《Hero for hire》Chapter 0-6
JoC 0-6
I overestimated my ability to fly, which resulted in a series of weird accidents, like getting the attention of the matte demons, by crashing into their 'smelling' distance, losing my precious tail after one of them swiped their claws at it, and me trying to fly away, and succeeding due to the fear of being torn apart by those fuckers. Also I managed to follow them as they were carrying my severed tail to their lair, and I must say, it's... one big ass crater. I surveyed the area, but I don't think that there are any underground tunnels, it looks like there are getting in by climbing down the steep walls, and then climb up when they go on a hunt. Though from all the demons there, or aliens, only a few types don't participate in the hunts. They are one big ass alien, that looks more like an ant queen than alien broodmother, some way bigger warriors, I think, that constantly stay near the big one, whom I might actually dub queen and her guards.
As to what they do. They carry here a lot of meat and corpses of demons, sometimes even living demons, but most of the time the queen with her guards eat the meat, also it seems that I have to kill them as fast as I can, considering that the queen ate my tail at neckbreaking speed. Now I think would be the best time to actually use my nuke to get rid of the enemies here, they are in crater, there are a lot of them, it's impossible to use minigun on the crater walls, as the demons can easily climb these walls, not to mention that there are way more than a few thousands, from the looks of it, it's close to a few tens of thousands, doubt that there are hundred, but maybe their numbers are close to sixty? I'll learn how to land later, once I get rid of the dragon-eating demons. My poor tail. It takes a while to regenerate it. I might be able to repurpose the spare core as a nuke to wipe them all out, but it's best to switch cores, I guess? Mine is already halfway to depletion.
You know the funniest thing about power cores? Besides that some of them are plutonium based? They are banned across the world, sort of, and are really, and I mean really expensive. Well, not to the point of truly expensive items, like the actual power armor, but more about a few hundred grands. Them being a black market goods don't make it easier, even if their actual cost is only about fifty or so thousands. As to reason why they are banned, it's actually simple. Not enviro-friendly, really problematic recharge process, which deemed them nonchargeable, they're unstable, sort of, and can result in a big ass explosion, and, of course, can be repurposed as the 'dirty' nuclear bomb. Mine isn't that hard to modify into the bomb, reason being my tendency to take as many as I can if I lose. One time I was cornered, so I 'bluffed' my way out. Of course they were alliance guys, as chinese tend to be suicidal in these matters. It was more of an accident, I was ready to detonate my power core, as a last ditch attempt to take everyone with me, but one of their tech guys noticed that my core was of those black market cores. Of course the guys freaked out, but then even more so when the command came in, which was central's job. I kinda owed him for that one, so I was introduced to the world of anime as a payback. Not like I wasn't interested in it, but being forced to cosplay as certain characters did some changes to my love of theatrical.
I laugh as I switch cores in my armor and start repurposing the used core. It doesn't take long to finish the bomb and in less than ten minutes I take off into the skies. I'm not proficient enough to make a clean bomb, but if I'll be quick, I might actually survive the radiation. I hover at the relative center of the crater, just over the queen and her guards, and drop the bomb, while I stay in mid air, watching. Now I think it's a bad idea, considering that it might-
Ugh... my head. Hp is on 3K out of 9, and I feel nauseous.
You've been Irradiated.
Your attributes suffer 50% penalty, your regeneration is lowered by 80%, and your maximum health is lowered by 66.6%.
You survived being an idiot, so Darwin award won't be given out, though as the participation prise you get one token. Try not to do that in the immediate future, else we will have to award you with the main prise.
Already? Fuck, that hurts. Change into human form, wear armor, and go into the irradiated area, to steal stuff... or not... I doubt I can survive in the epicenter. Shop for hazmat suit... found a few. Now let's see. One has high resistance, but heavy, other is lighter, but doesn't offer as much protection, and others are more of light variety. Cost... fifty thousand? Heavy costs fifty? Well, I do have quite a lot stashed, but... whatever, I'll get more loot. Now to equip it. Oh, wait, need rad away and a few rad-x pills. I guess I'll drink some alcohol for now and swallow rad-x pills. Not that they are that effective, but even if they provide 1% to the radiation resistance, I will take it... wait, resistance. Level up... resistance and spirit, and... I have how much left? Well, there were quite a lot of them, but why do I have less UP than before?
