, two larger landings that curved up, and a single landing that went to a lower level.
The sound of the door creaking shut with the faint sound of a bolt got me to flinch backwards. I could barely see the movement but the catgirl had already bounded to my side, opposite of Rogers, and close enough to rub arms. Her height was nearly level to my shoulder and she was looking up at me with a big grin.
"This way, young master. Our mistress is the one who put in that request," and the sexy catgirl quickly grabbed me by the hand and gently guided me into the lower landing. My face went red again. Was this even necessary? I never walked hand in hand with a girl of an age before, but I figured I shouldn't squeeze down on her gentle grip. I was so taken back that I looked over my shoulder to Rogers for some help, but he merely gave me a little fist bump disguised as adjusting his leather tank.
The moment we entered the next room, we were treated with what I called - the teenage boy wet fantasy. It was a menagerie of women in all ages and sizes just lounging around without a care in the world. The closest thing I could describe this picture to is a scene from an old arabian harem. I was actually quite proud of myself for noticing the bell mechanism near the room's entrance during the expanse of my view.
While me and Rogers were basically floored at the sight, the some ten of them all froze in an awkward silence that turned into a jumbled chorus of various girls screaming and laughing. Most of the women were wearing as light of clothing as our catgirl guide, while the few others were wearing a sort of one-piece toga dress that was loose fitting and ended before the knee.
Many of the girls scattered right out the room, their faces in shades of red. However some whistled and threw snides our way, though I was hoping those latters were jokes. A couple even threw a pillow at us, one of which Rogers caught with a laugh. But a braver few strolled right up to us. As they approached, I could feel the catgirl beside me hug my arm. To be honest - I don't know how much more I can physically take here.
All three were like our guide, a beastkin beauty clad in skimpy garbs. In fact, I couldn't spot a 'human' human among them before the room cleared out. Two were dogkins and the third was a belle of a bunnygirl, almost my height with long legs and a huge rack. And they were all crowding around me. I soon lost all function of myself as blood rushed my head, and my only thoughts from then on were to try and stay conscious.
But I think my ears got some of their chatter: "Hello, young master." "He's cute, you think?" "Yeah, a fine one here." I felt a couple fingers trace my chin and cheek. "He's picking me." "No me." "You're just boobs and legs." "Hah. You wish!" Giggling. "I think we're making him faint." I could hear a laugh behind me that vanished when I felt 'oppai' hit my back. "Let me give you a private showing, danna?" A tug on my right. "No. I said he's with me." More boobs on my left. "Pick me, danna, please. I'll strive to give you sons." "-pfff, any of us can do that." "But I can do it better." "You tramp."
Hopefully I wasn't bleeding out through the nose or had an exposed 'stiffy' by now. Then my thoughts vaugely went to my character creation really hoping the case of the 'endowment' was not happening. I would die in embarrassment. But I think I was more shocked than anything else as I was frozen in a flushed state.
Then a loud voice cut through the gaggle surrounding me, "What are you girls on about?"
It was like a firecracker went off beneath me as all four girls jumped back with a startled expression. Not another peep came from any of them as their postures went completely straight.
I couldn't tell where the voice came from, since I almost collapsed with a sigh. It felt like I could breathe again after being released from a chokehold. But, I could tell whoever said it held authority here.
"I see, I see." I heard that leering remark next and turned to her voice. Standing at the door of another landing was a woman oozing such sexual appeal that all my thoughts of the previous crowd faded with her image. If the others were belles in spring's full bloom, then this was a perfectly aged fine wine. This woman might even have Elisha beat in terms of sensual beauty.
She had long, purplish and pink hair that curled in waves, a violet hue in her eyes, pale skin, and a ridiculously buxom figure on a height a little lower than the dark elf's own. But those weren't her most exotic feature. It was her arms having some kind of feathered pattern in the color of the rainbow, but it was so trimmed up that it looked more like jewelry. Her shins had some kind of lined patterns in rings and her nails shined in a gold luster, even on her feet. Completing the look was her light toga dress that flaunted every curve of her body.
This had to be the mistress of the Verde House, and she was standing there gazing at us all with both hands on her hips. I could feel myself slack-jawed staring at her, but this woman was so absurdly beautiful that its uniqueness managed to finally snap me out of my drunken stupor.
"Yes, yes," she intoned as a teacher would their students, "this is a fine young catch for any lady to bag. But always remember yourselves, my girls, and NOT act like little trollops before the quarry is safely in your net."
"Hai!" Four voices answered in unison to her outrageous announcement. Their mistress then sighed as her two of her slim fingers went to rub her eyebrows in a conspicuous gesture that looked faked-
"Gosh. One would think I'm raising 'Penny whores' here, with the way you were acting. Now go! To your rooms. And show some 'decorum' to our guests before you leave, mind you."
"Yes, sensei!" This mistress looked like a sharp drill instructor as the four gorgeous beastkin gave us nice curtsies and an apology before they turned and left our presence. I could see a couple of them give us a backward glance before they made it to one of the adjourning halls. That was when I noticed that this harem-like lounge area was shaped like a crab, with three halls on each side like its legs. I could even make out another staircase in the back leading to an upper level.
