《Dungeon Runner》Chapter 7:
There have been some important changes, so read the author's note.
Chapter 7:
Getting the skills for fire, water and wind were much easier than getting earth, since I had experience this time. It took me about 4 days to get all the skills, which was much better than it was for getting earth. I still couldn't get the more advanced elements like light, darkness, lightning, etc. The descriptions for skills were pretty similar to the descriptions for earth.
Water ManipulationYou can now use your mana to manipulate the mana of water. The amount of mana you use depends how long you use the water mana and how much you use, as well as how you manipulate it.
Fire ManipulationYou can now use your mana to manipulate the mana of fire. The amount of mana you use depends how long you use the fire mana and how much you use, as well as how you manipulate it.
Wind ManipulationYou can now use your mana to manipulate the mana of wind. The amount of mana you use depends how long you use the wind mana and how much you use, as well as how you manipulate it.
Although the descriptions were similar, elements mana were much different. Water was smooth, gentle and flows on. It feels like it is never ending. Wind is unrestraint, fast and hyperactive. It doesn't stay at one place for long. Fire is fiery, arrogant and prideful., but it cares for its friends. It can keep on growing forever, and is easily angered, especially for its friends.
All the elements have their good points and I named some of the moves I made for the elements. I made Wind Slash, it's like it names says, its compressed wind which slashes at your enemy. Fireball, a ball of fire which can be shot out. Lastly, Waterbullet, its similar Fireball, but it's smaller and faster. It also doesn't do as much damage as Fireball.
While I was comprehending the elements, I also learned something about my abilities. Creating the element takes a lot of mana, but if you take an existing part of the element, like water from a lake, you use a significantly less amount of mana. The only downsides are that it won't be as strong as when you create it from scratch and if someone has a much higher level of the element's manipulation skill, they can control your attack. This is because using outside sources means that your mana imprint isn't in it.
Since I finished gaining the basic elements, I feel like I'm ready to go do some more battling. Since I won't be gaining any new skills in a long time, I fell like getting more battle experience will be way I'll get stronger fastest.
I took out my map and started to head in to the forest. I go in a direction I never went before. The moment I reached outside of my maps view, I used Soul Sense and sketched a rough layout of what I did. I made the paper for the map by peeling off bark from a tree and washing it. When it was clean and the bark was dampened enough, I peeled out the layers and washed the chalky insides. After washing it once more, I let it dry. I then stuck the bark paper together using some honey and syrup. When it dried, I washed the paper once more to get the left over honey and syrup off the surface. And that's how you have a homemade map, I got the information to map maps from Luke's memories. As for the writing utensil, I used a white rock I found on the ground. It is kind of like the chalk from Luke's memories.
When I finished the rough sketch of the surrounding areas, I started to walk forward, until I encountered a creature. While I was walking, my Soul Sense located a creature. The creature was green and looked like a really ugly human child. It was wearing loincloth and was holding a wooden club in its hands. I remember reading about these creatures in a book, it was a Goblin. Goblins are known for being stupid and rapists. They normally kidnap women from the other races and rape them. The pregnant woman usually give birth to new Goblins in about a month.
Goblins are considered monsters by even the dungeon and can't leave the floor they are assigned to. Although they are considered monsters, there is a special race which the dungeon considers the same as other races like humans. This race of Goblins are called the Aether Goblins, and unlike their monster counterparts, they have intelligence comparable to humans and other races. To identify an Aether Goblin, you have to check their forehead, as they have a black sun insignia. All Aether Goblins have that mark on their forehead, and it's what differentiates them from monsters. Aether Goblins are tall like other races and are not rapists.
The black sun insignia is on every race that has monster counterparts. For example: Ogres, Hydras and Dragons, although they are considered to be monsters by the dungeon, they have a special variant in their race which is considered by the Dungeon to be a non-monster. To identify them, check for the insignia, or check if their on a floor their not suppose to be on. All monsters are not allowed to leave the floor they are assigned to, and this helps Dungeon Explorers identify the special variants. All the variants have the word Aether before their race, for example: Aether Goblin or Aether Dragon. Another way to identify the variant race is to identify to see if they have a name, only the variant race of the species can have names.
The dungeon is a little weird in that although legendary monsters like Dragons and Phoenixes are extremely smart, they are considered monsters unless they have the insignia bestowed by the dungeon to a special race of variants of that species.
