《Journey into My New Life》Chapter 12: Alcohol? Are you sure this isn't juice?


“Oh, you thought you were going to get away huh? Nope, you and your men are staying here but not before we celebrate a few things…” Elena smiled vindictively

“Um… Like what…” John asked hesitantly. Halt and George sensing danger try to rise but I grabbed George’s tail while Tom helped Halt back to his seat.

“Not only the start of our journey but also for our new family member to be!” Elena shouted as she slammed down dusty old bottle and popped the cork out of it.

A strong fruity smell drifted around the room as she poured it into 6 small shot glasses. It was a deep red liquid so I imagined that it must be some form of fruit wine. Kaya abstained from drinking but I was slightly curious so I threw it back. It is not the soft wine of my world but a harsh jar of White lightning that burns the inside of my mouth and my nose. It continues to burn as it traveled down to my belly. After that it becomes a quite pleasant sensation and I receive a very fruity aftertaste that cools my mouth and throat. I can’t place the fruit but it made my breath smell like strawberries. I find that the alcohol of Alera was quite to my liking.

“That was very good. What’s it made of?” I asked as I looked away from my cup.

“How are you… still okay…? You’re just a kid… When I was a kid… this made me pass out… it was so strong.” Halt said with quite a slurred speech.

“Ha-ha that’s my son…” Tom shouted drunkenly

“He’s quite amazing… I want Liz to pop out a child already!” John said loudly

“Okay, okay… that was Bitterfruit wine… one cup can knock a dwarf to the ground…” Elena struggled to say.

“Mother is that true? I feel pretty good?” I asked

“No, it just means that when you’re an adult you’ll be able to drink even dwarves under the table. Are you sure you’re alright?” Kaya asked with a concerned look on her face.

Even George was looking surprisingly flushed but at least he wasn’t laying his face on the table like the rest of them. I seemed to have a found out a new skill or maybe the people in this world haven’t developed a tolerance to alcohol yet like the American Indians.

“Hey, it’s not over until you’re on the table! Drink!!” Elena proclaims as she fills yet another glass and slides it in front of everyone including me.

“Mother! Aero is still a child!” Kaya protested

“It’s fine! I can’t lose to my grandson!!” Elena said stubbornly

“Fine, but I’m going to use Intoxication if he gets sick.” Kaya responded

“Whatever! Now drink!” Elena said with a fierce fire in her eyes.

Everyone tossed the second cup back, myself included. Once again I was engulfed by the smell of fruit but this time the burning was significantly less strong. I can finally place the fruit, it tasted like apples. I have always liked apples but for it to make my breath smell like strawberries is just strange. I heard two thuds as John and Halt fall face first onto the table. Tom, George and Elena seem to be okay but the other two are out.

“One more!” Elena shouted as she pours yet another round.


This time Tom was the one who fell to the cup of Bitterfruit.

"One… more!” Elena shouted again.

No one fell this time but George was swaying in his seat.

“One… more…” Elena said as she struggled to pour the next round.

“Mother, you have held up your pride you can stop…” Kaya said looking rather worried

“No… I have my pride as a drinker… I can’t be shown up by a child…Drink!” Elena said while spilling a little wine on the table.

George slid from his chair and fell on the ground. I am starting to feel slightly intoxicated but Elena barely can remain in her seat.

“Ho-ho… so you tink you can… beat yur own grandma… one more.” Elena slurred.

Elena tried to fill the glasses but misses them and pours wine on the table. Kaya quickly grabs the bottle from her and pours the glasses. Elena throws back the drink and looks at me with a proud smile. I drink mine and smile back and wait for the next shot. Elena’s eyes rolled backwards and she fell from her chair still smiling like she had won. Kaya puts her hands on her hips and looks around at all of the adults on the ground.

“Well, Aero, it looks like you have my talent for drinking then… Can you help me clean these people up?” Kaya sighed as she went to help Tom up.

“Sure thing, mother.” I responded promptly

I stand up and start carrying people to rooms. I put John and Halt in a room with two beds on the first floor and return to help Kaya with the remaining two. George is carried to the second floor and placed in a bed. Elena still had that smile plastered on her face even though she had completely passed out. Mother and I both laugh we carried her upstairs and put her to bed.

“So mother is also a strong drinker then?”

“Hmm… I am fairly strong, I once ate a Bitterfruit and I still could stand and talk.” Kaya said proudly as she cleaned up the table.

“Oh, is that what this drink is made out of?” I asked while re corking the bottle.

“Yes, The Bitterfruit is the base for most alcoholic drinks. It’s pressed and poured into a large barrel of water to dilute it. The Bitterfruit wine you had is just a few of them pressed and poured in with no added water. Did you enjoy it?” Kaya asked

“It was tasty I sort of want to eat one of those fruits now.” I said happily

“Ha-ha when your older… today was special you shouldn’t drink that stuff until your older okay?” Kaya said sternly

“How old?” I asked playfully and received a light tap on the head for it.

