《A Ghoul's Legend》The Great Heist
17 November Year 2367
*Beep beep*
It was currently 4.30 in the morning. Telfer sat up with a start. The day of reckoning had arrived. Telfer dressed himself and headed for the Beast Keeping Area. Caleb was standing at the refuse area. He smiled and threw Telfer a black cloak. It was embossed with the logo of The People's Blade, a blood red sword held in between the teeth of a skull.
"You will probably need it if this fails."
Caleb smirked at Telfer.
"I'm used to moving like this."
Telfer stuffed the cloak into the smartwatch. Caleb looked at Telfer with a dangerous glint in his eyes, "Keeping your worthless pride huh? No matter, the second you get the sword you will be dead. Mark my words."
Telfer's entire body was shaking. He slowly clenched his fist.
"Go on then. Punch me. Why aren't you punching me? Oh right, I guess you can't. You're so fucking pathetic beyond belief."
Caleb's gaze landed on Telfer's fist as a metal cube floated above his palm.
"Shut the fuck up will you. I will run the sword through you."
Telfer stepped right up to Caleb and hissed. Caleb leapt back in shock. Fear rose in his eyes momentarily but it was quickly swept away.
"All bark but no bite. Kill me? We will see about that."
Caleb's face scrunched up in anger.
Why was I so scared of this fucking coward? He's nothing without that wolf. Not yet. I will butcher you later.
Telfer turned around and leaned against the statue in silence. The jeering and taunting continued on for the next 15 minutes but they all fell on deaf ears.
"Oi, get ready, the disabling will come anytime now. Screw up and you're dead."
Caleb started walking towards the wolf statue. He pressed down the tail of the wolf to reveal a switch within the body of the wolf.
The ground behind the pile of trash opened up to reveal a stone staircase that spiralled downwards. Caleb brought out a light producing glyph and descended the staircase. Telfer followed after him. As they descended the seemingly endless staircase, an odd stench seemed to grow stronger and stronger. It wasn't the stench produced by shit and flith but rather a stench of death.
"Do you smell it? That's the Eternal Harmony. We are almost there."
Caleb's face contorted in delight.
"Haha, looks like you were right. There were indeed some rats. Let's get them quickly."
An unfamiliar voice rang out from above them.
"Shit, you go down and steal the sword, I will go up first."
Caleb said in a hurry as he tried to climb past Telfer.
"Not so fast. How about you enjoy yourself down there? You seem to really like the sword."
Telfer grasped Caleb's arm and swung him downwards. A devilish grin appeared on Telfer's face.
An enormous enhanced leg entered Caleb's vision which left him tumbling down the stairs.
"Noooo! You bastard..."
Caleb's howls echoed off the walls of the staircase.
"Make haste, one of them is injured!"
The unfamiliar voice rang out again.
Telfer quickly casted Cloak right before a group of teachers rushed down the staircase.
Phew, just made it. Plan A has failed so B and C will now be carried out.
Telfer wiped the sweat off his forehead and headed back to the dorm. It was almost 6.00am. There was still roughly 2 hours before the competition officially started so Telfer decided to rest up.
17 November Year 2367 8.00am
The freshmen were gathered at the Arena. Nervousness was written all over their faces. Telfer stood at the corner of the Arena.
Have to win. Have to win.
Telfer steeled his resolve and gritted his teeth.
Just then, a group of teachers stepped into the Arena. One of them unveiled a table full of treasures. An old wizened man stood at the front and spoke.
"Greetings everyone, this is your principal speaking. Today is the day of our annual Freshman Competition. This year's competition will feature the largest prize pool the school has ever taken out. All of the competitors here will walk away with a prize of some sort, be it a mana crystal or a memory scroll. The school hopes that this will spur everyone to aspire to reach new heights. This year's competition will be slightly different. Instead of doing 1v1s, the school has decided that the 500 freshmen will duke it out in a free-for-all that will last for 2 hours. Don't worry, the school has looked out for your safety. Everyone will be getting a magic talisman. This talisman will automatically cast a barrier around its owner and signal for help if it deems that the student is in severe danger. Anything except death and crippling of opponents is fair game. The area of the game will be the entire compound. At the end of 2 hours, the top 16 from the free-for-all will continue into 1v1s. The top 16 refer to those who are still holding onto a ticket at the end of 2 hours. This is a ticket. These have already been placed at various parts of the school."
The old man stood infront of the table and held up a golden slip of paper while a magical talisman floated into the hands of every freshmen. He glanced at the Arena once more before leading the teachers away.
The students gazed at the table longingly. Telfer scanned the table and saw his objective. A long wooden box. Although the sword was not displayed directly, he was sure that the sword was inside.
"A free-for-all?"
"Holy shit look at all those treasures."
"It's meaningless if you don't make it to the top. Do you want to team up?"
