《Journey into My New Life》Chapter 22: Capital


We set off toward the large city in the distance. As the day slowly passes we pass through the farmland surrounding Celu. A few homes are grouped together forming small community’s short distances from the road. A few exceptionally large houses dot the farmland and have direct connections to the main road.

“Who do those large house belong too?” I ask curiously

“Those are noble holdings, most of the nobility doesn’t actually live in their houses in the capital. A lot prefer to live in the surrounding area but the top 12 noble houses live in the city and are involved in government.” John explained

“So, they have two homes?” I said thinking of the rich people in my world

“No, most nobles have several but the biggest is in their fiefdom. Most have forts or castles of their own. It’s currently considered popular to leave a steward in charge of your castle and move to the upper district.” Halt explained

“That seems pretty ridiculous to have so many homes.” Rena said

“You think so too? It never made sense to me either.” Tom said

“Father, didn’t you used to be a noble?” I asked

“When I was younger I was the first born of the White house. I couldn’t stand the etiquette lessons and the strictness. I was fairly skilled in the sword so I left as soon as I turned ten to become an adventurer. I learned a lot more than I could from any teacher. After going through a few parties I joined John’s and we hit it off.” Tom explained

“That we did and we all actually stayed alive that is the biggest surprise of them all. He would get into bar fights and worse yet when we explored a labyrinth or dungeon he would run off ahead and bring back tons of monsters.” John said as just remembering it seemed to age him a little.

“I remember when you showed up at my house dragging him behind you asking for help. You were both all cut up and bleeding but the girls were both fine.” Elena laughed


“Well, I couldn’t let Liz get hurt because of this idiot.” John said

“Who are you calling an idiot? You got into fights with any guy who even looked at Liz.” Tom said

“Alright, calm down you two.” Kaya said stopping Tom from leaving the wagon.

In another hour of traveling we finally reached the entrance to the front of Celu. The city is really a three tier city. A huge wall surrounds the entire city, clearly separating the lower district from the rest of the surrounding lands.

“Welcome to Celu, the pride of the Human kingdom.” John said as he gets off his horse and walks towards the gate.

“Hold, Elf what is your business here?” A guard called out

“I am John Night-tree of his Majesty's Royal Guard. I am returning with addition guards and with my family.” John said

declaring his intentions

“Oh, sorry sir. I didn’t recognize you without your cloak. You understand I’ll still need to see your papers?”

“No problem, here are my papers.” John said as he handed over a scroll.

The guard looks at the paper and the color fades from his face.

“Sir, I apologize for my rudeness.” The guard said while placing his hand to his chest and bowing.

“It’s fine. Could you open the gate please?”

“Of course sir. Open the gates!” He shouted

As I peer through the gates I see rows, upon rows of buildings each getting taller as they approach the next wall. The road to the next gate is filled with stalls of fresh produce, clothes and cooking skewers of meat. I notice a few humans but the majority of people are either elves or beasts wandering around or manning stalls. Rena’s eyes are sparkling and her mouth salivating at the sight and smell of the cooking meat. She wipes her mouth and looks at me happily as I buy her a few skewers. The meat appears to be some kind of beef but it is very good and it was only one copper coin for 4 large skewers.


“You two are going to ruin your dinner.” Kaya said

“I’m sure Liz will have something for us at home. She always cooks too much so there will probably be leftovers.” John said with a hint of pride in his voice

“Actually, we should probably grab a few more of those skewers. Liz wasn’t very accomplished in the cooking department when we traveled together.” Tom said

“Hey, my wife is a great cook. She has had a lot of practice over these last couple years.” John said attempting to punch Tom.

“Yes, I’m sure it’s improved from charcoal.” Tom replied as he dodged

As the two stooges are going at it we approach the gate to the Middle district. I notice a large white and red building right next to the wall. There are tons of, humans, elves, and beasts alike drinking and sitting around together.

“Uncle John, what’s that red building for?” I asked

“Oh, that’s the Adventurer Guild's headquarters in the human kingdom. Adventurers go there to pick up jobs and also

new people go there to sign up to be an adventurer. It’s a great system where everyone is equal and the only factor for respect is your ability to fight.” John explained

“You’ll find out soon enough how much people in the capital discriminate against non-humans. It’s not bad out in the country but in the city it’s really bad.” Tom said darkly

“It might be best for you to not let anyone know that you have Elf blood.” Kaya said

“I am proud of my heritage so I’m not going to hide it.” I said looking at Elena which earned me a hug

“It’s alright, Grandma will be fine. You’re a good grandson but just because you’re proud of it doesn’t mean you have to go running off telling everyone. ” Elena explained

Even though Elena had said all that she throws up her hood and she disappears into the carriage. The wall is, about seventy feet tall, the same height as the outer wall. A more relaxed set of guards swing the gate open as we approach. A few of them notice the symbol on the back of Halt’s cloak and salute but we pass through the gate rather quickly. I watch as a few elves and beasts get stopped but humans just pass through without a problem.

“Why are they only stopping elves and beast race while the humans just walk through?” I asked knowing the answer

“Non-humans must be searched up entrance and exit of the upper and middle district unless accompanied by a human.”

George explained with a flash of anger in his eyes

“It used to be that everyone was spot checked but over the last few decades it’s changed to only non-humans. The Royal family has tried put a stop to it but the most of the nobles actively encourage it.” Halt said angrily

The middle district of the city is quite different than the Lower district. The roads are paved with cobblestones leading from this side of the wall to the upper district gate. I can see the palace and a few other buildings towering over the innermost wall. The middle district appears to be mainly residential. The main cobbled road has a few higher class clothing shops as well as a bakery, butcher, blacksmith and a book shop.

“This is where we part ways for now. Recruits, were heading to the barrack in the upper district. See you later and say hi to Liz for me.” Halt said

Halt and George start riding towards the far gate to the Upper district. Clay and the rest of the new recruits quickly grab all of their bags and hop out of the wagon. With a quick wave they take off after their two leaders.

“I guess we should be off as well.” Tom said

“Yes…” John said with a slightly nervous look on his face.

“Why do you look so worried?” Elena asked

“No reason, I just got a chill…” John said dodging the question.

“So, which way?” I asked changing the conversation

“It’s just down this road. I’m sure Liz will be surprised to see all of you.” John said happily

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