《The Kings play a Game?》Vol 2 Epilogue


In the Elemental Realm of Light…

Castor diligently directed the flow of power in the realm, stabilising it.

A glowing figure that shone with white light.

Fundamentally, Castor’s overall features were the same as Knite’s.

However, unlike Knite who appeared to be male, Castor’s figure was distinctly female with an almost gentle looking appearance.

Elementals were a completely gender neutral race.

Those who knew the correct techniques were able to manipulate their body’s appearance in that regard at will.

After having her fierce battle with a certain Divine Saint in the town of Naidiriv, Castor though, it was time for a change of pace and so changed her appearance.

Strictly speaking, their battle really couldn’t be considered fierce though. Her opponent had been holding back an immense level of power which he only used for his very last attack. The fact that her opponent had also been diverting his attention away to prevent her from escaping as well as blocking out the Elemental Lord of Light made the defeat sting.

Although Castor was a battle manic on the level of Knite, she still had pride in being the strongest light elemental in existence excluding the Elemental Lord.

She felt a surge of aura as Knite returned, evidently he had been killed as well.

Castor signed.

She had warned Knite against recklessly attacking with his damaged body but like a child eager to play with a brand new toy he had gone off anyway.

Looks like Lou’s revenge would be called off completely now.

Hopefully, this defeat would finally knock some sense into him.

However, such hopes were crushed as the first words Knite spoke when his body had reformed were:

“Hey Castor you fought against a Divine Saint right? Did you notice something off with his aura?”

“No why do you ask?”


Her reply could be described as cautious at best. It looks like the task was up to her again.

“Hmmm, then those other two in the realm… interesting…”

Noticing that Knite had started to walk off to somewhere, Castor quickly called out.

“Wait just where do you think you’re going?”

“Me? I going to create a spell to break into- I mean… I am going to quietly recuperate from my injuries.”

A dangerous aura appeared around Castor, contrasting greatly with her gentle appearance.

“Hmmm, what are you talking about? You have to repair the Elemental Realm now….”

She quickly trapped Knite in a prison of light as he tried to escape.

Knite struggle against the prision but couldn’t break out. Of course, there was a large gap between the level of strength between an elemental that reformed a few hours ago and one that had reformed just then.

“Wha? This is bullying! I’m still weak! Doing that sort of task right after reforming feels weird. Plus it’s boring! Have mercy!”

“Mercy! Who was the one who made me do such a task right after reforming! And also, I heard about the stuff you were doing in that town. What the hell were you thinking directly interfering with a siege in progress. Do you know how many complaints we have been getting about your actions? The only reason we were allowed to even go to the mortal realm was because we promised not to harm anyone other than Lou’s target! Did you forget it! You forgot it didn’t you!”

A several hour long lecture about not causing trouble in the mortal realm began was Castor vented on Knite.


In the end, it seemed that no major battle involving Kusanagi Godou could be concluded without some sort of tragic disaster falling upon his surroundings.


The aftermath of both the siege and the freak earthquake that had been caused by Realm of the Overlord had caused the town of Tellap to fall into a sea of confusion.

Unable to help, or rather, he had lost the will to try anything at this point, Godou logged out.

He got out of the capsule, exhausted.

It was currently Sunday night.

He checked the time and was surprised to find that it was actually quite late.

A weekend completely spent playing a game.

In some aspects this was a fairly normal recreational activity for people his age.

It could be described as both an interesting and distressing experience in some ways.

Godou didn’t know whether to be thankful or angry at that idiotic Doni for forcing him to play it.

However, Godou decided right there and then that he wouldn’t be making a habit of this. He had the nagging suspicion that if he did, the reactions of people close to him would not be easy to contain.

Not realising that it was already too late to worry about that, Godou went to bed.

The next morning, Godou had to endure harsh nagging from the little sister who was aware of his weekend activities which bordered on being anti-social.

Coincidentally, a certain silver haired knight who was waiting outside of his house to go to school with him also overheard this conversation and was keen to express her opinion on that matter.

Later on, a certain brown haired miko who cared too much about others also joined the fray.

Meanwhile, a certain blonde devil watched the scene with evident amusement before pressing him to confess in great detail all the activities he had done with the intensity of a wife interrogating an irresponsible womanising husband who disappeared for a few days.

Thus, the troubled daily life this young godslayer continued.


Word Count: ~ 1000 words

Now… to start writing for the other fanfics I’ve been neglecting

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