Soul Siphon
Whenever you are in the vicinity of a creature that ceased to exist, you acquire a portion of it's power. If you were the case for it's demise you get even more power from it.
You gain 0.1% of the total amount of parameters the creature had upon it's demise if you were within one kilometer from it.
Upon killing the creature by yourself, regardless of the process, and while being in the 100 meter radius from it you will gain 1% of the total parameters the creature had.
If you were the one to kill the creature, but you were further than 100 meters from it, you will gain only a portion of it's parameters, with the lowest amount being 0.1%.
You also gain 0.1% of the damage dealt to creature in lifeforce.
So... I got 0.1% out of them? How high are their stats then, if I get 0.1% from their deaths and I still am at about five thousand points? Are they secretly some sort of demon elite? And still no experience? That's crazy. I doubt it would be worth it if I didn't get anything from those demons.
With a sigh, I equip my new hazmat armor, and move into the crater. First I place the rope and my hammer, considering that I might never even use it, at the top of the crater, and start my descend. The task itself is trivial, but due to the bulkiness of this armor, the task itself becomes a pain in the rear.
Once I get down, I start converting everything there is. Red mass, corpses, occasional stone or gem, ores, maybe, some power armor... some power armor? Seriously? Oh right, it's the alliance guys we're talking about, of course they would go and explore the unknown, only to be slaughtered later in the name of exploration, science and money. I think I might have killed a few of demon 'prisoners' as well, which might or might not include humans. Oh well, sorry guys, you were good as dead anyway.
After I finished converting everything in the crater, which might have taken me a few hours of going from one corpse to the next, I finally amassed... a fortune.
Variant: Prime
UP: 0
SC: 7623487
ST: 2
Stubborn, Durable, Supreme Regeneration, Esper
Inventory, Grimoire, Discerning Eye, Siphon, Elemental Possession, Transform
Primary: High Human; Secondary: Drake; Tertiary: None;
Superior Strength
Superior Constitution
Superior Vitality
Superior Agility
Superior Dexterity
Superior Perception
Superior Focus
Superior Willpower
Superior Attunement
CQC I, Marksmanship II, Defensive Measures I, First Aid I, Survival II, Cooking I, Stealth III, Matter Manipulation I, Matter Creation I
Of course I spent all the points on the attributes and affinities, of course I then used them up on affinities, because I might have actually needed them to use magic. Of course I didn't bought anything else as I didn't have enough credits. Now though... now... I will get myself something to remove radiation from my body. But first.
“System, purchase all items from wishlist.”... right. Need to do it manually. Sigh.
Dragon Secondary Bloodline
Drake Bloodline
800'000 SC
Blood of the dragons flows through your veins. Now you feel the urge to kidnap princesses, amass hoard and laze all day in a damp cave, that you call home. Or not, you're still just a half-blood, if not worse.
10 UP on level up, +1 to all attributes on level up.
One time bonus of +5 to all stats, +5 to all affinities.
You have maxed out some of your attributes and/or affinities. You get UP equivalent in exchange.
Attributes are now strengthened by 100%
20'000 SC
You are a tough nut to crack, and your health is rather high. It doesn't mean that you can't be killed, only that it'll take a lot of time
Health is increased by 150%
Evil Eyes
Perception >100 Spirit > 30, Psyche > 50, Charisma > 20, Discerning Eye
250'000 SC
Allows using a set range of powers that requires for the user to see the target. You must see your target in order to use the powers.