“At least 15 otherwise mother will worry!” Kaya said

“Sure mother.” I said

“Good kid… Now off to bed with you! We have to get up tomorrow and drag the rest of them out of bed if we are going anywhere.” Kaya sighed

We both headed upstairs to go to sleep. I shut my door and quickly fell asleep. The next morning I went downstairs and help Kaya with breakfast. Kaya added a lot of extra spices to everyone’s meal except for ours. After much effort we got everyone to the table and into a chair. Surprisingly Elena and George didn’t look as bad as John, Halt and Tom did but when they started to eat all five of them got up quickly and ran outside. It was a hilarious sight to behold as all five of them dived headfirst into the horse watering trough. Kaya and I start laughing for the cause was of course the spice that she had put into the food. In any case we got chased around by them for a few minutes but the hangovers had disappeared.


After a more digestible breakfast John, Halt and George said they were going to get supplies from the town and try to recruit. We were to pack and meet them in an hour. I start to pack my things and they all fit nicely into my backpack. I grab my swords and place one on my back and the other hangs from my waist. I had made a little money from helping with the weather after Fi had left so I put most of it in my money pouch and I hid my single gold piece in my shoe just in case. I decide to move the sword from my back to my waist and threw on my cloak. It was a warm cloak with lots of pockets that I could hide things in. I throw on my pack and head down to see if I can help with anything. Kaya is running around and loading pots and other kitchen things into a small wagon that was always in our barn. Tom hitched the two horses and waved to me.

“Hey, you can throw your stuff in the wagon but keep your swords on you.” Tom shouted towards me.

“Okay, will do.” I said as I throw my pack into the wagon.

“Good, now go make sure you haven’t left anything then come back here.” Tom said while adjusting the horse harness.

As I walked away I realized that I had forgotten something. I quickly dug around in my pack and found a piece of paper, my quill and some ink and head inside. I sit down at the table and write a quick letter.

Dear Fi,

How are you doing? I hope your safe and having a fun time adventuring. I am about to start on my own adventure. Don’t panic, I’m not going alone but with my whole family. My uncle has asked us to help him with his job of guarding the Royal Family so we are headed to Celu. If you return to our home you won’t find any of us in it. I don’t know how it will all turn out but I hope it works out we will probably live in Celu for the next few years but I’ll send you a letter if it changes again.

I hope this letter finds you well.

Your student,


I fold the paper and place it between my fingers and force magic into the paper. With a puff of smoke a small bird appears hovering over my hand.

“Go to Fi. You know who that is right?” I asked the bird

The bird chirps and I hear a response.

“Yes, master.” The bird said and then it flew off in the same direction that Fi had left in.

I stand there, too shocked to move. Ella had said something like all languages but I didn’t think she meant animal language. I recovered as Elena carries a small pack past me and jumps into the cart.

“Grandma is that all you’re bringing?” I asked curiously while staring at the little bag.

“Oh that’s right you did have that Dragon bag…” Tom mumbled as he messed with the harness.

“Dragon bag?” I asked

“Oh… This is a magic bag. It has the space of a dragon’s stomach inside so I can put as much stuff inside as I want to.” Elena said proudly

“Oh now it makes sense.” I said sarcastically

“I can’t really explain the Magic principles behind it but it works…” Elena said as she shrugged

“Doesn’t it get heavy though?” I asked trying to grasp some form of understanding.

“Hmm… Not really… In fact it doesn’t ever weigh more than it does when it’s empty.”

It’s a magic bag. Don’t think about it too much. In fact I am never going to try to explain anything that is described by magic scientifically ever. Maybe Fi can explain it or one of the royal tutors I’ll ask them either by letter or when we arrive in Celu.

“Okay, let’s head out and meet up with John and the others.” Tom declared as he loaded the last of Kaya’s luggage.

We depart from our home and head towards town. John and the others hadn’t had any luck recruiting from the villagers. However everyone had somehow heard of our leaving and came to see us off. While we all load the supplies onto the wagon Kaya and Elena walk over to a few people to say goodbye. Kaya hands the key to our front door to a young couple that I hadn’t seen before. The man smiles brightly and the woman starts crying while hugging Kaya. After all loading is completed we just on our wagon and head away from the village. As I look back I watch our house and the village began to disappear from view. I am struck by a sudden realization of the fact that I don’t know the name of my home village.


“Yes, Aero what is it?” Tom asked me

“Well, What is the name of our village?” I asked

“Hmm, that’s a good question… The name of our town is Felora and it was the place that you were born so take a good last look. It might be awhile before you return.” Tom said somberly

I take my father’s advice and I take one last look at Felora. At its rolling green fields and the mountains in the far distance. I look at the river snaking its way through the fields and heading towards the forest. I see the tall trees of the forest part and allow the small river to disappear into its embrace. I then watch as those same fields and trees disappear from my view. The home that I was raised in becomes a tiny dot and then it too vanishes along with the village. My heart becomes heavy but I turn around and face forward to greet the next part of my life


AN: He's finally set out! I gave you a taste of how powerful his language gift really was!!

Thank you for reading. You can consider this the end of the first arc.

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