《Author sent into his own story, now what do I do?》Chapter 3- Author in the adventurer guild


Alex Pov

I the streets with my new clothes and people are looking at me suspiciously.

(Why is everybody thinks I am weird I brought the clothes from a domestic shop didn't I, maybe the mask is a litle suspicious)

I walk towards this three level building that looks much bigger than the other and that have a sign with 2 swords and a shield on it.

(I guess this is the adventure guild)

I walk inside the guild and saw a green hair girl doing her work on her counter. I walk towards her and prepare to ask her a question.

[Hello, miss can I register for the adventure guild]

Green hair employee [Sure, registration is 1 silver coin]

I took a silver coin on my front jacket pocket and gave her the coin.

Green hair employee [Okay, let me give you the paper to fill out]

The Green hair employee went to a drawer and take out a piece of paper for me.

Green hair employee [Here you go]

I read the paper and it pretty much ask you your name, age, occupation and signature.

(That it)

I wrote my name Alex Ng, age 16, occupation- mutliple occupations and sign my name and gave back the paper back to the lady.

[Is mutliple occupations okay]

Green hair employee [To be honest it doesn't really matter, you can go on any job if you feel like it on your level]

[I see, well that's nice hahahah]

I say that with a faint laugh.

Green hair employee [The board is around me and you can look it for yourself what kind of jobs you want, by the way your Adventurer card should coming in about 15-30 minutes from now so you should wait and hang out here]

[I fine I guess]


The the green hair girl went to the back to deliver the paper at the back of the guild.

(I guess I should be making some friends... mmm)

I heard some noises on a table with a guy and a lady. There was a big giant dude with leather armor with some arm and shoulder metal covers on him. He carryed a huge sword with him and weld it like a big club. While a purple hair young girl that wears a wizard hat and holds magical staff falls down on the ground, when seeing the guy is aggressively attacking her.

(If this was real life that sword would be too heavy for him, probably weights like 600 pounds or more.)

purple hair wizard girl [Please no, I said I was sorry]

Giant guy [You lost your chance to say sorry, now pay for your price]

(I guess this is typical for a story)

I took a copper coin from my pocket and flick it at the giant guy lightly hitting him in the face.

Giant guy [Hey, who did that]


I acted with a clownish voice and action

[I did... can you be a little more reasonable and not try to attack someone who disargee with you]

Giant guy [That is none of your business, I am a B rank adventurer come and get me if you want to fight about it]

(For someone who thinks that they can do anything to the lower ranking people really get their act togther)

[Oh no... a B rank adventure is such a pervery coward who pick on the weak, oh no what should I do]

Giant guy [You will pay for what you say you masked bastard]

(I can get use to this)

The giant guy swing his sword at me and move forward while I step around the sword and put my leg out. The guy have too much momentum to turn and go forward while being trip by my foot.


Giant guy [Ahaha] *poof* (this meant to represent the guy falling on the floor

[How about you quit and come back when you clear your mind okay, okay] *in a clowish voice*

Giant guy [Why you..]

When he turn around I bitch slap him hard.

[Boom and guy goes down once again] *In a clowish voice*

(Bullying bad people is so much fun)

Giant guy [Don't think I am done yet, I still have to settle the matter with that girl]

[Righht, the thing you taking money from lower adventures]

Giant guy [Mask people should just stay out of big men business]

(Is this guy really saying that)

[I guess I finish you]

The guy is standing up and ran towards me while swing his sword hortizontally than vertically. I just went forward and punch him in the gut point blank which knock him out cold which makes him fall to the ground with blank eyes. I turn to the girl.

[Are you okay] *In my normal voice*

Purple hair wizard girl [Yes, thankyou very much for saving me]

[Don't mention it]

???? [What's this commotion about... is it you man in the creepy mask]

A long blonde hair chick with fancy looking knight armor come forward

[It is partically done by me]

Blonde hair chick [Then come with me]

[How about no]

(What is this chick thinking, can't you read the situation)

Blonde hair chick [Then I Lucia Sopabif challenge you to a duel]

The blonde girl took her sword out and pointed at me.

[Yea some random person come over and says duel me, yea thats nice]

The girl got angry and the pruple wizard ran into the crowd.

(Some attempt to get the situation sort out)

Blonde girl [It doesn't matter if its a random person or not a duel is a duel, defend your pride]

[Okay I duel you, let make a bet the other person does anything the other person wants, agree]

Blonde girl [Argee, I won't lose to the likes of you]

[We will see]

(This is so much fun, now what to do with you)

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