Allows using following powers: Night Vision, Detect Life, Discerning Eye, Life Drain, Mana Drain, Cursed Flames, Hex: Paralysis, Hex: Charm Creature, Hex: Psychosis, Hex: Weakening, Lesser Kinesis Strengthening (Esper Extension)
Replaces Discerning Eye.
Beholder Eyes
Evil Eyes
300'000 SC
Allows to read the memories, and use a mind control on a creature. Requires eye contact. Fatal to the target.
Extension of Evil Eyes
100'000 SC
Allows body to function even if health and mana are below 0. If the health falls below -15% of the total health, the user will die, if the mana drops below -15% the user will start losing health. While under 0 health, regenerate health at 10% of the initial regeneration rate, mana will regenerate at 5% of the initial regeneration rate.
500 SC
Allows for mapping the surface for all your basic needs. Also includes an ability to set up beacons for easier navigation.
20'000 SC
Spice up your mapping abilities by adding sonar to it. Allows you to survey larger areas and in more detail.
Lifeform Scanner
50'000 SC
No longer be surprised in the wild, with this little extension your map will show any and all lifeforms around you.
Mana Abnormalities Scanner
Lifeform Scanner
10'000 SC
Still finding getting nasty surprises from local constructs? No more, with this extension you will be able to spot even magic rocks. Say no to surprises on Halloween!
Map Scanner
5'000 SC
Bored of surveying local area all by yourself? Do you have an old map somewhere? Or digital one? With this brand new Map Scanner you can just copy someone's map into your database!
You can also store books in System.
Long Range Teleportation
Space affinity
1'500 SC
Tired of travelling by the mundane means? Then don't! Teleport to any place you want, as long as you have enough mana for it.
Navigational Beacon
Long range teleportation
100'000 SC
Whenever you long for home, teleport to it, regardless of distance! You can set up to eleven beacons to teleport anywhere, as long as you have the navigational beacon at that particular point.
Please note that in case of your untimely demise the beacons will be erased as per rules set in 'SYSTEM CODEX' paragraph 9, chapter 82 as of
Perfect Physique
Parameters >100
Charisma >30
550'000 SC
Whether by being too lazy, or having issues about your body, you decided to have the perfect body and keeping it forever. Or you are a sickly child who hates his uselessness. Regardless of the case, with Perfect Physique you will always be in the perfect shape, and will be highly resistant to any and all diseases, however you may still suffer from injuries, poisons or toxins, unless, of course, you are immune to them and not to diseases. As a side effect of being in perfect shape all the time, your mana channels are also improved.
+150% to Health capacity and regeneration, +50% to mana capacity and regeneration.
Minion Master
You are a minion master.
*you still need to buy extensions, if you want it to be of use.
Minion Possession
Summoning Affinity>1
100 SC
Allows to directly control creatures one summoned, can not control creatures summoned via rituals.
Minion Management
Summoning Affinity >15
1'500 SC
Allows to see the status and location of creatures of the summoner. Also works on creatures summoned by the means of rituals, including spirits and demons.
Summoning Affinity >10
Soul Affinity >10
5'000 SC
Allows to make contracts with creatures, or tame, that will force them to comply with the orders issued by the tamer. Only creatures possessing souls can be contracted, and creatures with strong soul can be harder to tame, in which case it's necessary to weaken them first. There is no limit on the tamed creatures count, but they still possess free will and might rebel, losing 50% of their parameters and levels, leaving a permanent scar on their soul.
Creatures with grown soul core are more difficult to tame, and don't lose parameters on rebelling, but they still may loose up to 10 levels worth of experience.
Primordial Phoenix Tertiary Bloodline
2 ST
The Phoenix that is made of mana flames. Able to use any sort of magic and the flames can be infused with any sort of energy. Have no distinctive mindset, except for being more independent comparing to other phoenixes.
Maxes out Fire affinity to the current max value, forces to take the fire affinity as the enhanced affinity.
Traits: Primordial Entity, Lesser Immortality, Fire Consumption, Poison Immunity.
Abilities: Flames of Mana.
