《The Kings play a Game?》Vol 2 Chapter 5 - Elemental Lord Candidate Part 4


Part 4

Fresh from the word processor so there will probably be some errors.

Hel’s aura exploded in size again and with a yell she rushed at Knite. Knite swung his scythe in a horizontal slash at her again but this time, Hel appeared to be able to dodge the attack with more ease than before.

In fact, she actually managed to jump over the attack in a position that made it difficult for Knite’s scythe to reach her immediately after the swing. It wasn’t that Hel had gotten exponentially faster physically, rather, it was her ability to react to things that had improved.

Godou noticed a rush of movement as Badas also charged past him as soon as he had taken down the barrier to join the fray.

Hel’s swung her sword at Knite, mightily but Knite blocked the attack with aura. Badas approached avoiding Knite’s attacks but Knite still managed to keep too far away to be able to deliver a heavy attack.

From the looks of it, it seemed that Knite was no longer using the seal attack and using actual damaging attacks now. Though against his human opponents, Knite refrained from powering up by completely releasing his aura like he did against the holy spirit Gegorus. Looking down on his opponents to the extremes. Or was he holding back power to have more fun?

Either way, that seemed to be a flaw that could be taken advantage of.

However, the three way fight between Hel, Knite and Badas had turned to such a high level martial arts battle that someone like Godou who had no prior experience in learning marital arts couldn’t just jump into to help. Both of the Knights had also covered themselves in aura to enhance their abilities.

If he activated his Body of Wind skill, then he probably would be able to help in some way without dying straight away but the problem was that skill was really too hard to control in such a chaotic situation.

“If only there was some way that I could control that skill better.”

The body of Wind skill gave him extreme speed and extreme explosive power. Although Godou had experience using similar powers, the method of controlling it was too different for him to apply what he knew.

[You’re talking about Body of Wind right? How would you define improving your control?]

Ferrex asked him the question. It was a sign of how well Ferrex now knew Godou’s personality that he was able to deduce Godou’s thoughts with just a few words. Answering him, Godou tried his best to describe the control method which would be easiest for him.

“Well the main issue would be the fact that the skill’s speed is too fast for me to take in normally. Having some way to control the output of the skill would also help.”

[So if your time perception was enhanced and you had and on/off switch you would be able to control the skill better?]

“Pretty much.”

Watching the fight, it appeared that Hel had reach her limit. She had fallen to one knee and appeared to be coughing up blood. Badas was covering for her but it seemed like she would be in danger if she stayed in the midst of the fight any longer. Ferrex appeared to think for a while, then he simply said.

[To increase time perception you need to increase the agility stat… Or... It’s possible. Activate your skill, I want to try something.]


[Just do it!]

In response to Ferrex’s urgings Godou activated his skill.


“Body of Wind!”

Body of Wind has successfully activated. Your speed and explosive power has been greatly enhanced. A divine aura of wind is being emitted from you. Due to racial attributes, this skill no longer has a time limit.

Dark wind stirred around Godou and encompassed his body turning him in a storm in the shape of a human. Additionally dark purple aura flared up again and tore at his surroundings. Then, Godou felt a burning sensation around neck as Ferrex’s pendant suddenly heated up again.

[This may hurt a bit. I only discovered that I could do this a moment ago as a result of being considered an item.]

As Ferrex uttered those words, Godou’s aura condensed itself and the wind surrounding his body condensed itself into a mass of power. The disturbance around his body subsided and then Godou felt the mass of power rise and engulf itself at the back of his head.


Godou couldn’t help but let out a cry as he was hit by a massive headache. It was as if his nerves had been set on fire.

Through forceful manipulation of the Divine Aura of Wind, the Body of Wind skill has been converted to have the following attributes:

+ Explosively increase your speed and power. Time appears to slow down by a factor of 8.

+ This effect can be toggled on and off. While active you will continuously lose health.

Due to the favouring control over power, the destructive power of this skill has been slightly reduced.Due to forcing a Divine Power to gain and alter attributes it did not originally have, you have taken 1932 Damage.

Suddenly, a strange phenomenon happened in Godou’s sights. The world slowed down while his body sped up. Although he hated to admit it, this was a familiar feeling for him.

“I don’t know what you did Ferrex but thanks.”

[I simply copied an ability that the Knights in front of you were using. Though it seems that you have less drawbacks because of your class and race. It’s a rush job but that’s all I can do from here. Be careful.]

Ferrex’s voice sounded strange in this decelerated world. As if he were shouting at Godou from a great distance. So even that effect happens here huh…

Thanking Ferrex from all his heart, Godou ran into the fight. No, it would be more accurate to describe his actions as gliding rather than running. Although this skill was similar to his real world [Raptor] ability, there were distinct differences.

