《Re:Shinobi》Bell Test


Hinata pov.

After the meeting with my sensei it was getting late,so immediately went back to the clan compound.

When i reached the clan gates i was greeted by two hyuga guards.

I nodded at their greetings before entering.

“Nee chan”!

When i entered i was greeted by the sound of hanabi calling my name.

I smiled at her as i started to pat her.

“How was your day today nee chan!”.

“It was alright,i met my teammates and sensei today”.

“You did that where they cool”.

“I guess not”.

“Neeh where’s onii chan”.

“I don’t know hanabi”.

“Is he going to come home today”.

“Yes he will”~i said as i stopped rubbing her head and continued to walk towards my room.

Hanabi followed me while asking me questions about my day.

I responded to all her questions with a smile on my face.

When i entered my room,i started to undress so i could get into my traditional robes.

Once i was finished dressing up i headed towards the dining hall.

When i entered my brother was still not in sight.

I was starting to get worried.

Sitting at the table were my father and uncle as well as my mother and sister.

Neji was also not present.

“Where’s neji”~ i asked.

He is currently on a mission with his teammates.

“He should be arriving tomorrow”~my uncle responded.

“where is your brother”~ my mother asked.

She seemed a bit nervous that he wasn’t here.

I wonder if she would feel that way for me.

I should stop thinking like that,she was my mother of course she would be worried.

“I don’t know where he currently is”~ i responded.

“I am sure he has something important to do if he is not here”~ my father said.

“But enough about my son, how was your day today hinata”.

From their i explained how my day went and also included the team selection and my brothers little show.

He didn’t seem upset that Toshiaki was on the same team as naruto.

I expected that he would be mad about it but it seems that he was not bothered with it.

He did however dislike the fact that i was on a the same team as Sasuke uchiha.

He also seemed proud at my brothers little play.

After this everybody got a chance to talk about their day before we started to eat dinner.

As we were eating dinner my brother came.he had dirt on his black robes and some scratches on his face.

“My apologies father for being so late but my sensei kept me there for a while”.


“I also took time to get to know my current teammates”.

“Apology accepted,you should probably go take a bath your are filthy”.

“I will immediately father”~ he responded while bowing.

He greeted the rest of us before heading towards his room.

The rest of dinner was a quite affair,brother didn’t join us.

When dinner was done we all started to leave towards our respective rooms.

When i entered my room i started to prepare for tomorrow's test.

Once i was done i went to sleep.

Next morning

I woke up at five in the morning and got prepared for my test today.

I ignored my sensei’s advice and ate breakfast.

At around six thirty i grabbed all my gear before heading out.

I of course was being followed by hyuga gaurds.

At exactly seven i was at training ground seven.

Both my teammates were already there but our sensei was nowhere in sight.

I greeted both my of them before heading to sit on the branch of a tree to wait for my sensei.

The uchiha ignored my greetings of course.

While Sai nodded back towards me.

He was currently sitting in a tree while drawing.

The uchiha was leaning against a tree with his eyes closed.

We waited three hours before our sensei arrived.

“Why were you so late sensei”~i ask.

“Well you see i was helping an old lady cross the road”.

We all stared at him with deadpanned looks on our faces.

“Well whatever,today is your test”~ he said.

“And your test is going to be to take these bells away from me”.

“Sensei there are only two bells”~ i said.

“I know that he responded”.

“Only two of you are going to pass”~he said.

“And the test starts now”!

Sai and sasuke jumped into the surrounding woods.

Fools he was a jonin hiding from him wasn’t going to work.

I activated my byakugan before i got into my juken stance and raced towards sensei.

As i was approaching he pulled out a book and started to read.

He wasn’t taking me seriously,good that would work to my advantage.

When i reached him i sent a juken towards his heart which he stopped with his book.

Lesson one taijutsu he said before pushing me back with his book.

I went back towards this time sending a juken strike to his jugular.

He dodged that.

