《The Kings play a Game?》Character Databook


This is where I will be posting up Godou's (and maybe a few other characters) status boxes for those who are interested at the end of each volume.

Codes for the tables to make so that I can Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V them later on.

Old Coding

[center][table][tr][tds]Character Name:[/tds][tds]Godou[/tds][tds]Alignment:[/tds][tds]Chaos[/tds][/tr] [tr][tds]Level:[/tds][tds]136[/tds][tds]Class:[/tds][tds]Overlord[/tds][/tr][tr][tds]Race:[/tds][tds]Breaker of the Divine Decree[/tds][tds]Title:[/tds][tds]The Destructive Saviour[/tds][/tr][tr][tds]Fame:[/tds][tds]245062[/tds][tds]Notoriety:[/tds][tds]14950[/tds][/tr][tr][tds]Health:[/tds][tds]4457[/tds][tds]Mana:[/tds][tds]2144[/tds][/tr][tr][tds]Strength:[/tds][tds]77+83[/tds][tds]Agility:[/tds][tds]78+73[/tds][/tr][tr][tds]Wisdom:[/tds][tds]75+70[/tds][tds]Intellect:[/tds][tds]75+70[/tds][/tr][tr][tds]Leadership:[/tds][tds]9+70[/tds][tds]Luck:[/tds][tds]266+70[/tds][/tr]

[tr][tds]Vitality :[/tds] [tds]93 +70[/tds] [tds]Perseverance:[/tds][tds]117+ 70[/tds][/tr][tr][tds]Sustenance:[/tds] [tds]104 +70[/tds] [tds]Fighting Spirit[/tds] [tds]497 + 70[/tds][/tr][tr][tds]Honour[/tds][tds]13+70[/tds][tds]Divinity[/tds][tds]100 +70[/tds][/tr]

[tr][tds]Attack:[/tds][tds]94[/tds][tds]Defence[/tds][tds]48[/tds][/tr][tr][tds]Magical Resistance:[/tds][td3]44%[/td3][/tr][tr][tds]Unallocated Stat Points:[/tds][td3]595[/td3][/tr][tr][td100]Class Bonuses

+ 20 to all stats

+ 200 Health

+ 200 Mana

+ 20% Magic Resistance

+ able to use magic

+ there is no penalty when the skills and spells you use fail

+ can equip all armours and weapons regardless of restrictions on class, level and stats.

+ immune to from the effects of most heals, buffs, curses, potions and poisons

+ harder to improve intimacy with members of religions. Church members may fear or worship you

+ penalty upon death is doubled

+ half of the experience gained will go to your Divine Control Mastery.

Other Bonuses

Recognised by Church of Freya

+ 50 to all stats due to titles

+ 10% Magic Resistance due to titles

+ 13 Strength

+ 3 Agility

+ 5% Magic Resistance[/td100][/tr][/table][/center]

New Coding

[center][table][full]Status Window[/full][quart=Name,Alignment]Godou,Chaotic[/quart]


[quart=Race, Title] Breaker of the Divine Decree, Destructive Saviour [/quart]

[quart=Fame, Notoriety]245062,14950[/quart]

[quart=Health, Mana]4457,2144 [/quart]

[quart=Strength, Agility] 77+83,78+73[/quart]

[quart=Wisdom, Intellect]75+70, 75+70[/quart]

[quart=Leadership, Luck] 9+70,266+70[/quart]

[quart=Vitality, Perseverance]93+70,117+70[/quart]

[quart=Sustenance, Fighting Spirit]104+70,497+70 [/quart]

[quart=Honor, Divinity]13+70,100+70[/quart]

[quart=Attack, Defence] 94,48[/quart]

[half0=Magic Resistance]44%[/half0]

[half0= Unallocated Stat Points]595[/half0]

[full]Class Bonuses

+ 20 to all stats

+ 200 Health

+ 200 Mana

+ 20% Magic Resistance

+ able to use magic

+ there is no penalty when the skills and spells you use fail


+ can equip all armours and weapons regardless of restrictions on class, level and stats.

+ immune to from the effects of most heals, buffs, curses, potions and poisons

+ harder to improve intimacy with members of religions. Church members may fear or worship you

+ penalty upon death is doubled

+ half of the experience gained will go to your Divine Control Mastery.

