《Chronicle of Lost Reminiscence》Chapter 3 - To the town


The sun rose, and morning came quicker than Nashiro would have liked. He still felt tired, but he couldn't go back to sleep. A knock on the door made him give up on any more attempts to get more sleep.

"Come in,"

"So you're awake. I thought you would sleep a bit more," Katsumi spoke after she peeked from the door and entered.

"I couldn't sleep any longer."

"Restless night?" Oddly, she continued talking, "I wanted to ask you something."

"Go ahead,"

"Do you remember how to use commands?"

"Commands?" he tilted his head. That was an exciting term as he obviously hadn't heard about it before.

"So you don't remember," she sighed before standing up, "Watch closely," she opened up her hand.

"Inventory!" A window popped up when she uttered those words, which stunned him.

"What's that!?" Nashiro asked in awe.

"This is an inventory. You place items here so you don't have to carry it around," she pulled out an apple to show him and bit it.

She swallowed the bite and continued, "It also serves as your personal identification board," she turned the window towards him and swiped to the right.

Name: Katsumi Raniko

Age: 17

Clan: Ranger

Combat Level: 12

Magical Element: Wind

Rank: C


{Press here for detailed information}

"Your name is Katsumi?" Nashiro was more focused on her name than anything else.

"I didn't introduce myself?" She was embarassed that she turned away for a few seconds "Must have slipped my mind."

"Nice to meet you Katsumi," he didn't find it rude that she didn't introduce herself as everyone makes mistakes and forgets.

"Likewise," she turned back and smiled faintly, "Open your window now and see if you can find anything about yourself."

He uttered the word, and the window popped up for him. It was a bright blue screen with the letters being white. It listed his information like Katsumi's.

Name: Nashiro

Age: 16

Clan: /

Combat Level: 1

Magical element: unknown

Rank: E

{Press here for detailed information}

'I'm 16 years old. I do look young but why can't I remember the last 15 years of my life,' he pondered, 'If I click on this button, surely there is more information about me.'


He pressed it and gasped internally, shocked.


Language: Human 99%

"Um, is it supposed to be like this?"

He turned the window to show her.

"What?! Impossible!" She was shocked, like he was.

"It only shows the language?! It should have things like hometown, status in society, academy you went to or the skill you are proficient in,"

She paced around the room in mystery to this revelation.

"I can't think of anything," she stood in the middle of the room with her arms crossed. She had the look of confusion as she was biting her nail gently.

"Alright, we'll be heading out. The bathroom is down the hallway, the door to the left. I'll make us sandwiches and after I feed my horse, be ready to leave."

She walked to the door.

"Don't take too long in the bathroom though, Ari will wake up soon and he gets really annoyed when someone holds up the bathroom."

She giggled and left.

He slowly got up and looked outside the window. Clouds were forming, and it looked like rain would come down soon.

'If we get going, we better beat the rain.'

Nashiro went to the bathroom, which was simple with a small sink and mirror, a bathtub, and a shower.

After washing up, he went down the long spiral stairs and entered the kitchen.

"Go ahead and start eating, I have to go feed the horse," she went outside and on the table, were a bunch of sandwiches. The bread was fresh and it looked yummy from the look.

At that time, Ari came down and yawned.


Ari mumbled through it as he sat down.

"Oooh, sandwiches!"

His eyes lit up, and he took a large bite out of one.

'Considering how he treats her, I'm surprised she still cooks for him,' he ate his sandwich in silence, and after there was none on the table, he sat there waiting for Katsumi.

After Ari ate, he went off somewhere upstairs but Nashiro didn't bother finding out.

Nashiro had gotten so bored that he couldn't sit anymore. He walked up to the bookshelf to distract himself with a book.

He wasn't picky and just chose one at random. Sitting down, he picked up the clean cover of the book and the title. The problem was, he couldn't understand it. It was something weird how he could not read anything.


"It's probably a bad read anyway..." He put the book back and sat with his arms crossed.

Shortly after, "It's done," she stretched, "We're heading out right now, get your stuff."

"Ummm, I don't have anything," He faked a laugh.

"Oh, right," she seemed to have forgotten about that as she tapped her head.

He put the book back and followed her out to the horse waiting on them.

She brushed its neck gently as she slowly got on.

"I'm coming too!" Ari suddenly appeared.

"Oh no, you're not! I don't need an escort for a simple trip," she replied as she checked the saddle.

"But there's nothing to do here," he complained to her with his hands on his hips.

"You know what you can do. YOUR DAMN CHOIRS!" her words were sharp to his half-assed complaining.

"Do your duties or patrol the perimeter while I'm away or just slack off like you usually do,"

She rolled her eyes at the last part, and even a stranger like Nashiro could see he wasn't a very hard worker; in fact, he was the opposite, which posed how he got here in the first place.

"Get on," she looked at Nashiro, and he didn't say a word and got on quickly.

"Fine, I'll do as I please!" Ari stormed off.

The horse moved on her command, and they set off for the town.

It didn't take them long to reach the road.

"How long until we get there?" Nashiro asked.

"2-3 hours at most!"

She concentrated on the road as they passed by the forest in no time.

The path was simple. You didn't need a map for it as it was mostly straight with a few turns along the way. They just got a small bridge standing over the river.

"Let's take a small break," she suggested and got off the horse. The sound of the water flowing was pleasant, and if they weren't in a hurry, this would be the perfect place to take a nap. There was a big tree next to the river. It was thicker and more evergreen than the ones in the forest. He went over to it and touched the rough bark. It was quite old as It had a fair few marks and a thin white circle on its side.

"I used to come here a lot back in the day," she was tieing up the horse when she noticed him looking at the tree.

"Even as a kid, I used to train with a makeshift bow and arrow right here,"

She stopped at a rock and pretended to have a bow and arrow in hand.

"Pew!" She fired an imaginary arrow as she reminisced on her past self.

"Why here though?"

"The town we are heading to didn't have a training area for archers. They didn't allow you to train within the walls as they found it hazardous for the citizens so the outside was the best bet," she explained.

"So you trained here every day?"

"It wasn't easy getting past the guards so I couldn't do it every day."

"I guess becoming an skilled archers is more difficult than some people think,"

"It's no easy task, I'll tell you that much. Want some water?"

Nashiro walked over and took a few sips, and gave the leather canister back to her.

They rested there for 15 minutes before continuing on.

"We're close!"

She announced as they were climbing up the hill.

The sun shone through the clouds as they saw the city.

"We made it."

She moved the horse a bit so Nashiro could see it, and he was amazed.

'A town!'

A proper town was right in front of him. He was looking forward to what it had to offer as it looked amazing from the outside.

"I'll be taking you to one of the best doctors in the land, he'll probably have some explanation,"

She mentioned and went forward towads the gate.

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