Breaking out of my thoughts, I identified the creature to see if it was an Aether Goblin. It didn't have an insignia and when I identified it didn't have a name. It only said Goblin Clubber Level 3.
Goblin Clubber Level 3
As I was identifying the Goblin, 4 more goblins appeared. I Identified all of them and found 3 more Goblin Clubber Level 3's and one Goblin Swordsman Level ???.
Goblin Clubber Level 3
Goblin Clubber Level 3
Goblin Clubber Level 3
Goblin Swordsman Level ???
Feeling like this is a good challenge, I closed in on the goblins. When I was close to them, I waited a few minutes to recover. The Goblins were just eating a rabbit while laughing. When I was recovered, I waited for the best moment to strike.
After waiting about 30 minutes, 1 of the goblins got up and went into the forest. I followed him, to find him taking a piss. I got down from the tree I was on and sneaked up on the goblin. This was one of the Goblin Clubber's, and this one left it's club back at the campsite with the other Goblins. This shows that the Goblins are truly stupid.
I snickered a little at their stupidity, before manipulating the earth to create a Revolving Rock Lance, which I shot at the neck of the Goblin. The Goblin didn't notice this and got killed in an instant, but that's when I realized I made a mistake. Although I killed a Goblin, the Revolving Rock Lance kept on flying and crashed through some trees, causing some noise. This alerted the Goblins, and I can hear the Goblins screaming. I quickly climbed a tree and jump across the trees to a safe location.
The Goblins quickly came running towards the site. The Goblin Swordsman had some chainmail on, which meant he will be even more of a hassle to deal with. When the Goblins saw one of their own was dead, they started screaming in anger, or at least that's what I think they are doing. Even though every resident of the dungeon use the same language, Jurgon, the monsters don't.
I created 4 pebbles before throwing 1 down, a little left to where the Goblins were. The Goblins heard the noise and started to head there, but then I quickly threw the rest down in different locations. The Goblins looked confused and scratched their heads, but the Goblin Swordsman started talking. After he finished, the Goblins spilt off and went into the different locations the noises came from.
My gamble on the Goblins stupidity worked, they split off, which gives me more chances to win by picking them off. I followed one of the Goblin Clubber's, and sneaked up on him. Just as I was going to kill him, I felt danger coming from behind me. I quickly roll to the left, dodging a sword slash, barely escaping death. I see the Goblin Swordsman standing there and sneering at me, before lunging at me. This alerts the other Goblin who also tries to attack with me with his club. I slam my hand on the ground and manipulate it to form a wall in front of me. The club does no damage to the walk, but the metal sword cuts through the wall, but it doesn't reach me.
I then use Rock Spike on the wall, which extend towards the Goblins. The Goblin Swordsman quickly parries with his sword and manages to block it, but the Goblin Clubber gets impaled in the left shoulder. The swordsman gets angry and tries to attack me, but I quickly grab on to the top of the wall and pull myself up. I then jump off it on to the trees and hide myself.
The Goblin Clubber frees himself and cries a little in pain. While clutching his shoulder, he follows the swordsman to rally up the other Goblins. The moment they gather up, I shoot out a Fireball which explodes on them. Smokes rises up and I hear moans off pain. When the smokes clears, I see the injuries I caused. The Goblin Clubber that got impaled got burns all over his body. Although they were not serious, it will affect his combat ability. He also got lucky as his wound from before got burnt and stops bleeding. The other clubbers have some burns as well except for one who got hit by the Fireball, his entire right hand got incinerated and he was on the ground roaring in pain. The swordsman had even less injuries as his armour took the brunt of the damage.
The Goblins get up and scream at me, or so I guess, and they make way to the tree I was last on. They try to attack it, but I send a Waterbullet. It hits the swordsman and makes him fall down, but does little to no damage because of his helmet. He yells and charges at my tree, but I release other bullets from different directions at him. He dodges but looks around confusedly and angrily.
I make my way to the clubbers and slowly get down from my tree. I then put my hand on the ground and create 1 Revolving Rock Lance before shooting it at the handicapped clubber. It hits his chest and caves it in. The Goblin dies but it alerts the other Goblins. They make way to me, but I make the lance to come back and stab another clubber. This time they were ready and dodge, but one of the Goblins lost a leg because I shot a Wind Slash at it.