With the room almost cleared now, I could once again feel Rogers presence at my back who was still sniggering away. Hearing his suppression hit me a little hard. I must have looked like an idiot, but thankfully I was saved by the busty madam here of all people-
"Do forgive them, young masters." The woman gave us a bow of her head before continuing, "It's just... when they see such a cute prospect, their little minds can go overboard with fantasy." Was she really talking about me? It was starting to dawn what this 'prospect' likely meant.
The madam's gaze was directly at me when she said next, "So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit. But first, an introduction..." and curtsied us in a generous manner. "I am Rubina Nikitas Fedora. Madam of this establishment." It was a nice angle to her curvy figure. As she righted herself, the two of us bowed our heads in respect and thanked her for the welcome.
"Have you come for a private showing?" Her eye was a little shrewd in its asking but putting that forbidding question aside, I responded-
"-umm... no Madam Fedora-sama," I was immediately stopped as the host gave me the stop hand gesture, the nail on her right pointer glittering dangerously. Even her body language was a little rigid now.
"Rubina." It was a correction.
"Gomen. Madam Rubina-sama." I said with a bow of my head and just like that, the air around her returned to its more seductive normal. The madam gave me a smile and curt nod as though I could continue.
"I'm here on a guild request, actually," and I went to hand the rolled paper to her. I found myself intensly attracted to this buxom lady, even her smell was intoxicating, but she was so beyond the scale that I could atleast act normally around her. If that was even a thing anymore. My mind finally registered this woman as some sort of harpy demi-human.
And just like the lynx colored catgirl - the mistress rolled out the paper and read it in tantalizing fashion, but her plum eyes quickly darted to me in a split second into handing it back. Her expression was solemn now. Her pretty eyes looked me over once more as if judging something in particular. She then nodded, more to herself, and said-
"Thank you for coming, madoshi-dono. Please, follow me, if you would." We followed behind her through an adjacent hall on the right. Shamefully I have to admit, this madam's figure from behind was just as stunning as her front. It was hard not to take notice of those hips. I even glanced back to Rogers behind me, to which he gave me a smile and wink with his eyebrows. She led us down this hall to a spiral stairwell leading up, giving us a different view of her behind, to end up in another hall.
It was like this Verde House was a maze of hallways and small rooms by the look of it. Its furnishings on the inside were even more colorful than its outside decor. Paintings decorated every wall and even the walls themselves showed various murals. Once we came to pass another pretty catgirl in a hallway to which she yelped and darted into another room. It happened twice more with others and every now and then, a door would creak open to where a girlish figure would be spying on our passing, giggling from the inside.
Finally the madam stopped us at the end of one hall.
"Listen." Rubina's tone was grave and voice in a hush. "Melani has been in a dreadful state. She barely eats or sleeps. And she cries all the time."
"Are the boils that bad?" My voice matched her low. In my world, boils were skin infections simply drained of pus then dried out with an ointment, with some of the more extreme cases of carbuncles (that I knew of) requiring some surgery or antibiotics to help in their removal. Those sciences likely do not exist in this magical world but still with healing spells or potions at the ready, it should be easily treatable. I pointed the latter out to the madam who replied-
"Yes we did such... at first." Her face was pained as she said next, "But they keep coming back... and back. Even a cleansing potion did nothing for my poor girl's condition." This was a little alarming to hear.
But the madam went on, "She's convinced herself she's 'cursed'." Her trim fingers played with one of her curls in nervousness of stating such. Then the woman started pouting, but it looked like an act.
A single tear went down her eye as she said spoke of the distraught in the young maiden's plight, "It has us all in a worry. I'm afraid no man will ever want her now." A sniffle and another tear later, she made me flinch by grabbing my right hand with both her own. Her grip was rather flex as my face was grew hot again-
"Is there not anything you can do, madoshi-dono." Her own cheeks were red and eyes imploring. "Her very future may rest in your hands." My face went even redder as I could feel them rubbing up to her chest now. I think I was making some squeaking noise now. Was any of this necessary?
"I-I do what... I-I can, Rubina-sama." I really wanted to yell out, "why is everyone trying to fluster me" here, but I didn't have the guts to voice it to this belle. She is probably using whatever guile she has to convince me to save this poor beauty from becoming in her words, "an old maid". The madam then guide me, by hand, to the door down the hall where I assume my patient must be in. Rubina knocked thrice to signal someone was coming in and opened.
The moment I walked in the small bedroom, the cloaked figure on the bed squealed and turned to show her back. It was an immediate and well practiced movement. I took a quick look around, and it seems the three of us who entered were the only others in here. The patient must be isolated from anyone else in this small bed chamber.