Legendary Regeneration
350'000 SC
Supreme Regeneration, Lesser Immortality
So, you actually bought it, what a surprise, either you are a battle maniac or you never spent points in vitality, so you decided to spent those money on something that will heal you even if you lose your head. Please note that it takes a long while to regenerate your body from scratch, but now it is possible for you to get back to pristine condition if you die. You will however feel the pain while dying, so brace yourself for it, you maniac.
Of course the regeneration rate will increase, if you couldn't understand it from the first sentence, you musclehead.
500'000 SC
Esper, All other kinesis skills unlocked.
This is the collection of kinesis abilities, ranging from the simple pyro, cryo and tele, to some rare like umbra, photo or psycho kinesis. Be warned that just being able to use any type of kinesis doesn't mean it's safe. You now also can use multiple kinesis types simultaneously.
I... wanted to become a phoenix too, you know? They're immortal, and I really doubt I can survive the hell, and... screw it, phoenixes are cool. I mean, dragons breathe fire, and it's cool, but phoenixes are fire, so you can figure it out yourself. As for everything else, I need regeneration, and I need a lot of it, also, considering that I am constantly lost in this demon realm, having a way to navigate in here is a must, even if this ability has the scent of nanotech with all it's dlc and expansion packs, evil eyes are the first ability that will use my mana to do something, beholder... while it isn't that great in the demon realm, I might be able to find some sentient creature, and get the information out of it, physique is of simple reason, I don't want to get fat, and omnikinesis is... well, it cost me five millions to unlock everything the esper branch had to offer, and as for minions, I intend to be a summoner, they don't need much in terms of mana, and considering that my magic sucks, I'd better try to use rituals to summon my minions. Anyway, that's how I wasted my seven million credits, and tokens.
Variant: Prime
UP: 45
SC: 96887
ST: 0
Stubborn, Unbreakable, Legendary Regeneration, Esper*, Survivor, Perfect Physique, Primordial Entity.
Inventory, Grimoire*, Evil Eyes*, Soul Siphon, Elemental Possession, Transform*, Auto-Map, Minion Master*.
Primary: High Human; Secondary: Dragon; Tertiary: Primordial Phoenix;
Superior Strength
Superior Constitution
Superior Vitality
Superior Agility
Superior Dexterity
Superior Perception
Superior Focus
Superior Willpower
Superior Attunement
CQC I, Marksmanship II, Defensive Measures I, First Aid I, Survival II, Cooking I, Stealth III, Matter Manipulation I, Matter Creation I
I like that now I have quite a bit of traits and abilities, as well as now I can use magic, but I still need to get my irradiation debuff fixed. Oh boy... I hope the remaining credits will work. Also I still didn't leave the crater, so I might get some more credits for my rope, hammer and hazmat suit, but I should probably travel a few kilometers away from it, just to be safe from the radiation, I don't want to die from radiation posioning... wait, I have poison immunity, so shouldn't I get the radiation out already, or it doesn't work like that? Nah, I guess that would be too easy. Anyway, here we go, as far away as possible, I think the radius should be about fifty or so kilometers, then the radiation levels should be more or less normal, I hope. I really hope it's not bigger, considering that I'm starting to lose health.
