《The Kings play a Game?》Vol 1 Prologue 2


“So you want to join Royal Road” Amakasu said a matter-of-factly from across the café table. The sloppily dressed man wore a tattered, western suit; he was quite young, appearing around twenty years of age, and didn't look very suave for a government worker.

“Well it’s not a matter of wanting to join, it’s more like I’m being forced to”, Kusanagi Godou argued back, “If I don’t join then that idiot Doni might actually come to Japan”.

“And that could be a problem,” added Erica next to him. With her bright blond hair similar to a dazzling crown and beauty was far greater than other girls, Godou could almost feel himself being shredded by the glares of the other males in the shop. “As we all know a catastrophe of all sorts is bound to occur when two kings meet. Given Godou’s past record and Lord Salvatore personality, I think it is more than likely that something in Tokyo will be annihilated when the two meet again.”

Sensing that the conversation was veering into a dangerous direction, Godou tried to steer the conversation onto safer ground.

“That aside what is Royal Road? I’ve never heard of it before”


Earlier that day a phone call had reached the Kusanagi residence. And as no-one else was around Godou had answered it.


“This voice, is it Godou? It's been a while, how are you, my friend?”

It was a slightly familiar voice heard from before, in fact it was a voice Godou didn't want to hear coming from the receiver.

A complete waste of a voice with such depth.

“I’m sorry you have the wrong number.”

Godou immediately put down the receiver and hung up the phone.

“Damn what does he want now!?”

Godou who usually did not pray for the misfortune of others, felt like this was one of those exceptions.

Just to be safe, he prepared himself to take the battery out of his phone. Temporarily avoiding phone calls was an acceptable sacrifice for this cause.

However, his cellphone began to ring before could do so.


Godou prepared himself and pressed the button to pick up the call.

“Suddenly hanging up the phone, that's too cruel!”


“You bastard. What do you want now?"

'You're such a fool. Isn't it natural for good friends to talk to each other occasionally?'

If this was a face to face conversation, then he'd probably be doing things like winking as well.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall and handsome. A bright expression on his proper face, and extremely friendly. The appearance of an elegant gentleman, but in reality, the strongest warrior possessing a body of steel—

"Hey Salvatore Doni, we don't really count as friends you know."

“Hmph, please do not use "don't really count" to describe our relationship. Didn't I say already, that we are great friends?”

"If that's what you think, please look up the dictionary definition for the word 'friend' one thousand times before you call again."

Salvatore Doni.

A twenty-four-year-old Italian, as well as the [The King of Swords].

He possessed massive influence centered around southern Europe, and had defeated countless gods. In terms of age and experience, he would count as Godou's senior.

However, Godou had no intention of using honorifics with this guy.

Godou himself found it unbelievable, since he would usually interact with elders with the appropriate attitude and word choice.

However, it was entirely different when facing this man. From the depths of his heart, a certain subtle feeling of opposition prevented it.

“Hey hey, the one who doesn't understand friendship is you. That is totally shameful for a Japanese.”

"What does nationality have to do with it?"

“Of course it does. I remember that "write letters to enemies, and predict the thoughts of friends" is a Japanese saying. It was written clearly in some Japanese literature I read before… Ah! I get it you’re just what the Japanese call a tsundere right?"

"Stop misunderstanding Japanese culture! Uhh... why do I get the feeling that I’ve already had this conversation with you?"

Godou felt that there must be some mistake in Doni's words but had given up arguing. This was a man full of exaggerated delusions and a total medieval chivalry romantic, better stay away from him.

“Why are you calling me now anyway?” Godou pressed.

“Recently I played a good game with strong opponents. Battling out to the death and fighting me with fierce burning battle spirit—I responded with all my strength to these opponents.”


“And your point is?”

“However the game will eventually become boring so I want you to join me and liven it up.”

“No way in hell am I playing a game with you!” An instant cold refusal

“That’s mean! I didn’t want it to come to this but it looks like I’ll have to come to Japan to change your mind ;)”

“Don’t you dare!! Fine! I’m join you in that stupid game” Godou could still remember the disasters that occurred the last time another Campione had paid him a visit. That must be avoided at all costs!

“I knew you would understand. Besides I already had the necessary things ordered for you anyway. They should be arriving any minute now. I’m in the Rosenheim Kingdom by the way”



Surely enough, a package come for Godou soon after. Completely lost on what to do next, Godou had immediately requested the assistance of the one he thought would have the most knowledge on recent games (Amakasu) and arranged to meet up in their usual hangout, a maid café called the Peerless Statesman. On the way there, Godou had met up with Erica who had decided to accompany him thus leading to the current situation.

“Well I’m not surprised. It’s a fairly new game internationally but has a stronghold of support from its Korean audience.” Amakasu explained rather enthusiastically. “It’s basically MMO that uses revolutionary Virtual Reality technology to send players to a virtual world. It’s a good game really.”

“Come to think of it, I remember reading something about that in the letters my uncle sent me” Erica said. “Apparently, the Europe magi are in high spirits as they’ve finally found something to confine Lord Salvatore’s childish antics in. I wonder if we could use this as therapy to cure Godou’s impulses”

“I don’t run around causing trouble like that idiot!” Godou frantically tried to defend himself but it was already too late.

“Maybe not but you do tend to lose your sense of self-control in the midst of battle” Erica smiled at him. It was a terrifying devil’s smile.

“To date haven’t you destroyed Rome’s famed Colosseum, Tokyo Tower, the San Francesco di Paola church, the Hamarikyu Gardens, a small island and several other public places? I vaguely remember having all the paperwork about that being pushed on to me" Amakasu suddenly butted in, an identical grin appearing on his face."

"Frankly I think, this is game is a good idea. If we let you rampage in the virtual world maybe you will cause less damage to the real world. Well, at least this way you’ll stop capturing every girl you meet. Mutter mutter…” Erica continued.

“Uh” Overcome with regret from the memories of the past Godou could say nothing in his defence.

“Well the best way to learn is to play the actual game itself” Amakasu said getting back to bussiness, “but there are a few things I should tell you to do…”


A few hours later, Godou stood in front of the capsule he had finally finished setting up.

“Well this is it”

And promptly he placed it on his head and turned it on.

[The scan on your iris and vein has determined that you are an unregistered user. Do you want to create a new account?]

When Godou was connected to Royal Road, the first sound that reached his ears was a feminine voice.

He looked around to see who had spoken to him, but there was no one else; a space within the universe. Then he realised that he was in the middle of the activation process of a new account.


[Select the name of your avatar]

“Ah… I guess I’ll just go with Godou then”

[Select your gender from male, female or neutral]


[Royal Road has forty-nine races. You may select your race from the primary twenty-nine­]


[You may alter your appearance]

“Can I see how I look?”

Immediately Godou saw a life sized version of himself materialise.

His black hair, black eyes, 180cm height and average looks had been recreated with surprising detail. Vaguely, Godou wondered why body replication to such a degree was legal.

“The way I am.”

[Your account has been activated. Your stats and class shall be determined while you are playing Royal Road]

“I know.” This was one of the many things he had learnt from Amakasu earlier.

[Select a city and kingdom you want to start.]

“Anywhere apart from the Rosenheim Kingdom”

[Welcome to Royal Road]


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