The madam stepped forward to tell us to wait near the small sitting area while she coaxed the young girl out of her defensive position. Rogers went to take a seat, but I only took a couple steps in. There was no real reason to try and make myself comfortable, I was here to help this girl after all. Rubina was talking to my patient, speaking low as to not be overheard, and probably giving her words of encouragement. Whatever the madam said, it took nearly a minute for the girl to stop fidgeting around and turn back to face me. I took this opportunity to use [Scan]:
Name: Melani, Georgaen (maiden)
Race: Siren
Class List
lv.19 Courtesan
lv.13 Villager
Strength - 25, Vitality - 28, Agility - 31, Dexterity - 39, Magicka - 30, Spirit - 50, Luck - 10
Water Walk, Song: 4 +performing arts, Dance +performing arts
Charisma +2 +Bluff, Sense Motive +5
A Siren? She must be like a literal lorelei going by her skillset. Nothing in her character window looked off, but around her HP sphere was a 'Curse' condition, the first I've seen. It was like an eerie purple mist was bubbling around parts of her body. I dismissed Melani's window for now and thought of how to explain my initial findings when the madam interrupted-
"W-was t-that a-ah Mystic Eye?" She was gaping at me in surprise. Ugh, not her too. I could kick myself, but I didn't get a real chance to scan this harpy lady to know she also had a Sense Magic skill.
"You have a Mystic Eye?" That intake was from Rogers who was flabbergasted by the madam's admission. He was looking at me in a state of wonder. Figuring there was no point in trying to spin this, I said-
"Yes, kinda. I use it as an ability to help me diagnose my patients." I looked directly at Rubina to say, "I take it, you have the Sense Magic skill?" It wasn't a question but more of a confirmation.
"N-No. Nothing of the sort, madoshi-sama." I wanted to cry, yet she went on, "We of the Harpy... we-we can... feel the currents of magic. And I've never felt what you just did." The look on the beauty's face was flushed and she was visibly shivering. "It felt like a piercing gaze surrounded my young one here." I could see some fuzz on the tips of her feathers. Even parts of her hair were on edge.
"I'm sorry, for the scare, madam." I wasn't sure how to answer her back here but went on, "But I can confirm, she has indeed been cursed." There was a sharp cry from Melani, who buried her hands in her face, wailing. Rogers stood up and quitely said some word I did not recognize.
"And you can see this, madoshi-sama?" I nodded to her and described how it looked to me.
Rubina warily got up from her charge to stand next to me. The poor girl started crying even harder. The madam looked stricken, but I could see her train of thought. She was likely wondering if this 'curse' was contagious as she began to check parts of her own body. I had to advert my eyes for obvious reasons.
"I don't believe this has a spread effect, madam. Otherwise more people in this house would have contracted it by now." I assured her, my gaze completely fixed away. I wanted to change the discussion to a particular I was not yet aware of.
"Might I ask, how long as Melani been this way?"
"Almost four weeks now. Well, right since her company got back from Qans. Her first outbreak came not a day after their return."
"Cans?" I looked over to Rogers hoping he would understand my confusion.
"It's a southern city in the Beastmen Kingdoms," my escort with the save. "Ruled by one of the Three Princes." I had no idea what these Three Princes were but the madam seemed to-
"Yes. Yes." She said between a sniffle and a wipe of her eye. "Melani was part of a young troupe I sent out there. Their Casa Rosa was throwing a series of formals for their latest graduates and engagements. It was to get my young ones a step into the Society... to help prepare for their own debutantes."
I have no idea what most of that meant and a Casa Rosa, Rose House or House of Red? I mouthed the word to Rogers who went into explaining this bafflement as well-
"This is a House of Ladies, Rikku-sama. You know... a guild of courteseans and the finer arts. Casa Rosa is the largest branch of their court. They have many houses across the continent." There was an actual guild network for this? And why'd you change up the honorific?
"The young master has not heard of the Court of Florentis?" Rubina looked stunned. Even the crying Melani briefly stopped to look up at my ignorance here.
"Forgive him, madam. Rikku-sama is new to this area. He's from Azora." To this I fake coughed to get the topic off my bogus history. The less said about that, the better.
"Gomen, gomen," I started and bowed my head in apology, but continued quickly, "... but I think it can be safely concluded, whatever 'cursed' you, Miss Melani, happened in that time frame." I have a [De-Curse] spell but since I don't know the origin of the curse, it may just come back right after I cast it. And there was no guarantee it would work. The TV doctor in me is saying: best to isolate the cause first then deal with the effect later.
My eyes were on the young belle. The shock of my own stupidity must have temporarily calmed her nerves. She was still shaking and sniffling but no longer bawling. My eyes were locked to her own. Even covered in her cloak, I could see her face was covered in red pustules. Worse, her skin was rashed and peeled like it had been sunburnt. The poor girl looks completely stressed out. But I held the gaze, because I needed her to tell me-
"Did you bring anything, 'particular', back with you from... Cans?" I still can't get over this city called Cans. The young girl's cheeks turned pink when she realized our eye contact, but her sparkly blue eyes went trim in thought as she mused the potential cause.
"You think it came from an object?" This was the madam's question to which I answered-
"It's highly possible, madam." I returned. "I'd like to narrow it down to a personal item the young miss here might have that no one else in this house possesses. And it is likely something she got from Cans, like a small token or memento from that trip."
