《The Skeleton God》Side Story – A Noble Ambition


A young blonde haired man stood upon the top of a tower overlooking a bustling city far below while behind stood an elderly scribe that looked upon the man in reverence. Despite the man's youth he seemed to impose a feeling of awe and servility on those who were nearby, and though his features were average the way he held himself made him feel charismatic. Glancing down at the worn plate mail he wore the young man frowned before grasping the hilt of his sword, and turning towards the old scribe.

Seeing the young man's attention fall on him the scribe hastily straightened his back as much as his aged body would allow before speaking up,

“My Lord, it took a while, but we've done as you have ordered. One hundred men have been handpicked from your army by General Vahn himself, chosen for their ability, and loyalty to the cause above all else. However … are you sure of this, Lord Raven?

You are sending away a portion of your army that could decide the war, and sending them through the Under Realm, the chances that they make it through are slim let alone for them returning. If we just turned out sight towards the Blacksteel Kingdom surely we coul-”

Before the scribe could finish the so called Lord Raven shook his head and cut in,

“This isn't simply about winning this war, Jed. If we cannot unite the people of the kingdoms we conquer, if we cannot give them a symbol to back that will spark in them the desire for a better life then how can we ever achieve a land at peace?”

Jed seemed to pause at the Lord's question for a moment before his body shook a few times and he hoarsely replied,

“But my lord, if your men do manage to retrieve the sword then your death is assured! What is the point in us uniting everything this side of the Divide if you are not there to lead us to our dream!? The dream that you instilled in us!?”


Lord Raven turned his sight out past the city to the wall shielding it to the north, and sadly looked at the field beyond that seemed to be set aflame by the dozens of campfires dotting it. A sad smile crossed his face as he answered,

“Like Emperor Valheim once said, 'A kingdom is forged by a valiant leader, but an Empire is built upon the bodies of martyred saints'. My death will simply lay the foundation for what we are to achieve, if my death will bring peace then isn't that a small price to pay Jed? Don't I owe the people at least that much?

… My mind is set Jed, send the men into the Under Dark before dawn arrives and tell them to obtain the Emperor's Blade from our contact to the west without any detours. All we can do is wait, and buy them as much time as we can here, all I hope is that even if we fall then another will stand up with that sword is hand to unite us.”

With that said Lord Raven fell silent and continued to stare towards the wall where a storm was brewing, the young man at that moment looked as if he bore the weight of a mountain on his shoulders. Jed looked at the young lord with sadness written on his face and he opened his mouth a few times to voice words against his plans, but in the end nothing came. Finally the old man stooped forward in a bow, and a tired voice leaked out,

“As you wish my lord, the men will set out tonight.”

With that the old man turned and began to hobble his way towards the stairs leaving the young lord alone once more. As the old man left Lord Raven walked over to the far side of the tower and looked down into the courtyard below where a disorderly group of men and women bustled about.


They sat talking amongst themselves while taking care of their weapons, and armor that bore signs of heavy use. With a faint smile the young man muttered,

“ 'And so a hundred brave souls will march forth into the Dark below on a mission to obtain the Ruler's sword, but along the way they shall meet many dangers. However, in their darkest hour they shall meet a being in the Dark, it will be one with the Dark but not … It's visage will be that of Death, but with it comes the chance for hope. We can only hope those brave souls will see good where most would see evil.'

... I pray that they do ...”

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