As he moved forward, a gust of wind was generated by his movements, propelling him forward at great speed. The air moved around him so he didn’t experience the effects of air resistance.

As he travelled his feet didn’t touch the surface of the ground, but rather, he was propelled by a slippery layer of air just on top of the ground. Basically, the ground became something akin to an air hocky table which in allowed him to “skate” across the ground at great speed. It was only with his enhanced time perception that he noticed these things.

Godou ran into the fight, but he didn’t try attacking Knite yet. Instead, he prioritised on getting Hel out of danger. Due to his high speed and unfamiliarity with this skill, making precise movements was difficult, however, all Godou need to do was run into Hel and drag her out of the range of the fight. The only thing he had to worry about was stopping his mana sword from coming into contact with Hel.


Thankfully, he was able to perform this without a hitch and brought Hel next to Inori, who was still unconscious. Although he was worried about the side effects his skill might have made in the brief time he made contact with Hel, he would have to consider that after Knite was taken care of.

Turning his attention back to the fight, Godou saw Badas and Knite exchanging a fury of blows. Considering the fact that he was seeing this in slow motion, the actual speed of these attacks must have been terrifyingly fast.

“Ferrex! How would my speed compare with the other fighters you’ve seen?”

Godou had made a comparison in his mind but he wanted to know what Ferrex thought.

[As you are now, I think you’re about as fast as Hel using stacked movement increasing skills. Maybe a bit slower.]

Hmmm… So Ferrex thinks the same way as me huh. This speed is a far cry from the god speed I’m used to. Earlier, Knite had been able to hit Hel while she was using that kind of speed. This meant that it would be best for Godou to stay away from too much close combat. But first, let’s test it out.

Godou ran at Knite holding the mana sword up right like a baseball bat.

“Hahaha so you were hiding such speed.”

As expected, even while fighting an aura released Badas, Knite was still able to make an attempt to hit Godou.

His attack probably would have hit as well if Godou hadn’t made a jump at the last second. Godou sailed over the two fighters. Knite looked like him might have tried jumped after Godou but a fierce attack from Badas stopped him.

Yep. That sealed it. Knite was able to keep track of his speed and hit him. Conversely, Godou had the feeling that he was able to condense the air under his feet and with his palms to an astonishing degree. It felt almost as if he would be able to achieve something akin to flying or walking on air if he tried hard enough.

Unknowingly, a savage grin split across Godou’s face as he made such speculations.

Godou glanced at the corner of his vision, checking his health, mana and divine tolerance levels. It seemed that he had consumed quite a bit of all of those resources during the time he used this skill. Considering the fact that this was with his current time perception, the drain from this skill really was something.

Anyway, although, Knite was able to counter Godou’s speed perfectly, Godou still had one strategy that he could use against such an opponent.

He made eye contact with Badas and indicated that he was about to try something with his eyes. Surprisingly, despite the short time they had known each other, Badas seemed to understand his message, or at least understand something was going to happen.

Knite watched this exchange happily.

Godou charged at Knite again, holding out the mana sword in front of him as if to stab Knite with it. This time he would attack for real. Like last time, Knite managed to get fend off Badas and made a swing at Godou with this scythe. However,

You have deactivated Body of Wind.

Just before Godou entered the reach of Knite’s scythe, he turned off the effects of Body of Wind. His body decelerated and the world started to flow back at normal speed. A rush of sound seemed to hit Godou.

He saw Knite’s surprise. Knite’s attack swung past in front of him and in that instant-

You have activated Body of Wind.

+ Explosively increase your speed and power. Time appears to slow down by a factor of 8.

+ This effect can be toggled on and off. While active you will continuously lose health.

Due to the favouring control over power, the destructive power of this skill has been slightly reduced.

Godou accelerated his body once again and stabbed Knite.

Due to high speed, damage has been amplified by 259%.

White aura appeared in front of Knite’s body blocking the attack but that was fine. Godou didn’t expect a mana weapon created with his pitiful skill mastery to be able to hurt Knite anyway.

What he aimed to do instead was create an opening for Badas to attack!


As Knite stiffed in shock from suddenly experiencing X10 gravity unexpectedly. Godou leapt away, leaving the mana weapon imbedded in Knite’s aura.

“4th Stage Release! Dragon Twister!!!”

Without missing a beat, Badas took advantage of the small opening Godou created to attack. Making a spinning motion with his whole body, Badas slashed at Knite using a dual sword technique which sent Knite spinning upwards at least 10 metres in the air.