The madam let out a little shriek, like a bird would, when she realized my implication. The woman begged us to stay here while she went to herd all the clothings recently brought back from Qans to be checked out. She left an awkward silence in her wake, us two guys in the room alone with young Melani, but I knelt before the young girl and promised, "- I will do what I can to cure your condition." She didn't cry, but the look she gave me was full of sorrow.
"P-Please," her voice was so weak. "Please, madoshi-sama. I-I c-can't bear t-this... ugliness a-any longer." Melani then turned her gaze from me. I had to say something to lift her spirits, so I took up a clear and even tone-
"You are not ugly, Melani-san." The truth was, she wasn't. Even with her skin in its horrid condition, I could easily see the beauty this young siren possesses, and she was not yet fully mature. After telling her so, her mood seemed to brighten a little. Her sparkly eyes were back on me.
"Don't you worry, girl. I've seen Rikku-sama's healing in action. He's the real deal," Rogers put in. I looked back to mouth "sama" to him, and he gave me a guilty shrug.
But I finished, "You'll be turning heads again in no time. Just be brave, a little longer." I hoped our words calmed this girl's heart. Her posture atleast looked a bit more relaxed as I got off my knee.
The madam returned not two minutes after that with a bunch of lightly stitched clothes and dropped them on the floor in a small pile. Then, after asking permission, she and I went to sorting out each of the articles individually. Again, I flushed when realizing a good number of this wear was a form of undergarment, but the some odd 30 clothing I scanned had no visible 'Curse' marker. I also had to apologize to Rubina a few times for giving her the willies during the whole process.
Then I asked about any cosmetic products that might have been purchased to which I got a nay from Rubina saying, "...if those were cursed, then more of my charges would have come down with the boils, no?" So yeah, that was a no go. I then brought up some craft of jewelry that came back.
"Did your troupe bring back any rings or necklaces, or some kind of brooch or trinket offered as a gift?" Melani shook her head in the negative with the madam saying-
"I teach my girls not to accept gifts as those, unless it is from a promised one. Atleast I try to anyways, mind you." It was a flat answer that implied she knew it was broken often enough. We were both looking at Melani, my questioning eyes far less accusatory than her mistress. After looking down, the young belle shook her head. Well, I had just run out of options and was going to settle for using [De-Curse] now and deal with any recurring effects later when my patient gasped in shock.
She was pointing at some vague direction and was breathless when she uttered, "My bracelet."
"You got a bracelet in Cans?" Wouldn't that count as a piece of jewelry in this setting? But Melani shook her head to my query.
"She means her wisher." Rubina was looking in the direction she was pointing. It was clearly in another room somewhere down the hall considering the girl was pointing at a painting in the room we were in.
"You added another link to it," the madam then questioned Melani. Her cute head was nodding up and down and then she broke down crying again, hands in her face.
"Is a 'wisher', some type of friendship bracelet?" I could only assume so with Rubina nodding-
"Yes. I have all my cadets start one in their first year. As a representation of their training here." The madam paused for a moment before asking her next if it was last left on her dresser to which Melani nodded, still in tears. I told her to use a cloth or (better yet) a prong when handling it and Rubina made to excuse herself again, saying she would be back with it shortly.
The young belle was clearly upset over this 'link', but I wasn't going to pry in the why. Heck - the Curse may still be somewhere else or a simple magic cast. Although I think a spell is the most unlikely scenario to how she got these boils.
Another two minute laters, the madam returned with the object wrapped around a silver pen with the thinnest of brushes on it. This wisher was just a long piece of double threaded string of light blue and pink dangling with little ornaments like beads or a crested heart. It was set down at my feet, and I used [Scan] on it. Its window came up as a White accessory slot item that had cursive text for each of its charms. But one in particular, the last one on its list, had a Curse tag on it.
"Yes, Rubina-sama. This item is cursed. Or rather... that last link on it is." I even told them how it glowed with a purple shimmer. But now it felt safer to work on healing the patient up, knowing the boils just won't resprout minutes later or hours after I'm gone.
Knowing this had the opposite effect for the young Melani as she started sobbing even harder.
"Oh baby girl, did that 'potential' give this to you," the madam asked, somehow acutely aware of its giver. The girl's answer was a louder wail. It looked like Rubina wanted to comfort her young charge, but she hesitated as she took a step towards her. I guess her mistress is still afraid of transmissibility like certain viruses.
"Why would a boy do such to a pretty lass?" Rogers's tone was two bits angry and confused. It didn't make much sense to me either which led me to believe-
"I don't think this was likely the giver's intention." All three heads turned to my blatant comment. I quickly bowed my head in apology and continued, "...I mean, it doesn't make much sense for a boy her age to do this. I mean this goes well beyond a harmless prank."
In my head - I could surmise a couple more reasonable plots based on some late night dramas I watched in the past. But that was neither here nor there as I proposed-
"Forgive me... but with the cause isolated, I feel confident in trying to cure the young lady now."
"Can you do that, madoshi-sama?" The madam was shocked for some reason. I gave a confused look to her as to 'why', so she continued, "It's just... curse breaking is dangerous, isn't it? I mean... it's not like normal healing magic, right? I heard you need to use ritual circles, or elaborate prayers, and..." Rubina's voice trailed off, seemingly because she knew not how else to explain it.
