《New Player Confirmed》Chapter 5: Adventure


When I had awoken I was greeted by the sound of the rain tapping against the ground outside. It had seemed to be raining over night. Melody had apparently not awoken, but I proceeded to relight the campfire and eat some bread from the carriage.

Judging from the villagers bringing food on their journey it was safe to assume it would take a long time to get to the town they were from. However, I was more than determined to make the trip.

As I was consuming the bread my mind floated towards thoughts about the mask, I didn’t feel different after it had been apparent I was wearing the mask from having to take it off.

I could only assume that I lost my memories from the mask, or maybe from a large quantity of emotion. Either of which I could only guess at, but regardless I decided not to concern myself with objects I didn’t understand. As it would do me little good to throw guesses into the dark.

But what I did know was that my time on this planet was limited, as when I woke up on my 3rd day of living in this world, a notification had appeared in the corner of my eye.

[Extraction from Planet C-36 will commence in 5 days.]

[All players will return to their home planet.]

This both proved that I was not alone, and that I was in danger. As the reference to players could only mean that this was some sort of a game. Not like I hadn’t already assumed such, however, this was the justification for the assumption.

Thus, I only had 5 days remaining to get all and learn all I could from this planet, before I left. I didn’t know if I would be coming back, and this thought haunted me. This new world I was placed in still had so much to explore and I couldn’t help departing from it for even but a second.


The day was rough, Melody has still not woken up and I had begun growing nervous, ‘what if she never wakes up.’ I thought to myself, but it was fine, I would wait. Surely she would wake up at some point right?

*Slash* *Slash*

I had grown bored of waiting for Melody to wake up inside the cave, so I decided to test the rusty sword out on some trees in hopes I could get a skill or two. Turns out, it’s exceedingly difficult to swing a sword, and even harder to get a skill from doing it right.

But my determination was strong and my will never wavered for a moment, however from this experiment I did not get my skill, but learnt something worth more. A skill could level up!

[Due to constant usage Passive, Swordsmanship |Common| has leveled up]

[Calculating rewards.]

[Upgraded, Swordsmanship |Common|]

Basic Level 2

[Allows the user to more effectively wield the sword in combat, granting larger bonuses to form and ability, whilst also increasing damage regardless of hit type. Increase Strength and Agility on level up]

[Strength and Agility + 2]

This joyous occasion made me leap with joy as I had successfully upgraded a skill!

My joy however didn’t go without notice as within the corner of my eye I saw Melody standing there, she didn’t seem happy.

I decided to make my way over to talk to her, she had to have been distressed over what happened.

“We should go our separate ways Flow.” Melody’s eyes turned cold as she stared at me with intensity.

“Wait. Why?” I questioned, confusion clear in my voice and tone.

“You wouldn’t understand, I'm not who you think I am.” Melody began exclaiming, “The true is, is that I am a ghost. I inhabit people’s bodies and the recent body I inhabited, was that of a witch.”

I stood stunned, silenced. It made sense at least, the reason Melody had said that her father had tried to teach her many skills, there was no way a commoner could afford that luxury.


“I- Before I was a ghost I lived in a very rich family, my parents were never kind to their kingdom and all of the dark energy from those villagers transferred on to me as well. In the end I began a spirit, destined to walk this world forever until I found peace.”

“T-Then what about those villagers, they acted like they knew you.”

“Those villagers knew the body I inhabited, turns out the witch was the daughter of the village elder, so they let her live in a lakeside village. However, when we left the Crimson Lion to sit in the forest, it attracted beasts of even higher rating to eat its corpse.”

“Is that it?” I stood there, staring straight at Melody, “is that all the reason you have for wanting to leave?”

“Flow, you don't understand I steal people’s bodies, they even die after a certain time period! Isn’t that wrong?!” Melody frantically pointed out.

“I-I know it’s wrong, but, lions don’t feel bad about killing other animals so, as long as you need to do it to survive it should be fine, right? Especially if you are only doing it to evil people!”

I had never heard someone cry so softly before, It seemed Melody had expected the worst result to come out of this conversation, however all that had happened was we got to know each other a little better.

“Just don’t say you regret this choice down the line Flow.” Melody wiping her eyes, pointed out.

“Of course.”

With the worst behind us we packed up camp and set out onto the road. There is nothing quite like being a wanderer in a foreign land. So many new places to explore, people to meet, and things to see. I could hardly find time for any of it in all this madness.

As Melody and I walked down the footpath, the light dirt crumbling under our feet, we saw a caravan stroll passed.

“Afternoon kind sir and madam, may I take the pleasantries into knowing where you are heading this fine evening?” a gentleman like figure stepped out of the carriage, giving a light bow he spoke.

Taking the lead I answered, “we heard there was a city far out North.” Of course I had no idea the name of the city, but I found chapters depicting the local landscape in Loam Lake which helped me come to this estimate.

“Ahh, you must be talking about the famous city, Gartin.” The gentleman pointed out.

“Yes, I heard it has many, uhm, taverns! Yes taverns!” I explained.

“Well, indeed it does, I would be more than courteous to give you a ride if you so desire, the king is apparently looking for individuals such as yourselves.”

“Uhm, that’s fine we will have to decline, after all the journey is more important than the destination, right?”

“Indeed, it is.” the gentleman smiled.

I quickly made haste to bow to the man and go on my way with Melody, there was no telling what trouble that man would get us into if we were to accept his offer.

----- ------ -----

“Oh, James!” The gentleman said to his coach master.

“Yes, Master Freble”

“Alert the king that a man wearing un-ordinary clothes is travelling with a female, heading into his city.”

“At once, sir.” James the Butler then seemed to take out a clear glass orb, holding it up to the sun the light seemed to become contained within the orb and then display a colour for the briefest of moments. “It is done.”

“Good, I so would like to see how this fiasco plays out, don’t you James?”

“Of course, sir.”

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