《Journey into My New Life》Chapter 8: A farewell should be made while smiling.


I chase after Fi’s rapidly vanishing figure and after a few minutes I close the gap between us. I see Fi smiling as she looks back towards me and she laughs loudly as I finally catch her. Her long grass green hair falls down and covers her eyes. She giggles as I push her hair away from her eyes. Her normally sleepy blue eyes are now focused and brimming with light.

“Ha-ha well… Aero you have grown up rather well…” Fi said happily

“It’s all thanks to you… I learned a lot as your student.” I said proudly

“I suspect that you already knew most of it and you just let me teach you but thanks. Before I came to teach you I was considered a genius but after coming here I have lost confidence in my talent. I’ll have to work hard so that I can hold my head high as your teacher.” Fi said depressed

I look at this tiny teacher of mine who has taught me many things about my new world. I have not just learned magic from her but also the economics, and the basic etiquette of this world. Apparently there are still nobles and kings in this world and each have different forms of address and etiquette that is due to them. Fi taught me all these things to prepare me for the outside world without her there are many things that I wouldn’t have known.

We sit down and talk about what happens after we return home. Fi decides that she will be leaving and going on a journey to train and make something of herself as an adventurer. I told her that she was welcome to stay but she said she needed to do this for herself. After a few minutes of arguing I finally give in and Fi promises that we will meet again. After that we just sit and talk in the quiet forest. Fi tells me of her home and how she decided to go out on her own when she was 6. I sit next to her and listen quietly as the sunlight slowly vanishes from the forest trees.

“Fi, it’s getting dark we should head back home.”

“Okay, let’s be off then.” Fi said happily

The amulet grows warm as we take off out of the forest. As the last light of the day drops below the horizon we step inside my family home. During dinner Fi announces that I am now a Master ranked magician. My mother looks very proud and my father and grandmother toast till they are quite drunk. Even Fi gets a little tipsy and sluggishly scoots closer to me.

“You see here, Aero don’t go chasing after any girls while I’m away. Remember your teacher okay…” Fi slurred

“Okay...” I said while trying to push Fi away for she reeked of alcohol.

“Ha-ha Aero already is a hit with the ladies.” Elena shouted out loudly

“But of course he’s my son Ha-ha.” Tom bellowed even louder than Elena did.

“Now, Now you two calm down.” Kaya said while setting more food and Alcohol down in front of them.


Fi stands up on the table and looks at us all, her face has a drunken smile slapped on it with her normally sleepy eyes making it seem as if she was about to fall asleep.

“I have an announcement! As of tomorrow I will be returning to traveling and I plan to make a name for myself so that Aero can be proud of his teacher!” Fi reached down for yet another swig of her drink.

“Oh Fi, you know you’re welcome to stay. You don’t have to go running off so soon.” Kaya said sadly looking at Fi.

“Here, here!” Elena and Tom shout in agreement.

“I thank you for your kind words but I have to do this for myself. This last year or so has been one of the happiest times of my life but I really must be off to train… I mean to go on my journey…” Fi stated her true feelings but quickly covered those up as she reaches down to take another drink. Fi then plops down in her seat and scoots over closer to me and flashed a lopsided smile.

After another hour or so of partying Fi passes out as do both Elena and Tom. Kaya laughs as she carries Tom upstairs leaving me alone with Elena and Fi. I place Fi on my back and carry her upstairs to her room.

“Aero… Stop eating… my food…” She mumbled as I laid her down in her bed.

“Jeez what is she dreaming about…” I said aloud as I pull up the covers and wipe her hair out of her face.

Fi’s sleeping face is too cute to resist so I lightly kiss her on the forehead and head back down the stairs. Elena is slumped over the edge of the table with a stupid but happy smile plastered to her face. I approach to help her up and carry her upstairs but she stirs in her sleep and looks at me.

“Oh, Aero good morning… actually I guess it’s still evening…” She mumbled and tried to stand up quickly stumbling and almost falling to the floor. I stepped in and caught hold of her and steadied her so she wouldn’t plunge into the floor.

“Whoa… Grandmother, be careful I have you so just lean on me.” I said while gently grasping her body.

“Ah… My little Aero is already so strong and reliable. Well, you have always been that way but I can really see it now. Aero, you don’t have too grow up so fast take your time for you only get to be a kid once.” Elena said proudly but with sadness in her eyes as she wraps her arm around my shoulders.

“Yes, I’ll try to slow down Grandmother.” I laughed as I start walking towards the stairs steading Elena as I go.

“Oh, who am I kidding you're already more mature than Tom. You have so much of your mother in you, she was a mature child as well. Even Fi has been outclassed by her student and is ready to do anything to catch up even leave behind probably the best time in her short life. Although I understand I sometimes want to run and go get stronger so I can hold my head high as your grandmother.” Elena whispered under her breath as I helped her up the stairs.


