《Journey into My New Life》Chapter 24: Thugs are people too


Chapter 24: Thugs are people too

" Celu is a great city to live in for those fortunate enough to be able to afford it. In recent years, people of all kinds have flocked to the capital in hopes of seeking their fortunes. Although the upper and middle levels are very safe this isn't true of some parts of the lower levels. The infamous 'Red hand' makes its home somewhere in the lower districts. They are thieves,killers, and frauds. In order to join a new recruit must have either killed 10 people, stolen from a noble, or defrauded at least 3 merchants. Members are given a moniker as well as a membership chip."

- Excerpt from 'Traveling in the Human Lands'

I awoke the next morning to utter darkness. The reason for which was a long black tail that had somehow wrapped itself around my head. After some minutes of gentle struggle I managed to break free and the light once again entered my eyes.

Stretched out on my bed like a cat sunbathing was Rena. Somehow she had managed to shift her position almost 180 degrees in her sleep. I threw the covers back on her and went downstairs to start my morning exercise.


After finishing my workout I head back inside. I notice a slight burning smell coming from the kitchen. Worried that the house was in danger I ran towards the kitchen only to be met with thick billowing smoke. I used wind magic to clear the room of the smoke and as soon as it was clear I looked towards the cause of the smoke.

Liz was standing, covered in black ash, in the center of the kitchen. On the stovetop there was the burnt remnants of a few egg shells and a few other unidentifiable products that had been turned into charcoal. The bread, if you could call it such, appeared to look like black rocks. I highly doubt anything remaining near her was salvageable. I look at Liz, who is coughing up smoke, in shock. Dad wasn't joking about the cooking issue Liz had at all in fact you could say he was very kind about the level of destruction Liz's cooking could cause.

" Oh good morning, Aero. I was just about to wake everybody up for breakfast." Liz said while wiping the ash from her face.

Who are you trying to fool!! If we are that we might not die but our hp would be one!!

"Um... By breakfast do you mean that?" I asked pointing towards the pile of egg shells and rocks.

" Haha. Of course what else! Doesn't it look delicious?" Liz said with a sadistic smile.



Breakfast was, say at the least, very interesting. Choking sounds could be heard from around the table but no one was brave or foolish enough to speak out. Rena looked several times at me with pleading eyes as I attempted to bite off a piece of the rock. She also tried to sneak a few egg shells onto my plate but I quickly blocked and pushed a few of mine back to her. At this she looked back at her plate and focused on her own plate.

Kaya looked at this scene with mirth in her eyes as she was the only one, due to morning sickness, to escape this disaster. Tom and John quickly scarfed down the whole meal and then drank copious amounts of water to wash it down. Grandmother tried to use the water to soften the rock, bread, but it was a futile effort as it just feel apart in the water. This actually worsened her meal because she had no clean water to rinse the taste from her mouth.

"Well, I think that was a great breakfast! It was one of my best ones yet." Liz laughed proudly

For some reason Liz also hadn't eaten breakfast so she didn't have to suffer through what she put on the plates.

"Yes, it was very good." John lied

Following his cue everyone complemented the breakfast in some way. Unfortunately I was the last one because I was trying to bite though a piece of rock. This left me in a hot spot so I decided to mix in a little truth in my lie.

"It was different than what I am used to but I can feel stronger for eating it."

Haha! No negatives in that sentence and I was brave enough to tell the truth!

Everyone around the table is nodding in agreement! Even Liz looks happy so I guess I'm safe.

" *cough* I guess it's time to explain today's plan. I have to report to the king and while doing so I'll ask for an additional meeting in private to discuss Aero's and Rena's new positions. You'll probably have an official meeting tommorow with the king." John explained

"So we are free for today?" I asked curiously.

" Well, yes. Is there something you would like to do?" John asked

" I would like to explore the city. Can I mom, dad?"

"Nnh... Me as well." Rena said abruptly grabbing my arm.

" I have no problem with it. Your father and I have something to do anyway. Just be back around dark." Kira said


"The city isn't as safe as it seems so be careful especailly around the lower districts. The Red Hand are fairly active as of late." Liz warned

"Okay, we'll be careful!" I said as I stood up and ran out the door with Rena chasing behind.

------ POV Liz-----

"I swear he sure did leave fast..." I exasperated

"Rena, followed him rather quickly too..." John said

"Must be love!!!" Tom, Kira, and Elena said in unison

"... Anyway, Kira are you sure about letting them run around Aero isn't even 10 and Rena can't be much older than that." I asked

"Haha... You don't know it dear but that kid is a monster, no offense, and Rena isn't any less of one. He's much more mature than most adults and stronger too." John said with a hint of inferiority in his voice.

This man chased after me for several year before I agreed to marry him. It hasn't always been great because he works a lot. Also I never know if he's coming back from one of his 'secret missions' or not. But I do love him and he never lies... Unless it's about my cooking... Everyone lies about my cooking. Even Aero hid a veiled truth in his statement earlier. Really 'I feel stronger for eating it?' Doesn't that mean that you felt like it was a great challenge to eat it!

"Haha of course he is! He is my grandson! Speaking of which when are you two going to pop out a few grandkids for me?" Elena, or mother said changing the subject

John looked at me in a panic which made me laugh.

"Whenever this lug stays long enough to get me pregnant. He's always running around chasing people, gambling away his salary, or on an assignment for the king." I said putting all the blame on John.

Well, it is his fault. He is always doing something and it's hard to find time to trip him. I have to throw him on the bed in order for us to do it. I have needs as well so let's take advantage of mother-in-law being here.

"Unacceptable! Leaving such a beautiful wife home alone! Aren't you afraid of the wolves coming to steal her while you're gone? Tell that young king that you have things to do and request time off." Elena said

Mwahha plan success!!

----POV end-----

The reason for my sudden departure was two fold. One was the fact I really didn't want to stick around for lunch after that kind of breakfast. But the main reason, or second, was that I wanted to explore this capital. Although compared to my previous world the infrastructure of Alera cannot compare. My parent thought I would be uncomfortable around the many people of the capital I was more uncomfortable with the lack of people in the outer areas.

In fact the amount of people in the capital wasn't as many as a small city of earth much less a capital. So I didn't have an issue but Rena didn't have anything to compare it too as she was raised far away from villages much less a city.

She bounced around happily and I was pulled this way and that way. Down and up alleys, around bends and eventually...

"Well, we are officially lost." I said firmly

"Sorry, I got too excited..." Rena said with a ting of regret

"It's fine it's just I don't even know what district we are in." I said with a sigh.

As I look around all I see are tall buildings surrounding us. The bustle of the main streets sound all around us making it difficult to determine which direction a street is in. I guess we can call it a warehouse area because the large buildings surrounding us don't appear to have any people living in them.

"Let's ask for directions"

Directions? I am a man why should I ask for directions! Look at Christopher Columbus he traveled until his men almost died of hunger but never did he ask for directions!


Ugh I relented!!! I lost a man point!!

After a few minutes of searching we find a small group of large men. They had scars crisscrossing there arms and looked very imposing. After thinking about it for a split second I decided they were not the people to ask. But before I could share this thought with Rena she darted towards them!

"Hey you guys can we get directions back to the Main Street?" She shouted

I almost smacked my face... This girl is innocent!!! I try and grab her and pull her into a small alley but the men already turned around.

"Of course young lady it would be our pleasure."


After proving that you cannot judge a book by the cover the men quickly lead us back the the Main Street. Apparently they are warehouse workers and because of their jobs they get lots of cuts and of course since they do heavy lifting they have muscles.


AN: I'm going to try to post the next chapter later on this weekend. So hopefully in the next few days

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