《Author sent into his own story, now what do I do?》Chapter 12- Elven encounter


(I going to guess that they are scared of their lives and that they all left the arena...ummm I guess I should fix this)

I rewrote the time and made it that I already have the award and that I won the tournament. Blast is now in the hospital, Lucia gone back home, Elissa back in the cathedral and I was already sent out to do whatever I want since the adventure guild didn't care that I took a mission or not because I am a SSS+. I am going to the elven forest since I want to see elves and talk to them but I already have in mind what they going to be like.

Elves behavior possibility: 1. Are friendly 2. Think they the superior race 3. Hate humans and don't trust them

(Whatever I going to the elven forest anyway)

I teleport to the elven forest border and look at the forest for anything in the distance. In the forest I scout the area for elves and found a city size population of them. I walk through the forest to get to the destination.

(Oh boy, oh boy the intensity of the encounter but I hope they aren't bad or I might be wrong and scare the living shit out of them after all I can troll people like hell...Um or maybe they don't let me in their city so I have to teach them a lesson and force my way through, either way I am going through)

I walk directly straight to the city but stop to an elven army that is coming my way. The elves stop right in front of me and a row of elves form a line of arrow right in front of me. I am suprised that they point their weapons for really no reason. An elf that have fancier armor than the other elves.


Elf commander [Surrender human you are no match for us]

[Huh, surrender..why should I]

Elf commander [You disgesting humans are always here to kidnap and sell us as slaves so we decided to fight and capture you guys so you don't make us into slaves, the line is drawn when you guys stole our princess]

[HAHAHAH!!...That is one of the most stupidest thing I ever heard..Have you ever heard of come sense. Why didn't you try to defend you people before it got out of hand or you are so stupid that you didn't even notice]

Elven commander [Shut up human, surrender or die]

[I think your brain is already brain dead to make that decision..HAHAHAH!!!]

(For some reason I can't stop laughing)

Elven commander got angry at me and raises his hand and swing his hand at me. The elves shoot their mithril arrows at me.

[Trigger happy are we now]

I send a shockwave at the elves which send the group flying. The other elves notice that the group that were send to me are down for the count. They quickly send a larger group to take me down.

[Have you ever heard that there are some things you should mess with]

I cast an instant wooden justu, wood style-wooden dragon, on my enemies. A huge wooden dragon appear from the ground and wipe out the larger group. The entire elven army saw this and take arms against the dragon.

[Now the whole army is getting into shape how fun is that]

I discontinue the justu and try Whitebeard's power with his Gura Gura no Mi or also known as the Earthquake fruit. I punch the air which cracks the air and decimate the land plus the army right in front of me.

(Well that's nice and destructive)


The land is now in tatters from the shockwave. The elves who saw this try to help their fellow comrades out. I walk to the most fancy looking elf in the army and look at him straight in the eyes.

[Wow, great job destroying your own army]

Elven fancy commander [I won't be humiliated by a mere human, I am the elf prince Caeldir]

[I only got a few question for you would you mind to answer them]

Caeldir [I got nothing for you all I say that I am the one who send this army and plan]

[Wow you answer the question that I am going to ask you but thanks but since you are the leader of this attack on the kingdom you wouldn't mind paying for your action would you]

Caeldir [I can pay for almost anything]

[Good, this is for sending the troops and trying to attack me with them]

I slice Caeldier head off with my bare hands. I turn around and stare at the rest of the elves.

[So who's second in command]

A sexy lady with a very beautiful dress walk to me and bow down kneeling on the ground.

??? [Sorry to anger you but will you mind forgiving us and in return I will give anything to you, even my body can be use as your reward if you just let us go]

(I think I seen her before)

[This may sound stupid but are you one of the elves that I save from the slave auduction 4 days ago]

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