《Journey into My New Life》A Mother's POV


My name is Kaya White.

I was born in a small elven village on the Forest Continent. It is a place filled with nature and food abundant. My mother is an elf and my father was a human. I was born the second child in the family. My father disappeared shortly after my mother had given birth to me. I never found the reason for his disappearance.

I was one of many children in the village and lead a fairly happy lifestyle. When my brother came of age he left and went to go become an adventurer. I started to practice magic and learn about the sword from my mother so one day I could go on an adventure with my brother.

I never expected that when my brother would return he would bring anyone back. A young boy followed him home along with a few girls. I was immediately fell in love with him and ran to tell my mother that I had met my fated one. My mother laughed and said I was too young to know who I wanted to spend my life with. It didn’t matter because I had decided that I would get that man one way or another. Before he left with my brother I asked him his name and he said Tom White.

After that I started studying and learning how to do housework. I had never had any interest in these until I was told that it’s a wife’s duty to assist her husband in these manners. I learned how to cook from one of the village elders. A few years past by but I was so busy learning I barely noticed. My mother told me that Tom might have already been wed to another woman and not to get my hopes up for his return but I believed.

Then one night my wish came true. My knight had returned and stole away my girlish dreams. That night I became a woman, no longer a girl but a true woman. He stayed with me sneaking in and out and whispering sweet words of love throughout the night and during the day. Our nightly escapades had a rather happy consequence as I quickly became with child. He had proposed the night I had gained my womanhood to which I happily agreed. Mother agreed as long as we took her to help raise the baby. Tom went to the king to receive his knighthood and a paycheck to support us and we decided to settle in a small village by the name of Felora.


After a few months of settling in I had my child. We decided to call him Aero and he would be trained and grow up to be a swordsman like Tom. Aero was a strange child who didn’t cry when he was born so mother was always worried that he was a little weak. I often caught him struggling to move around but he never seemed to go anywhere.

Aero quickly was able to move around the house. No one was concerned that he was weak anymore but he became incredibly hard to find. He couldn’t seem to ever stay put and when he was set down if you turned your back he would disappear into another room. One day he was staring out a window and fell from his perch scaring the life from me. Luckily, I healed him quickly but head injuries can be strange sometimes. Tom laughed it off but I was secretly still worried.

I found out why Aero was always moving around after a year or so. He would stand near books and mumble to himself. I never made out the words but it seemed to have some kind of structure to it. I started reading aloud from the books we had when I had time and he seemed to enjoy it greatly.

My son quickly learned to speak at only the age of two. Not just yes or no but full length sentences. Recently, he has been holing up in a small room inside with the magic book on his lap but it’s still too early for him to use magic.

A few months later and I heard a large crash from upstairs. I ran up to look for the cause and a large hole has formed in the wall of the room Aero always had read in. On the ground in front of his is the book of magic and his little hand is stretched out towards the hole in the wall. Not only had he learned to read but he had actually performed magic. After a few minutes of arguing I convince Tom go request a magic instructor.

The magic instructor was a small little green haired girl with a bored look on her face. I was shocked because of the unusual color of her hair that marked her as a member of the Magic race. I had never seen a member of the magic race before but I was told that they don’t usually leave the Magic Continent. I wasn’t sure of her skill for one so young but she quickly proved me wrong. Aero seemed to learn in great leaps and bounds and Fi quickly began to feel like a part of the family.


Fi said her goodbyes after a few years and my son started to grow up. He was diligent in his training and learned quickly. I think Fi had left because she had felt herself being surpassed by a student. Even Tom has started to train more to keep up with his son. Mother secretly leaves the house at night to go train in the forest nearby. I even have started sneaking in a few hours of training in a day. Tom came home with a large bruise on his forehead after Intent training but quickly healed it before Aero caught a look at him.

It has been several years since I had given birth and I was worried that I wasn’t going to be graced with another. The frequency of Tom and my night sessions had only increased over the years but still no other child. I had thought that such a child as Aero had sucked up all the good and strength of my womb. I was wrong for a few weeks after I had thought such a thing I once again felt a slight bump on my belly. Mother checked excitedly and confirmed that I was with another child.

That night was filled with a party but the biggest surprise was that John arrived with an injured man in need of healing. I went to stop the bleeding but I couldn’t heal the slash all the way. From outside a presence extinguished itself so I began to fear that someone was about to attack. John and Tom grasp their swords but the presence quickly reignites and Aero walks through the door carrying mother. He quickly healed the injured man and starts petting the Beast race man.

John asked us to go with him to the kingdom and help protect the king. Aero was asked to be friends with the princess but he quickly refuses. He said he didn’t want to befriend anyone because he was asked to but after a few minutes and a surprising amount of killing intent from Aero it was agreed that we would all go. I left the house to a newlywed couple that was looking for a house and we set off.

My child went to create his own brand of magic, something that only the best magicians have done. He called it Construction magic and basically he builds homes out of whatever material is readily available. I asked him how he can use magic without chanting but he said that they were embarrassing to say and he just learned how to just think of things and then magic appears. Poor Fi must have lost her mind when he explained it as if it’s really easy to do.

Aero made a friend named Rena and the girl is super attached to him. George looks over towards the two with a small amount of jealousy since Aero had stopped petting him and switched to only petting her. It almost made me laugh but it quickly vanished from his face when he caught me looking.

Aero cried for the first time in my arms after going off and doing something reckless. He just disappeared using Tom’s stupid teleport magic that he thinks is a secret. He came back after a few minutes with 30 villagers who had been taken by slavers. His cloak was clean but his face had a blood stains on his cheeks, his hands had been washed but under the fingernails I could clearly see blood. I went over and smacked his and hugged him afterwards. I was quite proud that he got angry for people he didn’t know but I wish he hadn’t just disappeared. I told the others to go hunt for a while and after they were gone I embraced my son as he cried.

We arrived in the Celu today and I finally met my sister, Liz. She married John a few years ago after their party went their separate ways. We couldn’t go to the wedding because of the distance but I was happy to gain a new family member. Mother and Liz looked at my belly today and said that there are two children inside. I can feel them both kicking and in a few weeks they both be born in this world. Where Tom, Aero and I are awaiting our new family members.

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