《Journey into My New Life》Chapter 18: Hunting


The next morning I wake up to discover a cat has snuck into my bedding. Although it is pleasantly warm and comfortable the three people peering through the door and whispering quietly did not go unnoticed.

“Look at that dear our son has become a man.” Kaya said quietly

“I knew this day was coming but what a son.” Tom whispered back

“I’m too young to be a great grandmother.” Elena said quietly

Rena stirs in her sleep and snuggled even closer. Those three need to be punished but as I try to move her grip just tightens.

“I’ll get you three later…” I whispered venomously

The three shut the door and I hear them laughing as they walk down the stairs. I gently nudge Rena awake.

“Oh… Good morning…” She said sleepily

“Did you sleep well?” I asked

“Hmm… I was cold but then I warmed up so yes I slept well.” Rena said looking up at me

“And do you realize where you are?” I asked

As she looks around and notices that she is in my room.

“Aero, you’re a wolf…” She said bashfully

“You’re the wolf!!” I shouted

I jumped out of the grass bed and put on my cloak and swords and stomped downstairs. The rest of our group was up and had started to warm up some breakfast. I grabbed a bowl and filled it with the porridge and heated it up in my hand using fire magic. Shortly after that Rena strolled down the steps and pulled Kaya aside. They start to whisper quietly looking at me every so often.

I quickly finished breakfast and headed outside to train. After my normal workout body strengthening exercises I focus on magic. Since I have a large amount of aggregate magic I can’t really use it up as normal magicians have a problem with. Recently, I have been trying to make use of my scientific knowledge to test if I can create elemental mixtures out of just magic power. I have succeed with creating what I believe to be lead but without actual experience with metal I cannot be sure if it actually lead. Creating single elements seems to be rather easy. Gold and Silver can be created but after testing this I decided to not use this for it could destabilized the value of gold if I go crazy with this.


The reason I am so interested in magical creation is if I could create saltpeter I wouldn’t have to go through the unpleasant way to make it. Sulfur and charcoal aren’t hard to find but I haven’t found any Saltpeter on my journey. I could make gunpowder and make guns to change to the power balance between the nobility and us. I could give them to anyone and make an almost unstoppable army. The technology couldn’t be leaked because I would be the only one who could make it.

After a few minutes of pouring magic power into the image of saltpeter crystals I hadn’t created any so I gave up for the day. Everyone comes outside and starts their own training as I move farther away. I change my magic practice to attack practice and I didn’t want to accidently injure any of them. I create a few targets out of earth magic a good distance away and practice shooting them with different elements. Wind attacks seem to lose potency unless at close range.

Fire has to constantly fed mana during its distance attack otherwise it just dissipates. After a few minutes of practice I figure out that Earth magic seems to be the best at distant attacks. My created Lighting attacks seem to be only useful in direct contact with the target. The attacks totally destroy the close range targets. I had intended it on being a capture attack like a stun gun but it seems it will be at better use for another purpose. Rena finished her training and came over and sat down to watch me.

“Aero, sorry I called you a wolf. Are you still mad?” Rena asked

“I’m not mad.” I sighed

“Did you not like me in your bed?” Rena asked mischievously

“I don’t mind it but if you’re going to sneak in I might really become a wolf when I’m older.” I said after some soul searching

“Ohhh… you’re quite mature for someone who is barely 8.”

“This is coming from the girl who is only a few years older than me.” I rebutted

“True, but your mother has already given her permission so it’s all good!” Rena said happily while pouncing on me.

After a few seconds of being attacked by Rena my resistance is lacking and almost gone after a gentle nibble on my ear. Luckily, before I really become a man George comes over to my rescue and gently lifts Rena off me.


“Sorry, we of the beast race go into heat every so often and… once we pick someone… you will understand in a few years.” George fumbled as he walked away

As soon as George had removed Rena I put shackles on her and then chained her to the ground. I constantly have to reinforce the chains because just by moving her strength is causing cracks to form. Rena is breathing quite hard and staring at me with her slit pupil dilated to almost cover her whole iris.

“Rena… Calm down okay deep breaths…” I said nervously

“Aero, you look amazing…” Rena said still breathing hard

“Thank you but I’m not ready for the kind of relationship you want right now.” I said

“Don’t worry it’s my first time too!” She said

After a few minutes Rena finally calms down enough to be taken out of the chains. Although she still sticks rather close to me I think the danger has passed for now. We return to the camp and start breaking it down. Everyone is already packed but once again I am told to break down the large building I had created in order to not leave a trace. The new recruits and Rena watch as the Inn sinks back into the earth and grass spreads out over the place it had been. Rena offers to let me ride with her instead of the cart and I gladly accepted. After a few hours we reach the next village and began the recruitment process again. No one of worth stepped up and we decided to leave early.

That night I once again set up the inn and we all went to bed rather early. Rena refused to even go in her room and quickly fell asleep in my room with a very satisfied look on her face. Kaya and Tom teased me about it but I just let it slide. The next morning was uneventful and after breaking down camp once again we set off for the final town outside of the capital.

As we approached the town all we saw was smoke rising from the distance. Tom and John rode ahead to check for survivors and Rena tightened her grip on my waist. After a few minutes Tom and John give the all clear and we proceed towards the burned husk of a town. Several bodies are haphazardly strewn around. The stench of burnt flesh causes me to feel nauseous and I barely hold onto my breakfast. Halt and Lara are unable to and jump from the wagon to empty their stomachs on the side of the road.

“What happened here… Father?” I asked looking toward Tom.

“I don’t know but there are not enough bodies here to make up this whole village.” Tom said with disgust

“Bandits don’t do this, and raiders would have killed everyone. Slavers are the ones responsible probably on the orders

of some noble.” John said disgusted

“It looks like it was done only a day ago. The ashes are still warm and the bodies haven’t turned into zombies yet. We might be able to catch up if we hurry.” Elena said calmly

I look around the village and try to think of what it once was. It might have been like my home village once. Then people came, burned, took people and stole life from others. I feel a hot fire burning in my stomach. This must be rage and so much of it. No fate is too bad for those who enslave and kill others.

In my anger I summoned five dogs and gave a simple command.

“Find them.” I said coldly

“Yes, master.” They barked as they vanished

“Aero? What are you doing?” John said worriedly

“I’m about to take out the trash.” I stated calmly

The dogs returned with a puff of smoke.

“Found them master. 15 enemies but 30 people in chains.” The smallest dog said


The summoned dog sent me a mental picture of the location. They were only a few miles south of the destroyed village.

“I’ll be back in a minute.” I said

“Where are you going Aero?” Kaya shouted and reached out for my hand.

I closed my eyes and teleported to where the slavers were.

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