《A Ghoul's Legend》The Hunt Part 2


6 December Year 2367


One of the men hissed at his teammates as they stared at the beasts intently. Growling and snarling echoed all around. A blue tiger stepped towards the men and roared. Telfer admired the tiger which stood in all its glory. The glossy blue fur and black stripes that gleamed under the moonlight. Muscles that rippled as it walked. A stunning pair of wings unfurled from its back. Lightning crackled between the tips of the wings. Telfer knew without being told. A top predator of the forest had joined the party. The tiger looked around as if warning the others not to interfere. The group stepped back as the tiger approached them.

"Shit, it's the Ghostly Electric Fiend. What do we do?"

The men quivered as the tiger strolled over.

"Hang on, backup is coming over right now."

One of the other men tried to calm his teammates down. But Telfer saw right through him. His Adam's-apple moved up and down continuously as time passed. The tiger looked at the men as if it was judging them. Goosebumps appeared all over Telfer. The amount of bloodlust in the area had increased drastically.

Soon. The time to play is ending.

Telfer stood up within the tree and prepared to jump down. Man and tiger stared each other. Everything was still.


Lightning descended down on the area. A tree caught fire and toppled over. The fire spread rapidly from tree to tree. The entire area was soon blazing hot. Thick grey smoke billowed into the skies. Everyone was trapped within the net of fire. But it seemed like it would soon change. Rain poured down and smothered the fires.

"Fuck, we have to go now!"

Flames started to emerge from the smouldering embers. The men dashed out instantly. A shadow loomed over the men. The tiger soared over the men and landed in front of them. The cold gaze within its deep blue eyes answered the men. The men scrambled in the opposite direction but something else greeted them.


Telfer brandished the Eternal Harmony and swung down at one of the swordsmen. The group had not recovered from the initial shock. The sword slid into the man's head easily. The swordsman fell over without even drawing his sword. A thin line between the man's eyes appeared as his head fell apart, exposing a cleanly halved brain. Telfer bathed in the fountain of blood. A smile slowly spread across his face. The pleasure he got from slicing into his enemies was indescribable. In the eys of the men, it was a smile of a demon.


The men split up and ran in separate directions. Telfer retrieved the sword and picked out a target. However, a massive figure materialized in front of him as he was walking off. A tiger head closed in on Telfer. Telfer enjoyed the full view of razor sharp teeth as the tiger stretched open its mouth to swallow him. Telfer's smile dimmed slightly.

"Fuck off you big dumb animal."

Yama's Strike

A palm flew into the tiger's cheek, sending it flying. The tiger landed on the ground softly. Blood seeped out of its cheek. A piece of flesh hung onto the wound, exposing the red tissue underneath. Telfer smirked and took his stance. As expected of a top predator, it would not go down so easily. His wrangled arm healed rapidly as the tiger glowered while pacing back and forth in front of him. It seemed to be angry because Telfer had interfered.


Calm down, deep breaths.

Telfer focused his gaze on the tiger. His senses were telling him that the tiger could kill him in one blow. This was an opponent he had to go all out for.


Before anyone could react, a black shadow crashed into the tiger. The black shadow and the tiger wrestled on the ground. Razor sharp claws sprang out of their paws. Blood and flesh flew everywhere. Telfer was too shocked to move. Of all the possible things that could have happened, he never imagined that this would have occured. A pair of golden eyes stared at Telfer intently for a second before moving away from him. The Night Leopard had clearly intended to help him. Telfer clasped his hands together before shooting off in the direction of his target. Behind him, many other magical beasts had entered the fight, turning the entire situation into a brawl. With Mass Transfer activated, Telfer sped through the forest as he kept a constant lookout for his targets.

Suddenly, a group of men appeared within his line of sight. There were 5 men in this group. One of them seemed to be panting heavily while the other 4 questioned him. It seemed like one of the men had been picked up by another group.

One extra person does not make a difference.

Just then, the group noticed Telfer's figure sprinting towards them. The escapee's eyes widened in realization. A sword appeared in his hand. The others noticed as well.

One axe, 2 swords and 2 guns.

"You are going to pay for James's death! Whirling Assault!"

The escapee started to spin towards Telfer. An amused look appeared on Telfer's face. Whirling Assault? Too slow to even be called an assault. Telfer leapt above the swordsmen as shocked looks appeared on their faces. Telfer ignored the melee attackers and flung his sword at one of the men who was using a machine gun. Bullets showered upon Telfer. However, instead of icicles exploding from underneath his flesh, a tingling sensation appeared all over his body.


