《Breakthrough》Chapter 011 - Boss New Friend?


Chapter - 011 Boss New Friend?

Cyan and Alice went to the elevator and moved to Floor 5 [Tack Area], of course, both have to use one [Ticket] for entering, then they realized something else, each [Ticket] only works for 4 hours after that the needed to use another one, Cyan thought each [Ticket] could be used per day but they were actually valid only for 4 hours.

When they exited the elevator both of their phone vibrated at the same time.

Message [Midas]: “Player Entered Floor 5 [Track Area], 1 [Ticket] consume”

Cyan took his phone and checked [Map] in the app and then tapped in Floor 5 information

 [Track Area] - Floor 5

Entry Feed 1 Ticket for Floor 5 Buy Ticket Ticket Wood for Floor 5 - 1.000 Credits (4 hours) Ticket Bronze for Floor 5 - 1.900 Credits (8 hours) Ticket Silver for Floor 5 - 2.600 Credits (16 hours) Ticket Gold for Floor 5 - 4.800 Credits (32 hours) Ticket Universal Floor 5 to 7 - 10.000 Credits (40 hours) Records 1km - 2km - 3km - 5km - 8km - 13km… First place… Second place… … Ten place… Personal Record 1km None 2km None …

Reading through it Cyan realized they actually got the most basic of tickets on them that only works for only 4 hours however they were the simplified version of the universal [Ticket] and they could be used into any floor from 5 to 7, not to mention that even though those tickets didn’t work for Floors 8 to 9 right now, that was probably because those Floors were still locked and when they get unlocked their tickets would work also in the locked Floors.

Buying the Gold [Ticket] would give you the best price per hour however it could only be used on Floor 5 and not in any other Floor, as for the Universal, its cost per hour was the same as the Wood [Ticket] but it could be used in other Floors.

[Cyan]: “For now I think we should use one of the tracks and see how we do, we can worry later about what ticket to buy later on”

[Alice]: “I also think the same for now let’s use a track #10 and do the Quest”

Cyan right now have 116.150 Credits in his inventory and Alice have 13.000 Credits so they could both buy the Golden [Ticket] or even the Universal [Ticket], but for now they decided it was better to do it later when they learn a little bit more of the Tower system, not to mention they have each 30 Simplified Universal Tickets that can be used for 4 hours in any Floor, so they could use one of those for now.

Cyan nodded and they both entered the [Track Area] using the [Ticket], when the entered they didn’t get any special buff like in the [Rest Area] has, instead they entered a big flat plane that was covered in grass while a row of tracks where sparse all around as they have entered a roofless stadium where you could see the blue sky, there were also a lot of people around and places where you could sit and watch other people run on the track while trying to beat a record, the tracks were properly constructed with time markers for each line and 10 lines per track were 10 people could race each other at the same time and keep a record of their own personal times.

The track's length was of 1km each and where label from 1 to 30 meaning that only 300 people could use this area at any giving time, Cyan made some mental calculation with the total of 1000 players invitations, that would mean that the training floors from 5 to 8 should be able to let 1000 Players train at the same time, meaning that floors from 6 to 8 needed to be able to be used by the rest of the 700 remaining Players, this was after all not an unlimited space that could hold an infinite amount of people, resources and space are limited, and just by being a Player you could consider yourself as a very lucky person for being able to use the installations.


Looking around near the entrance there was also a huge monitor where you could see the Players track top ten record holders of most distance and the time they took for the record and if you checked the [Map] information in the app you could see your own position in the record list, there was also a more detailed information about the records and by each category they were divided by, each category also divided by Week 1, Week 2, Week 3 and Week 4 and so on, unlike the monitor in the Floor 5 that only was showing the global track record for running the longest distance without category or week divisions.

However in the app you could see that the scores where divide between distance and time, meaning that Players that focuses in incrementing their DEX stat would try to aim for the fastest time in the track for a set distance while a Player that focuses in incrementing their STA would try to go for the record of longest distance, of course, time was also a factor when two Players have the same distance, and [Midas] will reward players that break other Players record or their own personal record, of course this was limited so trying to set a low record so you could keep breaking your own personal record over and over again would in fact backfire on you.

Unlike the Floor 4 [Rest Area] the Players that entered Floor 5 [Track Area] found that they didn’t get any buff from the Tower what so ever, and that it was just a normal track field with a lot of tracks around and even though they were on some kind of underground facility, the track area had a proper blue sky like if they were just running outside in the sun, and even though this was a normal area that didn’t give you any buff, unlike the Floor 4, if you run on this track you would be rewarded even if you are not doing a Quest, unlike Floor 4 where there is the buff as the reward for entering the floor.

As Cyan and Alice were walking in the direction of track #10 that was empty at the moment someone other Players stop them by standing in front of them and blocking their path.

[Unknown A]: “Hello there kids, I haven’t seen your faces around here, are you two perhaps new Players from the third week?”

Cyan and Alice faced this unknown person but they didn’t detect any hostility coming from it so they thought it was ok to give out an answer, however before they could say anything, another Player came from somewhere else and dragged the first person away.

