《A Ghoul's Legend》Waking Up


November 8 Year 2367

"As you can see behind me, this is the wreckage left behind by the recent explosion at a CubeTech laboratory, located at East Vestak. The horrific explosion created a mountain of rubble, at least 2 kilometres tall and 5 kilometres wide. This incident has led to outrage among the masses due to the discovery of human experimentation carried out by CubeTech. A month after the incident, investigators and rescue teams have found numerous disfigured human bodies left at the site of the laboratory. However, the leading researcher, Dr. Brycen Hodgen has not been found and is believed to be dead. CubeTech is a world renowned company, being one of the companies to spearhead research and development on integrating magic and technology into society. The fact that human experimentation was carried out in one of the laboratories has led many to question the ethics involved in the creation of CubeTech's inventions. As of now, the Vestak city police force are still investigating the cause of this incident. This is the worst incident that has happened in Fruinga history since the Demon Invasion from a hundred years ago, with many questions still unanswered. This is Rachel Crawford from Fruinga Report signing off."

Rachel stared into the camera as she spoke before whipping her head around and moving away from the wreckage.

"And that's a wrap. Let's get out of here, I'm getting creeped out by this place."

Rachel grimaced as she increased her pace while walking away from the wreckage.

Meanwhile, a boy woke up in a room underground. The boy looked around puzzledly but collapsed onto the floor as his head was wrecked with pain.

"Ouch, why is my head so fucking painful? Where am I? Who is Telfer Berkley? What is this country called Fruinga? I am Telfer Oakley from Earth. How did I end up here?"

The boy knelt on the ground as wave upon wave of memories rendered head splitting pain. After rolling around for awhile, the boy eventually stopped and mumbled.

So I have taken over this body from Telfer Berkley... What a pitiful life he had. I guess I have reincarnated? From now on, I will be Telfer Berkley.

Telfer went through the past owner's memories and sighed. In his past life, Telfer had been a 30 year old corporate businessman on Earth. Telfer was worked like a slave under his boss and one day, his boss fired him after claiming that his work was subpar. Telfer drowned himself in alcohol and eventually got run over by a car after drinking. However, nothing prepared him for the past owner's memories.


His mother died during childbirth. His father spents days on end beating the living shit out of him. At 12, he was sold off to that damned soul of a butcher who tortured him till he had died.

Whatever, this body is mine now.

Telfer shook his head and looked up. Skimming over the newfound memories, Telfer learned that he was now living in a country called Fruinga, which belonged to the world simply called the Great Archipelago. The world essentially ran on magic and technology, where people could now accomplish the seemingly impossible tasks with little to no effort. For example, a trip to the office which took an hour or so on Earth would take only 20 minutes in this new world. However, in this great new world, the ones that stood at the top were those with the greatest might. In this life, Telfer belonged to the lowest rung of society. Telfer and his father lived in the slums just outside Vestak. The past owner had dreamt of becoming the mightiest, the strongest person in the world. Telfer rubbed his head in annoyance.

Why do people have such silly dreams? He had made the same mistake in his past life, wanting to climb the corporate ladder but reality came falling down and he was stuck as an office worker for 5 years. Telfer continued rummaging through his memories and frowned.

Demons? Why the fuck are there demons when humans have such great magic and technology? A cold war against demons even after a truce? Why is this new world so fucking complicated?

Telfer's thoughts were broken by a cold electronic voice from nowhere.

"Host's mind has been infected by a virus of unknown origin. Host will face danger in 5,4,3,2,1 seconds."

"Shit, what's happening to me?"

Before Telfer could react, his vision soon became a sea of red. Telfer had not noticed before but there were some needles stuck in his left arm and leg. The flesh under his left arm and leg had also started to squirm and take on a bluish hue. It was as if his limbs were transforming. Telfer quickly pulled out the needles but nothing changed and his limbs continued to transform while his vision became a deeper shade of red as time passed.

"What the fuck is happening?"

Telfer screamed in anguish but his screams gave way to a deep guttural howl. It was as if his body was moving on his own. Telfer fell on his fours and started scavenging for something, not that he knew what it was. Telfer spotted an arm and scrambled over to it and started tearing into it. What the fuck am I doing? Telfer thought but no words came out. Telfer continued to scavenge and stuff himself with human flesh for the next few minutes before regaining control of his body. Telfer sat up in a daze, unable to comprehend what had just happened. He looked at his limbs. They were fine except for the holes that the needles left in them. Surprisingly, no blood flowed out of the holes. Telfer looked at the human flesh that surrounded him. His actions vaguely resembled that of a...ghoul. And what the fuck was that cold electronic voice in his head?


"NO! I am HUMAN!"

Telfer screamed his lungs out but was met with silence. As he thought about his bluish limbs, he felt his left arm and leg squirming. Telfer quickly looked down and to his horror, his limbs were turning blue again.


Just like that, Telfer's limbs returned to normal. He stared at his limbs in confusion, before trying again.

Telfer looked at the right side of his body and tried to turn it blue but nothing happened. Telfer noted the lack of holes on his right side and how nothing happened to it.

"It seems like I can control it? So my right side is human and my left side is ghoul? Guess this was caused by the damn scientist... Am I a ghoul or a human?"

Out of the blue, the same cold, electronic voice came to his mind and said,

"Host is classified as a ghoul."

What the fuck? So that voice is real? Who are you? Telfer thought.

"I am the System, designed to assist the Host in his daily life. I was inserted via a microchip recently."

Telfer scanned his memories and found that the mad scientist had indeed installed a microchip. In fact, the past owner had been sold to be tested whether the microchip worked.

"At least the damn scientist left me something good. I guess everything has a good and bad side?" Telfer sighed.

"System, can you explain what happened just now? And what exactly is a ghoul? What can you do?" Telfer frowned as he thought of the various possibilities.

"In reply to Host's question, since Host is now part ghoul due to the presence of ghoul cells within the human body, Host now needs to human flesh as a source of food. Although flesh of other species works just fine, human flesh will provide the best nutrition. If Host does not consume human flesh for an extended period of time, Host will go insane until satisfied. A ghoul, by human classification, belongs to the lowest rung of demons. In reply to the last question, I can quantify and draw up a display of Host's stats.s" The voice replied.

"Well shit, so I am now a demon STUCK in human society. What the fuck do I do? System, how long till I go insane again?" Telfer grinded his teeth in anger.

"In reply to Host's question, Host will go insane next week if Host does not consume human flesh."


After venting his stress for a minute or so, Telfer said,

"Display my stats."

A window appeared in front of Telfer's eyes.

Status Window Titles: None Name: Telfer Berkley Age: 12 Race: Ghoul Gender: Male Alignment: ??? Stats Health: 100/100 Heath regen.: ??/min Energy: 50/50 Energy Regen.: ??/min Strength: 5 Agility: 5 Dexterity: 6 Stamina: 4 Intelligence: 4 Wisdom: 3

"So its like a game. My Strength, Dexterity and Agility are decent. My stamina, intelligence and wisdom are subpar..." Telfer glanced at his stats. Although he had no one else to compare to, he felt that his assumptions should be correct.

"Time to explore this new world and hopefully find a dead body."

With that, Telfer stood up and crawled his way through the rubble to enter this new, unfamiliar world.

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