《Journey into My New Life》Chapter 3: Wait, why are you strapping me into a chair?


After a short, yet terrifying, ride through the sky we arrive at the Hub. This time it does not result in a crash but a rather gentle landing. I guess Ella had learned something from her previous mistakes. The Hub is a large building that looks rather like Grand Central Station except of course it is made of gold clouds. The doors are made with a silvery material that looks rather solid and the columns are made out of the same silvery materials as the windows and doors. As I am about to comment on the extremely varied use of materials in buildings in heaven Ella pipes up.

“See! I told you I can fly properly!” She said proudly

“Now Ella we never doubted you could fly only… well land.” Gabriel said jokingly

“Sorry, I doubted you Ella. It’s just you were two for two on the accidental crashes.” I said shyly

“Humph… You are forgiven… Father not so much…”

“Oh look at the time we have got to hurry up.” Gabriel said loudly

Ella and I are dragged through the doors and up a few steps and we turn into a room with a sign above it that says ‘Rebirth Room’ in silver lettering.

“Shall we?” Ella asked

“Ha-ha yes let’s.” I said nervously

As we enter the room I see a single chair in the center of the room with a small table in front of it. Ella and Gabriel move to the walls and suddenly screens pop up from them. After a few seconds of manipulation screens pop up in front of the table.

“Well, please sit down if you will. This is going to be a lot like a video game but whatever you select cannot be changed so choose your gifts wisely.” Gabriel explained


“Okay, where am I being sent? What can I expect?” I asked

“All we know is the name of the world not what you can expect to find there… Sorry, we can’t be of much help. On the bright side you do get a few gifts however one is a surprise that you will get in world after a few years so be on the

lookout.” Ella said happily

“Oh, well I guess it can’t be helped. What is the name of my new world?”

“Alera, I believe but sit down okay we need to hurry up…” Gabriel said hurriedly

I plop into the seat and the screens land on the table. On the screens are a ton of options from animal speech to super strength.

“So these are all of my options? There are so many… Not to sound greedy but how many can I have?” I asked

“Ha-ha that’s a good question… You can only have three because after a few years a fourth will arrive so choose wisely.” Gabriel explained

I start to scroll down and read the huge list of gifts I can get. A few of them are just silly honestly like the gift of sleeping which allows you to sleep for 20 years and my favorite the gift of flowers which makes you smell like flowers. A few catch my eye like the gift of music and the gift of agriculture both of which are very useful but unfortunately I don’t really see them being any real use because I can learn those things and I already know a lot about farming.

I decided on my three gifts. My first gift was the gift of languages because being able to communicate with people is important and I have no desire to spend time learning languages. It not only allows me to understand and talk in any language but I can read all of them as well. The second gift I chose is the gift of magic. The gift of magic allows me to use magic but what kinds depends on the world apparently. Finally, I selected the Gift of Body which give me great stamina, strength and speed. It basically seems like a cheat but I’ll take all the power I can get as I am going to a world I know nothing about.


“Okay, I have chosen my gifts now what?” I asked

“Let me see… good choices… All that is left is to say goodbye and send you on your way.” Gabriel smiled

“Well, it was nice to be with you guys… this is pretty sudden… So how do I leave for Alera?” I asked

“It may seem sudden but that’s because we have to hit this gap or we don’t know how long it will take to send you.”

“One moment… Ella and I have to leave but it’s right on your chairs armrest… Ella, I will be outside, see you in a minute.” Gabriel said mischievously

“Dad…” Ella started

“I know, I know I’m leaving… Oh yes, remember what I told you and be careful okay son.” Gabriel said sternly

After Gabriel leaves the room Ella walks over to the chair. Her face comes close her silver eyes seem to penetrate to the deepest part of my soul. Her face mirrors her mother's and is just as beautiful. A light blush crosses her face and she flashes me a bashful smile.

“Well, Mr. No Name shortly you will have a name again. I look forward to calling you it in a few years. Good luck until then…” Ella said quietly

She gently kisses me on the cheek and then rather shyly on the forehead. She quickly runs from the room leaving me stunned and alone.

“Well, I guess it is time to go…” I trailed off

I started to press the button but I hesitate for a moment. I close my eyes tightly and press the button. I hear a whistling sound and a sudden crack that sounds like a whip and I am pushed deeper into my chair. I open my eyes slightly and all I can see is a very bright light so bright that I am forced to shut my eyes for fear of blindness. I feel my consciousness begin to fade and then nothing.


AN: Hmm... Sorry about the short chapter it's just supposed to be a connecting chapter. I intended to put it in the last chapter but that would've made it 4500+ words which is way too long. I usually will try to keep it around 3000 or 2500. I ramble a little when I write though. Btw still looking for an editor or proofreader. I can pay in hugs and you can get credit at the beginning or end of each chapter.

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