[Unknown B]: “Hey stop messing around with kids Karga, they are here to train on the track not for listening to your talk, I am sorry for Karga behavior kids please continue with your training”

After the two people left Cyan and Alice could only look at each other and wonder what was all that about, however, Alice took notice of what those two were wearing.

[Alice]: “Hey didn’t those two were wearing the same uniform as the GP?”

Note: GP = Global Police = World Global Defense Police = WGDP.

[Cyan]: “Yeah, I think you are right, they were wearing the same uniform from when the GP that came to School to give talks last year in the vocational week, I remember well because they talked about what the GP actually does”

Alice giggle because of Cyan comment.

[Alice]: “You mean those things about going around and saving the world from evil supervillains? You actually believed that kind of kid’s stuff?”


Cyan could not shamelessly admit to Alice that at that time he was actually really quite impressed by the GP presentation.

[Cyan]: “That… I don’t know if it’s that true, but if they are here doesn’t that mean that’s a good thing if someone causes trouble?”

Alice nodded, after all having the presence of the GP in the Tower should be something good to have.

[Alice]: “I guess you are right”

After their encounter with the GP officials Cyan and Alice entered the track but they notice that there was actually two Players already running on track #10, it was actually the two Players they had met before entering the track, when Karga the man that had stopped them just before notice them entering the same track he immediately started to run in their direction while trying to call for their attention with his hand and putting out a friendly smile, however this time again another Player came from somewhere else and dragged Karga away from the duo, however this time the Player that dragged Karga away casted a towering shadow over Cyan and Alice, because this Player was the literal definition of a mountain of muscles, the pinnacle of what a human body could go, not to mention the fact that this Player was only wearing half of the GP uniform while exposing a fierce looking face and it was dragging Karga away without saying a word like a sack of potatoes with one hand.

Cyan was stunned by the sheer amount of strength that Player possesses, it could actually drag away an adult human male with one hand so easily like he was lifting a grocery bag in its way home, he could only think that if he was to be hit by one of those fists, his body would crumble and become bit dust and nothing of his body would remain, no matter if there was a concrete wall between them. When Cyan started to think in something that could hurt him, his mind automatically started to remember what pain is and how it feels like, and like so, he started to feel pain all around his body making him start trembling like leaf in the wind.

At this time the other person that was using the track has caught up to them.

[Unknown B]: “Hey you don’t need to be that scare of Boss Kid he would not hurt you without a reason you know”

This Player was a Woman and was the second Player they have met just before that dragged Karga away the first time, she had confused Cyan white pale face and trembling body with him being scared to death of Boss crazy muscle build, Cyan worked hard his body trying to regain control over his shaking legs and returning to his senses just enough so Karla could continue talking..

[Karla]: “Hello, I am Karla with K I am a first generation, in other words, I am in the Tower since the first Week, may I ask you what your names are?”

Note: 1 gen = 1 Week, 2 gen = 2 Week, and so on.

Karla decided it was best to give an introduction here to make Karga stop pestering these two and herself. Cyan, on the other hand, wanted to give his introduction but his legs were still all wobbly and soft making the task of just being standing hard let alone giving an answer.

Alice gave their introductions instead seeing that Cyan face was all pale and he was breathing roughly, it would be rude not saying anything at this point.

[Alice]: “I am Alice and this is Cyan, I am from the third week and Cyan is… also from the third week”

Alice was undecided if saying Cyan was from the second week but Cyan have already told her that he has lost one week of training so saying he was from the second week would stretching it, and would also bring to many problems like trying to explain this and the other.

[Karla]: “I see, so you two are students from the West High School hum, and gen 3 Players too”

Alice could deduce that by gen 3 she means entering by the third week to the Tower, the division between Players by week was something Alice wanted to ask about but right now it was not the moment.

[Alice]: “You know the West High School uniform?”

[Karla]: “Ah yes, I was assigned a mission once to go there and for some vocational talks it caught my attention how sporty the uniform of that school looked back then”.

[Alice]: “So you are really for the GP?”

[Karla]: “Oh I guess you can tell by the uniform right? Yes, Karga, Boss and I are from the GP, we were sent here to investigate the [Training Tower], but actually, there is not much to do but train all day long it gets boring soon”

[Alice]: “Senior are you here talking with us because of your teammate Karga right? Why was he trying to talk with us so early just recently, it is because we are third gen?”

[Karla]: “You said your name was Alice right? You are pretty smart for a teenage kid, well the thing is that we don’t have any connection to the outside world or to the GP Center, and you come from the outside world, so you can guess right?”

[Alice]: “Senior wants to know what’s is the current status of the world right?”

[Karla]: “That right, current information about earth is very important for us you know”

Karla was testing something out, first she delivered information about Players gen, then she implicitly say that information was important for them and that they were from the GP in a mission, implying that they are here for help people out, however this was all just a test from her part to understand the characters of these kids all because Karga requested her to do so, so because she didn’t have anything else to do she agreed to it.

Alice wanted to reply right away and tell everything she knew to the GP, but then she stopped herself, as she thought about their situation, normally she as the Class President would take the helping out people route, however now, she looked at Cyan pale face and made out her mind, she needed to test the waters first.