"I should be fine, Rubina-sama. I have a [De-Curse] spell I'm going to try out first." Perhaps I should use it on the cursed item beforehand, just as a precaution. All eyes were on me as I set the guild paper on a nearby table in the small sitting area and pulled the Oaken Wand from my ring's storage. I grew a little more confident in my overall spellcasting during the last guild quest and didn't even bother to give fair warning as I pointed my wand at the string bracelet laying on the carpeted floor.
"[De-Curse]." I commanded. Everyone jumped, including me. The sound of broken glass echoed faint in the air as the bracelet did a little jig on the ground, writhing like a worm. Rubina's cry was very loud pitched as she fell on her well shaped behind, Rogers was tense as he pulled a dagger from somewheres and took a defensive stance, and Melani squealed to bounce back on the bed.
It did not last very long, like three seconds, and the last link in the shape of a silver triangle evaporated in a bluish flame. Then nothing happened. I brought the item window back up, and Melani's bracelet was no longer tagged with a Cursed object. That was when I realized, it probably would have been a better idea to separate that link from her 'wisher' prior to using [De-Curse] on it. But, it looks like it was a successful removal nonetheless.
All was quiet for another minute. I helped Rubina steadily get to her feet - and what a sight that was - while apologizing for another scare, then told her, "... it looks like my spell worked. Melani's bracelet no longer has the cursed object on it."
The madam was still shaking in my hands and was looking at me like I was out of my mind. Well, I didn't give a warning there, so this was not surprising after that strange cracking noise.
"It is really gone?" Rogers looked like he wanted to kick the string bracelet with his foot to see if it was still alive.
"Yes. It was burned away."
"B-But..." Rubina was trembling now and didn't bother to finish her sentence. Instead she just shook her head, her long bushy hair shaking like a stiff mane. Whatever just happened with the [De-Curse] must have had a more abnormal effect on this harpy woman due to her magical sense.
"Are you well, madam," I had to ask since she looked ready to pass out. Atleast I was here to cast any healing magic if she really takes a turn for the worst. Instead, she waved off my concern while muttering the words "never" and "ever" in repeated fashion. It sounded like a mantra.
I went to pick up Melani's bracelet and went to hand it to her. I think she was too terrified from the previous event, because she was not crying now. The young girl was still breathing heavy though and shook her head when I proffered her wisher back.
"It's not cursed anymore, Melani-san." It still did not look like she wanted it back, so I put it on atop one of the side dressers and said with a half bow-
"I apologize to you for that fright. I should have asked if it was okay to do so first." I took a glance up and saw her eyes were still wide at me. I guess there was no easy way to talk myself out of this, so I just skipped ahead-
"Melani-san, may I have permission to use magic upon you now?" Her answer was a little squeak as she hugged herself with her eyes darting to the madam. I turned my gaze to the harpy woman and gave what I hope looked like a confident nod.
"I think... it will be fine, my girl." Rubina's voice was a little shaky, as her busty form, but likely couldn't think of any real reason to put it off. This was the reason she put in the guild request after all. Melani seemed to trust her judgement, because her sparkly eyes turned back to me and gave me the tiniest of nods.
I spoke to the room at large, "I'm going to use the same spell as before, [De-Curse]. It might sound the same though, so try not to panic." Standing about three feet from my patient, I once again pointed the wand at the young belle and asked her to try and relax. Melani flinched down with her hands clenched in a prayer.
"[De-Curse]!" This time the air only answered my spellcast with a small tinkling noise as tiny blue lights sparkled around Melani, who merely reacted once to the sound. It faded not three seconds later. It looked to have worked as the boils visible on face and hands immediately cleared away, although there were some dry spots still on her skin.
"M-My word. M-Madoshi-sama." Rubina gasped at the result to which I replied-
"Yes, her Curse condition is gone now. It was a successful removal." I had already brought up Melani's character window and no Curse debuff was around her HP sphere.
"Melani... look at yourself," came the madam's words to her charge. The young belle squinted with her eyes to see her hands had no more boils. Then her face turned into this cute shock, tears starting to form, as Melani rubbed her cleared hands to her face to not feel the bumps that were previously there. Then she cried out, her voice sounding something beautiful.
"Told ya, kid." I could see Rogers clapping and beaming on my left and heard sniffling to my right. Then we watched as Melani shed her cloak to check her arms and legs. It may have been a little provoactive since the young belle was wearing a light night dress that fell to her knee, so the shape of her slender figure could easily be seen through it. But after crying in tunes that sounded very uplifting, my patient curled her stance into a criss-cross and looked at me with wordless thanks in her eyes.
I simply half bowed to her again. Now with the cloak gone and most of her skin fully cleared, Melani looked like the little siren beauty she was. She had long dark hair that sleeked straight and reflected a bluish pattern, but it was her eyes that stood out the most. They were dark in shade but seemed to shine. Coupled with the natural blue highlights around the shape of her eyes, it gave this belle's countenance a most bewitching feature.
"She looks miles better already. Thank you, madoshi-sama," and my body went rigid again and face flushed as the madam took me into a firm embrace.