Badas’s orange aura suddenly changed colour as he performed this attack. This is- the same thing Hel did!

Silver and red lights erupted from Badas’s aura, amplifying his power by at least 5 fold. Trails of silver and red aura of equal proportions covered and erupted from his dual swords, spiralling upwards with Knite’s motion like twin dragons.


The attack seemed to contain a level of power which Knite didn’t expect as his aura wasn’t strong enough to block all of the damage.

However, Badas wasn’t finished with just that, despite the fact that Knite was clearly out of his swords’ range, he nevertheless brought them together and swung time using for another technique.

“6th Stage Release! Dragonic Sword Dance!!!”

The amount of red aura released increased again and Badas powered up even more than before. Releasing an aura that was more red than silver, Badas launched his attack again.

88 Dragon Ki streams of red and silver aura intermixed with mana blasted from Badas’s swords, hurtling towards Knite in the form of 88 eastern dragons. A terrifying attack that had a horrific pressure around it.

However, at the same time Badas launched this attack, Godou saw Knite drawing a circular symbol in the air with his finger burning in white light. The defensive spell that reflected Inori’s seal!

Oh no you don’t! While he was still in mid-air due to his earlier jump, Godou desperately created a mana weapon and threw it at the symbol Knite had traced out.

Please hit!

While Godou normally had confidence in the strength and accuracy of his throws, it was an entirely different matter when he had an unfamiliar skill activated like right now.

Luckily his aim as true. Godou’s mana weapon passed from the symbol and absorbed it, passing out of the way just before Badas’s attack arrived.


Seeing his spell fail, Knite quickly released his aura instead. Covering his entire body with condensed white light. The same as when he faced off against Gegorus. It seems that Knite had determined that this wasn’t an attack he could look down on. However…


As the Dragon Kis collided with Knite, they ate through his aura, growing larger in size as they did so. Thus, Knite was forced to take the full force of Badas’s attack and was sent blasting over the town walls with a projectile path like a thrown ball.

Seeing this happen, Godou deactivated Body of Wind and ran up to Badas who was now panting heavily. It seemed that that attack just now had taken a lot out of him.

“I hope you still have some fight in you because that attack isn’t enough to finish him off.”

As he saw Godou approach, Badas said those words. Grimly, Godou nodded. He thought as much. Just as they were about leave in pursuit of Knite a voice called out.

“Mas…ter… Please… let me… come with you.”

Godou turned to see that Hel had approached them, leaning heavily on her sword, her silver aura still active. Panting heavily and coughing out blood. Seeing her in such a condition distressed Godou somewhat, however,

“No, moving in your condition is akin to suicide. Rest Hel. And take care of your friend on the ground. That’s an order!”

“But… I can still...”

Seeing Hel’s objections, Badas sighed.

“Why did I have to rub my stubbornness into you as well… Well, we don’t have much time so…”

Hel relaxed as her master seemed like he was going to give in but in was in that moment that Badas simply cut Hel with his sword.

Godou cried out in shock, but then he noticed that Hel was unhurt by the attack. Rather, the only thing damaged by Badas’s attack was Hel’s silver aura which had promptly vanished.

“Aura… cancelling…”

Muttering those words, Hel fell down. It was ironic but the only thing keeping her standing had been her blood burn aura which in turn had been consuming her lifeforce.

“Sorry Hel, but please stay stand down. You have so much potential in you that it would be a waste for it to die now… If it’s too late to revive… if something happens to me… ask the one who made my swords about tips on Blood Burn Aura. After all, he was the one who created this technique.”

Saying words which were almost akin to a final farewell, Badas turned to Godou who was waiting and simply said:

“Let’s go.”

Although there were many things Godou wanted to object about to Badas, he didn’t voice them. Badas made a great leap and started traveling over to the place where Knite had landed. Apparently, the red-silver aura around him had also significantly increased his agility as well.

With no other way of catching up to him, Godou activated his Body of Wind skill again. His mana and Divine Tolerance would probably reach their limits soon.

They raced through the town and jumped over the walls arriving to the place where Knite had crashed landed into.

Coincidentally it had been an area full of coma sealed monsters from the monster army, through, many of them had been killed by splash damage from where Badas’s Dragonic Sword Dance had landed. Godou then deactivated Body of Wind immediately to conserve his strength. Though from the looks of it he would only be able to maintain the skill for a few more seconds at most.

As they arrived, Godou heard Knite muttering to himself.

“Damn, after I went through all the sealing all those monsters, they ended up as collateral damage either way.”

Sighing, Knite looked at them and asked politely, finally looking at them like opponents who stood on equal grounds:

“Please tell me your names.”

“I am Badas Sky, A Great Knight of Kallamore!”