Telfer shook his head as the sword sliced the man's head off his neck. Electricity was nothing new to him. His master had "accidentally" electrocuted him many times while sparring with him. How could this electricity measure up to the one produced by his master, a 8th level Storm Spirit?

"Host is now confused."

Suddenly, Telfer felt a sharp pain stabbing his neck. His vision became hazy. The things around him looked like they were moving on their on. The ground he was on for example, seemed to be reaching out for him. Telfer clutched his head and stumbled backwards while swinging his sword around.

"Kill him, he's confused!"

A voice rang out from Telfer's right and echoed throughout his mind. Although he had heard it coming from his right, it seemed like it came from his left. Telfer dashed towards the left and swung his sword. It felt empty. Telfer tried to turn around, but an axe came swinging down on his back.


Telfer fell onto the ground. Although the gash on his back hurt like hell and blood poured out of his back, he was no longer confused. Hairs stood up all over his body. Telfer rolled to the side as an axe smashed the ground, sending dirt and gravel everywhere.

"Quick, get him!"

Telfer activated Mass Transfer and somersaulted into the air. The 4 men were gathered below him. Telfer spotted a pistol in one of their hands.

Found you, you bastard.

Telfer threw the sword towards the pistol. A bullet shot out of the barrel and collided with the sword. Telfer watched as the bullet flew towards him, leaving a shallow wound as it grazed his cheek.


"Control the sword's direction you idiot."

Much to everyone's shock, the sword seemed to bend towards the man's neck after deflecting the bullet. The sword sank into the man's neck before impaling itself on the ground. The man wobbled backwards. Telfer could see the disbelief in his eyes. Blood spewed out from the man's exposed artery and splattered onto the ground. Telfer picked up the sword and leapt towards the axe wielder.


The axe wielder raised the axe and parried Telfer's attack. With his attack parried, Telfer found himself arms flailing, body completely exposed. It was the worse situation possible. He was completely open to attacks from 3 people. The axe plunged downwards towards Telfer's skull.

Am I going to die here?

Time seemed to stop as the Telfer watched the axe coming towards him. The raindrops around him seemed to still. Everything looked crystal clear to him. There was nothing he could do.

"Use Immortal Guard on your skull now."

Telfer's head hardened as the axe collided with it. Telfer was wrecked with agony. There was a ringing sound in his ears. He felt 2 swords impaling his waist. Through all the pain, Telfer smiled. He was alive. There was a chance.

"Host's health is reaching critical stage. Host should seek help immediately."

A sea of red flooded Telfer's vision.


Time to start slaughtering.

Telfer grasped the axe's blade and pulled at it. The axe wielder flew towards Telfer along with the axe. On the other side of the axe, certain death waited for him. A rotating blue mass plunged into the man's chest. Telfer pulled out his hand and clenched his fists.


The man's heart shattered into pieces. Telfer raised his hand and blood dripped down into his mouth.

"Demon... demon... call for backup!"

Telfer spun around and faced the last 2 men. He cackled and pounced on them. One of them frantically pressed the SOS function on a satellite phone as Telfer shoved both of their heads onto the ground.

Mass Transfer.


Telfer raised both of the by their heads and slammed their heads into the ground.


The men screamed as they scrabbled at Telfer's hand. Telfer raised their heads once more before slamming them into the ground. The process continued for another 5 minutes. At the end, the men's heads had been completely destroyed. Their skulls had caved in from the continuous slamming.

"Get everyone here ASAP. We might actually need everyone to deal with this shit."

Telfer dropped the men and looked up. Dozens of cloaked men surrounded him with their weapons drawn. Standing above them was their leader. More and more men entered the ranks. Telfer scanned his surroundings. He plucked the sword up from the ground and stared at the men coldly. It was time to finish this.


The leader pointed at Telfer and yelled. An endless amount of attacks fell upon Telfer. Swords, axes, guns... Jumping up was not an option. Telfer raised his arms as he charged forward through the hailstorm of attacks. Cuts and wounds opened up everywhere.

Mass Transfer.

A fist flew into someone's face. Telfer felt bone being crushed underneath his fist. The sword passed through someone's body. Guts and flesh covered Telfer. Wherever, he passed, cries of anguish rang out as Telfer cut down the men one after another. Telfer went on a rampage. He panted heavily as exhaustion hit him. His arms and legs felt like they were going to drop off at any moment. They had been chopped off and regenerated countless times already. But he continued. For his enemies were still standing in front of him. Telfer hacked and chopped like there was no tomorrow. The ranks fell apart as Telfer stormed through the men.