[Alice]: “You don’t have any contact with the outside world? Did you ever tried asking [Midas] about it?”

[Karla]: “We did try asking, but [Midas] replied was the same response over and over again that we should just focus in training more, so we could only give up and wait for the third gen to show up and see what they have to say about it”

Alice clenched her fist and hardened her mind.

[Alice]: “Then 1.000 no if give me 10.000 Credits and I will tell you everything I know about the earth situation, this includes a video I have that…”

Karla on the hand could only burst into laughter to the point she had to remove the tears forming of her eyes, to that point she has found Alice answer funny.

Alice froze on the spot and started feeling all flustered while thinking that maybe she had done something wrong here, as Karla keep demolishing her with her loud laughter.

Cyan, on the other hand, could only watch for the sidelines, his mind was barely holding into his conscience.

[Karla]: “Hahaha, aren’t you adorable, you even changed your price mid-sentence making me want to go “aww so cute”, I want to grab a spoon and eat you but I would get sweetness overdose if I ever did that.”

Karla could only giggle once again.

Karla from the GP intelligence office chief staff, she had to negotiate as part of her job with the vilest of terrorist, the cruelest of murderers and the most people like monsters that just want to burn the world into ashes of the planet, people that would make you want to throw out or punch them in the face, just for being in the same room as they are, and now this adorable teenage school girl Alice, that has been living a life of sugar and cotton candy was trying to get Credits out of her for buying information of out her, this could only put a smile to her face to the point of feeling joy, like watching a cute puppy trying to drink the milk of a bowl and then getting their little feet’s wet making them stumble and fall flat into the bowl of milk and then showering themselves completely kind of video.

Alice could not say anything in response, as she endured it while tears formed in her eyes, Karla coughed a few times and put a more serious expression on her face, she maybe had taken things too far right now with a kid, as an adult and being part of the GP, she could not be this irresponsible.

Karla took a breath let out a sigh.

[Karla]: “Listening kid you actually didn’t anything wrong, asking something in exchange is actually the right decision, however even though information has a price you need to think first that you are not the only third gen here, and I am guessing other third gen Players would be willing to talk for a whole lot less, not to mention you could have asked for information instead making an equal exchange, however, I am quite surprised that you asked for that amount, may I ask you why you asked for 10.000 and not 100.000 or some other random amount?”

Alice wiped her tears with her hands, even though she was being praised here she was still feeling down for been laugh out so hard.

[Alice]: “That’s…. that’s the price for buying the Universal [Ticket], I thought that that should be the maximum I could ask for”

Karla nodded “Good choice” Karla thought to herself, most information of the Tower was actually worthless, they could learn it from [Midas] and for free by just asking her, so exchanging “equal” information would actually be waste, Karla only believed in something that you could touch or use when doing a trade, like asking for Credits.

[Karla]: “I will give you a freebie, most information about the Tower can be obtained by asking the right questions to [Midas], and also Alice why instead of making enemies, why don’t you try to make some friends first”

[Alice]: “That...”

Before they could keep talking the mountain of muscles was back, signaling the end of their conversation.

[Boss]: “Karla…”

[Karla]: “Sigh Boss is back”

[Boss]: “…”

[Karla]: “Boss I was just telling them that they should be making friends you know I was not being a bad person at all”

[Boss]: “…”

[Karla]: “Alright alight don’t glare me like that, I am sorry for bothering you two please continue with your training”

Karla left without saying anything else.

The Boss turned around to Alice and Cyan made a bow and then started to leave, however before Boss could leave.

[Alice]: “Wait, don’t you won't hear what is happening outside? I don’t mind telling you if you help us in the future a little”

“Boss” paused for a moment and turned around looking Alice to the eyes, Alice in the other hand got a scare for being stared by this person.

[Boss]: “We don’t need it”

[Alice]: “You don’t?”

Boss shook his head showing that he really didn’t need it

[Boss]: “You two should go back to training”

However, Alice took her phone out

[Alice]: “Then it is ok if we just share contact information? Even if you don’t need the information, I think there a video that everyone should watch at least once”

“Boss” though for a second before nodding, he then took out his phone and write something.

Then Alice phone got a new message

Message [Midas]: “Player Boss is requesting to be added as a contact, [accept] or [refuse]”

Alice quickly reply [accept]

“Boss” bow down again and left without saying anything else to the two.

This scene was a very bizarre one, a teenage girl sharing contact information with a bodybuilder level Player, who ever saw that from afar must had thought she was been threaten to give her number away by a tall, mean and scary man.

During all this time Cyan had recovered just enough for talking again as he recovered the control of his body.

[Cyan]: “…That was very brave of you…”

He could not help but praise Alice courage, Alice turned around and saw a Cyan with trembling legs using a chair as support.

[Alice]: “Cyan… are you ok?”

Alice supported Cyan and help him to take a sit.

[Cyan]: “I will be ok, I just got dizzy for a bit, I just need to sit for a little bit while and I will be back on my feet’s on no time”

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