《Journey into My New Life》Chapter 20: End of a Journey


John chose not to stay and recruit in the village. I agree with his decision they need the manpower to protect if another group of slavers come through. As a final gift I build an earth wall around the village proper. I leave two openings in the wall wide enough for a wagon to pass through. John explained to the elder that defense of the village would require gates to be built that could slide and shut the town off. Since there was a well in the town they could hold out for quite a while. John promised to send a small detachment of soldiers to police the town and guard it from intruders.

As we drove away the villagers waved and smiled. The two children climbed to the tops of the wall and waved a makeshift flag with a poorly drawn image of the symbol on my cloak. After the village had long since disappeared from sight we settle in for the night. Once again I create our inn. I have officially named the spell Earthen Inn. George and the others go out to hunt for dinner while my mother and I stay behind to prep the soup.

“Aero, you killed your first person today. It’s okay.” Kaya said suddenly as she pulled me into her embrace.

I cried for the first time in this world. I hadn’t cried during birth or even when my muscles were so sore that I felt as if they could slide off my bones. I wasn’t crying for the slavers I had killed but the people that I hadn’t be able to save in that village. Unable to stop the tears from pouring out I cried for quite a while.

When I had control of myself the rest of the group returned from hunting. It had taken them quite a long time so I can only assume they were giving me space. I quickly butchered the rabbit and dropped it into the pot.


“We should talk about today and what’s next.” John said in a take charge fashion

“Agreed, Aero did you see anything that would tell you who the slavers were working for?” Halt asked

“No, all I know is that they were poor swordsman and the leader was a fat man with long hair even though he was bald.” I answered

“Poor swordsman… that’s most slavers but the fat leader is unusual.” Halt said as he rubbed his chin.

“Wait, bald but long hair?” George asked suddenly

“Yes, like the top of his head was hairless but the rest of the hair was long.” I replied

“George, do you know him?” John asked

“No, but it sounds like a man who was hanging around near Dragon Manor.” George said quietly

“Some of the villagers said that they had refused to pay taxes to Dragon house this year.” Lara said

“The elder told me that they had already paid the King’s men and the Dragon’s men came and demanded more.” Tom said

“So obviously it was Dragon house?” Rena joined the conversation as she curled up next to me.

“All we have is hearsay. Since, the slavers are all dead we have no evidence.” Halt said angrily

“I believe I said clearly at the beginning of our venture I would put my life before any information gathering by sparing those who attempt to rob me of it.” I said coldly

“No, it could have put you in more danger if you had to hold back. You made the right choice based on the circumstances. Even if you had captured them they would have died before giving any kind of testimony in a trial.” John said with a light pat on my back


“Nobles would have them killed before they could testify to the Queen.” Clay explained

“John, you said we had other things to discuss?” Elena said in an attempt to change the discussion.

“Quite right, in a few more days we will arrive in the capital. Before arrival I would like to explain what your positions are going to be. Tom is going to be the princess’s sword instructor.” John explained


“Lara, Clay, Lucy, and Single shall be official royal guardsman and serve both the king and queen.”

“Aye” The four shouted

“Aero, shall be the princess’s friend if it pleases the both of them. He will also be assisting in her magic training. As for Rena, if you could watch over both Aero and the Princess that would be most welcome.”

“Aye” I answered

“Sure, I was planning on it anyway.” Rena said as she snuggled even closer to me.

“Great, now that’s all settled let’s eat.” Elena said

The next morning, after releasing Rena’s death grip, I headed outside to complete my morning regime. Tom is outside waiting for me. Without a word he tosses me a practice sword and drops into a stance. As soon as I catch the sword he strikes, barely giving me any time to defend.

After a few minutes every part of me is battered and bruised. The practice sword I was given is splintered after receiving the onslaught of Tom’s attacks. I use healing magic to stop the bruises from forming.

“You know, I’m actually a just above average swordsman. There are a lot of people who are much more skilled than me with a sword. Like that girl, Rena, she could probably take apart our whole group with just sword skill in a matter of minutes.” Tom said suddenly

“Is she really that strong? When I fought her she got caught pretty easily.” I said

“Don’t let that fool you. She was just messing around but if she was serious you would have lost before you reached your sword.” Tom said ominously

“I understand. Are you really just average?” I asked still healing the bruises from our bout.

“I’m above average but average none the less. The reason I’m telling you this is so you know that there are people that can hurt you. The other day when you left suddenly everyone was beyond worried.” Tom explained

“I’m sorry, I just lost control.”

“It was like you became another person. Just remember that you shouldn’t get cocky there are monsters and titans in the world that no one man can defeat. That is why adventure parties are required to have at least three people. Two can do what one cannot but three can do what two can do and watch their back. Never leave your group behind and always have two backup plans if you get overpowered.”

“Why two backup plans?” I asked curiously

“One that will save all of the group and one that will save just you. Come on, after you finish healing we should wake the others and breakdown camp. We should be able to see the capital by tonight.”

“Yes father, but if we can see it by tonight shouldn’t we just push hard and arrive?”

“No, we have to cross the river but the ferry only leaves at midday. You won’t need to build an Inn tonight because we will stay in one that has already been built.” Tom said as we walked inside.

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