“Ha-ha Grandmother you are strong so don’t worry about being stronger. I don’t know what I would do if you put on a lot of muscle. Then who would carry you up the stairs when you pass out from drinking. I can only carry you because you’re so light and feminine.” I said as we reached to top of the stairs.

“Oh, Aero is surprisingly smooth I can see why Fi is so fond of you…” Elena teasingly with a sparkle in her eyes.

I helped Elena to her bed and she kissed me lightly on the forehead and smiled.

“Well, off to bed with you if I know Fi she’ll try to sneak out without saying goodbye tomorrow so you’ll need to make sure you wake up to see her off.” Elena said as I exited the room

“I know I’ll properly catch her before she leaves tomorrow. Goodnight Grandma…”

I wake up the next morning before the sunrise and wait downstairs for Fi to try to sneak out. Sure enough after about 20 minutes of waiting I hear her slowly creep down the stairs. I waited until I saw her make it to the bottom of the stairs. I then cast a light spell and start laughing as soon as I see Fi. She has a backpack that is stuffed to its limits on her back, full of what must be all the sweets she has started to hoard for helping out around in the village. Her magician hat slips down her head and covers her eyes and she tries to adjust it with her only free hand. The other hand has her staff and she drops it in surprise when she sees my light spell.

“Oh hey, Good morning Aero… I thought you would still be asleep…” Fi stammered out while picking up her staff.

“Nope, I thought you would try to sneak out so I woke up to see you off.” I said while trying to keep a straight look on my face.

“Oh I see… well then you may walk me to the edge of the village then.” Fi said while walking quickly towards the door.

I jump up and follow her outside. As the sun begin to peek over the hills in the distance we walk away from the village and towards the main road.

“Don’t you want to say goodbye to everyone?”

“No, I already said I was leaving last night so they know.” Fi mentioned quietly as she pushes her hat up.

“Admit it, Fi you're just bad at saying goodbye…” I said teasingly

“Fine… I am bad at it… I really like all of you so I don’t mean anything by it…” Fi mumble as we approach the village border.

We continue walking in silence until we arrive at where the main road passes our village. Fi turns and looks at me and smiles.

“Well, I’ll be off to go adventuring. I’ll write you during my travels but it might be hard for you to send a reply because I’ll be moving around a lot. Oh… I forgot you can summon now!!” Fi shouted and started to dig around in her oversized bag.

I stand and watch her as she carefully pulls out a small piece of paper and hands it too me. She looks at me happily and with great anticipation. I look at the small piece of paper and it’s totally blank, not even a drop of ink.

“Um… What am I supposed to do with this?” I asked while looking at Fi with a confused look on my face.

“Give it here… This is your last lesson from me so pay attention.” Fi said as she grabbed the piece of paper from my hand. She puts the paper in between her thumb and her index finger and chants a short summoning.

“Wind of my past, send unto the future. Summon!” Fi chanted as the paper turned blue and changed into a small blue bird. The bird flew onto Fi’s shoulder and looked at her expectantly.

“Now you just tell the bird who to go to and it will carry your message and when it arrives it changes back into paper. Go to Aero!” Fi said and the bird flutters over to me and land on my outstretched hand. Fi puffs out her chest with pride and with a puff of smoke the bird turns back into a blank piece of paper.

“See! Pretty cool huh? Are you a little impressed with your teacher?” Fi said with a bright smile on her face.

“Yes, that’s really cool! Thank you for teaching me, Fi. I’ll always treasure what you taught me and I’ll write often.” I promised

“Now, I guess I’m off… Oh yea I almost forgot…” Fi clapped her hands together and walks up to me. She throws her arms around me and kisses me on the cheek. Laughing loudly, she flashes me a quick sleepy smile as she walks away down the road towards whatever adventure comes next for her.

As I watch her small figure disappear down the road I gave a quiet thanks to whatever god allowed me to be so fortunate to have such a wonderful teacher. I turn away back toward the village and start walking back home. When I return home Tom is waiting for me outside, leaning on a practice sword.

“So, she left then… You saw her off right?” Tom said looking at me

“Yes… she said it’s not that she doesn’t like all of us she is just bad at goodbyes.”

“Ha-ha I figured as much… Well, now that she’s gone your sword training is going to be taken to the next level so prepare yourself!!” Tom said while waving me inside the house.

“Yes, Father I will. Before that though can we eat breakfast I am pretty hungry.” I asked as my stomach grumbled out a complaint.

“Sure thing, I can postpone the deat... easy training till after breakfast.” Tom said with a wide smile


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