《The Legend Of Rave [ Hiatus ]》Chapter 6 : Hunt or Hunted ?


Note : New chapter guys ! Btw if you think the battle scene suck or have an idea how to improve it please tell me. Oh btw, I don't know if the content below could be considered mature or not since it's a lil bit descriptive I guess ?

“ well.. This forest…hmm…I don’t like it, something doesn't feel right “

Rave is currently walking inside the forest, but so far he hadn't meet a single monster

“ the fact I had meet even a single monster..I don't like this “

He suddenly turned back

“ maybe I should return another time “

“ Graoooouu ! “

Rave turned back again, and what he saw was a wolf..not one..but 3 of them

“ wolves ?! They should be living deeper ! “

Rave quickly ran away, all he knew was that cry isn't a battle cry but a cry to call it's friends

“ dang it ! What did that book say again ? “

The books he previously read at Numeda Library had a lot of information on wolves and foxes as they are the usual monsters around the village

“ The wolves around Numeda only hunt at night, why are they here in the day ?! “

The wolves kept chasing after him but they are not able to catch up to him

But as he was running straight to the open field something stood in his way

“ wauuuuuuuuf ! “

“ Foxes ! Great, why are they here too ? Wait..at least I can use them to fight against each other and sneak out “

Foxes and wolves are known to have been enemies for a long time

What rave feared was not the 3 wolves or the foxes in front of him, but he feared they would call their friends to his location and attack him

“ now..if I could just get to the side..they have surely seen each other by now “

Rave was going to take a sharp turn to the left but..

[ 3rd Person perspective off ] [ Rave’s Pov ]

Wha The ?!

The fox paid no heed to the wolves and rushed towards me instead

Taking up my sword, I immediately reacted, slashing the nearest fox’s mouth up to it's throat

There was no time to feel accomplishment as the other 4 fox rushed towards me

I held my sword tightly, using the sword technique I had been learning years ago

[ Feng Style : Cross Slash ]

My sword moved in a blinding speed, cutting the two foxes’ eyes in a cross arc

The two foxes’ eyes are now blinded

As they were whimpering away I took the chance to slash the other two foxes that was shocked it's two friends suddenly losing their vision

But as soon as I did, the wolves began to attack..not the fox but me

I was not surprised though, as I had already predicted this would happen when they did not attack each other on that moment

The 3 wolves dashed towards me, it's speed was not as fast as the fox but I do know it's jaw was far more powerful than foxes

To avoid fighting directly against all these monsters around me I immediately stabbed my sword to the ground


Readying my palm, I crouched down to avoid it's claw and launched between the two foxes

[ disturbing palm ]

Disturbing palm is a technique that cause slight disruption in the place it hit, it could cause the victim to be unable to move for a limited amount of time

Hitting the two directly, it welled out a scream of pain and fell to the ground unable to move

Not wanting to get bitten by the last wolf I swing my leg and pulled off a side kick hitting the last remaining wolf in head

As soon as it fell to the ground I grabbed my sword and ended it's life

Not wanting to waste a second, I immediately finished the two foxes too before it could regain it's movement back

Their hides are very though and it's very hard to cut it

The moment I killed the wolves, the foxes are now back and charging towards me

I wasn't worried though, 2 injured wolf and 2 blinded wolf are no problem

It didn't take 10 seconds for me to end their life too

Looking at the window that I have been ignoring from awhile ago I realized that my level have gone up

Putting the additional points in strength, it's now 34p

But as I was going to relax a bit, the cry ringed my ears as if telling me to prepare to die

“ Waoo..Wauu..Graouououuu! “

More foxes and wolves have arrived and from the looks of it they are not happy their comrades are dead on the ground

“ curse my luck “

Before they could take advantage and surround me in groups I immediately rushed against them

My sudden rush of speed shocked them and one fox fell prey to my sword

Critical Hit ! One Hit KO !

Taking the chance to retreat, I counted their numbers.. 7 wolves and 9 foxes eh ?

“ well, that's impossible for the current me ! “

I ran away in a hurry

Good thing is my speed is faster than them and they are not able to catch up to me

I would have loved to battle them if it wasn't for my lowering stamina that is reaching the red state as I ran


As rave was walking back to the village he lets out a heavy sigh

“ what is it with those things ? They are working together now ? “

The fox and wolf which are known for their rivalry are having a truce

“ that could only mean two things.. “

“ it's either they have an opponent they have to work together to beat or.. “

The last option caused Rave to shudder

In EverWorld monsters could get stronger by killing other monsters and gaining level and it seems that they are not your usual monsters in games either

They are known to have a bit of intelligence and are known to attack villages too

“ Numeda Village is only safe because of that old man’s illusion “

Ferceus put up an illusion around the village to protect it from those who wants to harm it

“ but it is not perfect, illusion only affects the mind..i can imagine that slowly they are having a resistance towards it, they may be planning together to raid Numeda “


The second option was that

“ but low class monsters such as wolves and fox are usually not able to have a conscious that strong…either they have somehow gained a bit of intelligence or someone or something is behind them “