“I am Godou.”

“Okay, I will remember that.”

Saying that Knite turned to address Badas.

“You, the dragonslayer, have an interesting technique. I never expected to have my own aura turn on me and attack me. Because of that, I can no longer afford to look down on you!”

“Well that’s what happens when you look down on your opponents like that.”

“Hahaha that may be so, but that’s what makes fighting so enjoyable!”

Knite released his aura and let it completely cover him like armour. Godou noticed that the amount and intensity of Knite’s aura had decreased dramatically. Speaking of which, Knite’s glow had also weakened quite a bit compared to when he first appeared. Sparks were emitted from various wounds on his body caused by the various strong opponents Knite had to fight in the town.


Badas also condensed his red-silver aura around him like armour and charged at Knite to begin a fierce exchange of blows.

Godou watched this from afar racking his brain to try and think of some way that he could help. As the fight dragged on, it became increasingly clear that weakened as he was, Knite still had the upper hand. Now that Knite as wary of Badas’s techniques, a massive opening like the one before wasn’t going to arise any time soon.

“7th Stage Release!”

On the other hand, Badas was starting to wear out quickly as the fight dragged on as well. It didn’t help that the technique he was using to keep up to Knite was practically killing him at the same time. Even after advancing the progression of his red aura to a stage where his aura appeared red with small silver streaks, Badas was still unable to completely gain the upper hand.

Godou could only watch all this from afar, helpless to intervene. Then, with a resolute expression which said that he had made up his mind, Badas jumped back from the fight, coughing out blood and proclaimed:

“Cough.. There is no doubt about you are the strongest opponent that I have faced so far. I have already left behind what I could so I have no regrets. Now is the time to see how much my remaining lifeforce is worth!”

“Well said.”

In response to Badas’s short speech which almost seemed like a dying man’s last words, Knite only listened respectfully. Before Godou could try and persuade him otherwise, Badas released the final stage of Blood Burn Aura.

“Blood Burn Aura: 8th Stage, Final Release!!!”

Badas’s aura turned completely red, no crimson and raged around him like a stream. The amount of presence emitted from him multiplied drastically surpassing Knite’s current state significantly.


Badas charged at Knite, his crimson aura ripping up the ground as he ran. In response to his opponent’s fierce fighting spirit, Knite charged as well.

“Crimson Stream: Twin Night Dragons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

With a yell, Badas’s mana and aura solidified themselves in the form of two eastern dragons. With the dragon’s heads forming around his blades and the rest of their long bodies trailing out behind him.


The sound echoed across the battlefield as sword and scythe clashed. A shockwave seemed to rippled from the force of the collision. Then…



Knite’s scythe and one of Badas’s swords simultaneously broke from the clash.

Knite reacted with surprise while Badas continued through unfazed as if he expected the result.

Badas let loose a mighty slash at Knite with his other sword.

Additionally, the aura-mana dragon created around Badas’s broken sword continued travelling regardless of its broken vessel and smashed into Knite as well.


A huge explosion erupted from the collision of these attacks. Godou used whatever time he had with Body of Wind to escape the most of this explosion taking only minor damage.

The smoke cleared. Godou approached to see Badas standing. And Knite lying on the ground.

Was this the end?

However, sparks flying from various wounds, Knite struggled back to his feet.

Even after taking such powerful consecutive hits, Knite was still able to stand!

Thus, the three of them stood at a distance in a standoff again.

Badas was panting heavily and coughing up even more blood from this exchange. It didn’t seem like he had much time left. Things were looking bad.


A telepathic voice suddenly resounded through the air using the same method of talking as Knite had first used on Godou. An unfamiliar voice but it seemed like someone Knite knew.

“Ah! My lord, I am in the process of delivering Lou’s judgement-”

My lord? So was this the Elemental Lord of Light speaking? Knite seemed to be about to explain the situation when the voice, the Elemental Lord, interrupted him with a brisk order.

“What?! My lord! I am in the process of carrying out Lou’s retribution-”

At these words Knite reacted with shock, though even in that instant he didn’t let his guard down.

“My lord please reconsider. I only need a bit of extra time and you could call Castor-”

“I… Yes, my lord.”

With great reluctance, Knite deactivated his aura and a portal appeared next to him. Before anyone could stop him, Knite had walked into the portal and vanished.

He didn’t leave without saying goodbye however, as Godou heard his parting words clearly.

“I will be back in a few hours to finish this. Thanks for the fights and I hope you find a good healer quickly~”


Word Count: ~4000 words

A trivial fact which may or may not hold in the future: Every male that has teamed up with Godou so far has died at least once in this fanfic

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