Murmurs rose within the students. The freshmen quickly found their companions and started to form teams. Telfer stood at the corner and sneered. Teaming up? That's better for me. As time passes, those fucking idiots will be fighting among themselves.
Telfer stuffed the talisman into his pocket and looked around the Arena. There were 5 others who had chose to go alone like Telfer.
Looks like Azuma and Vincent have formed a team huh? They will probably do just fine.
"Looks like there are a few strong ones... Hopefully we can weed out the poisnous ones like this."
The old man narrowed his eyes as he scanned the Arena from a spectator box.
"3, 2, 1. The free-for-all begins now."
The old man announced with a grin on his face.
The freshmen drew their weapons. There were all kinds of weapons; swords, guns, bows, whatever that could be found under the sun was there. Cries of anguish and sorrow erupted from the Arena. Fireballs and ice arrows flew everywhere. Countless flashes of light occured as numerous students were taken out in the first minute. It was a scene of carnage. Although everyone had a magical talisman, people were still covered in cuts and wounds.
Fucking idiots. The tickets are spread out around the entire campus. Keep fighting, I will just pick up a ticket.
Telfer smiled as he rushed out of the Arena.
"Stop right there. You think we don't know what you are trying to do?"
A voice rang out behind Telfer.
Tsk. Annoying pests.
Telfer kept running forward, completely ignoring the shouts behind him. However, he slowed to a halt when he noticed a 3 man blockade up ahead. The 3 students sneered and encircled Telfer.
"You didn't think it was that easy to escape did you?"
The student from before joined the circle. "Why didn't you join a group? That's such a stupid move. Now you're-"
The student was sent flying 10m back before he could even finish speaking. He sat on the floor in a daze before angrily shouting, "That's cheating. You're going to-"
"Mass Transfer."
Telfer appeared before the student in a flash and kicked him in the jaw. A barrier appeared around the student and he was promptly picked up by a teacher. Telfer spun around and glared at the other 3 students.
"Did you really think I was an easy target you BRATS?"
Telfer snarled at them in anger. To his surprise, the 3 students did not react. They just sagged onto the floor like a sack of potatoes.
What are they doing? Surrendering? I will be on my way then.
Huffing and panting, Telfer sprinted for the exit. All of a sudden, a hand yanked him up by his hair and flung him backwards.
"Yo, looks like you have grown quite a bit you FUCKING BITCH!"
Telfer's body slammed into the ground. Telfer opened his eyes and was greeted with a wolf's maw.
Shit, which psychopath is after me now? Telfer leapt back in a hurry just before the jaws snapped shut.
"Status window."
Status Window Titles: ??? Name: Telfer Berkley Age: 12 Race: Ghoul Gender: Male Alignment: ??? Stats Health: 80/110 Heath regen.: 8/min Energy: 59/60 Energy Regen.: 2/min Mana: 20/20 Mana Regen.: 1/min Strength: 6 Agility: 6 Dexterity: 6 Stamina: 7 Intelligence: 8 Wisdom: 8 Skills
Mass Transfer
Magic Spells:
Poison Hand (Poison Magic)
Cloak (Illusion Magic)
Self created skills:
Yama's Strike
A loss of 30 health? Looks like someone troublesome has arrived.
"Thought I was done for after kicking me down like that? Guess what, you're going to die now. Plan C has been enacted."
Telfer glared at the lanky grey haired youth standing opposite him. Caleb waved back at him with unconcealed mirth in his eyes.
That bastard. How do I escape now? There are at least 10 people surrounding me.
The principal's voice echoed throughout the Arena.
"Attention all students. We are now under attack by a terrorist organization. I repeat, we are now under attack by a terrorist organization. All students are to vacate immediately."
Screams of terror rang out all over the Arena.
"Please don't kill me. I will give you anything you want."
"Look at all thse sheep! It's time to go to town."
The students were rounded up and forced to kneel in a line. Many of them were snivelling and begging for their lifes. Meanwhile, one of the terrorists took out a blood red sword while another one started to film him.
"To all the viewers watching, this is The People's Blade. Today, we will be enacting justice on behalf of the tortured souls who have been suffering while all these people are living such luxurious and comfortable lives. This will be the first of many acts that we will be carrying out. Join us on our path of justice. Don't let someone else take what belongs to you."
The terrorist smiled broadly into the camera as he raised his sword.
Oi. You can't be fucking serious. Where's the fucking teachers? Did they leave us to die?
The Arena erupted into a cacophony of sounds, some of which was cheering, others pleas for help.
Heads rolled and blood flowed like a river. Telfer stared at the students kneeling down. Tears streaming down their faces. Eyes frozen in fear as the sword swung down onto their necks. The screams and pleas of help that went unnoticed.