Rave thought deeply to himself

“ for now I need to get stronger, if a skill could be created for kenpo mastery then there must be sword mastery as well “

Rave went to an open field near Ferceus’ house to train

Seika Kaede was currently inside EverWorld with her two friends

“ Kaedee ! Why do we even have to start in this barren old village anyway ?? “ Lily Pouted

“ well Lily, I'm not asking you to follow me..and you too chikusa “

“ bu- but I can just leave you alone can't I ?! “ Lily shouted

“ yeah..me too we should always be together kaede “

This time chikusa smiled as she said that

“ haah…oh well “

“ why are we even here again Kaede ? “

Lily questioned her

“ Great..Lily, have you forgotten the conference video we saw ? “

“ you mean the 5 hour long video? What is in it again? I fell asleep right after the opening 15 minutes “

“ right..so that's why “

Kaede could only sigh

“ It was very short and they made it seemed like it was an unnecessary information but I knew I heard it right “

“ what is it ? Do you know Chikusa ? “ Lily asked

“ nope..they are talking quite fast at the time and I was really drowsy too “

“ right..they told us that here, the village we're standing on now is the village where the emperor was born ! There must be something here “


It has been 3 weeks in game since then, and rave was just finished with his training

“ finally, now I think I could enter the forest again “

It was long and though but he finally got what he wanted

Congratulations! you have gained a new stat ! Fighting Spirit

Congratulations! You have gained a new stat ! Sustenance

Sword Mastery have leveled up ! [ 3.0% ]

Hand to hand combat have leveled up ! [ 3.0% ]

Chi Mastery have leveled up ! [ 2.0% ]

Congratulations! The system have recognized your sword style ! You got the skill : Feng Style

Congratulations! The system have recognized your sword style ! You got the skill : Lightning Flash Style

Congratulations! The system have recognized your sword style ! You got the skill :

Green Jade Dragon Style

Congratulations! The system have recognized your sword style ! You got the skill :

Flowing Water Style

Ps : his skills and masters will one day be explained further

“ I can't believe EverWorld even recognize my sword styles..this is beyond what I had thought “

Learning from 3 masters at the same time, Rave have developed their styles into him

Sword mastery increased his attack damage and attack speed while using the sword, Hand to hand combat increased his attack damage and attack speed while bare handed

Chi Mastery adds more Chi to his pool, it's now 250/250. And chi could only be raised by two ways and the easier one is to meditate

Fighting spirit allows him to temporarily raise his stat in dire situation, sustenance decrease the stamina needed to do works

And his respective sword styles increase it's damage and speed when using the style

Ps : I will change the stamina from now on in stats window to be x / x since it could decrease over time like hp and mana

During the time he had spent training he had gained + 10 strength , + 12 stamina, + 7 agility and + 300 Hp

“ Are you finally done Rave ? “

A figure walked up to him

“ Master Po..yes, I'm done “

They were supposed to meet in the city but 2 weeks ago, Rave told him that he couldn't make it as he had something to do

“ right…what is your chi pool now master ? “

“ hmm..it's around 1000s I think ?

While waiting for rave he was training his chi too

“ right..okay forget about that “

“ haha, oh yeah Rave..you said something about hunting In The forest right ? “

“ yeah..i have procured quite a lot of things from the merchant so we shouldn't need anything else “

“ right..the merchant from two weeks ago huh..i was glad I was with you “

Po arrived in Numeda 2 weeks ago after traversing the forest

“ yeah, he's very tough to handle for sure “

- Lets go back to 2 weeks ago -

Brukshgig the dark merchant was heading out of the village, he successfully tricked two adventurers he had met and was reaping profits from the trade he had done with the village

“ Hehehe, it's all thanks to the Dark Merchant Community “

In fact Brukshgig was a normal merchant until 4 months ago, he was peniless as a merchant and is in bankruptcy..it was to the point he would kill himself if it was not for..

“ You poor merchant, all of your lives working with sweat and blood but what does that gain you ? “

A voice resounded from the dark

“ W-wh-what are you ?! Show yourself ! “

Brukshgig was terrified, he was in a dark alley that is rarely visited

“ I am anything but a good person, if you wish to change your life…follow me “

Brukshgig who was experiencing despair and is at his edges immediately followed him

He revealed himself to be a member of Dark Merchants Community, a community shrouded deep in the shadows and works separately, only working together when a large transaction is going to happen

“ will you join us ? “

“ Y- yes of course ! “

Brukshgig immediately jumped at the opportunity, he was given the ring of concealment and contact to give the community 20% of what he had earned, breaking the contract means death for them

He has done various jobs, from selling things at a higher price or lower quality to selling illegal goods obtained by the community

The ring of concealment protected them from anyone knowing their true status, whereas only high level dispel magician could reveal their true status

But of course, it was not his luck he had met Rave

“ I see him, he's leaving the village now..let's wait for a bit “

“ alright “

It was Rave and Po, hiding in the trees waiting for their target to move further from people's eye

Ps : if you like the story please rate , review or follow / favourite ? It helps to keep me going.. Thanks

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