《A Ghoul's Legend》Glyph Inscription


5 December Year 2367

Telfer was completely flabbergasted. His mouth hung ajar and a couple pieces of meat fell out. His master was joking right? He had just fought to the death today. His master stroked his beard and a weird glint appeared in his eye.

"Telfer, you can now beat 4th levels. That was a 4th level Ghoul in Berserk Mode from the Black Crows as well. Anyone from the Black Crows are a cut above anyone of their own level. If it is a normal 4th level, you can dispatch them comfortably."

Daimon explained his judgement carelessly while eating the meat. Telfer heard his heart shatter into a million pieces. Blood drained from his face and he hugged his master.

"Master, please don't cast me aside. As you said, I actually beat someone so amazing to help you save face."

"Hmph, fine I will present you with 3 things to choose from and you can be on your way."

Daimon ignored his disciple's cries and pleas for help. The table and the dishes vanished and 3 things appeared in front of Telfer. The first one was a syringe filled with golden fluid. It looked really similar to the golden fluid within the healing containers. The second item was an imposing blue spear. It was covered with glyphs. The last item was a book titled, "Introduction to Glyph Inscription". Telfer rubbed his chin. The first item was probably an emergency item that Telfer could use for a big heal in case he was in serious danger. The spear looked attractive but Telfer believed that the Eternal Harmony was just as good, if not even better. The Introduction to Glyph Inscription was the one that Telfer was the one most interested in. If he could learn how to inscribe glyphs, he could possibly reverse engineer the glyph on him. Besides, a glyph inscription master earned a good amount of money. Telfer pointed at the book. The first 2 items vanished while the book landed in Telfer's hand.

"I don't know the reason you chose it, but glyph inscription is a good skill for the long run. Walk straight and turn left to get to your room, you will leave tomorrow in the morning."

Telfer was pushed out of the medical room promptly. As he walked back to his room, he started reading the book.

"To the one reading this, glyph inscription is a difficult skill to learn. The countless number of people who have tried and failed explain everything. If you are still willing to learn glyph inscription, I salute you. To start off, glyph inscription masters produce glyphs by creating mana channels. These mana channels produce different glyphs when placed in different arrangements. The type of glyph is also naturally dependent on the number of mana channels as well as any physical material used in the process. Hence, there are countless number of glyphs that can be produced due to the complexity of glyph inscription. Mana channels can be drawn on any material. As long as mana flows through the material, the glyph is triggered. This is also the reason why some glyph inscription masters also dabble in Emblem Magic, due to the similarity in these 2 fields. If you are reading this, you should be a glyph inscription apprentice. When you are able to form more than 10 mana channels and control all of them, you will have become an actual glyph inscription master. Another 10 and it would be Advanced Master, followed by Grand Master and Legendary Master."


Suddenly, Agvak's voice rang out.

"Glyph inscription? I can teach you for a small fee."

Telfer spun around. Agvak was nowhere to be found. "You fool, I'm inside your sea of consciousness so I can talk to you." Telfer stepped into his room and lied on the bed. A white space appeared before his eyes. Agvak sat on the couch as he fanned himself. A TV was set in front of him. Agvak frowned and laughed occasionally while watching the TV. "How is it turned on?" Telfer thought. Agvak beckoned Telfer over. A black stone floated on his palm.

"I'm testing your talent for glyph inscription. Hold this stone and pour your mana into it."

Agvak pushed the stone into Telfer's hand anxiously and went back to watching the TV. Telfer tossed the stone around. There was nothing special about it. It was just a normal stone that was painted black. However, Telfer did as he was told and concentrated his mana into it. Suddenly, the stone turned blindingly white. Telfer dropped the stone and covered his eyes. The light continued to pour out of the stone for awhile. Agvak switched off the TV and inspected the stone. His eyes widened in surprise before he nodded.

"To think you have such talent in glyph inscription. Your mana has exceptional affinity with Time Magic. I will give you a discount due to your talent. Read this."

Agvak tossed a book at Telfer. Telfer looked at him in confusion. He was never told anything about Time Magic. Agvak frowned at him and spoke.

"You actually have no idea about magic? How have you been cultivating mana then? Firstly, mana isn't just blue. If you look closely, there are different coloured specks of mana. Different types of Magic have different coloured mana. Time Magic is silver and Poison Magic is green while Illusion Magic is grey. Different people have different afffinities. Who tested your affinity? For glyph inscription masters, the most important affinity is Time Magic. Without any Time Magic, you can't ever hope to create mana channels that will function. Screw Emblem Magic and whatever you read in that book."

Telfer opened the book.

"Agvak's Guide To Starting Glyph Inscription. Is this better than the one master gave me?"

Telfer mumbled as he flipped to the first page. At the top of the page was a thin vertical line. Below the line were a few words.

"If you can create a mana channel of this length and thickness, you have accomplished the first step. If you can make the line hold for at least a week, you have done the second step. If you can recreate at least 3 lines in a day, you have become an apprentice."

Agvak looked at Telfer and grinned. To recreate that line required extreme control and finesse of mana. You had to open up a mana channel and line it with Time Magic as well. One misstep and the line would completely vanish.

"How is it, want to take up the challenge? Take this carving knife and paper."

A shiny metallic knife as well as a few pieces of paper appeared in front of Telfer. Telfer picked up the knife. An empty line ran down the centre. Telfer poured some of his mana into it and mana started filling the line. The mana poured out of the blade and came to a stop. Telfer picked up the paper and pushed the knife in. The mana splattered all over the paper before vanishing. Telfer tried again but the mana vanished again. The only thing left were 2 dull lines.


