《Sage Of An Era》Chapter 21


The hallway that the two were walking through was lit up with bright lights; the marbled tiles reflected the lights creating a vibrant golden glow making the hallway seem extravagant with minimal effort.

“What exactly is that black card that you showed to the guards?” Ryan asked feeling curious about what the origin of the object that created such an agitated expression on the guard's faces.

Richard looked straight ahead to the end of the hallway while he pulled out a card from within his cloak. “This card was something I was given a long time ago, during the early days of the Atlas Blaze Conglomerate when I helped them with a small favour. They gave me this as an expression of their gratitude saying that I could use this at any of their branches whenever I wanted, it’s quite beneficial, and I don’t have to worry too much about my material because of this.”

The way Richard spoke was in a matter of fact tone like it lacked importance.

Just minutes before he was told that the Conglomerate was a superpower and now he was told that Richard himself had helped them out during its early days. Ryan couldn’t help but wonder how much more was this man hiding behind that eccentric personality.

“This isn’t something I tried hiding from you, there was just no reason for me to mention this, it would’ve been pointless and it would have looked like I was bragging.” He turned to Ryan and smiled: “And I’m not the type of person that brags.”

Ryan chuckled at his carefree attitude and soon they left the long hallway and entered a large hall filled with many items, from swords, armour, paintings to small indistinguishable objects, etc.

“This place is where certain items that will not be auctioned off are sold, professional appraisers of the Auction hall decide how much each object is priced and then they’re placed here for potential customers that take an interest.”

“For some reason or another there are more people than expected, there must be some sort of event here today.”

“For now feel free to look around while I go sort something’s out and check out what’s going on,” Richard said as he walked off through another hallway.


There were quite a few people wearing vibrant showy clothes walking around the hall, some were wearing masks just like Ryan himself and there were some people walking around with their faces bare.


Strolling past the many noteworthy objects and works of art, there was nothing that really caught Ryan’s attention, spending his free time mindlessly walking past the exhibits.

“Eh?” He was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts when his eyes absentmindedly glanced over a certain painting.

The painting depicted three beasts baring there fangs and claws at each other, there was a Lion baring its fangs from atop a cliff at a giant avian and an enormous snake below.

The colours of the painting almost made the beasts seem alive as though they were about to jump out of the painting and begin their ruinous battle within the hall.

“Ah I see you’ve noticed this old work,” Ryan felt his ears tingle as he heard the deep voice of an unfamiliar man coming from behind him.

Ryan slowly turned to see a man who seemed around the same age as Richard but his enigmatic smile made him seem a few years younger. This man had blonde hair that was swept back with his sides being extremely short, blue eyes and spotless white skin.

“This painting was found when they were unearthing a certain site, it’s said the painting depicts a battle of some sort, it could be an expression of the battles taking place within the heart or maybe a battle between eras,” The man explained ignoring Ryan’s suspicious gaze.

“In the end, we probably won’t know the true meaning besides what we decide ourselves don’t you agree?”

Ryan was bewildered by this stranger’s character but he decided to nod out of politeness, any person that could reveal his face in this establishment must have some sort of background.

“Do forgive me for interrupting you but I felt there will come a time where we’ll meet once more, even if I don’t recognise you. Well, I’ll be going now my young friend” Just as fast as he appeared, he walked away into another hallway.

On the other hand, Ryan watched the man’s back as he left, the man’s eccentric behaviour rivalled Richards’s; turning to the painting he carried on pondering why he felt it was so intriguing while pondering on the words the man said about the painting.

A few minutes later Richard walked back into the hall, noticing Ryan his eyes moved from him to the object of his gaze: “Oh.”

“I see that you’re interested in the painting of the Munri Perarire.”


Ryan decided not to turn when he heard the voice already aware that Richard was behind him, “What does Munri Perarire mean?”

“The literal meaning is Three Empires; however what it should mean are three clans, this painting actually depicts an ancient battle of legends between three Sage Clans from ages long past.”

“This was a time before the rule of the Dawnseal Empire, it’s an old legend of three great clans. Of these three clans, there isn’t much known of them, other than that each clan produced a Sage that was unrivalled in power during that Era: The Lion Emperor, The Avian Emperor and The Serpent Emperor.”

“It’s said that they were in a long battle that swept the continent into ruin the reason for that battle is not known, the artist who created this work came at a later time and tried to depict the battle through his own ideas and creativity after being fascinated by the legend.”

Inspecting the painting Ryan couldn’t fully understand it as he knew very little regarding art, “How do you know all this? A man came before you and he stated that it was found at a relic site.”

“Relics like these are quite rare but the painter had created quite a few works; I own a painting quite similar to this produced by the same person, naturally I should be able to recognise it.” Ryan was about to say something to him in reply when a man wearing a black suit with the Atlas Blaze Conglomerates insignia on his heart appeared out of nowhere to stand behind Richard.

As soon as the man appeared he was immediately the centre of attention, the many people within the hall directed their gazes towards them, his appearance made Ryan forget the words he was about to add.

The man’s grey-black hair was swept back into a knot and on his face was an honest smile; standing upright with a hand placed on his abdomen he spoke respectfully: “Greetings Elder, I’m very sorry for not appearing to welcome you myself, since you are here I will do my best to assist you, my name is Francis and I am the chairman of this branch in Reinhart City.”

Behind his mask, Ryan was shocked that the branch chairman was greeting Richard respectfully and just like him the audience around them were also startled by the behaviour of the chairman. On the other hand, Richard wasn’t too surprised, a reaction like this was something he was accustomed to whenever he entered a branch of the Atlas Blaze Conglomerate.

Contrary to Richards’s composure, Chairman Francis felt anxious behind his honest smile. He was a Peak Sage Master; there were very few individuals on this expansive kingdom that he was afraid off, but an Elder of the Atlas Blaze Conglomerate was a figure that held great authority and power, and right now he was facing a Legacy Elder someone that helped the Sage Association during its early days. Describing his nervousness was difficult for even him to put into words, though he still tried to keep his calm as a front.

“Chairman, could you send this painting to the location set on my Black Card.” Richard took out his Legacy Black card and handed it over Francis.

Recognising the golden writing inscribed onto the card, the small inkling of suspicion in his heart disappeared, He truly is a Legacy Elder! What a blessing! What a blessing! Although the appearance of an Elder was quite frightening, if he pleased the Elder there was a likely chance where he’d be promoted to Conglomerate's headquarters a chance of a lifetime.

“Yes Elder, I’ll do so immediately,” He said while taking the card into his hand.

“Also I need some material, I’ve already given the listing to one of the individuals working here, please look into it for me. Those items are not too rare so it shouldn’t take too long to gather them.”

Spotting a chance Francis immediately spoke, “Elder would you like to sit in on this Auction today, there is a rare item that will appear today.”

“Oh?” There were very few items that would capture his attention so he replied with a bit of scepticism.

“Yes Elder, let me lead the way the Auction will be starting in half an hour, in that time I’ll make sure that all your materials are collected at the same time,” Francis said with a sincere smile on his face as he led Richard and Ryan into a hallway connected to the big hall.

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