I quickly jump onto a tree and go to a tree quite some distance away before meditating. The Goblins screamed in anger and attacked random trees, toppling them down. The handicapped Goblin was helped up by one of the other clubbers. I recovered half of my mana pool before attacking again.
I charge up a massive Fireball, using up all my remaining mana before shooting at the clubbers. The swordsman notices and screams at the others while running away. The Goblins got 2 meters away before the Fireball landed on the ground. A huge explosion occurred and the nearby trees got destroyed. When the smoke cleared, I saw a crater and all the clubbers corpses. Their bodies were mangled and burnt beyond comparison. The swordsman was heavily injured and was slumped against a tree. He barely survived because of his armour and his escaping speed. I recover my mana enough for one more attack before jumping down.
I walk towards the Goblin, and its eyes open up in anger. It tries to move but fails, and I then use Regulus's Snare on the creature and absorbed its soul. I leveled up once and gained 20 spirit from it. I put both stat points into perception, which saved my life today. My earth manipulation also leveled up. All my kill notifications popped up.
You have killed 4x Goblin Clubbers Level 3, you have gained 30 exp each.
You have killed 1x Goblin Swordsman Level ???, you have gain 50 exp.
Level Up!You are now Level 4. You gain 2 stat points.
The skill Earth Manipulation has leveled up, manipulating the earth has become easier.
Earth ManipulationYou can now use your mana to manipulate the mana of earth. Manipulating the earth has become easier. The amount of mana you use depends how long you use the earth mana and how much you use, as well as how you manipulate it.
I check my status screen and grinned happily at my strength.
Status Window Name:Arjun HunterLevel:4Race:Black Tiger/High Elf HybridGender:MaleTitles Reincarnated One2 Souls, 1 Body Merged Souls-Health Regen:1.4x fasterMana:368 / 368Mana Regen:1.95/ Sec-Strength:17Agility:27Vitality:22Dexterity36Intelligence:49Wisdom:33Charisma:30Luck:20Spirit174Perception 21
I returned to my house and rested, before continuing to fight. 2 days later, I decide to find out what's the truth about Leon.
To be continued
Status Screen:
Spoiler : Status Window Name:Arjun HunterLevel:4Race:Black Tiger/High Elf HybridGender:MaleTitles Reincarnated One2 Souls, 1 Body Merged Souls-Health Regen:1.4x fasterMana:368 / 368Mana Regen:1.95/ Sec-Strength:17Agility:27Vitality:22Dexterity36Intelligence:49Wisdom:33Charisma:30Luck:20Spirit174Perception 21
Skill List:
Spoiler : SkillsMana ManipulationIntermediate Level 3Mana/Soul ArmourBeginner Level 4Mana/Soul ClawBeginner Level 9IdentifyBeginner Level 9Mana/Soul RoarBeginner Level 6Cooking (passive)Advanced Level 1 Engineering (passive) Intermediate Level 3Parkour (passive) Intermediate Level 8Blade Proficiency (passive)Intermediate Level 4Firearms Proficiency (passive)Intermediate Level 2SneakIntermediate Level 5ScoutIntermediate Level 7Leadership (passive) Intermediate Level 9Picklocking Intermediate Level 1Disarm Intermediate Level 2Soul SenseIntermediate Level 1Soul ManipulationIntermediate Level 1Regulus's SnareBeginner Level 2MeditationBeginner Level 3Cartography (passive)Beginner Level 1Earth ManipulationBeginner Level 2Fire ManipulationBeginner Level 1Water Manipulation Beginner Level 1Wind ManipulationBeginner Level 1
The elemental spells list:
Spoiler : Fire: Fireball
Water:: Waterbullets
Wind: Wind Slash
Earth: Rock Lance, Revolving Rock Lance, Stone Wall, Rock Armour and finally Rock Spike
Author's note: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. The changes I made were that the skills from last chapter like Rock Lance are no longer skills. That would make too much skills and the skill list will take too much space. Instead the skills from last chapter will have names and will be coloured green to show they are not real skills. I will also put them at the end of the chapter after the to be continued like the status sheet and skills list. I also changed some of the mana costs of the skills, like soul manipulation and earth manipulation. Chapter 6 was also changed, I added the kill notfications and Arjun gained 16 spirit for absorbing the Snow Hares souls in the beginning of the chapter. I appreciate the tips you guys give, it really helps make the story better. Thanks. Remember to leave feedback, criticism, reviews and comments, it will make the story better.
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