《Chronicle of Lost Reminiscence》Chapter 5 - A place to call home


They arrived at the address. The tailor's shop was a modest one. It was a three-story house with a nice look to it. There was a sign with a dress and some sewing tools next to it that notified the townspeople of its location.

Katsumi turned her head slightly and saw the sign.

"This is it."

She opened the shop door and entered. Nashiro was right behind her.

The place looked a mess with clothes all over the shop.

"Did we come at a bad time?"

Nashiro questioned. It looked like someone broke into the place and Katsumi got that feeling too.

"Stay close," she whispered to him with her hand on the sheath of her dagger.

Her focus was on the door next to the counter.

There were a lot of rumblings from there that she could pick up as they got close.

"Eeeek!" a woman's yelp came from the other side. Katsumi didn't hesitate to kick the door wide open and draw her dagger but it wasn't what she was expecting.

"Oh dear, this colour isn't right for this dress." She was holding up a miniature sized dress. It was yellow yet she didn't like it.

Katsumi was stunned at the woman for making such a fuss about a dress.

"Oh my," the woman turned to the two, "I didn't see you two there," she giggles and sets down the dress.

"What can I do for you?"

Nashiro looked over at Katsumi for guidance. He wasn't going to put himself in an awkward position again.

"I am Katsumi Raniko from the Rangers clan and I need to speak to you, miss tailor."

She went with a formal approach to it. Her face wasn't overflowing with confidence in this move but she didn't know how to talk to her otherwise.

"Oh my, you're from one of the big clans. Well, what can I do for you, miss? Does your uniform need fixing?"

The tailor leaned over a bit with a welcoming smile.

"No, it's something else."

"So it's serious?" The tailor stood upright and grabbed a hairpin, tying her brown hair into a bun.


"Nashiro, mind leaving us alone for a few minutes,"

She took a glance at him. It told him this was a rather important conversation.


On his way out, he closed the door. He huffed.

"Do I need to be treated like a child?"

He pondered as he walked around the shop to find something to entertain himself. That thought fell in the water when he found out that it's just clothes and nothing else. Walking around, he moved his long and obnoxious hair to the side when something caught his eye. A shirt was sticking out of the pile and he picked it up. It was predominantly green with a white stripe near the neck and the middle.

'It's a bit bigger for my body when I take a closer look but still…" he placed the shirt against his body to measure it better and brought it to a mirror on a wall. A faint smile went on his face but he quickly frowned again.

'If only I had some money right now,"

The shirt he had on was dirty and had a few holes from that encounter with the trolls. It was the only thing he had with him and nothing else.

'My life is so disappointing,'

Meanwhile, in the other room, Katsumi and the tailor were having a serious chat.

"What do you need to talk about?"

The tailor inquired and sat down across from her.

"First of all, you probably have heard about the Camia massacre."

"Why yes, I have!"

"You saw that boy with me. We found him there. He doesn't remember anything but if he does recall something of who or what caused all of that, it would be massive for the investigation there."

"I see. What am I needed for then? I don't have anything that would be useful to you in terms of information,"

The woman leaned on his hand.

"When I said he doesn't remember anything, I meant absolutely nothing," she put her hands together on the table, "Anything apart from his name seemed to have evaporated and when I took him to the doctor, he didn't know what it was either."


"Oh my, poor kid"

She gasped.

"I don't want to leave him on his own. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did that. You were recommended to me and I was told you could potentially take him in for the time being."

"It breaks my heart to hear the struggles he had. What's his name?"


The woman nodded.

"Do not worry, miss Katsumi, I will take care of him. At a first glance, he looks like an innocent boy and some bad luck took him away from his family. It must be hurting him badly on the inside."

Katsumi stood up.

"Thank you for doing this for me. There aren't many out there with a heart like yours."

She bowed to her in gratitude for this favour.

"No need to thank me, you deserve every bit of gratitude for thinking about others as you do."

Katsumi gazed at the woman. Her friend was right and the conversation she had with the tailor was the confirmation she needed.

'This woman has a heart of gold'

She smiled to herself and straightened up.

"I am only doing my duty ma'am."

Katsumi was overjoyed. She got the boy a place to stay until she finds another solution in the meantime.

"Please, call me Yasune."

With that, the conversation ended and they left the room. They find Nashiro standing over some clothes, looking at them.


Katsumi's raised voice alerted him.

"Nashiro, from now on, you'll be staying with Miss Yasune here."

"Really?" he tilted his head.

"Yeah, she'll take care of you until we figure this out."

"Nice to meet you. My name is Yasune Rume,"

She smiled warmly, reaching her hand out to him.


He shook her hand.

"You've got nothing to worry about,"

Katsumi spoke up, "It's only temporary unless you don't want to be here."

Deep down, he didn't want this. He felt he was using this person's kindness but right now, he had no other choice unless he wanted to live on the streets with little to no knowledge of the world around him.

"No, I'll be fine here, " He muttered.

"If you would excuse me, I'll go get a room ready for you."

Yasano walked up the stairs and left the two alone.

Katsumi headed for the door.

"U-um, where are you going?!" Nashiro reached out.

"I've done all I could for now."

She exited the store and went to her horse.

Nashiro quickly followed her.


She turned around to him.

"So you're gonna leave just like that."

"Is it a problem? I'm not good with goodbyes."

She turned and patted her horse.


Something in the pouch of her horse started to glow.

She noticed and she pulled out a crystal and tapped it twice before a screen showed Ari in the front.

"Finally you picked up! You know how many times I called," Ari shouted.

"If I knew you were calling, I would have ignored them anyway," she told him smugly.


"What did you want?"

"While on patrol, I noticed a pack of wolves heading to the road and there are a few travellers there. I should go and intercept right?"

"Maybe they'll pass, just keep an eye on them."

"What's that?" He opened his ear towards her, "You're saying to intercept."

"No! That's not-"

"Roger that! I'll take care of it!"

He closed the line.

"Ughhhhh!" She put the ball away and got on her horse.

"If you do regain your memories by any chance, don't be like him, please!"

She advised him before leaving in a hurry.

He wanted to say something else but she was already gone.


He cursed before walking back into the store.

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