"Fucking ghouls, why are they always so troublesome. Get out of the way, you useless shitheads."

The enemy's leader floated onto the ground in front of him. Telfer sprang at him. Once the head falls, the body will follow. Telfer dug up what little energy he had left and activated Yama's Strike. The leader smirked under the cloak and raised his hand to block it.


Telfer's palm drilled straight through the enemy's palm and towards his face. A delightful glint appeared in Telfer's eyes. Victory. He was going to win. As Telfer was lost in his reverie, a palm strike struck his belly, forcing his entire body upwards.


A mouthful of blood came out.


Stupid ass motherfucker.

Telfer looked down at the leader who was now cradling his injured hand while glaring at Telfer. This prey, he was not going to let go no matter what. Telfer smashed his foot into the leader's face. A spear appeared in the leader's hands. A number of options went through Telfer's mind as the spear jabbed towards him. Telfer grinned. He was one step closer to his prey. Telfer wrapped his leg around the spear and slid down the spear towards the leader.


The leader waved the spear around as Telfer clinged on for dear life. Telfer stared at the leader coldly from the spear. He wrapped both of his legs around the shaft and hacked at the leader. The leader could only stop shaking the spear around to dodge the attacks.


Frustrated, the leader let go of the weapon, causing Telfer to fall to the ground along with the spear. A foot came flying towards Telfer's face. Telfer scrambled back with the spear and sword in hand. The enemy was now unarmed. He could take him on easily. Or so Telfer thought.

"Serpent's Rush!"

A green aura arose from the leader and a series of kicks flew towards Telfer. Telfer activated Immortal Guard in a hurry but it was not fast enough. Pain tore through his body. His bones had been fractured but the lack of energy to regenerate made things way harder. But the enemy was not going to wait.

"Dragon's Descent!"

The leader jumped up and spun towards Telfer. A foot arrived before Telfer as he raised his guard. The leader had clearly put everything behind this foot. He would be a fool to not guard. Telfer activated Immortal Guard. However, the expected pain did not come. Telfer lowered his guard to prepare for the enemy's next attack. Suddenly, the leader laughed.


The leader suddenly locked eyes with Telfer. A feeling of dread overwhelmed Telfer. His hairs stood on end and goosebumps appeared on his skin. Finally, a feeling of drowsiness arrived. The leader grinned maliciously and commanded Telfer.

"Kill yourself."

Telfer could only watch unwillingly as his body lowered itself onto the ground. With this knees touching the ground, he raised the Eternal Harmony above his own skull and prepared to plunge it into himself. No matter how much Telfer willed it, his body would not listen to him. Telfer gritted his teeth and trembled. The leader stared on, intending to catch Telfer's last moments. Suddenly, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a satellite phone. A voice came out on the other end.

"The first day is almost over. How are things going?"

"Things are going great. We have accomplished the secondary objective."

The man looked at Telfer expectantly. Telfer glared at the man. There was no fucking way he was going to submit.


"What a useless discple. This is how it's done. You owe me big time."

Agvak's voice rang out in his mind disgruntledly. Telfer felt himself losing control of his body. As the man looked on, the sword finally plunged downwards towards Telfer's skull. However, the sword was absorbed into his own body at the last moment. The man walked over with the phone in hand and tipped Telfer over.

"Oh wow, there's very little blood. Time to pull it out."

The man pulled Telfer's arm out of his head and shock appeared in his eyes. There was no blood or wound. But it was too late. The sword reappeared in Telfer's hand and cut off the leader's arm in one swift motion. Before the leader could react, another flash occured.

"Your other arm."

The flashes occured one after another.

"Your left leg."

"Your right leg."

In one second, the leader's four limbs had been cleanly cut off, sending him flying into the air. His eyes widened as the pain struck him like lightning.


"Take over. Bye."

Telfer regained control of his body and smirked.


Telfer raised the sword underneath the man.


The man ran himself through the sword. Telfer flicked his sword and sliced the leader's body in half. He unconsciously absorbed the leader's body as well as the other corpses. Telfer felt strength return to him. But the mental exhaustion was too great. Telfer leaned on the sword and slumped to the ground.

End of Chapter.

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