Other Bonuses

Recognised by Church of Freya

+ 50 to all stats due to titles

+ 10% Magic Resistance due to titles

+ 13 Strength

+ 3 Agility

+ 5% Magic Resistance[/full]


The result:

Vol 1

Godou (Old Coding)

Character Name:GodouAlignment:ChaosLevel:136Class:OverlordRace:Breaker of the Divine DecreeTitle:The Destructive SaviourFame:245062Notoriety:14950Health:4457Mana:2144Strength:77+83Agility:78+73Wisdom:75+70Intellect:75+70Leadership:9+70Luck:266+70Vitality :93 +70Perseverance:117+ 70Sustenance:104 +70Fighting Spirit497 + 70Honour13+70Divinity100 +70Attack:94Defence48Magical Resistance:44%Unallocated Stat Points:595Class Bonuses

+ 20 to all stats

+ 200 Health

+ 200 Mana

+ 20% Magic Resistance

+ able to use magic

+ there is no penalty when the skills and spells you use fail

+ can equip all armours and weapons regardless of restrictions on class, level and stats.

+ immune to from the effects of most heals, buffs, curses, potions and poisons

+ harder to improve intimacy with members of religions. Church members may fear or worship you

+ penalty upon death is doubled

+ half of the experience gained will go to your Divine Control Mastery.

Other Bonuses

Recognised by Church of Freya

+ 50 to all stats due to titles

+ 10% Magic Resistance due to titles

+ 13 Strength

+ 3 Agility

+ 5% Magic Resistance

Godou (New Coding)

Status Window[quart=Name,Alignment]Godou,Chaotic[/quart][quart=Level,Class]136,Overlord[/quart]

[quart=Race,Title]Breaker of the Divine Decree,Destructive Saviour[/quart][quart=Fame,Notoriety]245062,14950[/quart]

[quart=Health,Mana]4457,2144[/quart][quart=Strength,Agility]77+83,78+73[/quart][quart=Wisdom,Intellect]75+70,75+70[/quart][quart=Leadership,Luck]9+70,266+70[/quart][quart=Vitality,Perseverance]93+70,117+70[/quart][quart=Sustenance,Fighting Spirit]104+70,497+70[/quart][quart=Honor,Divinity]13+70,100+70[/quart][quart=Attack,Defence]94,48[/quart]Magic Resistance44%Unallocated Stat Points595Class Bonuses


+ 20 to all stats

+ 200 Health

+ 200 Mana

+ 20% Magic Resistance

+ able to use magic

+ there is no penalty when the skills and spells you use fail

+ can equip all armours and weapons regardless of restrictions on class, level and stats.

+ immune to from the effects of most heals, buffs, curses, potions and poisons

+ harder to improve intimacy with members of religions. Church members may fear or worship you

+ penalty upon death is doubled

+ half of the experience gained will go to your Divine Control Mastery.

Other Bonuses

Recognised by Church of Freya

+ 50 to all stats due to titles

+ 10% Magic Resistance due to titles

+ 13 Strength

+ 3 Agility

+ 5% Magic Resistance

Ferrex (Prototype)

Status Window[quart=Name,Alignment]Ferrex Dakef,Neutral[/quart][quart=Level,Class]306,Divine Saint[/quart][quart=Race,Title]Human (Ascended),Irregular of the Church of Athene[/quart][quart=Fame,Notoriety]194000,150[/quart][quart=Health,Mana]3527,4144[/quart][quart=Strength,Agility]77+25,78+25[/quart][quart=Wisdom,Intellect]321+25,313+25[/quart][quart=Leadership,Luck]10+25,0+25[/quart][quart=Vitality,Perseverance]113+25,157+25[/quart][quart=Sustenance,Fighting Spirit]104+25,431+25[/quart][quart=Faith,Concentration]420+25,102+25[/quart][quart=Attack,Defence]81,67[/quart]Magic Resistance50%Class Bonuses

+ 25 to all stats

+ 200 Health

+ 200 Mana

+ 10% Magic Resistance

+ able to use magic

+ there is no penalty when the skills and spells you use fail

+ power of holy spells is doubled

+ immune to from the effects of most curses and poisons

+ able to cast Heaven's Calling spells

+ when Heaven's Calling spells are active, faith stat is converted to divinity stat

Other Bonuses

Recognised by Church of Freya

Due to the effects of a seal, all stats have been reduced by 67%

Due to the effects of a seal, the effectiveness of all spells has been reduced by 67%

Due to the effects of a seal, recovery has been reduced by 67%.

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