- End1023 Chapters
Godfather Of Champions
This is a story about the pursuit of victory.— «I subscribe only to the theory of victory. I only pursue victory. As long as I am able to obtain victory, I don’t care if it’s total football or counterattack. What is the ultimate goal of professional soccer? In my opinion, it is victory, and the pinnacle of victory is to become the champions. I am a manager. If I don’t wish to lose my job or be forgotten by the people, there’s only one path for me to take, and that is to lead the team in obtaining victories, in obtaining championship titles!»The main character was not well-liked by people.— «⋯We conducted a survey which had been deemed by Manager Tony Twain as extremely meaningless. In a random street survey conducted, ninety-three percent of those surveyed chose the option ‘I hate Tony Twain’, while only seven percent chose the option ‘This person is rather decent, I like him’. It is worth noting that nobody chose the option ‘Who is Tony Twain? I don’t know him’. Mark, do you know why Manager Twain felt that our survey was very meaningless?» Parker, a reporter from laughed loudly and said when he was being interviewed by BBC.But there were also people who were madly in love with him.— When Tony Twain was forced to talk about the survey conducted by during an interview, his reply was : «I am happy, because Nottingham Forest’s fans make up seven percent of England’s population.»And he did not seem to care about how the others saw him.— «What are you all trying to make me say? Admit that I am not popular, and everywhere I go will be filled with jeers and middle fingers. You all think I will be afraid? Wrong! Because I am able to bring victory to my team and its supporters. I don’t care how many people hate me and can’t wait to kill me, and I also won’t change myself to accommodate the mood of these losers. You want to improve your mood? Very simple, come and defeat me.»His love story had garnered widespread attention.— «Our reporters took these pictures at Manager Tony Twain’s doorsteps. It clearly shows that Shania entered his house at 8.34pm and she did not leave the house throughout the night at all. But Manager Tony Twain firmly denies, and insists that that was merely the newest-model inflatable doll which he had ordered.He was the number one star of the team.— «⋯ Became the spokesperson of world-wide famous clothing brands, shot advertisements, frequented the fashion industry’s award ceremonies, endorsed electronic games, has a supermodel girlfriend. His earnings from advertisements exceed his club salary by seventeen times, owns a special column in various print medias, publishing his autobiography (in progress), and is even said that he is planning to shoot an inspirational film based off his own person experiences! Who can tell me which part of his life experiences is worthy of being called ‘inspirational’? Hold on⋯. Are you all thinking that I’m referring to David Beckham? You’re sorely mistaken! I’m talking about Manager Tony Twain⋯.»He was very knowledgeable about Chinese soccer.— «⋯ I’ve heard about it, that Bora gifted four books to his manager Mr. Zhu before your country’s national team’s warm up match. After which, the team lost 1:3 to a nameless American team from Major League Soccer. The new excuse that Mr. Zhu gave for losing the match, was that Bora gifted «books» (‘books’ and ‘lose’ are homophones in the Chinese language). Here, I recommend that you guys find out what that one specific book is. Which book? Of course the one that caused you all to score a goal. After that, tell me the title of the book. Before every match, I will gift ten copies of that same book to you. In that case, won’t you all be able to get a triumphant 10:0 win over your opponents every time?» An excerpt taken from Tony Twain’s special column in a certain famous Chinese sports newspaper.He was loved and hated by the press.— «He has a special column in at least four renowned print media, and he is able to get a considerable amount of remuneration just by scolding people or writing a few hundred words of nonsense weekly. While we have to contemplate hard about our drafts for three days before our boss is pleased with it. In an article inside his special column, he scolded and called all of the media ‘son of a bitch’, announcing that he hated the media the most. But every time he publishes an article, we flock towards him like flies which had spotted butter. Why? Because the readers like to read his news and see him scold people. I dare to bet with you, and Manager Tony Twain knows clearly in his heart as well, that even though he says that he hates us, he knows that the present him cannot do without us. Similarly, we also cannot do without him. Is this ultimately considered a good or a bad thing?» Bruce Pearce, a reporter from said with a face of helplessness when talking about Tony Twain.But no matter the case, his players were his most loyal believers.— Gareth Bale, «No no, we never had any pressure when playing on our home grounds. Because the pressure is all on the manager. As long as we see him standing by the side of the field, all of us will feel that we will be able to win that match. Even the football hooligans are like meek lambs in front of him!» (After saying this, he began to laugh out loudly)The reply from George Wood, the team captain of Nottingham Forest, was the most straightforward. «We follow him because he can bring us victory.»The legendary experience of Tony Twain, the richest, most successful, most controversial manager with the most unique personality!Debuting this summer.Thank you for reading.
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