"T-Think nothing of it, Rubina-sama," I squeaked as she let me go. The whiff of this woman's strange scent still burned in my nose as I told her, "Glad to be of service." The madam then went to sit next to her charge as they shared a comforting embrace. The tears were now falling from the little siren's eyes.
I felt a pat on my back as Rogers had come up to me. "Man... seriously, your healing is incredible. Never seen anything like it. And so fast too."
"Yes, yes," came the madam's voice. She was still holding Melani who was quietly sobbing on her shoulder, "I hear it takes hours of preparation to break a curse effect. And you did two in but a couple minutes."
"Well... technically the same one, I think." I didn't mean it to sound as a brag though. "But she should be able to wear her bracelet again without any risk," I tried to put it as mildly as I could. Rubina looked to grab the wisher but paused still due to hugging it out with the patient, so I went and grabbed it off the side dresser and held it out to the madam.
The harpy beauty took it with a rather wry smile to present it to her young charge who once again shook her head at receiving it. "It's okay, my girl. It's okay."
It was clear to anyone by now that these two had a relationship that went beyond the teacher and student. It was almost like a parent and kid with the way they were acting with the other. Melani found her courage on her mistress's assurance and took back her wisher, but doing so made her frown.
"Toby... h-he's such a jerk." Both us guys were shocked with how forceful her little voice was now. A strange echo sounded when she said the boy's name. "I can't believe he did this to me," and the young girl put her head back on the madam's shoulder.
"Toby?" I was curious to who this boy was.
"Toviyah Kaine-denka," Rubina answered. "Although I probably shouldn't refer to him as a prince after what he did to my little one here. Ooo - I had such high hopes for him," as she rubbed my patient's nose with her slender finger. The madam's eyes were mischievous as she leaned in to Melani and said next, "Perhaps, we can send him a gift of red pox in return. And he can see how it feels." That got a giggle out of her young charge.
That didn't sound very promising for this Prince Toby character. It also was sounding like a scene that could start an international incident.
"He should get a swift kick in the nutsack," was Rogers's contribution which drew some more giggling from the two belles in the room. But again, to me, it made no sense. Looking at this young belle, no way a boy her age who was talked up as a 'potential' - if it means what I think it does - would do something so... callous. Unless this Toby was-
"Did the young lady offend this prince in any manner. Like a rejection or a light-hearted tease that could be taken the wrong way?"
"NO!" It was another forceful answer from the siren girl. Then her face grew flushed and she shook her head, "I-I showed Toby-sama every courtesy. J-Just as you taught me mistress." Her eyes were almost seeking forgiveness now, as if she had done something wrong.
"There, there. You did nothing wrong baby," said the madam, and from there she gave me the full rundown on what happened in this Cans city. Apprently this Toby fellow was one of the heirs to the Three Princes, a triumvirate that rules the southern region of the Beastmen Kingdoms. Qans is but one among two other city-states in that region, and Toby's House of Kaine was a large family of werewolves of a distinct and ancient lineage. Supposedly, these werewolves were more "pureblood" than their wolfkin cousins and can actually turn into some kind of giant wolf, so this family is seen as beastkin royalty.
But despite their differences in status, young Melani managed to make a good impression on the local society there and even caught this prince's eye during one of her song performances. Here Rubina was bragging, "It's due to her natural talents, you know. Sirens can fine-tune a man's heart." That sounded a bit dangerous to me but whatever, what do I know here. But as the madam's tale went on, I could easily see by her boastful tone on how easily it was for her young charge to gain step after step in a city she was unacquainted with, as to the real reason why this little lady would become a target of a 'Curse' in the first place.
"She's just a prodigy of the finer arts," the madam finished by lightly pinching Melani's cheek. I did notice in her character window that her level was quite high for her age of 13. I then pointed that out, rather abstractly, to Rubina who replied with a curt nod-
"Yes, yes. Best student I might have ever had. Already knows more than my..." there was a surprised chirp in the madam's voice as she broke her sentence. Then her eyes went to the side as a more knowing smile began to develop on her face.
"I see. I see. That would make more sense, wouldn't it." It seems Rubina understood my hidden implication. It seems Melani did not connect the dots so her mistress said while patting her hand-
"Seems you were a little too well received, my dear." Melani was still confused, so I put in-
"There is an old saying where I'm from, 'A jealous woman will set a house on fire out of spite'."
"So one of the girls here, did this," Rogers didn't seem to fit the right puzzle piece in as his eyes wandered to suspects who laid beyond the little room we were in.
"No, Roge-san. Not here." How to explain this, "The more likely culprit was one of this prince's suitors who took offense to all the attention Melani was getting. Tell me Melani-san, did you receive that link from the prince himself?"
She had a deer in headlights look in nodding her cute head while saying in contradiction, "It was by way of courier. As we made to leave town."
I gave the young belle a pointed stare, "Then you didn't receive it from this prince directly, did you?" Melani's sparkling gaze went down as her mind parsed that information. It only took a couple seconds before she gasped to look at her mistress to say-
"Toby-sama still likes me then?" I could almost laugh at the girl's first thoughts here.