I sent another strike towards him.as he dodged it i jumped back before shouting Eight Divination Signs Air Palm. He jumped away from this while i rushed towards him and sent a juken strike to his face which he barely dodged.


He landed a few feet away from me.

Fire style:fireball jutsu.

Sasuke uchiha took this opportunity to attack.

:That could have hit me”~i say.

“Well it didn’t did it”.

The uchiha was getting on my nerves.

I already knew that sensei had dodged it with a substitution jutsu.

So i jumped into the woods to form another plan.

With my byakugan i still saw the fight that took place between sasuke and kakashi.

It was a massacre,by the end of it he had been dragged under the ground.

Sai was in the southern parts of the forest waiting for his chance.

Kakashi sensei didn’t move and waited for us to come.

I started to deeper about the test and realize the purpose of the test.

I then ran towards sai to inform him of the meaning of the test if he didn’t know already.

Once i reached him and explained the meaning of the test to him.

He didn’t seem surprised.

In fact he had suspected that was the meaning of the test for a while.

That was the reason he didn’t move to another spot once i came here.

What do we do about dickless.

You meen the uchiha.yes dickless.

We should get him out force him to see the difference between him and the sensei.

I don’t think that will work on dickless.

Well we will just force him to work with us.

After that sai and i went to training ground where kakashi was still waiting.

He didn’t do anything as we grabbed the uchiha and went into the woods.

Convincing the uchiha took us quite a while but once we did we immediately started to make a plan.

In a few minutes we were done with our plan.

When the plan started i jumped out of the forest to engage kakashi.

Starting the attack of with a roundhouse kick before continuing to attack with juken strike.

As kakashi and i were settling into the rhythm of him dodging and me attacking, two lions that looked like they were drown came at his back at the same time i used an air palm.

He was forced to dodge up where he was met with a fireball coming at him.

Which he substituted out of the way and he reappeared where an old log was.

Sasuke came from behind him and engaged him in taijutsu while i went to help him and sai sent some more lions.

Sensei took care of the lions while holding sasuke and i off him.

Sai also entered the fray by coming from behind.

While kakashi was dodging him and sasuke’s attack by rolling on the ground before jumping back and preparing a jutsu.

Wind style:Great breakthrough.


I stopped the jutsu by using the kaiten to stop it.

When i stopped the jutsu he was no longer reading his book.

“Sai, sasuke it’s time”~ i say while glancing at them.

“Fire style: fire stream jutsu~sasuke yelled as a stram of fire came out of his mouth and headed for sensei.

Sai drew a large amount of lions appeared and attacked sensei.

While i used Hidden art:Mind body synchronization.

I then rushed at my sensei once he finished dodging sai and sasuke attack.

I rushed to him and grabbed the bells from his waist.

He tried to dodge but since he was not prepared for me to move at jonin level speed he didn’t make it.

Once i grabbed the bells the clock ringed.

Signalling the end of the test.

“Well you all did a great job but only two of you can pass”.

“Hinata chose who passes with you”.

I smirked at this before saying “the purpose of this test was teamwork not actually getting the test so we all passed in the sense”.

“But if you didn’t pass us we do have something you like”~ i say as sai holds up his book.

“When did you get that”~ he said.

“I didn’t sai got it when he attacked with the mass of lions”.

“He drew some insects to get it”.

“Limiting yourself to chuunin level strengths really sucked for you”.

“So you could either pass us or this limited edition book no longer exist”.

“Well you all pass”.

I smiled at this this,sai just put on his face while the uchiha smirked at that.

We gave him back the book and bells before he took us to a memorial stone.

“Here are the names of comrades and heroes that have died in on their missions serving their village.They will never be recognized because they were just collateral damage.But they were great people nonetheless.willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of their village and comrades.Now listen carefully because i will only say this once.

Those who ignore the mission for the sake of their comrades are scum but those who ignore their comrades for the sake of the mission are worse than scum”.

This is the chapter you were supposed to get yesterday.

Review ,roast,comment,rate all that good stuff

And thank you for reading

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