《New Player Confirmed》Chapter 14: Problems


Searching frantically, I turned my room inside out all the while yelling at Melody, “You have to hide!” Forcibly shoving her into the closet, she screamed out in protest. “Stop screaming!” I began to say violently as she resisted my attempts with more obnoxious noise.

With the sounds of footsteps echoing closer as time passed on, I began to grow more desperate with my attempts. With the door creaking ever so slowly outward, a figure stepped through. Wearing brown overalls, with dark black hair and green eyes, she spoke softly towards me. “Is everything all right?”

It must have looked strange, to see her son holding the closet door steadfast. “It’s all under control-” I began to say. The door violently shook, dragging the attention of everyone in the room. With the force of one thousand Crimson Lions I pushed the lady out of the door, following soon after, I made sure to lock my door on the inside, as with the closet.

Making my way downstairs I saw that breakfast had already been prepared, without any siblings, life was relatively easy. Making swift work of breakfast, I raced upstairs, quickly grabbing Melody I tried to sneak around the house and leave. Being 17, I was just about to finish high school, with thoughts of going further to study. That all changed however when I was sent to another world by powers I couldn’t imagine.

“So where are we going Flow?” Speaking of which, what was I going to do with Melody, it’s not like she can just walk into school with me.

“I’m going to school, you’ll have to find something to do in the meantime,” I answered, having little thought on what was going to happen myself. Regardless as our journey progressed, Melody had continually asked why she couldn’t come with me to this school.


Telling her that, “It wouldn’t work, you’re not from there.” and other examples like, “The teachers wouldn’t recognise you.” Didn’t seem to faze her as she walked alongside me.

I had other things on my mind as we walked, ‘is Reece back as well’, I thought. I had hopes that all ended well for him.

After about 20 minutes of walking and insufferable questions, we arrived at the school. It was a large school, totalling in at about six thousand kids. All from local areas, they flocked to this school for its affordable prices and learning ability.

After looking around for a while I noticed that Melody had disappeared, concerned I began to look around, but it seemed she had vanished into thin air. With a school this large on top of that, it was akin to looking for a needle in a haystack.

I was about to broaden my search range when I realized that all of the students were moving towards a central location. ‘Maybe the staff want to talk to us about something’ I imagined. It wasn’t like this occurrence was odd, with a school this large a number of kids could be found acting up. This only seemed to increase as the school’s affordable prices allowed almost anyone to get in.

It seemed my stats from the other world had transferred over, as with my increased perception I was able to accurately scan the crowds, still not finding any trace of Melody I did spot a person of interest. “Reece Banbrook” a name was called out, as I noticed Reece moving onto the stage to address the school. With him being the male school captain, this was one of the many ‘perks’ that came with the job.

“Due to flooding and other natural disasters occurring up North and making their way towards us, we will be cancelling school next week.” It was easy to imagine the effect this had on the kids attending the school, but since this week was our tests for finals, it didn’t seem to change much.


A few more words of note and awards were passed out as time prevailed, but moving forward as the gathering finished, the students began to move towards their designated classes for tests.

Waiting at the door for the teacher to arrive, I noticed as my classmates appeared, something felt out of the ordinary. “Hey Flow you there?” A few taps on my shoulder seemed to wake me up, with an abrupt turn I’d noticed who tapped me on the shoulder.

“Melody what are you doing here? And, where did you get those clothes?” I asked, but with the teacher having just appeared around the corner, and tests about to start, I had no time to ask any questions.

With the students making their way in, I choose a chair next to the window, with the trees swaying in the breeze as highly calming. After deciding where I would sit, a young girl began to take the seat next to me. It was highly weird, having Melody stare at me, tempted to start a conversation, but without me looking back at her, it seemed she wouldn’t try.

Reece was part of this class also, with high marks he stood out from the crowd as a perfect student, and role model for others. This being partially why he began school captain, I noticed him on the other side of the room, his eyes instantly darting to questions as the test began. It seemed like he knew all of the answers.

Unlike me, as with most of my tests, I had lower than average- I looked at the test paper once again, my mind clearer than a calmed lake, my pencil raced forth, answering a question in seconds. This wasn’t normal, right? It made no sense; my brain was calculating at speeds I didn’t know I was able to achieve. As I raced further on, the paper seemed to blur away as the answers came to me like answers on a sheet of paper, ‘was it my Intelligence stat?’ I asked myself. I knew that my increased stats remained from before but how much of a difference did it make? I began to use Examination on other people.

Name: Tyler Framus

Gender: Male


Strength: 7

Agility: 6

Intelligence: 8

Vitality: 5

Endurance: 7

Luck: 4

Charm: 6

[For convenience, statistics below 4 are not shown.]

This was crazy, my Intelligence was at a completely different level than other people. I needed to learn more, how did these statistics work? I was just about to use Examination on Reece until I received another notification.

[Boss Battle Underway]

It was shown in a black box, as when I looked over at Reece, he seemed to have received the same notification. As with a loud shake, the fun began.

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