Rubina thought so too because she answered her charge with a giggle, "Yes, yes. Of course he does, my girl. Seems he won't be getting a case of the red pox after all." Then the two shared a hardly suppressed tittering noise between them. Even Rogers was shaking his head at the over-exagerration here. But with the mood in the room lightened, I made to say-
"If the young lady is ready, I can try to heal up the rest of those spots on her skin. Also," adding if I could get the madam's signature on the guild paper as proof of completion.
"Surely, you've..." I already cut off Rubina's insistence that it wouldn't be necessary, telling her casting another spell here is okay and not untoward for my patient to receive. Rubina nodded as she got off the bed, helping to get Melani to stand before me while she went to the side desk to place her signature on the back of the paper. I could tell the young belle was a little nervous before me, but I assured her-
"I think most of these little red marks are stress related. The spell I'm going to use now, [Light Healing], has a 'Refresh' effect so it might instantly clear it up. If not, then its 'Light Breeze' effect should cure some of it."
"All that, with a single spell," the madam questioned with a light hoot.
"Yeah. I've seen this magic work at the Welltree estate," Rogers confirmed. "It heals so much better than a Mending one."
I asked Melani if she was ready, and with her cute nod, I pointed my wand and casted, "[Light Healing]." My patient was gripped by a firm blue light that dimmed all around her like a mist. It instantly cleared most of the red patches of skin with the rest fading over the spell's healing over time effect. One could say the spell even enhanced the little siren's beauty. As the light faded 12 seconds later, her skin was evenly matched in its fairness.
"Truly... such marvelness," the harpy was clearly impressed with the outcome.
"I know," my escort concurred. "I saw him heal up nearly twenty with this spell."
"Twenty!" The madam seemed stunned by the number, but all attention went to Melani as she again made sweet humming noises as she checked the length of her arms and legs. She soon righted herself, still a little shaky on her feet, as her face settled on me with a look of happy sadness.
"It seems, I can't cure you entirely." I noticed that the more physical stress on her body like her pale thinness or drowsy eyes did not go away. So there seems to be some limitations with healing magic, but I went on, "But after a couple days rest and a week or so of your body getting back to your usual self, you should make a full recovery, Melani-san." I finished by giving her a bow of the head.
My patient was still just looking at me with the look of wanting to burst in tears but without knowing if it was permissible or not. Her mistress seemed to understand her hesitation to say-
"Go on, my girl. Thank the young master." It sounded a sharp command, but before I could give glance to the madam, the pretty girl before me did a full curtsy with a bend at the knee and said in a weak voice-
"Arigato gozaimasu, madoshi-sama." Her face was settled on the faintest of smiles as a trail of tears went down both cheeks. I bowed my head again and said-
"You are very welcome, little lady. I am glad to have been of service to you." Melani flinched backed down when her gaze almost met mine, and she began to act a little jumpy taking glances here and there. It seems there's something else she wanted to say but looked scared to. After another glance to her mistress, she gave a small motion with her hand for me to draw closer.
I smiled figuring she was too embarassed to ask for a hug outright. As I got closer, the young belle put her arms around me, gave me the lightest of pecks on my cheek, then whispered a sentence of words that hit me like a lightning bolt. I immediately jumped away from her, my brain still fried from what I just heard - something that should never come out the mouth of young lady, let alone a girl of 13.
"Miss M-Melani. You... you can't say things like that." My smile was gone as I implored this to her. At the same time, my conscious was screaming to me, "This is NOT legal!" However the look on the young belle's face was one of complete satisfaction which made me scoff out loud to the little demeanor she was showing now.
The madam gave out a little chirp of laughter asking her charge, "Hohoho... did little Melani just break Cardinal Rule #2." The siren's cheeks were pink as she nodded twice to her mistress. This got Rubina to hoot some more, pulling a little vintage fan from out of nowhere to cover her mouth. One of those rings on her hand must be a storage one.
"I can't say, I completely condone, such forwardness, my dear," the harpy spoke inbetween fits. "But, the gamble was executed flawlessly. Look at how flustered the young master is. I say, you've got a good chance with this one!"
"Thank you, mistress," was her sly reply.
I turned to that, completely red-faced now, to scold, "Sh-she just... propositioned me!" I knew not else what word to describe what just happened. "Don't encourage it. Madam, please!" I could hear Rogers snickering again to my embarassment.
"Why not," came the harpy's query, looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "Normally such behavior is... unbecoming for such ladies, but Melani is at such an age where 'asking' is still a cute and acceptable pass."
"No, it's not," I wanted to say, but I could only stare at this woman with an open face. But it didn't stop there - Rubina kept on saying more scandalous things about the toils of love and courtship that I would never have dreamt of hearing aloud. I felt like my soul was getting corrupted here, and it coming from this exotic beauty made it sound more the salacious.
".... ooohuhu," the harpy's voice was in a totally fake whine now as she ended her little rant. "How else can we damsels cope in this world of great and powerful men?" The madam sniffled when posing that last question to me. I knew it was all playacting, but I had no confidence left to answer this woman. She just floored me over how I had to take responsibility for this young maiden whose heart I "stole" through my beguiling manner. What? Then it got worse when Melani began apologizing for some obscene reason-
"... Do forgive my undue passion here, goshujin-sama. But I swear to be 'diligent' in your service, if you would have me."