"You know what? I changed my mind. You can join us. You were raised in the slums after all. How about it?"
Caleb walked over to Telfer who was in the middle of an encirclement.
Telfer raised his hand up to surrender.
Yama's Strike.
"Smart choice. Now you won't end up like those- ARGHHHH!"
Telfer slammed his gyrating palm into Caleb's face. His entire left arm was twisted in an unbelievably horrific way. Telfer shook his arm loose emotionessly. Meanwhile, Caleb reeled back in shock. His face muscles were twisted around a hole that Telfer had created just under his right eye. Telfer had his ghoul cells coil around each other like a spring before exploding out in a twisting motion. The entire hand was covered by Poison Hand as well for maximum damage. Although it caused severe backlash to Telfer, it could cause a significant amount of damage. Unfortunately, the Poison Hand had been blocked by a magical barrier that protected Caleb in the nick of time.
"Plan C? That's just lame. Remember what I said? I will run the sword straight through your FUCKING HEAD."
Telfer sneered at Caleb in delight.
Shit. I actually fucking missed.
Caleb covered his wound and screamed at Telfer.
The terrorists leapt at Telfer and hacked at him.
"Mass Transfer."
"Warning, Host's transformation into a ghoul is accelerating and will finish in 1 hour."
There's no choice.
Telfer restrained his ghoul cells to both of his legs and soared into the air.
Ugh, I couldn't avoid all of them.
Telfer felt pain shoot thorugh his body while jumping into the air.
There it is.
Telfer scanned the Arena and found the wooden box on the opposite side of the room. He activated Mass Transfer and ricocheted off the wall into the pile of treasures.
*Thump thump*
Telfer's heart rate started to increase as he held the sword's hilt. The sound of his heartbeat seemed to reverbrate throughout his entire body. At this point, he was completely ignorant of what was going on beside him.
A mighty roar erupted within the Arena and spells started bombarding the terrorists.
Draw me.
The stench of death and decay diffused throughout the Arena.
"So I can use you like this huh?"
Telfer swung the bone-white sword and a pale blue layer extended from his right hand onto the sword.
"Mass Transfer."
The sword sliced between the eyes of a pursuing terrorist. Light left his eyes and his body vanished into the sword.
"Impossible... Someone is able to use the Eternal Harmony."
The principal paused and stared in shock at Telfer. However, Telfer ignored him and descended upon the terrorists. Everytime he swung the sword, a blissful feeling of strength and satisfaction entered his body. Telfer paraded in the shower of blood and cut down the terrorists one by one. There was nothing left of the terrorist once they were sliced by the sword.
More. Give me more.
The terrorists fled in a panic, leaving Caleb behind.
Caleb screamed at the fleeing terrorists but to no avail. He spun around and looked at Telfer.
"Please don't kill me. I forgive you for everything you did to me. Please let me go."
Telfer ignored his pleas and hacked down towards him. Suddenly, a flash of white pinned Telfer down onto the ground.
Caleb brought out the metal cube as snot dribbled down his face. He let out a twisted laugh and clenched his fist around it.
"Yama's Strike."
Telfer's arm shoved his arm straight through Whitefang's mouth. A hole erupted from Whitefang's head and the wolf rolled over.
All of a sudden, Azuma leapt and wrestled Caleb to the ground, making sure to knock the metal cube out of his hand.
Caleb shoved Azuma away and scrambled back. He bumped into one of the students and his eyes lit up in joy.
"Hey, Telfer. If I'm not wrong, this should be Nicholas right? I will kill him if you don't hand over the sword."
Caleb picked up Nicholas by the throat and stared at Telfer's sword greedily.
The principal roared at Caleb. Caleb's grasp around Nicholas's throat became tighter.
"Kev..in. Help... me."
Nicholas looked at Telfer pleadingly.
Telfer alternated between Nicholas and Caleb. A yellow pool started to form underneath Nicholas.
Caleb shouted at Telfer.
Throw me at him.
Telfer threw the sword at Caleb. Unbeknownst to everyone, a small strand of ghoul cells was attached to the Eternal Harmony.
Telfer waved his hand and the sword swung around and cut Caleb's ear off.
Caleb cried out in pain and fell to his knees.
Nicholas fell to the floor and crawled away hastily while Telfer strolled over to Caleb.
"Checkmate. I win."
"Wait, NO!"
"Yama's Strike."
Telfer passed the sword to his left hand as his arm winded up before running the spinning sword straight through Caleb's head. A hole was left where Caleb's face once was.
"Host has completely transformed into a ghoul."
Telfer slumped onto the floor.
"The sword? Where's the sword?"
The principal ran towards Telfer.
Suddenly, a purple portal appeared beneath Telfer's body. A hand pulled Telfer's body into the portal before it closed.
There was no trace of Telfer or the sword.
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