"You are just using mana right now. Of course it won't hold. Convert the mana into Time Magic."

Agvak flopped down onto the couch and watched Telfer with interest. Convert it to Time Magic? Telfer withdrew his mana before pouring it into the carving knife again. This time, a white line appeared instead of a blue line. When Telfer pushed the tip into the paper, a line appeared on the paper again. However, instead of a dull line, the Time Magic poured out of the carving knife and lined the walls, causing the line to shine with a silver gleam. When Telfer poured some mana into the paper, the line was filled with mana before returning to its original state.

"To think he created a mana channel on his third try. Although it does not match up to the thickness and length of the mana channel displayed in the book, it is still exceptional."

Agvak secretly approved while shaking his head at Telfer. Telfer compared the mana channel he had created to the one displayed and furrowed his eyebrows. If he lifted the knife, he could make the line thinner. However, this could lead to a thinner coating of Time Magic along the walls. If the coating was too thin, the channel would be rendered ineffective. There was a very thin line that Telfer had to balance on. Telfer dragged the knife lightly through the paper, ensuring that Time Magic came out at a constant rate.


The mana channel that Telfer drew matched the one shown in the book. However, Telfer never imagined that drawing this one line would be so physically and mentally exhausting. The requirement to keep a steady hand as well as a constant flow of mana while knowing full well that one mistake was all it took to waste everything was unexpectedly difficult. Telfer wiped the sweat off his forehead and prepared to draw his second line on a fresh piece of paper. Agvak picked up the paper that Telfer had just discarded and his fingers trembled as he looked back and forth between the mana channel on the paper and the one in the book. Telfer was an unprecedented genius in glyph inscription! What should have taken at least a week was completed in about 10 minuntes. And to have energy to spare as well. As Agvak tried to digest what he had witnessed, Telfer finished the second mana channel and the white space disappeared from his view.

6 December Year 2367

Telfer woke up and scratched his head as he recalled yesterday's events. He had clearly created 2 mana channels within his sea of consciousness.

"Good job, now I have to collect my payment."

Telfer entered his sea of consciousness and saw Agvak stretching an open palm towards him. Beside him was 2 pieces of paper with a mana channel inscribed on both of them. There was a carving knife there as well. Agvak looked at Telfer impatiently and placed his palm in front of Telfer.

"I taught you glyph inscription. Now pay me."

Telfer looked at the palm and shrugged. He was only taught how to draw mana channels, not glyphs. There was no need to pay. Agvak's entire body trembled as he placed his hands on Telfer's shoulders. A dangerous smile emerged on his face.

"There's no such thing as a free lunch. Payment, now."

Telfer shrugged again. Agvak let go of Telfer and laughed maniacally. He ran over to the incomplete glyph array and started stomping on it.

"I originally wanted to help you since you are my successor. But to think you are so cruel and heartless that you would bite the hand that fed you."

Agvak snarled at Telfer while he hopped up and down on the glyph array. Telfer ignored him and prepared to leave. Even though he was stomping and hopping on it, the glyph array did not suffer any real damage. The purpose of the glyph array was also unknown. There was no need to listen to such a money grubber. Agvak stopped hopping on the glyph array and pulled Telfer back.

"Look, I just need to get some materials to recreate a body. We can work out a long term deal, you bring me materials and I will help you with glyph inscription. You need to come in here to practice glyph inscription anyway. Ok fine, I will throw in a free consult and one Illusion Magic memory scroll."

Telfer stopped immediately and stretched out his hand. Agvak disgruntedly placed a memory scroll into his hand. Telfer opened the scroll immediately. Surprisingly, there was very little pain involved and Telfer absorbed the contents quite easily. A spell called "Illusion Creation" appeared in his mind. The user could use illusions to immobilize victims. At a low level, the spell could cause the victim to be confused but the illusion could be very easily broken out of. After that, the victim could have one or more of their senses shut off in addition to being confused. The highest level would allow the illusions to come to the real world and deal physical damage. Agvak nodded his head in approval before leaving.

Telfer opened his eyes and checked his status.

Status Window Name: Telfer Berkley Age: 12 Race: Ghoul Gender: Male Stats Health: 130/130 (60/60) Heath regen.: 13/min (22/min) Energy: 75/75 (100/100) Energy Regen.: 5/min (10/ min) Mana: 40/40 (40/40) Mana Regen.: 2/min (2/ min) Strength: 7 (9) Agility: 7 (10) Dexterity: 7 (9) Stamina: 10 (12) Intelligence: 8 (5) Wisdom: 8 (4) Skills


Mass Transfer

Immortal Guard

Magic Spells:

Poison Hand (Poison Magic)

Cloak (Illusion Magic)

Illusion Creation (Illusion Magic)

Self created skills:

Yama's Strike

He was all healed up and ready to go.

There was a note and a satellite phone on the table beside him. A hologram of Daimon popped up.

"Take the satellite phone in case you run into any danger. Follow my directions and leave for the Colossal Grove immediately."

Telfer placed the satellite phone inside his smartwatch. It was almost 9 am. Telfer followed the directions and walked through the Thunder Pavilion. It appeared that the Thunder Pavilion led directly to the Colossal Grove. After walking for awhile, a tunnel appeared before Telfer. At the end of the tunnel, Telfer pressed a red button. The cliff rumbled and an opening appeared before Telfer. The second Telfer stepped out, a giant rock fell over the opening, leaving Telfer in the Colossal Grove.

"One week."

Telfer stretched as he mumbled. This was his second time in the Colossal Grove. Meanwhile, a hooded figure watched from the top of the cliff.

End of Chapter

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