My mind was now screaming, "This is totally illegal!", but I had to listen to even more as Rubina went over the merits for the little siren's companionship. It was like listening to an exposition to every item in Melani's bill of sale. I was hot all over and could barely stammer out afterwards-
"Forgive me... b-but, I don't think I can. You see... where I'm from... t-this is sorta frowned upon. And, s-she's not even of age yet... and," I wasn't given the chance to make any more of my case as the madam flashed her fan beneath her gleaming eye.
"Ohh, not to worry, young master. Melani here is but a few years from blooming. She would make an excellent first mistress for you. Or a wife, if you are forced into tradition." The harpy's voice had just lost all its emotional edge from before and stated the above as if simple fact.
"I would be honored so, danna-sama." I turned back to the little siren's next assertion, literally trembling in fear now, where she gave me the slightest of winks with her left eye. What is going on here? Rogers could barely contain himself now.
"Fuufufu... full marks for that one, my girl," came the madam's faint reply from behind her little fan.
About twenty minutes later, I finally managed to stumble out of the Verde House while still holding on to my virtue... and my sanity in tact.
- In Serial46 Chapters
The Lions of Dawrtaine
Hallon Nilsdotter was born in 1268 and trained in the magics of the shamans of old Sweden. Now, in 1924, she hunts for the Calamity, a prophesied disaster. Along with her spirit allies and the young scientist Milo Rabbit, Hallon forces open a tear in the boundary of their universe to travel to another. An old war has ruined this land, breaking its weather systems, and a new war is brewing between the Untainted and those who show strange mutations. On the run after being identified as abnormal, Hallon and Milo must navigate this new world of machine guns, gas attacks, and fallen spirits. All the while, the Calamity looms over them. ----- The book is complete at 46 chapters, although I may revisit with short stories in the future.
8 197 - In Serial47 Chapters
The Life of a Dungeon
Taken by Zealla, the goddess of dungeons, with a couple hundred other souls to become dungeon cores on the planets she is worshipped on. This is the story of one such person who was soul napped and made into a dungeon core without them knowing. Join them on an adventure of becoming a dungeon and exploring how to actually be a proper dungeon. While also trying to defy Zealla and become what they want to become in their new life.
8 123 - In Serial7 Chapters
Code Name: GLITCH
Major Xiomar Haydn is a damn good soldier, and an even better mechanic, although he does have a tendency to get himself thrown into the stockades for getting on the general's bad side. To keep him busy and out of trouble, Xiomar is assigned the task of repairing an old Mech that hasn't been touched in fifteen years. He knows he can fix it--he's Chief Mechanic. What he doesn't know, however, is that GLITCH has a mind of its own. Literally. In the midst of a war between two countries, Xiomar and his newly-repaired Mech are caught in the middle. The enemy is trying to obtain GLITCH's technology... the power to give their own Mechs sentience and dominate the world. Xiomar finds himself pondering the morality of forcing a sentient being to fight on his behalf, and what that means for him as a dutiful soldier. With the future filled with uncertainty, Xiomar and GLITCH are certain of one thing--no one's going down without a fight.
8 209 - In Serial6 Chapters
Eclipse Online
Its the year 2050 and gaming industry has reached the level of developing VR system that supports full dive. It brought a wave of new games, but none stood above the greatest of them all, Eclipse Online. A world where everything and anything is possible to gain one of the five kings titles, so how will you rise above all? This story will be a side project and will not be my primary focus, so updates will happen when I feel I have reached a mental block and need something else to clear it. I don't own cover art
8 126 - In Serial12 Chapters
Bonnie Bennett Reborn | TVD
A boy from Los Angeles, California, reborn into his favorite tv universe, as his favorite character; Bonnie Bennett. Luckily, he's born into a male version of her with his own first name intact, along with all of his own memories and knowledge. He's not too excited about this shift in his life, this shift in reality. But, he'll just have to make due. He has always wanted magic.~~~Genderbent Bonnie Bennett x TVD MEN (Gay Harem)W a r n i n g - themes of violence, depictions of alcohol and drug use, mature language, gay smut.A U - This story will be AU-ish. I'm going to make some changes, leave a few things out, etc.D i s c l a i m e r - I don't own any rights to The Vampire Diaries. I simply my own added plot and character(s).U n e d i t e d - Slight grammatical mistakes, possible spelling errors. Point them out please so I see them! I will edit eventually. :)S u p p o r t - Vote and comment to help keep me motivated! I like interacting with you all.
8 109 - In Serial17 Chapters
Perpetuo Servaturum
Это мир, в котором каждому человеку суждено быть со своим "истинным". Неважно, сколько лет пройдет, они все равно будут вместе. Если до совершеннолетия "истинные" не наши друг друга, они перестают стареть, так как старость они должны встретить вместе. История об учителе, который сотню лет ждал, как оказалось, своего ученика.
8 166